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<br /> �� l . � . . . �/Yi�Y��i� .
<br /> _..,r�atic�e o� d�fxult`a�►d, natMYthstandinq tha zontfnusrtce fa poss�saion of �hs_
<br /> • � srust''Bst�te ar th� aol�ectio�, riceipt and :pp2ication af rents, i�su�s ot �
<br /> �.'� `prof#.ts; Traste�.or `B�n�f iai�sy._shall ba fntitled to �asr,afsa �very ri+�t � . ,�
<br /> , -- �-p�orids� .toc _fn. any;�of.._th��_LO��_..It�stcu�ents o�c..by lar up�n_accuKr�nct af `, �, ,°.
<br /> any ev�nf o� d��ault. fncludiag �he r ight to iis"rci$� ihe,pawer',of`:'#�If� `-,
<br /> . � . . .
<br /> ' . - (b� fo��nc� an ratio» tc foricloser ihie Dead of Trust<�►s a aortgaqe, -�-
<br /> apppint a� ricefv�r, o� *pscific�ily �nfores aa►y of the covenaats h�r�otf
<br /> tc� . D�lfver to Truste� a Mcitt�o d�clAration �af dtfau�t� aAd de�raad for� - - .
<br /> sal�,, st�d writtaa na��c�. o� default snd election. t+a• csuss Trus�oc!s
<br /> -- int�r�st. ia. ths Trust. estste to be �pldt xhich actice Txus�ee aAa21 esuse
<br />-_ co b�-�duly fi�ld for cecord fn tite sp�coprfate Official Reeolcds ct tb�
<br /> _ Ccuaty i�. whiah th� Trust Bstate is located. , `
<br />'`�'�r Il. FQBEC�OSORE� �BY, .PE��iLR OF Sl�LE. •8hould Beneficiary elect to �
<br /> � for�Gloae bg ex�rcig� �ef ths PoKer of 8als harsin cont�fnad, $eQ�fieiary� _ �
<br />_ � _ sfia1,I._ notify Tra�tee and shall d�posit wiih T�i�stee this Deed of'Ttuat and � ___
<br /> =- � the Not� and �aah recefpts and evid�ace of espenditures"nad� snd secured =_
<br /> ` � � h�raby as T�uatea way raquire. � : _�-w
<br /> "� ` • . �:..
<br /> . �;,-: (e) Upon recefpt af sucb notice froa� Beneficfar�a Trustee shali ceu�e f ,�
<br /> -- � - - ta bQ cecordad. �►ulalis�ed and de�i��€ered to Trustor such Notice of Default � .�_s._:
<br /> ��°. ;v�=�� and Notfce of_ Sa1e as then required by la�r and b}� this Deed of Trust. � {;�.
<br /> � _ �.',f� : Trustea shal l, Wf thout dea�and on Trustor, a�t�r sucb t ia�e as �nay then b� �� `�•,..•,.; _-
<br /> • requir�d by 2av and after rerordatf.qce of sach•Notice-of Default and after �-.;, r�__=: __
<br /> - >��� Notice of Sale havfng been gfvan as required`by law, sell the Trust Estate ; . : .. .
<br /> - - - - _-' at�tiie�tii�rarni=place af-�al�- f�xec�--t�-it-�trt-snch Natice af-&aU.e,-efther_as�,=._.. �-...=:_' '-A=.�---
<br /> a��:�� ^;.~ ': a rhol�, , or fn sepacate lot� .or `pa�rcels or itsms as Trvstee shall da�� :. �.: _`=_�£ -
<br /> ' ' �' ��i- < ` expedi�nt, and in auch order �� it may deterafne, at �ublfc auction to the,,;:.-...�'�_' �__. . ._=°_
<br /> rr f �=�`��° �� hiQl�eat.bi,dder for casb in lawful mari�t, of the Unitecfi..�t�ates payable a� zh�e -: ° �� ,��<i ;.,
<br /> s �� tii��r„��af sale. Trustee shal3. de].i�crr to .such py�sc�+�set or purcti�s�=s..: . . t, . � � €«<'
<br /> � ��• -�' thereof its good and suf f iCfent d�ed�or deeds. conveging the properL�r 's�o- . . - __
<br /> ��;,r��`���-��� � . eold, but �f�hout any aovenant 4t warrant�r",� express or implfed. The � : �..� �i ..
<br /> �.,.-.;.._+- -
<br /> � �,�;�•�:'.-��'�=,:;�,•�� ..�.. r Q C i t a l s i n 's,�c h d e e d a E a�y m a t t e r s e r f a c t s s�a l l be conc lus ive gro o f o f '• i. . _
<br /> . �F= :,:`. .;.��;;i��:,-?'� `.� the truth�ulness theF�oP. Any person, iaclud3ng, wfthout li�nitaiion, ! :
<br /> �_.. :
<br /> - • �;; Teustor, Trustee aae� Bene fic iary, may purc hase a t s u c h s a l e a n d T r u s t o r � _
<br /> -;;��;.� , . . �.
<br /> - ri :?� ` hereby covenants to warrant and defend Che title of sucb purehASer or � .
<br /> . _.�'��• .S pnrchasars. _ � � ,,-
<br /> i i�r'ii,.. . . . 1
<br /> ��� :��"':a..� � (b) As may be permittec���{iy Zaw, a#ter deducting TruBtee Feea in a �' � � ;
<br /> •`°"`= � . - reasanable amount, Tcustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the : _
<br /> � � �_�=�: fol2awing orders (al to all reasonable CO�t9 and es��naea of the sale, .. ��.�.i .' ��;�•..;;.�
<br /> ��: °� includfng, b�t itot limited to, trustee fees vf. npt �s�� than 1/2 oE 18 of � _
<br /> : �...
<br /> :i - ' .t � . : � the grass s�3ea price, reasonable attorne�`s fee� ;aad coats �of title :: ,. •
<br /> � - ev3dence; (b) to all sums secured by this Deed of Trust; (c) to the pay�nent � 'i� ..
<br /> •T:�_��::� . of juafor Ttust Deeds, mortgages ar other lien ltQlderst and td? the , , . ..
<br /> � ���''b � � ba2ance, if an , to the erson or persons legally erttitled thereto. ° k� ;:";:;`,'
<br /> � ��'� Y p ;��Fc,
<br /> -� :.: �
<br /> "-��.•-� . , . ,
<br /> : • ' (c) Trustee may in the manner provided by law, postpone s�,3e of all or �� ,`�?��;,�,',.'�
<br /> . ; any portion oE the Trust Estate. ' • , .
<br /> ' }.�;��:•..�: ; 12. REMEDIES NOT EXCLUSIVE. Trustee and Benef iciary, and each of them, : � � �
<br /> . `±F��,;: � , . shell be entxcled to enforce payment and performance aE aay indebtedness or ,
<br /> . - �•r�::{`- - obligatiana ,sacured hereby and to exercise all�righte and powers under this
<br /> '�'--' "`� Deed of Trus�'vr under any Laan Instrumer�t vr other agreement oc any laws
<br /> ,.. .
<br /> �; :�.:,; • , . , ,
<br /> � '.�, �
<br /> . , . � �. .
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