T.. . .
<br /> �,� .
<br /> — - ,_-�---t-„-,- - _-_-- - -- -- -------
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<br /> �. - - _ , � > , - - � � - _=
<br /> �_ _ --.". . - - _ .- - -
<br /> ,� - ' " ,_��:�- _ _ . ' - '.�.:., _ . ._ .
<br /> - .. .. ` .'•.:_ . . � . 4 ' - . • . . . `
<br /> _._ __ _� . . < . .. � ' .- . . . . . .. � . . . .. . . _ . E> , ... .' '
<br /> ' _ — < i ' �•'_, ._ ` � r •, _ C . � ' `. -� . A/ , � � `��r" � � �. .
<br /> , i .L' j � • �` . �� � i , . . �`� � � � .
<br /> � --,.._:_, .,:,. ,.. . .__ _ . - _— ._.. .. . . . : ' : i ' " " ___'_—'_—�_ '_ _"_ "`_ _'_ — _ .. ... _ "�___.
<br /> .._.._—F. _. ... ."_. �'"__'— "'. . ...— � __.._ __- . __ ___
<br /> - -- _— __ _ ' �. : '_. ._
<br /> . �� ��Vi� iL7iil�f,i � �� � L�7i.Gf � � � . _
<br /> � OCh� �a�b�aoC��pcn_t�e Pr�o��tYi . ,
<br /> ` ` (�) A�it of t�ian ar A.�**� or ai�y s3a�i.lar Pmcess s�etll . •
<br /> ' ` � be a�ta�ed+�tiast Ho�s+owe,r ,�id.ch st�sll '�c:..��a ?.ie�� cn t�e Prvpe.�tiy
<br /> ' or aag portiaa t�iereof or irnerirst t��ereiat � ` � .
<br /> - �Ed) �l�es�e �sl.�be filed by aac a�afast Bcrraw�e�r an-�actian u�der
<br />-__ . . ' i�y�p�ent ar,fi�v�e fede�ral, state or c�ttwc stat�te, l�w ar re,g�ila-
<br />_- ' tiaa z�1�8 to'badnvp�tc9. itmolvssc:q ar other relie£ faa� debtors;
<br /> = ar tlt�etti �11 be appuinted mry tn�stee. recei.ver or I3�q�tAr of
<br /> -- - Ba�svwer or af all vr any part of 'tbe Prvperty, ar.t3�e raits, issues
<br />- _ � . � _ or pzofits thereef, v�r Bormw�er si�a].1�ke may �aI assi�oent for
<br /> . tbe beaefit of creditors; • _
<br />- (e) � sale. t�fer..assi�, oa.a�eY�ce ar f�r e�c�- _
<br /> `� bra�oe af a17. ar ffiy p�t of'or�y interest in r.be Psnperty, e£ti�'� -
<br /> yvlisrtarily or inn�2u�tarily. wit� tl�e �ess writtez c�asent of -
<br /> . . . 1s�der. , � - . ����L
<br /> _�:� � ` 9. R�edies: U�an _Defeult. Iu tbe e�a�t of ary Event �-t.`�;s::-..:.
<br /> '�.�`, of�efault ��ec e s sec�red berreby to be ci�e aad pag- . F • t ,--,
<br /> ._:,' �•�° _ able a�d�tbe saae si�all t�erenpoa beccme dve �d gaysble.wit�it �F P�• E_.,� �-=`-
<br /> ���;�.: ��• • d�d, pzotest or notfce of �yr k3�d. Theresfter L e n d e a c may: .
<br /> ;;, �'' - � �. . -
<br />�:' ";,� ".� (a) Dm�and tl�at Z�tsstee exetdse the P�OW�Zt OF SAtE �Sntec�t�ere3n, {� .°�,
<br /> :� s�.•�_�,.. --- �d Tsnst� s�all tl�aceafter cause B�rraRat.+z's interest ia tt�Prop�rty I ` --
<br /> � -�- ..;�. - -—:.__ �•_�..
<br /> ...-
<br /> ; ., .. -
<br /> . ;,' to be sald ac�d tbe pzoceeTs to Te�ed;a-1].� i�ii-��cste�p�- .. . - - - -
<br /> ; ,::�. . vided ia the Nebraska Tn�st Dreeds t3ct: - -
<br /> , • ��;.;��;'� �
<br /> �,,... „-; ` (b) Eitl�er in persat ot bp ageat, wlth or wit��out brixtging ar�y • . . � �
<br /> .�,;
<br /> ,'. ,C' ,*:�.. ' . acticci or psaceeding. or �Y a receiver app�inted by a oaat az�d with- . . ,
<br /> ��� � . �;�" _::' of its sec�aity enter �d take °:� � . E
<br /> • .�J `,� �,.:��::;;�, wt regard tc tt�e adequacy �r fr � � . � -. �
<br /> r ��r;�: � �a;°� possession of the Yroperty. ar.anY Part t h e eo naoae or ..:
<br /> .,.�. ,:,�;';.
<br /> . .':R,�` •.'; -`�,��°. � it� the nane of Tnastee, �d do �r acts w1�Lch it deeas necessary ar ,
<br /> � :�' r 4; •r..
