.�-�---T: - ' ':i: ' '� - - - E -_
<br /> — _ — ,, ` —_• - �r--- -� . -- _ -__- -
<br /> �`'� .. ":S. ` . �^. .°.. -��i_ - -
<br /> -�.-` � .t .`. - - _ -- — _ _
<br /> - ; t�`�-rr` - . • �
<br /> '4.rt .�Sr.�ia�. .-� � . . . _ . . . • . _ . .
<br /> `�_ t�. ` _ - _ ���- ���a,�-�'� .
<br /> � . _ _ . . , _ , . . .
<br /> , � � _ . �
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<br /> � �;o�dac t�r��- '�ue i�moe c�;a t�►�s�e a�or�n�tr ee�os���e�wer su�ecc w�.enaar� . .
<br /> —�- _ v.�shhhrld, If Baruwa fa�s w mau�u�cwa�e d�a�6od�bove,Ltader ma�r.at-=-- .
<br /> _ ----- � , L�ader'�tiptia�n,obraia c�ver�e w�amct l.a�r�s ri` m e _._. . ------ ---J -�1F,,,�s-.�_ __ — - --- -
<br /> . -,1i!a�.wr�c rQ�ci��d�"►aL4 se�al be aaoepnbte co l.endet aaa shau;mct�de a st�naua matsase cla�se. Lenaes
<br /> sbaU Mve the right W hold th�policks aad c+entw$Ls. [f Lax��eqiiices.BamWa shatl pnaaPtly Sive w Lender atl�viceipls
<br /> ` of paid pe�snioms�d teaewal notic�a..L►the cvent of loss.Bvlm�vtr sha[t g'�ve QromP�iwtice w dx insur�ce Gurier smd
<br /> t�der Lender aury make proof af tas4 if not made pcampdy b}►Bona`ver sLal1 be lied to�s'to�tioa ar�spait of
<br /> • UnTess I.ender and SaFOVVtr atl�e�v�ri9e s8�ee ie wri�,`�°0C� � -
<br /> - , the pkaperiy da�aged,�f tLe testaadon�br cepair ss aroaomiCdllY fr,�si'ble and I.ender's securiry is na iessened. If the . _
<br /> rato�tion ar isp�is is not e0000miplly f�'bk or t.ender's.secuTiey would be lessened.the insarxice Pcoeeeds sb�ll be
<br /> � applisd to tbe sums socoreA 6y t6is Seeurity tnsuummt�wbether w aot then du�,witb any excess paid to Homuwer. If •
<br /> Harrower ai�aado�tl�e Pl�opeity.or does nat�s+rar within 30 dAys a notice trum I.end�r that tIx instu:uxx carrier has
<br /> offtred to satiC a claim,tbm I.eaJer may coAect tbc inwrnnce Procoods- Le�rde�'maY use the P�tn re�uuf�r teswte
<br /> . �p�r ato pay s�ac serund by tbis Socuriry i�ent,wlKther or nat tirat due. The 30day penvd wiA:beSin:when
<br /> : tb�e ffitioe is g►vett.
<br /> Uihkss l.erder ahd Bono�ad�iwise a�+ec u►wrhi°8+anY�PP��Qn°F�P�TO I��sball swt extcnd:�. .
<br /> ",, postpone d�dae d�e af ttx mot�tbl�'P.aYmaus td!�ed to in pazagraphs 1 a���or chAnge tT�e ama�t o€ihe paymenta-•If .
<br /> ; under paragraj�Ti 2�th�.:i�iu�eR}t`ss-.a�4�o�b�_'�!I�*���s cig6t trF aa�•i�asuratwe Polieiee�a�Piiocoodc re.wldag
<br /> �. . �oa�d�mase co t�e Pia�r�,�iar w.t}ie�q¢�a�nsh�ll pasc co La�r to thi e�ta�c of aie svms sau�3 by this security
<br /> •.Insecmmetst im�nediat�Y��tostu�a��sstuo� , `
<br /> • . , �esaace aad PrMectio� af t6e Propaty: Earro�recs La�n AppNq�tioai
<br /> �. L--:�s�'.', . .
<br /> , as Botmwers ctsideace within sixry days after
<br /> - �,;e�3oi�r, Bamw�sLaU o�,;esssbtisl�end use tbe Pcnperty P�F�
<br /> the eaecatian of t6is_Se�ritY l�ai�c ai�siiail continue w occupy the•Prope�ty a4 Bortawa's pdn:iop�l resida�ce fa at
<br /> . teast one yrrr afttr �ie date�of nceupmc.�:�ikss 1�endet otbetwise-agcees in wririn�. whicn ca�ntsent shali naE be
<br /> wueasmaWy w�thhetd,a unless exteauaw�g�exist afiich a�e beyaad Borrower's cdnuoL..Bortower st�all aat
<br /> _ desany,damage or impAir tbe Ptvperty,aqow tI�e Pmpeity to deteriarate,.or cammit wasu on the Propecty- Bomnwer shall
<br />_-- be in d�fault if any forfeitune actias ur�oceeding,whdher civil or criminal,is begun that�cx'(.endec�gaod faith judgri�t
<br />���N could result in farfeit�u�e of the iAr.opecty or otherwise materially impair tbe lien eceated d�'this SeeuhtY���M°!
<br /> L.endere security interea�. Sotmwer inay nu�e such a default and relnstate.as gcovided'ut�ph 18.by causing tt�e setian --
<br /> or w be dismissed with a mling that,in Lender's ga�d faith detei��iai3.pieci�tdes farfeitare of the Borruw�r's - ---- , -.
