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<br /> ` -�+i�:� 'Bonower mey cure suah e deGuR and relnatete, ee pravided In pira4rnph 1B, by causing the aatlon or proceedlnp to be _
<br /> • dismisocd wlth a niilnp that, In Lender's poad falih determinntlon, procludas torfefluro of the Bortowcr'o Interost In tha Properry or
<br /> � other mbtednl Impalrment ol iho Ilen created by ihlo Sacudty InatrumeM or l.ender'� ae�curiry Interost. Boryovrcr shall also bo In I�
<br /> dotaull II Borrovrr.r, dutln� tho lo�n np�llantion �rocesa, gnvo mntcrlalty tuloa or Inncc.urnto tnforrnatlon or stotcmcnts lo Lcndcr(or
<br /> � tal!od to provldo 4endcr with any matorial Intormatlon) In connoctlon with tho loen avldenccd by tho Nate, Including, but not
<br /> • t Ilmitod to, reprosontetlone concernlnq Borrower'o nr,cupency of the Property as e pdncipel rosidenco. i} thle Socurity
<br /> •. '� : Ina!r�ment Is on a leaaehold, Bon�ower shall comply wlih all tha pro�lsiono 01 lh0 10880. II BQROWQ� ecquiraa Ina tltla to the �
<br /> " T� Prc,perly,the leaeehotd a�d the fee tltie ehap not merge unlese I.ender agrees to tho merger In writlnp. =
<br /> 7. Prot�ctlon ot L9nd��'� RIeM� In ths prop�rty. II eorrower fella to podorm the covenante and egreeme n..,
<br /> �Ai°� � cont�lned In thl� Securiy Inatrument, ar there Is a le�al proceeding that may elgnllicanty allect LendeYs righte In the Prope '
<br /> • (euch es a proceedinp In benkruptey,probeta, for condctnnetion or forfelture or to enforce lawa or re�ulaflona), then Lsnder me�, f
<br />_'.;.�—-__.�171 l•-.
<br /> -- - - u'v oiw Nny i�i i'inaidvo� io iiouo3oary iu �nuidci ino v6iuo ui iiw nupn�iy s��u Lnnum'n riyi�ia in iiio nupariy. Lenurr'n aciiunn
<br />' � may Include paying eny sums oecured by a Ilen whlch hea pdorlty over thls Securfty InetrumonL eppeadnp In coun, payln�
<br /> �r�� reesoneble ettomeys' fees and enterin4 on Q�e Property 4o make repalra. Althauph Lender mey take actlon under this paregrepl�
<br /> 7, Lender does not havo to do ao.
<br /> --- -� Any emounta disbureed by Lender undar pa�ggraph 7 shell become additlonAl debt of Bnrrower uecured by thls 3ecudt� F,
<br /> � �� ;:a Instn�mant. Unleaa 8orrower end Lender egrea to othzr tertns o} payment, ihese arnounts ehnll bear Interest fram the data o� -
<br /> . dlsburoement at the Note rate end shall be pAyabie,wlth Intorest, upon notice from Lender to Borrawer requesting payment. �
<br /> "�;"., :,: � 9. M01'�g�AO Insurancs. 11 Lender requlred mortgage Insurance as e condltlon of making the laan secured by thl� �
<br /> ,,},,;,, 3ncuriry Instrument. Borrower ehell pey the premlums requlred to mulntaln the mortgage Insursnce in effeut. N,for any reason,the _
<br />=;�F �.;:, martgage Insurance coverege rnqulred by Lender lapses or ceeses to be In effect, Borrower ehatl pay the premlum3 roqulred to =
<br /> ��.•.t�.:, obtuln coverage eubstentlaliy equlvalent to the mortgego Insurence prevlausly In eftect, at e cost eubstentlalty equlvelent to the ,_
<br /> coct to Borrower o1 the mortgnge Insurance pravlouaty In eHect, lrom an altemate moRguge Insurer approvod by Lender. II
<br /> ��-,��>.�r substantially equhratent mortgage insuranca coverege Is not availablo, Borrower ehnll pay to Lender each month u sum equal to -
<br /> �';-,;:�:�'+ one-twefRh ai the yeariy mortgage Insurarsce premlum belnp pald by Botrower when the Insurence coverage lapsed or oeased to
<br />°�- '° be in efiect. Londer wiU nccept,use nnd ratain these paymente es e loss reserve in Ileu ot mortgago fnaurancA. Loss reserve `
<br /> ���'�� . paymerrta may no longer be requlred,at the option of Lender,If mortgsge insurance coverage(In the amount and tor tho pedod _
<br />�`����"° �' that Lender requlres) pravldad by an Inaurer approved by Lender egeln becomea avallable and Is obtelned. BoROwer shall pay --
<br /> �� �� ' the premlums rsqulred to malnteln mortgage insurance In eflect, or to provldo a loss reserve,untll the requlrement for mortgage _
<br /> `.�.��r Insurance ends In accardance with eny written agreement between Bortower and Lender or applicable law.
