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<br /> �— -�norr�oc h���a�t�r i�.fotce, aotrr t. azan aag ••�a••�:••�4�-= �-
<br /> -_� ,.and �bli+��zion��atcured �ereby ��y_ now_or hereafter'be� oth�cv#se ,s�cur�d,
<br /> . Mhether. by .�ortgaqi, de�d af`uuisrti,� pled4e, �1i�n� assig�Rent or oLh�rr���: . . •
<br /> � NeithQr th� �accaptaacc o� ttii�� IIe�c� of Trust ncc its en€orce�e�n��v�hethsr by .`.
<br /> —-_---_- ---- - ';court-ac�ion�.or_ pursuani .cc- the_ _porer of_ saIs or other pox�r� `herefn �
<br /> - � _
<br /> - = `cont°aiasc�,.. _.sh�ll_ p�re judice or - in any aianner =af Eeat Tr�st��f s' atr
<br /> t - ; �ea���cl�ary's rf9ht. to'realize upon or �nforCe any otber securfty nar o� -
<br /> her�aftsr h�ld by�TrusteR or Beneficiary, it being: agree�' that Trustee and -
<br />" �'�� 6�neffciarg, and •ach o€--tha�, shall� � entfcled; tc enforce this De�d of
<br /> Truat and_ aay cthet s�cucity ncw oc hereaftsr held: bg- 9eneficiary o�r. , =
<br /> � ,.�� Trustea sn such orii��r and waru�ar as they ar either o� ttta� way f-n their '.;:.�;.�._
<br /> - ab�olut� diacretion deterwine. No_re�edy. herefn cortferred'_npon or reserved>:-�:�•:;;�:--
<br /> ;�'4=:. _ to Trustee at Baneffciary is fntended to bo exclusive of any-other re�[ea�;;;:-r<f�`'�:;'.=—
<br />- Et�reit� ar by lax pcovft�eti or per�itted� but. each shall be cu�ulative and' `{:::=:�_
<br /> s:-,y 4`:�
<br /> :� ` .shall D� in addit ion to ever� other ra�edy given hereunde�• ac noM_ or -��_
<br /> � � �'� heYea�ter existing at law or in equity`or b}� statute. �rary poxer or � .;
<br /> - t:- . .
<br />- - '� ce�aclp given`by any o� the �.Qan.Instcu�ents to Trustee or Benef fciary of ta
<br />' � `c`� .vbiGh eithec of th�sN. �ay' be other�ise entftled, a�ap be exercirsed, � ;,`���.�-��:�
<br /> � _ _ .. co�eutrent�y or iadepend�ntly, fros tlate to tfQe as often as asg De deewed � i. .� _: -.�
<br /> i`'� expedxent by �rustee or Beneficiary and e3,ther � af� thea a�a�y pucsue �,�� �. `_
<br /> -�� � ir�consistent re�tedies. Nothfng �herefn shall be construed as prohibitlag !. ' �' ' _
<br /> « ''`�' - � Beneficiary� fro� sesking a da€iciency ��dg�tent against tha��EUStor to the i� � -
<br /> . w.r,.. ,�. , :
<br />' .L :'T�.F : ' . ! . _' _
<br /> "-�� -� � extent su�h act ion f s permi tted by 'lavr: . � � u � �.
<br /> ,.r..:.� ,
<br />- ��..• � ..:.�.t...:-_�:. - . � _ . _..:..::- . . �,�---'` -_°-_-- �.v
<br /> � �.�,; . . . . � 13. REQUEST FOR NOTiCE. �istor hereby requests a copy of aay notice ,, . '""
<br /> � . � '`"';, ,_ �, o€ default and that any notice of sale hereunder be �ailed ta Trustor at _
<br /> . :,���
<br /> , 2-: � , � the adt�ress set forth id the first 'pacagrap�h of thfs Ae.ed of Tcust. ;. �_ . .. .��E`i�;�
<br /> . � E'r�c
<br /> ' • . . :. .� . . : .
<br /> , - 1 . :, 'i . . �, ' - ' • .o�;
<br /> "___'�___'__'"
<br />'---- - , j-----_ ' ... . _ _ . . . , --- -
<br /> . '� . � 24. ;:`�GOVERNING L�iW: Ttiis D��� of 3'rusti etiall be governe�3 by-ti�re-la�s-a� -_ `�' � .°`�"'�
<br /> � the St�te o� Neb"raska. Ip'tt��;e�;ent that any provisfon or clause of any of ;_ .. ; _ �
<br /> ' . .;, ._ . •
<br /> �� � � � the Loa�d• instru�aents conf�icts:wfth a pl•icable .2aws, such conflicts shall ;•.,. _� .�y
<br /> �` � '� .: �-; .. . • =�:��not� af�e'at� otheY provssi��o�is of such ��arr• Insiruments��:�rfiich can be giyen `` '
<br /> : 'j;� ''.
<br /> � . :':; effecc:i�i�thout the conf��cting provis�m�Q.:°and to this er�c�:the grovisions'�4Af ; � ��:����:�•
<br /> 1,;.,.
<br /> ` :�:�Ebe Loan Instruments are dec2ar�� to �e��severable. 2'his� instrament canaot �. , ;�,��
<br /> � - �be wafved, ahanqed, di�ahar�yec�' or terminated orally, but only by an ; . �
<br /> � • �� � inatrumeat in writing signed by the party against whom enforcement of any � . . � `��,
<br /> � waiver, change, dsscharge or tarmination is sought. � `°
<br /> . .. �. � �%.
<br /> , .r,
<br /> � � 15. RECONVEYANCE BY TRUSTEE. Upon written reguest of Heneficiary � � .
<br /> . � � ' atacing that all sums s�cured hereby have been paid, and npon, surrender of �� ,
<br /> •�•'�� � � this Deed of Trust and the Note to Trustee for cancellation and reteotion :'°r �- . -
<br /> , ,.�,:� ,
<br /> " � � . � artd u��i� payment by Tcustor of Trustee's fees, Trustee shall reconvey to � - .
<br /> � � • , Truata��P or the persa��, ar persons �e�ally entftled thereto, witt�out , �:�;�t'. •�
<br /> � ' . : �arran�ty, any portion �f the Trust Lstate then held hereunder. The , �����.<��:.�.
<br /> �:�.
<br /> � � recitals in such reconve�yance af any matters or facts shali be conclusiva , . . •
<br /> , � i � �'proof of the truthfulnass the�e��E. The grantee in any reaoaveyax�ce may be ; � -,
<br /> . • . " describdd as "the persar.�, or {�ersons legally entitled thereto". ' ; ,
<br /> '����
<br /> � ' 16. NOTICES. Wherse�er Beneffciacy, Trustor or Trustee shall deslre to � �
<br /> . �- . . qiae or serve any sotice, dem�nd, request o���.other communication with .
<br /> ;;,.;; � respect to this Deed of Trustr each such notic�. 'demand, requ�st or other
<br /> ,}:: commun�cation shall be, in writfng and shall be effective only �if the same
<br /> ,is deT�v�red by persoa`al service o� :��ailed by cert:i�ied ma�l, pastage '
<br /> , "' ' � prepafc�, retucn reaeipu requested, addresse8 to the l��x knoan address of
<br /> ' the pdrty to whom notice is giv�:n. Any party may at this time change its .
<br /> addtess for sueh notices by delivering� or mailing to the other parties . . • .
<br /> hereso, as aforesaid, a notire nf suoh�change. , • �
<br /> ; ,. . :
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