<br /> � ;.." }._ �.
<br /> �° :�:.��;�/'r��:. •• � desirable to presezve the value, marketability or rentability of tl�e �' . . :,� _
<br /> .��'l�e-aj...'.'�•1�, - .w i"r
<br /> �, �� Pmpexty,• or part tUere�f �c fntereat therein, increase tbe 3�cane '
<br /> ���:�t'„;�-r..;°;��,X. �} tl�erefram or psntect tl�e security hereof �d, wLth or without t�kir� � . ' � � _=
<br />� :��'��A��"`'_:�� .� � • pcssession of the Pztigertp sue for ar ott�eswl.se collect tl�e Yents. . �.. .�. ;-',,'T=
<br /> ..4,��N. •�'i L:s•�i.-_r�. � . . - -_ .
<br /> ` �:�.,�`; .;,.,•„ti issues �d profits thexeaf, i�clud"u�g tt�ose past due and �aid, mzd ;T;�,
<br /> .. r -:`�: �, ., .; apply the eame. less aosts �d ex�ses of ope�catian. �d collectirvn � '��_---
<br /> �'.•�•;�f�;.�:.:,:,�;�;,',,` includimg attorneys' fees, vposi anY ircdebtednesa secesed 1�ereby, all in . _
<br /> ,,�_^
<br /> . ��4: `` � such arder as Lender may dete�mine. The enter3�g upoc� �d talc3n8 , .-
<br /> x-,��_•••.;:,':.,. , ..•���-
<br /> ��'. ��'�`r;�;`��t��..-`� pcssessio�n of the FYnperty. the co1lection of such reats, issues and � .. s�Y-'`
<br /> �,� - .;;.,•.,,��:,.; i . �
<br /> .._:�'��. . . profits �d the a�plicat� thereof as afore.s�aid, shall rwt c�e or ' f_�-��
<br /> �. � .:�'�� . waive aciq defaouit vr ryotice of default here�nder or invalidate �ry act �� ' . . =--
<br /> a
<br /> . .w d o n e 3 a esponse.to s u c�s d e f.a u l.t or p u r s v a�t t o s u c h n o t i c e o f d e f a u l t . _" �.
<br /> r-:'.:�
<br /> ''�`v�a,`:. t .. -.
<br /> ' `-' --�"Y, , and, �aotw�xhataondi�g tl�e cant�ce in possessicn of tl�e Property or � . � .'.•�:�4�
<br /> ; Fc '
<br /> . �'�`�-=� tl�e �llection receipt aad application of rents, issues or grofits, _ . .
<br /> }�ji?.,�}! }�y-9�.� f i� `
<br /> • Trtastee or Leider sl�all be aititled ta �xexc4se every right provided � _
<br /> �� .� � foi isi a�y of tl�e lcan Irjstsv�ts or by law upon occ�arence of �y . ; . . .. .
<br /> ` 4a_.:�. .... :..-• � event of default, inclucling tlie right to �rrise r�e powier of sale s .
<br />' �� � :..� `:�;�: � ' ��` i ', "
<br /> , � . , ,,�.
<br /> • • • ' (c) Co�e aa action to foreclose thfs Deed of Txvst as a acrt- • . .
<br /> � � g�g e, appcint a receiver, or specificalyy enforce any of tl�e aovet�ants ; �
<br /> � � l�ereaf; ' �
<br /> � L� '
<br /> No reaedy herein ccmferred vpon or xesexved ta Trnstee ar Lendet 3s intesded to , .
<br /> � `. be excl.veive. af m�y otl�e�c remedy l�ereia ar by law pravided or petmitted, but each ; .
<br /> . " • sl�tal]. be cmulative, shall be 3n gc�di.tioa to every other remedy �$ivas 1�e�ce�nder � .
<br /> . , . or now or hereaSter �dsting at law or in equity ar by atatute, �d may be exer- . .
<br /> . ' � cised coru.�arartly. indePeiclentiy or successfvely. .
<br /> _..:. .... _ .
<br /> � � 18. Txustee. The 1�ustee may resigi at any time wLtt�out cause, �d .� .
<br /> �� � ' Laider may at aony�t e aiul w�.thout cause appoiat a successor or substitute ' � .
<br /> Truetee. Trustee s2�a].l uet be liable fora�y loss or daem�ge u�less due to act�.an- . �
<br /> ,' � � ' � able riegl�c� or willfiil miaoonduct, aad s�all nct t�e requised to take any
<br /> : � .
<br /> � ect�on ia msnectian wLth tbe enfosre��t of thts Deed af Tsust u�less it�ifiecl. .
<br /> : -_- =-_:=-=�. . _
<br /> . . . � - --fin.wr��g, fvs a2� wsts�, camp�atf�a 6r� es�Iiichma� b�assocfate�3 �e-. _ ___._._�.----__- --
<br /> f with. Ya addition. �tee may become a p��at anq sale af ttse Prapertq , . .
<br /> �
<br /> . � �. _ ._ .. - - _ .. _ ,. - -�� _.
<br /> .
<br /> - - ---- --- - - - - -- —---- -- -- ------- - - -----
<br /> � _ '
<br /> . . ,
<br /> . ,
<br />. • _
<br />