<br /> ,g�, .
<br /> .�'�"'' � 9. InepeCtlOn.Lendar or Ita egent may meke reasonable entrles+ upon and Inspectlone of the Property. Lender shall glve
<br /> ��'� BoROwer notice et the qme of or pdor to an Inspectlon speclfying reasonable ceuse for the Inspection. r
<br /> - "�' 10. Cond�mn�tlan. The proceeda of sny sward or clalm for damages, dlrect or consequentlal, In connection with any -
<br /> -`�=��'� condemnetlon or other teWn ot en
<br /> �,:t g y pert of the Property, or for conveyance In Ileu oi condemnatlon, are hereby asslgned and
<br /> =�+�.��:� shall be pald to Lender. -
<br /> j;��s-�� In the e�snt of e totnl taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be epplied to the sums sccured by thls Secudly
<br /> =:�'.� Instrument,whether or not then due,wkh eny excess peld to Borrower. In the event of e paAlal taWng of the Property In whlch
<br />-.'`a��.., the felr nwrket value o1 the Properly Immedlatety beforo the taPing Is equal to or greater than the amouat ot the sums secured
<br /> .-:,;;�,�-'�'- : by thla Securlty Instn�me,r.t Immedistely bMore the teking, un!esa Borrower end Lender otherwiae agree In writing, the sums
<br /> --__W-i:�� eecured by thls Sncurlry Inetrument ehall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds muRipNed by the following har.tlon: (e)tha
<br /> -..:�ty,�r��s`� total amount of the sums oecured Immedfatety before the taking, dlvided by (b)the fair market vatue of the Property Immedi+�tey
<br /> -`�_=�. betoro ihe teking.My balance shail be pald to Bortower. In the event of a partlal tel�ing of the Property in which the falr madtet
<br /> ���. value o1 the Property Immed{ately betore tfie taking Is leas than the amount of the aums secured Immedietety betore the tak)ng,
<br /> ---- unless Borrower snd Lender othenxiso agree In wdting or unles� applicablo law othenvise provldes, the proceeds ahall be
<br /> _ epplled to the sums securad by thla Securiry InsUument whether or not the sums ere then due.
<br /> I}the Pr�perty is abandoned by Borrowar, or If, etter notice by Lenda to Bonower thAt the condemnor oftors to make an
<br /> eward or �etUe e ctalm for damages, Borrower ta11s to respond to Lender withln 30 days efter the deto the not�ce Is given, _
<br /> Lender Is quthodzed to caNect and epply the proceeds, et (ts optlon, either to restoration ar repalr af the Property or to the
<br /> --�-- sums secured by this Securfiy Inatrument, whethe!or not then due.
<br /> Unless Lender end Bonnwer otherwise agree In wr(ting, any applicadon oi proceeds to principal ehall not eMend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments reterred to In paragraphs 1 end 2 or ohange the amount ot such p�ymeeite.
