. .. . _
<br /> �--�-��� ,;u�;��._� --
<br /> -- .� -- - --
<br /> �,'�i= .�,;�. � �. - - �..�—. _ _ =-__—
<br /> ;` ,�r •�� :r� . . . . • � ;_-. . . , . .
<br /> i:�._��- � =i _ . _� _ ���F� ; : . . . . ° . � , _ � , ` , - �g�� ��.�''�'�, -
<br /> � _ . . �% _
<br /> ; ` ; .,,vd�I1�R N,R,.t,,,_,he.�no�„`or,,�r aa�d an`w�pr�eCrr,�nd alt e�a�as.spp�. :
<br /> _� �_-----��_M� ttwna�r at Mei+alla�e of dre _. • M�api�caaots�ed additioos shaii atso 6e cave�ed hy ririf Sec+city ' -
<br /> ' BpRROW�R COY@NANTS th�t BamMer is tawNlf y seised of tbz atau haeby coaveycd�od has tBe:ight co 8r�nt
<br /> � �nd convey the Pt+opttly wd�t the Pr�pe�tY is mencumd�ted.easept for encambraoces of�ecixd. Barmwet waera�tts uid
<br /> wilt de�end�enenit�rshe nUe a tbe Ympncy spiosi aq ci�irt►s aod dnnands.subject to any eacumbnnces��ecaN.
<br /> , 7�tIS' S�CUttiX INiSTRUMBN'r comDines unifomi cavenants fur mtional�usa a�d non-unifaa+cov�with
<br /> � ` 1 Iimiled Yatiations 6y juri:dictia►w canst�tutie a anifomt seaurity�sumnent covc�'ing real pmPertY. - -
<br /> UNIEaORM C�-OVLNl1M'S. �xtavrer aM Lrender cmcmnt aed agRe a4 foltows:
<br /> . 1: 1'I�JwtM rf teiulpl iM i�t;1'rep�?wR�!aM!Lsic'Cl�r�a. Borro�va sls�il prompdy Pay wt�ea�ue th�
<br /> priac af and i�Merese on the debt evidenced by the Nnce�f any p�epay�ne�nt and lAte c6uBes due mider the No[e. -
<br /> �llrlin�r 71�ses a�/1�iraMtw Subject W rcable tavv or to o writoen wiiver by l.ender,Baaawer st�att piy ta
<br /> .r t.ender a►the dsy enotxhlY DrYmeats are due ut�ier the�.�mt�tAe Note is paid ip full.a smn t"�s'�Por:is)Y�Y : -
<br /> tuea and a+xsNndxs wttich msy�tt�in PriaitY ova this Security Instnanent u a liea on tbe Property:tb)yearlY�eM1d
<br /> . p�ymedf 0�pYwbd rcnts an 1Ne Property._if any: (cI Y�Y ��a P�PMY insur�r�oe pttminms:(d)Yqctg fload
<br /> l n��n ce p�emlwns.i[any:(e)Y�Y�B����P��If any: aad(�?any sums psyabk by Barcvx�er to .
<br /> -� l.eader.irt accuin{mce wjth the�ovisia�s of p�ragrapb S.ut lieu of tbe payment of mortgage mstuaoce prtrtmans. `i7xsa
<br /> � - ilems trc rdkd"Efcrow Ikms." Ltnder may.�t m�y time.cdkct�nd 6oW Funds in an maouot not w ea�eoeRl tlje maxaru�m
<br /> wnuuni a knder far�feder�lly tel�ted nw�tgage taaa.may trquire foR Boauwer's escmw account uo�er the federal Reat
<br /> E�t�e Seqkment ptoceQiuies Act ot 1974 as amended fmm tirt�e ta tune.!2 U.S.C.$2601 et s[q.("RFSPA"),unless anottxr
<br /> t. v tf�t�pptic to thc F��nds sets a lesser amawit !f so.Lender roay.at aag time.cotlect and E�v14 Fut�ia an aaUOUnc mcm �
<br /> sxcteu Ille le��.r�twu�.:. '.et�der vy estim�[c tha Artiowu.of Famds doe vd the 6asis af eamnt data and trsso�bte
<br />_ estimYe+t ot e�pabipuas of lutune Esc�w Ittms a otberwise in accordance�-itb applicabk 1aw. � , .
<br /> '1'Ae Eiwids sb�tl 6e held in�n institution whasc deposits uit insuned 6y a federal agency,insttummtatieY•��Y ..
<br /> lincludinj l.ende►.if l.ender is such in institutian)an in any Federal.Home Lout Bank. Lender shall appTy tF�e Fua�s'rnpay
<br /> j • the�scrow tkms. L.ender may not ctirge Bonawcc for hold'mg and applying the Funds.�nnuaity anatyzing tt�e�w
<br />_ �crount.a verifying the Esccow Itenss,unkss L,e�der pays Borrowec intertst on'tbe Funds and applicable lau� pamiu
<br />- Lender to m�tce auch a chuge. Hawever.l.ender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an independer.t tral
<br /> �_,lu esfate tu tepotting service trat!by Lendrr ia conncetion witb this lo�n.untess applicahle law provides othetwise- Unl�ss an . �_�
<br /> __ — , a�mmeM is madc or applicable taw requires intecnst to 6e ptid.L,ender shall not be requimd to pay Borrower any Interest ar =—___
<br /> eAmin�s on thc Funds. ilamwu a�xf l.cnder may.agca in wnnng,however.that interest shall be paid on the Funds. l.endes
<br /> sh�fl eive ro Nortower wittaut charge.an annuai•sccaunting of tlte Funds.stwwing credits and dedits m the Funds and�he
<br /> - purpose fex which rxh debit to the FunQs was made. 'Ibe Fi�nds are ptedgM as aQditionai security for all sums seca.�d by �.� -
<br />_---•- •
<br /> __ _ . _•:�his S�canty Tastramen�--- -- - _ ---- -- - -- - - -.._. .. .-----
<br /> ' ' It�hc f�nds held bY Le�fer eacad iha amoants pertnitted to be held isy applicable law.Lxnder s`hatl a�i to ----
<br /> - �exrc�w�tr fix Ihe e�ce4c�unds in accordanee with the cequiaments of applica6le law. It'the amount of tbe Funds�by
<br /> -- � l.ender�any time is,not sufficient w p�y tha Fscrow[tems when due.Lender�nay so notify Boma�er�R�aS-a'x�.{n _ .-.-
<br /> euch csse HoROwe�shall pty to l.ender tha amau►t c�ece.+sacy to make up the deficiency. Bomawer sI�usatce t�R•tlre .
