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�.,r.x.. '. � � <br /> ,,,,�,w, , � . . <br /> , � . „ •. . <br /> -.����,. ., , ..''. .... . ..,.�:.,�.� ^..•. ��,,�y--„�- _- <br /> � . �_.,:yl�tiv+ae+'�,:.,-.r-a-.__ . . �r,,,.X ,..�,�+s,�•-�. . .. ._ .__ . ._ . � . ..... . �_ — <br /> c <br /> ��]� ,R..,. .� , . . . . .� . <br /> � !R:n 3��n�:nJl�.linYif�mww+i{II'�.'M... ..� ' _ -... . .. _ . _�... <br /> f ' <br /> ti � :'J�:i`+�_ . <br /> 5 � <br /> , 17. Yranefav o4 th� Proporty ur � �oneticlal Interest In �orrower. If �ill or any pnA of tho Property or . <br /> any Intcrost In it In sotd or tranafcrred (�r il a bcncticlnl Intcrest In Borrower Is sold or trAnsferred nnd Bonower Ia not a nntural :� <br /> . peraon) wllhoul Lcndcr'o prlor wr{iten conacnt, Lcndcr may,nt Ilo optlon, roqulro Immodl�to pnyment In lull of all oums securod by <br /> thla Sncuriry Inatrumenl. However, thls optlon ahul! not bo oxarr.lsed by I.onder II oxerclso is prohlbltod by lederal law ns uf tho <br /> dato 01 thla Securiry instrument. „ <br /> II Londer exerGlaes thls upllon, Lvnder shall pive Borrower notico ol nccaloratlon. Tho notico shnll provldo n period of not <br /> l000 than 30 days tram tho dnlv Iho noqco lo deliverad or mnllad within whlch Borrower muat pny nll sums securod by thfs <br /> '� �ocurlty Instrumenl. If Borrower tails to pay theso sums prlor to tho expiratlon of thls perind, Lcndor may Invoko any remedlos� <br /> . . <br /> • permilted by thlo Securlry Instrument wlthout hirther notice or dcmmid on Bortower. <br /> .-_--- ... .... ... --'-'- ' ...�u�.. a.......«o. onou hoya thn rinht In havo '--:r----:. _ <br /> � .� 1e. eorrowor'� Nlgnt io heinsiaie. �� o����W� �nea�o ,.o„�„� ..e,,..,,,���. � ••-..-• _••-.. <br /> • onforcement o1 this Security Instrumenl dlscontlnued st sny timo prlor to the eartler ot: (n) S days (or such other perlod ao <br /> .Y�:�� , applicabie Inw niay specity tar relnstutement) betoro oalo 01 the Property pursuant to any power of selo cantained In this Securi <br /> � ' Instrument; or (b) entry oi a Judgmont eniorcing thls Security I�strument.Thoso condttlona ere that Borrower: (a) pays Lender a <br /> sums whlch then would be due under thls �ecurlty Instrument and the Note as 11 no accelercitlan had occurred; (b) cures nn <br /> de}ault o1 any other covenent or agreement�; (o) peys all expenses Incuned In enforcing thls Security Inatrument, including, bu <br /> not Ilmitod to, reasonable attumoys' laea; and (d)takes such actlon nr Lender may reasonaby requlre to nssuro that tho Iien o <br /> •_ ; thls Secudry Instrument, Le�der's iights In tha Property nnd Bnno�ver's obll�ntlon to pay tho eurns secured by lhls 3ecuri� .-:. .;.�:'.; <br /> � Insirument shall contlnua unchangod. Upon reinatatement by Borrower, thls Secudry Instrument and the obligatlons aecure i�I���''��;!f_f <br /> � ' � hareby �hnll remaln tulty efTeclNe as If no acceleration hed occuRed. However,this dght to refnstato shall not apply in the cese .,-.`_.�___ <br /> � of acceleration under paragraph 17. ;,;`���, <br /> �,!•• 19. S�le of Woto; Change of Loan Serviaer. The Note or a a partlal Interest In the Note (togeiher with chis .:.:,.�: <br /> . k � Secudty Instrument) may be eold one or more times without prtor notica to Borrower.A snle may result In n change In the enUty <br /> „��k.j--=— <br /> ;�. (known ea the'Loun Servicer')that coilects monthly pnyments duo under the Note end this 3ecurity Instrument. There aiso may %.�:��i;: <br /> � be ono or more chenges of lhe Loan Servicer unrelated to a sele of the Note. If there is e change of the Loan Servicer, •..; _ <br /> Barrower vrfll be gNen wrftten notice of the chsnga In sccordnnce with paragrapl� 14 above and applicable Iaw. The notice wlil .,-^i;..z'--� <br /> state the name and address of the new Loan Servicer and the addre�s to whlch payments ahould be mada. The notice will elso � •�'._ <br /> contaln any other Infortnatlon required by applicnble law. •;_'"—�"!�'y <br /> 20. 6lazardove Subatances. Borrower shall not cause or permit tho presence, use, disposal, storage, or roleaso ot �i�*�+_. <br /> �._�"�.,_, <br /> any Hazardoua Substances on or In the Property. Bortower shell not do, nor allow anyone olse to do, enything aNecting the _r..�°;R:. <br /> ' Property that Is In violatlon o!any Environmental Lnw. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or _ <br /> f storage on the Properry of small quantlties oi Hezerdous Substances that ere generslly recognlzed to be approprlate to ncrtr►el <br /> `' resldential uses qnd to malntenance of the Property. ���L� <br /> ���' BoRO�ver shall promptiy give Lender wdtten notico 01 ony Imostlgatlon, claim, demand, lawsuft or other actlon by any � <br /> � ' •,, govemmental or regulatory agency or private party Involving the Property and any flazardoua Substence or Environmental Law of ��_ <br /> :• whicn isorrower has acivai iu�uw�adye. �� �'.:sr l�TS, or !