� _�,._-� � �.—
<br /> :�-,g��:'. _ .. - - - - - - � - -
<br /> r ^��'_�.1�. •t,� . . , . - . . . - ��.� �. • .. _. . `
<br /> �� . . , _ ,, - . . . . . . - ����'!�-3` . .
<br /> . `rnc�teR M+r� .0 � � �► a � �a o� e� �e�►. ,�a d� w�+�, r�;
<br /> .;pNne�■�oe.,��at..mr.lde�.�nad.oii and p.rl�ts.od peo�s;waa rl�ts,na s[act.ea all nxtoua oowr or nae�ller. .
<br /> , �t of lie piapeety.Mt�pl�oe�e�s�d idditians�ll al�o.se cuverod by tbis Se�qrltY imtrument. All of tt�e far�oi�tr
<br /> rekn�1a!n tlds Sa�ray I�tinru�+nt a�tha•'Pe�npeety." _ � ' ,�
<br /> � BCiitROWER COVBNAM'S tlnt Bato�es�S IswfWty tei�ed af We.esptc hecebY mmeyed acd b�i the dg6t to Er�ot aad ,
<br /> owwey tde Prupaty�od thtt the Piopaty is uaa�mberod,esaept for a�combrances of rxotd. 8orrower wananta�od�!i . �
<br /> -- deTad seadraiiy thc dtk t�the PropertY�ii�si�it ci�+ound.d�t�ds.snt►ject ta anY�oes ai�oaN�- � - �
<br /> i.r,�.�.t ar M�dpr�i,Lta+ae s�w Lak c'iaRe.aon+uwer sh#11 pa3►w6ar aue�he princip�t o�aad 'mtetr,u on.tne .
<br /> debt evi�eooed by tho Note aod 1�te d�uges due under the Note. .. .
<br /> .. Z.MoNh1� Pl��ae�t�ot 11�u��Lma�es a�d Otl�ec-CbsrQes. Bor�ra shal!indude in tach ma�NblY P�9�. .
<br /> wgq6er wlth tUe priacipal ud iarenst aei set fortb i�the Note aed any late c6argas.au iasWlaieat of aaY-(a)t�utcs and specS�l
<br /> � kvied or to be levied agsiast the i'tupetty. @)�Id PaYu�e�s a Sm�uri �e�s on�tfie P�npeRy. and (c):: < ..
<br /> premiumc for inwr�aoc rcquired b�P�cagrapb 4- . , "
<br /> F�ch momhly iashllment far items(a),(b��d(c)sba�i eqaal ooe-twelRh of ttte annu�l amou�s.as reasonably estitaated .
<br /> 6y Lea�ter,plus an atnount sut'�aenk�m��iutain w additiatai baFanoe of nat tmre than a�c�sixth of the e�imated amounts.T6e
<br /> fd[�i�na�mit for exh item sha�be acaimatated by Leodeit within a periad ead'mg aae moath befon an item wouJd
<br /> — boconK ddirxryat. I�ender s6alt 6oW the amoan[s.aoflecoed in wst ta pay items (a?. (b). and (c) before tLay ba�ome
<br /> �. . • . �
<br /> ' �y •_-.� ��::j.:;'_�.•'.:
<br /> If.ac any time thc totaf of t�:paymmts l�eld by�'�.iwas(a). (b).and (c),togetikr with tite fa�is�iaaiubly .
<br /> paymeuts for such items payabte to,�,eader pdor tp the du��dates of sucis e�ms,caaoedg by moro thvi one-siztie E�'e�tnatod
<br /> amount of paymen�.raqitired to pay such ite�ns:w5en dae,and if paymentsad the Note are curt+ent,;ttl�e�»rndes sha�t elthet
<br /> � � ....._ , . ;:'_-
<br />-' refuad the ez�:over oi�si�fh of tbe e�bjnate��iali�t�or credit thc'lea�o�9 over ot�sixth'of t6e�e�aated Pa�tt�ts �;;.:,.;'�,.
<br /> ta
<br /> - subseqa�e�at�s3,mauts by Bornower.at the�tiari af Homuw�:UE"tUe tqtai a�.tbe payrn�ents.made by.8orrower for,iErne{a},tb�, �-�
<br /> f
<br /> _or (c}ns�suf�derii"co pay-�he��e��wi�duc•"then gnr�uivec s1i�U;pay to leodcr�ny�amount necessary,to;!�ice uA-�be,.f:;,`::
<br /> '� deficie�g an or b4fo`r'e ihe date the.iretn�ebbmas due. . � � � , ,
<br /> .. ;�: .. � , `
<br /> � . �`,, ; � .. .
<br /> =_ — .�-- As used ii��tfiis��S�surity 1�ment, "Socretary•, means the Seee�tary of Hauing and 11tb�:Devcfoprotat 6r�f iis�or her
<br /> :;,� — dcsignae,In any ycar in which the Lender must pay a martgago insurar�ce premtum to the Soctetsdy.racC�monthty p�yment
<br /> _= shalt�also;includo eittxr:(i)an iastaliment of the Annual mortgago insnru�oe premium to be paid by I.ender to the Secretuy,or
<br />__--_ : _ (itj a�ii�aiuhty charge ins'tead af a mactgage insurdnce p�emium if this Security Instrument is held by �he Serretary. F.ach
<br /> ° - monthly installment of tM mo»gage insuraace premium shall be in an amaunt sufficiem W accumulate the full anAUal mo�tgage
<br /> iasurance premium with i.endcr one month prior to the date the full annunl mortgagc insurancc premium is due to the Secretary.
<br /> - or if this Suurity Instrument is ixid 6y the Secretary.each monthly charge shali be in an amount equal to one-tweiftti of
<br /> � o,x-half percent of the ouutanding principal batance due on the Nate.
<br />:��' If Horrower tenders to l.ender the iuQ paymens uf all sums secured by this Security Tnstrument.Borrower's account shall
<br />:���;� bc croditod with the balance remaining fat all instaliments far it�ms lai. (b). a�d (c)and any rtxsrtgage insurance premium
<br />--=''` inst�lhnent that L�enda has nat become obligated to pay to the Secretuty.anci lxnder shall prompity refund any eacess funds to
<br /> ' Barrawer. Immediately pdor to a foreclosure sale of the Property ar its acquisitian by i.ender. Barrower's ucoount shall be.
<br /> • creditod with any balance remain�ng for all installments for items(a),(b).and(c).
<br /> ,�:..,.'; 3.Appliation of P�ymeats.AU payments under paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applicd by I.ender as followa: '
<br /> ,� .�:
<br />��4�' First,to the martgage insurance premium to be paid by l.ender to the Seeretary or to the monthly charge by the Socretary
<br /> ` � instead of�he monthly mortgage insuraruc premium:
<br />=.,• �- Seooad,to any taaes,speciai assessments. leasehotd payments or ground rents.and fire. ilaod and othcr haiard insur�noe
<br />=_ premiums,as required:
<br /> Third.to interest due ander the Note: .
<br /> � Faurth.to amortization of the principal of thc Notc: -
<br /> • Fitth.to late charges due unde�rl�.Vote. `
<br /> , ��iAIMEI v�+m z or e
<br /> ......,_.__.__,-.__. ._...__-� -. _........ ....... .. _ _.__.. ...., -- ._.__. _..
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