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<br /> ��c€ rhe Pr�o��ylors�.���� d�bS' law: or` seu rl�e Pmperty�as_a w�le, .
<br /> �P�'�
<br /> -- -; . _ 11. I�isc�l]a�eotis Prcvisiaos.� ' , , . --_
<br /> � _ (a) Bartower Not Relsased. F�tens�oa cf t�ie time for paymait or � , --
<br /> of t��e sums secured bq tbis Deed of Tnist =_
<br /> - - _ �b9.I,ender ro a�y suocessor fa inr�r of Bar��aer.s�.?.tnt -
<br /> T4- _ . vpecate to xelease, in�y mezn�ac, tbe 13ability o� tbe $�al . .
<br /> _- 8orrowpx' aod 8arzvWer`s �sars i:i �cest. .T.e��der mt be
<br />::r,: . reqcctred Eo o�qaioe psvoeedi�s a,�st such succe�or aar re.tvse to .
<br /> e�end time far payma�tt or ott�wise modifjt amo�tizatim of the s�
<br /> sc�ed by Lhis D�eci o�Tivst bq reasaa af�y d�d made by tl�e arig- , `
<br />• � � ival. Bor�nower ar�_d_Bar�er's successors in�ittterest. � �
<br /> . . . . �
<br /> : ` ' . . (b) Ea�der's Pb�s. � Wit'hwt � the �iabilit9 of �y ati�er,:. _ �
<br /> . . _ p�reoa 13a�i1e paymatt c�f aiy abl#�t3an h�reia meitia�ed, � �-. `� �
<br /> _ ` : .� affectit�g t&e ]ien or charge of tt�is D�eed of Trust� aay Pvr' _ - - -
<br /> � . ` , : t�n of the P=operty �ot tT�n cr��.thereto€ase relea$ed.as seear%tg far`�`` �, -
<br /> _" � tbe fu]]. �otsit of all ts�paid c�iig�at3Aas, I�eader may, frani tiiae ta .�- ' _ -
<br />� . . . : t3me and w�tbout notice ti) release �ttp peraon so lisble, (fi) �eua"-. . ��
<br /> . �• - , tbe matiuitY o� alter �y of t��e te:ms af �q such obiigpti�s, (iii3 . , , v
<br /> . �, ri�' .� ,. � otYt� ittda],�e�, (iv), releas� �r:.sec�onyey, or cause to tae_ . -_ -. - t-.-
<br /> � � -
<br /> .`'"� ,.' released ar rec�v�yed at �r time at Leride�c s tii,ons cel � -
<br /> :f;�w.,�..-_,.� cP �rtY Par . � ' -
<br /> .:^`"""-'::-����w � portfcn or aIl of tt� (v) take or release may ottter ar addf � -
<br />.. ---�; _,..-,�_:-,.. . , � • ..
<br /> • - :��`��, , � �q�o ].i,gation�meaticried, or tvi malce =
<br /> . .
<br /> .
<br /> � ::,:-=. `5 �:. . .. . tors iu relation�thezeto. �
<br /> tf,anal secur3.ty for
<br /> ..;�::.�.�.y..� _�aapositta�s or otber arra�ts - --- -- --
<br /> ..4�,,.�— --- -_---- — . --- -- - ...-- — - -—-:.—- .. . .. . -� t�--- - _
<br /> .r . ' r - -
<br /> � _ -, (c) Forbearaice bv Lesder Not a�'afver�. Any forbearance by � . f _ . -
<br /> '' �__��,.� _ Lender in �xercis�ngu��aY� i�e+a�der. or ott�etiwLSe � 4 � � -
<br /> � � - _ �� af£orded by applicable 1�, sl�a].l. not be a w�iver of ar prec2vde tt�e t _ �`
<br /> ' =��,���:-'�.�r. . exercise of aay such right or reaedy. The �t of 3r�saice �, . ` �,� :
<br /> ` �'�:�-`'•����' �` or tUe payaent of taxes ar otl�er liens or c 1� bq Lender sbal.]. nct , �� �'+°
<br /> er , _:
<br /> � , be a waiver of 1�ender's ri�t to acceletate the matwd.tp of"t.�e �`;'
<br /> -._ ' :- �. iadebte�ess se�ured by this D�eed of �ist. � w``
<br /> ��-.-�- ;'� i�.
<br /> , =,1.+:..: <�;,, (d)� Successors as�d Assi Bou�ck Jaint aud Several Liabili ; � � -
<br /> ;�:,".'��: r`� . tians rne�'c.wenants an agreeme�taTre�'n co�nta e s �a , � -,
<br /> ��`' � ,�' - , �rigbts her�asder stiall irnae to, the respective suc�essors and . ..
<br /> >�,: :, � , _
<br />- 'JV`;?�:E.���,:.- assig�s of ?�nder � 8orrvwer, subject to tl�e pravisions.�: paragraph . _
<br /> . � ,-� ���, , g (e) bere�f. All owe�nts �d agre�ts of Borrower sl�al.l be joint i �:� � ��''�'--_
<br /> ;= � � :- , , � aad several. The captiAns �td headtzt� of the garagraphs cf tt� Deed ; � .. _-�-
<br /> , :. of Tsvst are £or c�a�ience anly �rd �se net tv be used r� interpret ' : _ -_
<br /> . '`� • ' � ar define the pravigi�vns bereof. �= -- . __-v.�
<br /> , �'� r . r��:_�
<br /> �'��;?`- � (e) Re st for Notices. The parties hereby request that a capy � ( , . ;�`°
<br /> :- ,, . ° of aaq mtice o aeraiuz nereiaider aad a capy o£ �siy natice nf sale r -- - ;�
<br /> ' .. � '.,. t�re�a�der be mailed to ea�h party ta� tYd.s Deed of Tiust at tbe address � � ��.
<br /> °:,#:�.:;..:,� ; . , � . ,
<br /> ,:_.,.. . ��., `.. i , ;;;',` '
<br /> :.�.,�.Y� � ,. .. � s�t forth belaw fn the m�ner preserf'bed 3�y app2�cable law. Except for . � :
<br /> aay other notice requixed taider applicable law ta be given ir� another �
<br /> � � ma�er, �ty t�utice pravided for in this D�eed of Trust shall be given by � '
<br /> ' , �.�� m�iling such n�tice by certified mail addressed as follows, or at such ; ' � �
<br /> :. � eth�r address as shall be desigt�ated in writing to the other parties, `
<br /> . � as grwided l�erein: �
<br /> . � ' . Boi'rt1Wi2Y DMA PARTNERSHIP '`� . .
<br /> � `t����' C/0 Larrv V. Albers • .
<br /> . ,
<br /> � � "• 2741 Jackson Dr.. Lincoln, NE 68502 �
<br /> ' . LE�lid� Firat Commesce SavinRS, Inc.
<br />� � � P.O. Box 80036 . . •
<br /> . _.'. _ . Lincoln. NE_ 6850I _ � - --
<br /> , . . .
<br /> • Ti'1L�itee National Bank of Commerce Trust � Savinga Assoc.
<br /> . ' � P.O. Hox 82408
<br /> Linco2n, NE 69501 • � �
<br /> �. � . �_-- . . .
<br /> — .
<br /> ,; - - --- - -- . _. . - - - - . __ -
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