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<br /> pnyments may no tqnger be requireA,nt the apflon of L.ender.if morgago insuranca covcrage(ir►t�ie nmaunt and far tlie pe�iod ��'
<br /> that l..ender require9)providcd by an insurer approved by I,endcr aguin I�comes availub2e and is abtnincd.Borrower shall pay thc
<br /> premiums rcquued to maintaln mortgego insurancc in cifect,or to provide a loss resccvo,undl thc rcquiremcnt for martgagc -_
<br /> insurance ends in accardanco wlth anY wriucr•�gre��nY bciv�'een Boraower and Lcnder or applicablo law.� �ndsr shall givo
<br /> 9.Inspeciton. Lendcr or its agcnt may �nake reasonablo tntrles upon and inspocd�ns of the Pco y. _
<br /> Horrawee notico at Qia tir��c of or prtar w rn iatsget:tton s�cifying rcasanable cause iat tha inspccdon. �_..
<br /> iSi.'L'Oi'iut'•9L'«::(J:l. llE7 �t1lh:Gt•i�i iii �� �i�w'L tTf Ct�i�n fns �IomrorA;1��IlY.`l Of COILSEU11611�, in connceamn wi�ti w►y .
<br /> condemnation or ot�cr ta:ctng of eny part of the Property,or for ec�nveyenee in lieu of candemnatlon,ero hereby u�l���ed�td
<br /> shall be paid to Lcnder.
<br /> In tha event of a tatal taking of tlic Property.thc ptoceeds shaQ be aPP�icd W the sums secured by��h�If�m�rk t
<br /> whether or not then due,with ony excess paid w Boaowcr.Ia the event of a partial taking of the Property
<br /> value of tf�e Property immcdiately 6efore the teking is cqual to or greater thun the amount of the sums secured by this Securlty
<br /> inswment immediately beforc thc taking, unless Borrower and Lender olhGrwise agree in wdting, the sums se�ured t�Y this
<br /> Sccurity Instrumcnt shttll be teduced by tha amount of tho proceeds multipiied by tha foUowir►g fracttan: (a)tlts cotal tunount of �
<br /> the sums securcd immediatcly beforc the taking.dlvFded by(b)che feir markct value of the Property immediately before the
<br /> taking.Any balance shall be puid to Borcower.In the evcnt of a pa�tial takin8 of the!'roperty in which the fair markct value of the
<br /> Pcopc�ty immedlately before 1he taking �s less Ihan thc amount of ihe sums secured immcdiatcly i�fore �he taSw�B. ui�lass
<br /> Ba�rower and Lcrldex othenvisc agree in wntinB or unless applicuble law otherwise provides,the procceds shall bc applled co U�a
<br /> sums sscured by this 5ec�uity Insuument whether ue�ot thc sums are then dn�.
<br /> Yf the Proputy is abandoned by Bocrower.or if,afle�notice by Lender W Bonower that the condemr+or offers to m�e��
<br /> awar.d or settle a claim for damaS�,Ho�w�failj���°e ther tnnresto don3orrepaiz of the Property or to thesnms�secured
<br /> is authori�.ed to coIIect and apP Y P
<br /> by this Sccurity Insm�ment,whether or not then due.
<br /> Unless Lender And Borrower othcnuise a�ee in writinB.anY BPP���on of proceeds to principal shall not ea�tcnd or postpone
<br /> the due date of the monthly puyments refened to in paragraPhs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such paymet►ts.
<br /> il.Borrower Not Released;Forbear�►nce By Leader Not a Wniver. Bxt�enslon of the time for payment or modification
<br /> of amortization of the sums secured by this Sec�uicy Insuument granced by Lender to any successor in interest af Boirowa stiall
<br /> not operaus to nlcase the 13a6ility af thc original Borrower ar Barrowcr's successors ln t�►teres�Lender shall not be require3 to
<br /> commence pmceedings against any successcir in interes�or refuse to ext�end time for payment or otherwlse modify amortization of
<br /> the sums securoa by tnis$cxuriiy In�irw��e�d uy=�•�f«n;�'='��"�t�y the ori¢inal Borrowu or Borrower's snccessors
<br /> in interesG Any forbearnnce by Lender in eauclsing any dght or remedy ehall not be a w�iver of or preclude the eaerctse of eny
<br /> right cx remuly.
<br /> f 2.Succes�sors ond Assigns Bound;Joint�nd Several LIa6Uity;Casignere. 'Ilie covenants and aBreemcats of this
<br /> Socurity Instrument shall bind and beneft tho successors t�nd assigns of Lender an� Borrower. subject to the pmvisions of
<br /> pFUagaph 17. Borrower's wvr,nants and agrr,emca►ts shall be joint and several. Any Borrowu who co-signs this 5acurity
<br /> Instrument 6ut does not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Securlty Instrument oNy to mortgage.qrant and convey lhat
<br /> Barower's interest in the Property under thc terms of this Security Inswment;(b)1s not ptrsonally obligated to pay t1�e surt►s
<br /> secured by this Security Insuument;end(c)agrees that Lender and any other Botrower may agroe to eatend,modify.forbear or
<br /> maku any accommadadons with regard w the terms of this Security Inscrument cr tho Note widiout thas Borrower's canxnt
<br /> 13.Iman Charges. If the loan secured bY this Socur'ty Inst�vn►ec►t is subjoct eo a law which retv maximi�m lou►charges,
<br /> and that law is finally interpreud so tS�at tha Interest or othe.r loan chazges collectsd or W ba collectod in connection with the loan
<br /> excoed the pelmitud limits,them(o)a�►Y such loan charg�shall be reducod by tha amount necessary w reduce Uie char8e to the
<br /> pamitud t'unit;und(b)eaY sums alrcady coUected fc�m Botrower whlch exceeded permiuod limits will be refunded w B ment w
<br /> i,entkr may cdoose co make this refund by r�educing Ihe principal owed under the Note or by ms�dng a ditect pay
<br /> Borrowu. If a ref�nd reduces pdncipal,the reduction will be treated a9 a pxrtial prepayment without any prepayment chargo
<br /> undrr the Notc.
<br /> 14.Notices. My nobce to Boaower providal for ln this Security Instrument shall be givea by delivering it or by mailYng it
<br /> by first class mail unles�applicab3�law ioqa�-•,s cse oE�:olhe.�method.71ie notice sh�tl Ue dirxted w tha Property Address mt
<br /> nny other address Borrower designates by notico w I.endsr•AnY notice to Lender sha11 ba Slven by fust class mail w Lender's
<br /> address statetl hercin or any other sddress Lender designates by noace t,o Borrower. Any nodce�►rovided for in this Security
<br /> Insaument shall be decmcd to tuive been given to Borrowcr or Lendcr wh�n given as pmvided'u►It►is P�S�Ph•
<br /> I5.Governing Law;Sdverability. This Security Inst:ument shall bo govemed by federal law and thc law cf the
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Propeny is located. In tha event that any provision or claus�of this Security Instnune�►t or the Noto
<br /> wnfiicts wid�appllcable law.such conflict shaU not affect othe�provisions of this Security Instz�►nent or the Note which can ix
<br /> �iveri effect without the conflicting provision.To thi��end the provisions of this Security Instrument and tha Note ara declared W
<br /> be severnble.
<br /> Form 3028 �/90
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