� n^t!!!°'! !': ^-ny �nvemmental or regulutorv authortry, that any <br /> •* �• removel or other remedlatlon of any Hazardoua Substence atfecting Property is necessary, Bortower shall promptly take cll <br /> . .. ' � necessary remedial acpons In accordanco with Environmentel Lew. _ <br />,.,:, As used In thls perag►aph 20, 'Hazardous Substances' ere those substances detined es toxlc or hazardous substences by <br /> u.;����,�: Envlronmenta! Law end the tolluwing substances: gasollnd, kerosene, other 1lammable or toxic petroleum products, toxlo <br /> ,_;;�ryr l,.�Y pesdcldes and herblcides, volatile soNents, matedals contalning asbestos ar tormaldehydo,end radloactive materlals. As used In <br /> -•��_,;f,��, paragreph 20, 'Environmentel Law" meana federal laws and Iaws of the Judsdictton tivhere the Property is Iocated that relate to <br /> �r;�;.,.�•,q heeRh, nniety or environmentel protectlon. <br /> � 'T NON•UNIFORM COVF_NANTS. Borrower and Lender funher covenant and agree es foliows: <br /> -_��::�,� 21. Accsloratton; Remedtea. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleratlon <br /> s.����`';7:.��•i. � <br />:.•.�-;.�n,� foliowin� Borrowar s breach of any covenant or agreement ioe thle Security Instrument (but not <br />.�.;��"� prlor ta accel��atlon under paragraph 17 unless applicable iaw providee othsrwine). The notice <br />_.;�-«.?�;�v� shall apecffy: (a) the deisult; (b) ths actlon requlred ta cure tho det�ult; (c) a dalo, not lesa than <br /> ° �u�'►'�-�� 30 days from the dato the notice is given to Borrower, by whlch ths detauR must t�s cund; �nd <br />-�R-'����� (d) 4hat ta(lure to cure ths default on or before the date epecifled In 4h� notice may resuit In <br /> �c��f'''°°°t=� acceleratlon of the sums secured by thle Security Instrument and aole of ths Property. The notice <br /> _°�"-;Y���� sh�ll turthar Intorm Borrower of the right to relnatate attsr aaceloratlon �nd the �l�ht ta bring a <br /> �t�-`=--_�:� caurt a��tlon to cissert the non-existonce of a dehuR or eay othsr defmnae of Boreower to <br /> ° �`� �ccelerAtlon and sala. If the default !s not cured on �ar before icnu u�ie apac��leM Ir. 4:sa r.a::�a, --- <br />-:.�.. <br />--�M'�.�� Lsnder at ita optiun may requlre immediate paymont in full Qf all sums securad by thla Socurity <br />_��� Inat�um�nt without furt8er demarod and may Invoke the power of sale and nny other remedies <br />•_�� permtited by appQcabla law. Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses Incurred In pursuing <br /> - �"•` the remedioa qrnvided In thls paragreph 21, Including, but not Ilm(t�d to, reasonable attorneye' <br />�';�.��°''��. . feea and coste� of 4itle evidence. __ <br /> _:"r�:`:;R,��� if the power of eale fs Invoked, Trustse shaU record a notice of default in each county In _ <br />- '��=�-;: which any part of the Praperty Is locsted and shall meil �oples of such notice In the manner ___ <br /> - � ' prescribod by appllceble law to Borrower and to the other pessons prescrlbed by�appltcable law. __ <br /> •'� ' . Atter the tlme requlred by applicable law, Trustee shap give public notice of sale to the persana 6=_=__. <br /> . and In tha manner prescribed by applicable law. Trustoe� wlthout demand on Borrower, shall sell -"=__._. <br /> the Property at public auction to the higheat bidder at the timo and place and undor the terms `�H�.F�_. <br /> ' � - <br /> designated In the nottce of sale in one or moro par�els and In any order Truetee determines. ,�+��.�, <br /> �• , Trustev may postpone sele of all or any parcel of the P�operty by public announcement at 4he _ <br /> �' ;. time and place of any prevlously scheduled sale. Lender or its dealgnee may purchase the '.;�.�::-�__ <br />__ .. :.:�:: . <br /> • -�"�'�'� Pro�perty at any sale. ��,�. <br /> " ' �"'�� � ____i..a �t ..�.....e..� ni �l�n n�i�u hid. Truatao ahall delivor t0 t�1B uurcheser Trustee's -_�_h_�}: <br /> --- - -=_— •�--- <br /> ._.,--.. _. ---� a��lvn �000�Na ... po�...�... �. ..._ r•'-- _•—• - . <br /> ,, deexl conveying 4ha Property. Thc� rocitals in the Trustee'a deed sh�ll be prima facle evidence of ' � <br /> ' tNe truth of the statements msde theretn. TrusQee shall apply the proceeds of the sale In the <br />-. �� �, iollowing order: (a) to all costs and expenses of exercl�ing the power of sale, and the sale. <br /> fncludin{�the pa�men4 of the Trustee's fees actual0y Incurred, not 4o exceed three <br /> � 9'0 of the principal amount of 4he <br />- note at the tlmo of the declaratlon of default, and reasonable attocney's fees as pennitted by law; <br /> , (b) to all sums secured by this Security Instrument; and (c) any excess to the person or persons <br /> legally entitled to it. /� <br />-, . , ., Pnqi•4 ot S 6�i'/ "� ���� _ <br /> -�' . F131G.LM0 (JN6) �— <br /> ., �. <br />_i E <br /> � 9G0�3 { <br /> L <br />