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<br /> � 5.I�fl'lA�'tI OY�i'aREP�Jr If191t1'AREQ. Boreo�ver shtill kecp►hc im�rovements notiv exisdnB or I3cQCafGer crectcct an t3ic Propeny -_
<br /> .f insured uQeinst loss by C�rc,hA'LiUdB �RCIqdC(J WlUllfl U10 I�Pftl "exu:ndccl covcrugc" nnd cuiy aUicr fiauuds, 1(ICIUtJDIIg IYQt3f�S QP
<br />_,�� flaoding,fc�r which L.cnder rcquires[nsurancc.Thle insurnnco shtill bc m�intnined in thc amounts and for the periods that I.cnder -
<br /> ::�i:i requlres.'Iho insurance carricr�roviding Uia lnstuance shall be chosen by Borrower subJcct ta Lender's approvul which st�ull not
<br /> be unreusonably withhcld. If Horrower falls to m�lntnin covetage describccl above, L.ender may, at Lender's option, obtstire
<br />_'�`'� cove�rege t�protect Lender's dghts ln tha Property in accordanco with Farageaph 7.
<br /> ���i� AU insuranca polIcies and renewals sha11 bo eccept�Ulo ta I.endet and shall include a sttinderd mortgage clause.I.ender shaU
<br /> havo tho riRht w hold the policirs and renewals.If I.�ender cequires,Borrawer shall prompdy give co L.ender all receipts of p�id
<br /> -�a� premiume nnd renswal nadces.In tha event of foss,�ioerawer sn�Il give prompt nadcs to tna insuranw cArrier and Lendcr.Lender
<br /> ��'� may makc proof of lass ff not mada promptly by Bonower.
<br /> _�:� Unless L.endu snd Barr�wer otheewlse ngrec in wddng,insurance proceeds shall be Applled to restorndon or repalr of the
<br /> - Property dameged,if the reswradon or repair is cconomlcally feaslbla and L.ender's security is not Iessencd.If the restorad.on ar
<br />`_;�►� re�air is not economicelly feasiblc or Lcn¢er's securlty would be le�sssned,tho insurance proceeds shall be applled to the sums
<br /> �" secured by this Sa:urity Instrument, whethcr or not then due, with any excess paid to Boaower. If Borrower abandons the
<br />='_� Froperiy,or does not answer within 30 days u notice from L.endcr thnt the insurance c:rrier hos offered w settle a claim,dien -
<br />�,�jF,� Lender may collect tha insu�rance pracecds.Lender may use the proceeds w rep�lr or resmre the Preperty or to pay sums secured
<br /> `�`'— by thLs Security Instrument,wAeiher or not then due.'ilie 30-day pedod wlll begin when the nodce is gtven. _
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