, -w� � ^ ' . , . .. _
<br /> �.5, ,. h�� ..6P 4�kr'Y'I�.,...,..av- ...��.. -..: _
<br />. -' � - {�'hi���N�c'r.... . '1ra.r•d11�¢�i1}� .IM����I1P�l�f'FQp_'•�� . -���.., . . . . ... . ,.... ������n... 1 _
<br /> ,. • . . .
<br /> . ... 4�+1.._.L... _�� ...._.-,..._. .. .. � .
<br /> -.��_ . . ... . ._..
<br /> • � ���."� • • —�_—__
<br /> Bortowcr may curo such e defauit and rolnstato, es p�ovlded In psragraph 1B, by causing the actlon or proceRding to be
<br /> " � disml�sod�vilh o nding that, In Lender'3 400d tolih detertninnllon,pracludes fortetturo ot the Borrower's interest In the Property or
<br /> othcr n�ntcrial Impnlrment of tho Ilen crestr.d by t�ls Socutity Inatrument or Lender's aecurity Interest. Borrawer shall also be In
<br /> � detault II Borrowr.r, during tho lonn nppllention procucs, flnva materislly tnls�or Inaccurote In}ormatlon or statements lo Lender(or
<br /> � foiled to provido Lc�nder wlth eny m¢tarlal InTortnatlon) In connectlon witli the loan ovldonced by the Noto, Includinc�, but not
<br /> Ilmlted to, ropreaentatlons concerning Borrower's occupancy of tho Property as a princlpal resldenco. if this Socurity
<br /> Inetn�ment Is on a Isesehoid, Borrower shAll comply w�th nu the provlslona of the lease. It Borrov�er acqulres fee tille to tho �
<br /> Properry, the leasahold and the teo tltie sk�all not merge unleas Londer agreos to tho merger In writing.
<br /> � 1 7. Protectlon of Lender's Rlghts In the Property. It eorrower falls to porlorm tho covenants and egrnements
<br /> contalned In thls Security Instrument, or there Is n legel proceeding that may slgniflcantly ettect Lender's rights In the Propert�
<br /> � �..�..►.vo o.+T.,�ap�t+na in bankruntcV. arobate, for condcmnntlon or farfelhue or to enlorce laws or regulntlona), then Lender mny
<br /> �
<br /> - -:-.___.-.
<br /> ,,.......__ :�.''.�':»�L�_^_
<br /> . ��.�a� do and pay tor whatevar Is neceasery to protect tho velue of the Property anu Lender s rignis in ii�� F�ope��r• �,,;�;�
<br /> ' � ''� � may Include paying any s�m» secured by a Ilen whlch hes priorlty ovor thls Security Inatrument, eppeartng In court, psying
<br /> reasonable attomeys' fees and csntering on the Proper.y to make repairs. Although Lendor may take actlon under this paragraph
<br /> �,,,,�� 7,Lender does not have to do ao. •
<br /> � Any amounts dlsbursed by Lender under paragreph 7 shall becomo sddltionel debt ot Bonower secured by this Security�
<br /> s Instniment. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms oi payment, these amounts shall bear Interest from the date ot� ::,'_.`
<br /> � � 1 dlaburasment et the Note rate and ehatl be payable, with interoat, upnn noUce from Lender to Borrower requesting payment. �.;.-
<br /> � ; � 8. Mortgage IDSUP8I1Ce. If Lender requlreQ mortg�ge Insurance ns s conditlon oi making the loen aecured by thls �_-
<br /> 3ecudry Instrumenl, Bortower shall pay the premlums reqwred to maintsin the mortgage Insurance In effect. If,fo► eny reason,the �,
<br /> ' �± �• mortgege Insurance coverage requlred by Lender lapses or ceases to bo In eftect, Bortower shall pay the premlums required to =_
<br /> obtain coverage substantlally equlvulent to the mortgnge Insuvence prevlously In effect, at a cost substantlalty equivalent to the __
<br /> � cost to Borrower of tho mortgage insurence prevtously In etfect, from an aiternate mortgage Insurer epproved by Lender. If ___
<br />- ,.- �. •' ��� substentiely equlvatent mortgage Insurence coverage Is not available, Sorrower shall pay to Lender each month e sum oqual to --
<br /> � one-tweifth ot the yearly mortgaqe Inauranco premlum heing pc�ld by Bortower when the Insuranco coverage Iapsed or cea3ed to
<br /> be In etiect. Lender wili accept, use end retetn these payments as a loss reserve in Ileu oi rnortgaga Insuranco. Loss reserve a.
<br /> ` payment�may no longer be roquired, at the option ot Lender, if mortgage insurance cnverage (In the amount and for the pedod �;�_
<br /> that londer requlres) provided by en lnsurer approved by Lender ageln becomes available end la obtelned. Bortower shall pay _.__
<br /> � the premlums requlred to malntrain mortgago Insurance in eifect, or to provlde a loos reserve, untll the requlrament tor mortgugo �•-_
<br /> ::�,.�:.�...,,:.