<br /> -- 11. 8aruw�r Nat Rd�ased; Forbear�nce By Lsndsr Not a Waivor. Extenalon o1 the tfine tor payment or
<br /> modtAcetion o}emortizaUon o1 ihe sums eecured by this Security Instrument grented by Lender to eny a�cceasor In interest ot
<br /> Borrower shsN not operete to relesse the I(eb{Iity of the originat 8ortower or Borrower's succes!oro In Interest. Lender shall not
<br /> be requked to commence proceedings agalnst any auccessor In Interest or reiuse to extend time tor payment or otherwise
<br /> — modifyr emorllzatlon of the sums secured by thls Secudty Instrument by reason of any dmland made by the odginel Borrower or
<br /> - -° 6onower'a succeasors In Intereet. My forbearance by Lendor In exerclsing any dght or remo�y shall not be a walver of or
<br /> - - -= prectude the exrrclse ot any rlght or temedy, --
<br /> - ii. 'oucceaso��a end i+asigne �saunq; Jo1nt end Several Llabllity; Caalgners. The covenants ,�nd
<br /> ,_� agreemonte of this Security Instrument ehall bincf and benem the successore and esnlgns ot Lender and gorrower,subJect to the
<br /> provislons ot parcgraph 17. Bortower's covenante end agreementa shall be Jolnt and several. An�BoROwer who caslgna thls
<br /> __,,� Secudry{nattument bui does not execute the Note: (a)Is co-slpning thls Security Instrwnent onl,y to mortgago,gmnt end convoy
<br /> thet 8orrower's Interest In the Properry under the terms o}this 3ecurity Instrument; (b)Is not personalty oblipated to pay the
<br /> �= suma secured by thla Securiry Instrument; and (a) agrees thet i.ender end eny other Bortower mny agree to extend, modify, --
<br /> -_-_ ' forbeer or make eny ecr.ommodetlons with regard to the terms of thls Secudty Instrument or the Note without that 8ortower's -�
<br /> _��
<br /> ---- con�ent. --
<br /> _=„-.,___ - � 13. Loan Charg�f. I} the loan aecured by thts Security Instrument Is eubJect to e law which eate maximum lonn -
<br />___ �a charges, end that law IS flnaily Interproted so that the Interest or other loan charpes collocted or to bo collectod in connocUon
<br /> ' __-_-� ; with the loen exceed the permitted Iimita, then: (a) any such loan charge ohall be reduced by the emount nocessary to reduce -
<br /> -__` ____ , the cher�7e to the permitted Ilmit; nnd (b) any sums already collected trom Borrower whtch exceeded permftted Iimft� wlll be =-
<br /> Y refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to mako thls retund by reducinfl thn princlpal owed under the Note or by making a
<br /> �y"���+. direct a ment to Borrower. I} a rotund reducea dncl al, the reduction wlll be trented as a _-_
<br /> P Y p p partial prepayment wkhout any �
<br /> ���`°=�--`r��;�:� prepayment charge under the Note. '
<br /> -�.ti�-��•'�� 14. NOtiCee. Any notice to Borrower provided for In this Secudty Inotrument ehall be gNen by dclivedng It or by malling It !-,
<br /> _..-.�. -.
<br />-°._.j.��,�2;r�• by first clasa mau unlesa eppllcable law requlros use of another method. Trie notica shall be dlre�ted to tho Property Addross =
<br /> or any other addrese Borrower deslgnates by notice to Lender. My notloe to Lender shall be glven by flrat ctass mall to
<br />"''..� Lender's flddresa etated hereln or enV other flddress Lender deslanates 6v nnticn ta eonnwar Anv nnfi�o .,..,�i.��r...i., ��.i. -
<br /> -.��='^`" Secudty Inatrument shan be deomad to hnva been given to Bortower or Lender when plvan es provlded In this peregreph. �~ i�
<br /> .���r� �•^ 1b. �overning I.aw; Seve►eblllty. 7his Securiiy Instn:ment shali bo govemed by fedeml law nnd the law ot tho e�
<br />_ . , Jurisdlctlon In whlch the PropeAy Is locnted. In the event thnt eny provislon or clauoe of thls Security Instrument or the Note �
<br /> con0lcts with applicnb�e law, such cnntilct shell not nttect oiher provlslons of thls Secunry Inatrument or tho Note whlch can be
<br /> ,. glven elfact without tho conlilcting provlsfon.To thls end tho provlafons ui this Secudty Ins4rument and the Notu nro dectared to
<br /> ° .' bo snvomble.
<br /> . , ' 16. Borrower's Copy.Bortower shull bo given ono conformed copy of the Noto nnd o! this Security Instrument.
<br /> �.�• �
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