<br /> det'Kk�ncy in no mac fhu�twetvc monthty paymenGs.at Lender's sote disc�etion. �, ��;.
<br /> Uponpa�yment ln(ull of nll sums�ecured by this Scrurity Instrumen�E.encter sha11 prompdy refumd co Bairav�er.any -
<br /> Wnd�heiQ by LeMter. (f.undct par�graph 2I.L.ender shall acquire or sell the PropeRy.l.ender,priar to the acqQ'ssition or "'
<br /> �k of tAe Propeny.�1►a11 tippty any Funds hetd by t.ender at the time of acquisition ar sate as a cradit against ihe sums y
<br /> � �ecurcd by tdia Sccurity Insuument. -"`� _.�'
<br /> J. AprlkNio� d FlymtnQv. Unlecs applicabtc law provides otherwise.all payme�►t� received by Lersder�mder �-4�,.��,
<br /> - pangraphs t and 2�II Ac upplieQ:f�sst.to anY prcQaYment charges due under the Nae:seoanQ.to amounts payab�e uader I�:_�'R'`=_�
<br /> pmignph 2:�hir�l.li�interect duc:fouM,to principal due:and last,to any late chargesdne under tt�e Note_ � �-
<br /> mi --
<br /> ' 4. CINr�; I,ie�. Burrawer shall pay all ta�es.assessments,cl�arges.fines aad imposiuoQS atuibutabla to the ��'"e�'`-
<br /> s _
<br /> Pl�opeRy,which may Atlain ptiiNity ovcr this 5ecurity Instrumenl.an�leasehold paymenu vr ground rants if any. Bcatawer .;��'-
<br /> ahall pay�hc+c��bligatiuns iu�he nuu�ner prnvided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in thac manaer.Borrav�er shall pak ttx�n ois _ •--���a_y.
<br /> :;?*z�
<br /> �ime diactty�o�Ae per«�n wwed paymcn�. Horr��wcr.rhrll promptly fumish to Lcnder all nacices of amounu to 6e pacd un�er t�� ����-
<br /> �e '
<br /> �hi�perag�nph. If Hnrrowcr makc�the�e payment�dircctly.Borrowcr shall pram�tly fnmish to I.ender recei u euide�ncin '.`l���-�$•'��
<br /> h -, ,��
<br /> P $ ..�':�'-�;.
<br /> Ihc paymcntA, '� �•--__
<br /> H�xrowcr�h�l)pn�m{Nly Ai�ah:�r�e nay licn which h:��prie�nty ovcr ihiy Securiry Intitrument untess Bonower:(a)agrecs _:���#_—
<br /> H
<br /> - in writmg to ilw payn�cm i+f thc�►bligatic�t�ccurcd hy�he lien m a manncr acccptable to Lendcr.(b)contes�s in gaod fsath the -._-
<br /> ' Ikn by.ix defcndc agyin�t cnC�xticmcn�of thc lien in,lcgul praeedin�ti whicb in the l.cndet s opinion apetate to prevent the `�����.�.3���
<br /> ,' .5�.�.."__.
<br /> ° enf�►t.ememt of tlw licn;or Ic►�r�urcw i���m tfie hulder u!thc licn an agreement satisiactory to l.ender subordiaating the lien �;.�..T�..r
<br />- ' to Ihi��u�ily In�trunMnt II I.rnAer drtcm�incs�hat an� srt cii'thc Praperty is sub'ect to a lien which ma anain ority � ':�`����'1�;._
<br /> � . mer thi+Secur�ry In�trunM��,l.cncfer mny bivc��►R�►wery�M�Iice identifying thc Ilcn�Bortower shall satisfy the litn or tatce '�:�����
<br />�- atc�matt af�he�ctH�n��ct f��th utw.vc wnh�n Ilt day5 of thc giving uf nolicc. - -. `,°°��'.��,r,�..
<br /> � S. NayulrA��Yr�qerly leewrancr. Rurruwcr.rh�ll kecp�he improvcmrnic now existing or hereafter erecteA on the . . , ; .�'�`?�+i'[°
<br /> . Pnrperty insutcd i�gain�t Irn�I�y Ua<hatarA.inclu�kd wilhin the tcnn"extended coverage"und any other hazard5,inclnding . . , '.'•�. .
<br /> �tN1d5 M fI�NN�UIb. l�K u�huh I.cndcr rcquireti invurancc.' 7�hiv in�uruncc shall t►c m�intaincd in 1he amounts and for the � . .
<br /> . . , , ..;.- _
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