<br /> Inaurence ends in accordance wkh any written agreement between Borrower and Lender or eppllcable law.
<br /> ' 9. 4nspectlon. Lender or Ita agent may make reasonable e�tdes upon and Inspectluns of the Praperty. Lender shall givo �,_
<br /> M:iE; �, .
<br />:_' • ;,,��,, ' @orrawor naiice at the time of or prior to an Inspectlon specirying reasonable cause for the Inspectlon.
<br /> .,��;, 10. Cotldemnetlon.Tho proceeds ot any oward or claim tor damages, direct or consequsntlal, In connentton with sny
<br /> �...,, , co�demnatlon or other taking oi any part of the Property,or tar conveyance In Ileu ot condemnation, are hereby assigned and
<br /> -'x�`t•�• shall be pald to lender.
<br /> �'"�`� ° In the event ot e total taking oi the Property, the proceeds shall be epplled to the sums secured by thls Security
<br />..T:..�. .f.�
<br /> �`." ' InstNmenL whether ar not then due, w�th eny excess pald to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Properly in wh c
<br /> 4=�<.� �•+-. � ,,. , � � a .,am, ImmadlAte betoro the teklnq Is equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured
<br /> _---l:i�c?ti�� tito tdii iiiai�nv��.^.�tS^ C. L�:E.fL`t._.� � -
<br />=r.:•,-..1• by thls Secudry instrument Immediately before the taidng, unlesa BoROwer and Lender otherwise agree In wnnng, the eums
<br />''' � securod by thls Securlly Instrument shall be reduced by the amount ot the proceeds multipllod by the following fractlon: (a)the
<br /> �` ..
<br />�_,.h'�.�',': ;.
<br />-.:�;�„1�:;•� total amou�t o1 the sums sacured Immediately before the taking, dlvided by (b) thA tair market value of the Property Immediata(y
<br /> ==�Y°'-�`?3-� betore tha teking.Any bsfance shall be pald to Borrowor.In tho event ot a pertlal taking of the Property fn whlah the felr ma�tcet
<br /> ;_�_���"� vatue of the Properly Immediatety before the taking is less than the amount of the sums secured Immedlately before the Saking,
<br /> - ---��:.� unless Barrower end Lendar otherwise agree In wdting or unless appllcablo law otherwlse provides, the praceeds shell be
<br /> -_- --�_� epplled to the sums secured by this Secudty tnstrument whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> If the Property ts ebandoned by Bortower, or if, atter notice by Lender to Bortower that the condemnor oHers to make an
<br /> ";n�:r'°�� award or settla a clalm tor damages, Bortov+er talls to respond to Lender withln 30 days atter the date the notice is ghren,
<br /> - -_-�•-M���� Lender Is authodzed to coilect and apply the proceeds, et its option, �ither to restoratlon or repair ot tho Proporty or to the
<br /> -�`-'�-�� sums secured by thls Secudty Instrument,wheiher or not lhen due.
<br /> �"=91-'�°"-�ti Unless lender end Bcrrower olhervvise agree In wrki�g, eny applicatton of proceeds to p�lncipal shall not extend or
<br /> - �:; postpone the due date of the manthly paymente referted to In par�graphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such paymenta.
<br /> - - _= 11.Barrowar Not ReloAUed; Farb�ar�nce By Lstedsr Not a Walver.Extension of the time tor payment or
<br /> - �_`� modiNcation o1 emortitstion of the eums securod by this Secudty Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in lnterest of
<br /> BoiTOwer shell not operate to release the Ilabiiity of the odginal BoROwer or Borrowe►'s successors In interest. Lender shRA not
<br /> ,_'.� be requlred to commence proceedings agalnst any successor In Interest or refuse te e�,tend time (or payment or otherwise
<br /> ---_ � � modily emortiratlon o1 the eums secured by ihls Secutity Instrument by rea�on o}any demand made by 4ho otlginal Bortower or
<br /> Bortower's successore In Interest. My torboaranco by Lender in exerclsing any dght or remody shall not �e a wa(ver o} or
<br /> -" -� preClude tho exercisa of eny ri�i�i ur �e���ody.
<br /> ---_ - _—_ 12. Succ�t�sors �nd Aaufgns Bound; Joint and Several Liabllit�Y Co-slgnsrs.The covanants nnd
<br /> °-°° agreements ot this 8ecurtry Instrument shall bind and beneflt the successore end esnigns ot Lender and BortoY�er, subJect to the
<br /> provislons of peragreph 17. Bortower's covenents and aqreements shall be Jolnt and severei. Any Borrower who co•stgna thls
<br />-�°�"". ����� Secudty InstrumFnt but does not execute the Note: (a) Is co•slgning thls Security Instrument only to mortgage,grant and convey
<br /> --
<br />