<br />- Pmcor�in8 ..'
<br />-- intenst�n the Roperty or other material impairt�►ent of the lien created by t5�s Securi*.y Insuument ar Lender's seturity ';";
<br />-:;;".;+ intetest. Bormwer si�all atso be in defauit iP Borrower. during the loan s�ppticatioa prac�.s,Save materiaUg false or <,�_-
<br />=s-: inaccurate 6►farmatioa or statements to Lender(or fa�ed to provide Lender with a�mareass�=�t'ormatian)in connecuon writh
<br /> ^ . :•,
<br />- �� -- the foan evidenced by the-Note._hicluding.bpi not_limit�d to._�P�ntations co��:Borrower's occupancy of the
<br /> =,; .' pmpertyr as a principai resideace. If tliis Securi7u�imument�s on a kasehotcf..'�m'rawef sira�f-c6mplpwidsaii tha� ------------ "
<br />=:,� • of tt�e lease. If Barravker ticquires feo title w ti�e�peTty.the teasehold and i�.fee title shaU not tnerge unless Lender agrces - -
<br /> � to the merga in wr,s��,�:
<br /> ..,�. 7. Profedia.�.qf 1-ender's Rights in the Properly. If Bortawer faits to perfmm the cova��sts and agraments
<br />� contained in this Se,�icy Insuumen�or there is a legal proceeding that may significantty affect l.rnder's ri8his in the
<br /> �Pmperty(sucb as a p:aceeding uc bankrupt�Y•Probate,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enface faws or ngulsuions).tben
<br /> ;� ••Lender may do and�.y far whatever is necessary to protect the value of t[�Praperty and Lender's rights in the Froperty.
<br /> Lender's actions ma;,�►de paying any sums secured by u lien which has p^Ariry over this Securiry instrumenb appeanng
<br /> ' �:� in caatt,paying�nable attomeys fees and entering an the Proper[y to malce repairs.Aithough I.ender may take action ; ��r4� �
<br /> . ' �� ander this paragraph 7.Lender does not have ta do so. � ��_�.� ��, --
<br /> 1•' My amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph'1 shatl become addition�,L�Ist of Borrower secuced by this '_�,��
<br /> �;::,-_
<br /> S e curi ry InstrumenG Unless Bortower and l.ender agree ta other terms of paymen�these a.."�s�;�nts sha�l beaz interest from the :��•,w��
<br /> � ;.�_---_
<br /> dau of disbutsement at the Note rate and shalt be payable.wlth interest,u�,�on notice from Lender to Barrower requesting �-,r;,,,,,,,.
<br /> �_ PaY�t • �`.i,c4��
<br /> �, : 8. Mortgp�e Inctitranca If Lender required moRgage insurnnce as a condidon of making tiie[oan secured by this '•��,�;;�;:-..,_
<br /> .t . .�
<br />' .. ;�, ' Security instrumen�Borrower sha0 pay the pre�niums required to maintain the mongagc insurana in effect. If.for any __ ti;,;�;
<br /> P '� ';'';,��;�:_;: �
<br /> � - teason. the mortgage insurance coverage requ�red by l.ender lapces or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shall ay the `k�
<br /> premiums nquired to obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the martgage insurr�u� previously in effect. at a ca�t ;��;.'r�l.��4�;
<br /> � substantially eyuivalent ta the cost to Borrower of the mortsage insurance previausly in effect.fram an aftemate mortgage -
<br />- insurot approved by Lender. If substantialty equivatent martgage insurance coverage�s not available,Harrower shall pay to ��.�'_`�`��
<br />�,� • j Lender each month a sum equal to ane-twclfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrawer when the '�:�_-�,
<br /> • . in.surance caverage lapsed ar cea�ed eo be in effect. Lender will aecept,use artd retuin these paymems as a locs reserve in lieu ;:�;;���.-
<br />�� of mortgoge insur•u�ce. Loss re�rve payments may no langer 6e reyuired.at the optivn of Lendrr,if mortgage insurance -,�.�f;�
<br /> � coverage Iin the amount and far cEti:perioc�that l.endcr requirey)provided by an insurer approved by l.ender again becomes _ . , •-��,�..,_ �
<br /> available und is obtained.Horrou•er�;zall pay�premiums required to maintain martgage insurance m effec�,or to provide a "��'
<br /> .. s" . •- :t;�•-_�-��•
<br /> • Ioss teserve.until the requirement far rnortga=v ansurance ends�n acrardance witb uny wdtten agreemer�t 6etween Borrower � �•��•F��.
<br /> ?�' and I,endet or applicable law. .
<br /> � 9 Inspectba Lender or::.s z;ent may make rcaronable cmriea upon and inspections of the Property. l.ender shall .. '. .,.,�. . . .
<br /> � glve Borrawer nadee at the time c!`or prior to an inspection�pecefying reason�ble cause for the inspection. • f;';�,
<br /> �� 10. Condemnation. 7'he Fn'oceeds of s�ny award or ctttim fordamages.direct or canseyuential,in conneetion with any ;- . �"s�
<br /> �" . �M , Singlefiamity..F'an�kSfadYreQdktlxUNliOp!H{�S�7Rl:HEti7-Uniformt�PYC�13111Y 9I�0 rpare{aj6ptl:etfl ' . .
<br /> �.�n 1,1re eu,�e�cu�.tx.• : . . ,;�:.
<br />� � to urM CaiF 18f1653D�37.!U YAlf 61679t•1f31 �. ,
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