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<br /> �'�� ' TOGL�I�tER YJITfI all tho Improvcmcnts no�r or herc�fter erected on the propezty, and a(I e3sements,nppurtenancos, c�nd —
<br /> , tlxluros noe; or hereafter a p�rt o}the proporty.Ail reptaceman4o ond adsllliona shail ctl:o bn coverad by this 5ocurity Instniment. �
<br /> All of tho torogolnfl Is rctcrred to In thls 9ecurlty Inatrument an tho 'Property."
<br /> BORROWER COVEP�ANTS thnt Dorrovacr la lavlully aclzcd of tha esinto hcrcby convoycd and hna thc ri{�ht to rjrant and
<br /> convoy tha Property and that tho Proparty l3 unoncumberr�d, oxcept for encumbrences of recerd. Hnnowcr warranto and wi;l
<br /> de}end genocalty the title to the Property agalnal nll clalms snd demands, oubJect to sny envumb�ances ot rocord.
<br /> • THIB SECURITY INBTRUMEN7 combines unitorm covenante (or natlonal uae and n�n•unitorm cAVenanta wlth I!mltad�
<br /> varlationa by Jurladlction to constitute e unlform eacudry Inatnament covArinp rcal proporty. � �
<br /> • UNIFORM COVENANT9. Borrower end Lender covonsnt end agree ae tollows: 6
<br /> � 1. Reyment of Pvinclpal and Intar�st; P�epayinont and E.ate Chnrgee. Borrower shall prampt{y pay when �
<br /> due the Pdncipal ot end Interest on the debt evldenced by the Note and any prspnymcnt and lato chnrges due under tho Note. w �
<br /> �� -� '--- !. PUf1QB TO► INXYY �II� IIRfQfNtIC01r .7uUjtici iu nN��nuauin iavr �i w d ri�iivi�WfiiJ6i�jI�o�i'L�S�,°v.:��.:��~L�� j��j• -
<br /> �;�
<br /> � • to L.ender on th� day monthly payn�ento are due under the Note, untll the Note Is pald In full, e eum ('Funda")(or: (a) yearlyb
<br /> --:,;�,d taxos end essessments whlch may ntteln pNorlly over thls Securlty Instrument as a Ilen an tho Property; (b) yearly leaeohold� '
<br /> ,Erw��•�_� €
<br /> �� paymonte or groui�d renta on the Prope►ty. I} sny; (o) yearly haznrd or proporty Insurence premlums; (d) yearly tlood Inaurance
<br /> .h, . premlums,it any; (e)yearly mortgage Insurance premlums,It any;and (Q eny sums payable by Borrower to Lender In accordancea �
<br /> with the provislona ot parsgraph 6, In Ileu of the payment ot mortgege Insurance pramlums. These items are called "Eecrow� _
<br /> . � Itcros.' L�ndcr may, at nny tlmA, collect snd hold Funds In an amount not to exceed the maxlmum amount e lender for e �
<br /> ',, federally related mortgage loen may requlre for Bortowar's escrow account under the tederal Real Estate Seltlement Procedures -
<br /> .� Act n1 1874 as amended hom time to time, 12 U.S.C.� 2801 et seq. ('RESPA'y, unless another law tfiat eppNas to the f'unds -
<br /> sets a lesser amount. If so, Lender may, nt eny tlme, coAect and hold Funds In an emount not to exceed the lesser amount.
<br /> - �� ., �, Lender may ostlmate the amount oi Funda due on the baels of cunent date end reusoneble esdmates of oxpendltures o1 tuture _
<br /> "" "y Escrow Items or othorwlao in accordanca wtth appUcebte I�w. °
<br /> �r• •�� ,'`•�� Tha Funds shall he held In an Uistitutlon whose deposits are fnsured by a tederal egency, Inatrumentality,or entiry(including -
<br /> Lender, 19 Lender Is such an institullon) or In eny Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall appty the Funds to pay tha Escrow
<br /> Itcm�. Lcndar may not charge @oROtier for haid!ng and applylnc�the Funds, ennually nnalyzing the escrow account, ar vedtying _
<br />_ � , � the Escrow Items, unlASS Lender pays Bortower Interest on the Funds and applicable iaw pe�mlts Lender to make such a =
<br /> _?'.'�• charge, However, Lender may requlre Borrower to pay A one�tlme charge }or an Independent real estate t� reporting servlce =
<br /> used by Londer In connectlon with thls loan, unless applicable law provldes otheiwlse. Unless en agreement Is mada or _.
<br /> - eppllceble law requlres Interest to be psld, Lendor shall not be requlred to pay Borrower any interest or samings on the Funds. _
<br /> „ ` `� Borrowor end Lender moy egree In writing, however, that IMerest shell ba psld on the Funds. Lender sheli give to Borrower, =
<br /> `� without charge,an annual accountin4 of the Funda,showing credlts and de6lts to the Funds and the purposo for whlch each =
<br /> ''��';f' �'�� deblt to the Funds was made. Tha Funda are pledged as ndditional aecuriry for ell sums aecured by the Security Instrument.
<br /> i'. � _
<br /> If the Funds held by Lender excead ihe amounis pertnitted to 6e held by applicuble law, Lender shall account to Borrower
<br /> °'�S"•�"�`' tor the excess Funds in accordance wfth the requlremctnte of applicable law. If the amount of the Fund� hdd by Lender at eny _
<br /> -.� :_�;��, tlme Is not sufflcle�it to pay the Escro�v Items when due, Lender may so notfty Borrower In wdUnp, and, in such case Borrower
<br />_yr_��' .1�,.+� shall pay to Lender the amount necossary to make up the deficlency. Bonower shail make up the defictency I�� no more than
<br /> ,:•.�,,-;,�f twclve monthty pnyments,et Lender's sole discretlon.
<br /> ` .k:�.,�r. . Upon paymant In full of ell sums secured by thls 9ecudty Instrument, Lender shail promptly refund to Bortower any Funds
<br /> --=�-j�4'�'. held by Lmder. Ii, under paragraph 21,Lender ehall aequire or sell the Property,Lender, pdor to tho a�quisttion or sale ot tne
<br /> �T`�`��'�' Property, ehnll eppy eny Funds haid by Lender nt the time of acqulsitlon or sale es a credit egalnst the aums secured by thls
<br /> _�:{,..,r+e�
<br /> -_•;���••:.� Securlty Instrument.
<br /> m:�;f�r;>>7`;,��i• 3. Appllca4lon uf Payments. Unless epplicable law provides otherwise, all payments recelved by Lender under
<br /> -°'��� � paragrephs 1 end 2 ehall he eppllad: 9rst, to any prepayment charges due under the Note; second,to amounts payable under
<br />_
<br />