�t .�a`. .� , , ' •� ..�., � -- � 4 ,.., r-- -
<br /> ,� , � _{ J�:�,; _ . . L -_ _ — _'"'
<br /> � r' ._...A.�y" � � -- � +. .. .�- . .-t_ ..�- xs4-....i-_ --`-.�...._-- .-.-
<br /> . .
<br /> _ .!-�... . . _ "
<br /> V ' ^ ���plll�`G+�1trilta�w�Y .. .. �.:r�r�' "'—�'___,_—__.
<br /> _M����� _._ .... . ..._ .... . . . ...... .._ ... ... ..
<br /> :_I1'v[`-� '
<br />` ;�,°.�'� • '7. PPOt�atlon oi Lind�r'�Rlqhto In ths Property. i� eoROw.r rau� co psnom cno cova,ante ena .o�.«n.na
<br /> oonta�nod In ti�le 6aeurHy Instrument,or there Is a fepal procooding thet mey afpnHfcantly afleot Lendera ri�hte h th�Prop�rty (auoh II� r
<br /> �' a proceedin0 In bQnkruptoy,probate,tor condemnatlon flr IoAaNure or to entorce lawa or reputatlone),then Lt�nder may do and p�y for „
<br /> v+hnta•!er 13 nnc9seary to protoot tho valuo o� tho PropoRy nnd LonG2ro ri�hts In iho Proparty. Lcnd�r'u actiano msy Ino�uda D�9�0 �
<br /> -•,:x•. any sume soourod by a Ifan vihbh hca prbri:y ovor this Seaar�ty Inatrumcnl, oppcarG�p In couri,p�y�n0 rc;aoonr.bl� nitarncy'o f;.�� cnd
<br /> ' enteiinp on lhs Propwty t�mak�rapt!ro. ARhouph Lendar mey take a�tlon under thl9 parapraph 7, Lend�r doee not have to do eo. �`
<br /> ,o-_ -
<br /> Any �mounle dltburR�cl by L�ndrr untlsr thie paraflraph 7 ehcll hecome sddklan�tl debl of Qortow�r svcured by thia Securiry
<br /> ,�'�� Inetrumont. Unbee 8arrowa �nd L�r►der agrN�to otha terma o} piymani, th�sa amount� shaN b�er IntK�st from Ih� data of�
<br /> d�ibu�:����t at th�Nat�mt�and chall ba paycba,wkh lnt:,re�t,upon not!ce from Lender to BorrovrM requeathp pa�ymenf. �
<br /> ,������ hsuranc� u a condkbn ot rtukhp th� b�n s�aurrd by thb L
<br /> 8. Morty�gs IO1W�a110�. II Lendsr roqukod murtpap�
<br /> ,�;;�;� �,.�„^L•fEy 1:�911L::��l1�, nnrjntrc7 nhnll n�v iho 6f[Itlhlrtl� rnultcd to RI.•,hltllhl th8 mortne�e ktsorartca h off�nt. I�, tor any reason, thle _
<br /> —.] a
<br /> mortq�p� Imunna cov��p� nquk�d by l.md�r I�p�oe or cK»� to b�b �float, BorcowK sh�Y pty the pnmbma roquPod to obttlr/�
<br /> _`-��� c�vonp� �u4sUntMly squk�Mnt to th� moRp�p� heuranco puvk►uaty In otfoot, nt a ooat cubat�nt{aly oquNafent ta ths cost to�
<br /> �=�•i BorrowK o} th� mortpap� Intunnc� prwl�usy In �H4ot, from an aRwnat� moRp�po heurer opproved by L�nder. If substnntia
<br /> °:':�:�. • �qulvaNnl mortp�w Ineuranc�oovanp� h not a�IkbN, Borrowe ehail p�y to LsndK Nah month � sum equtl to one�twdtth of th
<br /> _�`� yeaPly mortg�y�hturonca premum 6�hp p�id by Bortower when tho haurance coverage lapsed or ceassd to be In eNeat. Lender w
<br /> �:,., acaapt, us� pnd rettln thosp ptymonts aa • bsn roaorw In Iqu of mortaag� Inauronco. Loss reserve peymwits may no longar b
<br /> �ti� requFred,et the optlnn of L!�nd!r, M moK��s hsurAnae cov�ng� (h ths amount ond for th� period lhat Lond:r roqulrc�)provldtd 6y ;
<br />---'�-'-,'� �n ineurer epprovsd by l.�nd�r ay�ln b�con�ea avillabN and h abtah�d. Bonower ehtll piy the premlums requk�d to maht�h
<br /> --..,.r�eq mortyoQe Innurmce In eHeot, or to provide • loss naNw� untll the requkement for moRpepe Inauranco ends In �ccordanc� wNh viy
<br /> �_..--•-= written apre�nent beiwoen Bortoww tnd Lend�r or epplfc�bla kv�.
<br /> ---=_° 8. (11ipeCt1011. l.cnder or Ne ap�nt rn�y msk� roasombb entrqa upon nid inapaatbna of tha Property. Lender ahtN piw
<br /> - - BorrowK not��at 4h�tim�of or prbr to�n htp�atbn sp�alfyNp natonabM cwe�for th�Inapootbn.
<br /> --_- 10. Condernoetlon. The procNda oi any awad or alaYn for dam���, dY�ect or conssqu�ntlal, h connoctbn wRh any
<br />�_=� condenxirtion or otflor Qakwi�at any pa�t o1 tha Prap�rty,or for convcyanca !n !!:u o!condemnetbn,aro hareby nssign�d u►d �htR 1» �
<br />.__=" pikl to L�n�r.
<br /> __-�--.- In th� w�nt o}� tottl tokhp of th�PropKty, th� procwda sh�ll bs appN�d to th� sums eocur�d by this S�curky InsWm�nt,
<br />``"s%�#� whether or not then due,wHh tny wccese pald to Borrowor. In the eva�t of a partl�l takhp o}the P�operty h whbh th�fak maAck
<br /> vtlu• of th� PropNty fmrt»dMt�y bNon the uktnp Is �qual lo or prs4ter than the omount o} th� sums eecursd by this 3ocurky
<br /> _ __-: Instrum�nt knntiedlaitoy beloro Iho t�Vchp, unkss Borrowa and Lentkr otherwisv aprea h wrRhp, the suma eoCUrod by thfs Securky _
<br /> ��� Instrummt �hoM bs nduc�d by th� amount ot the procMds muklplsd by ths (olbw(np baoUon: (�) tho totd ttmount of th�sum�
<br /> -- e�cund knrtKd�tNy b�fon th�tlkina, dNkWd by (b) the falr nurket vabs of tha Proparty kn►rNdfatey bolon the t�khp.My ba4ina
<br /> shnll be pald to Bortower. In ths svent of a perttal taklnQ of the Property in whbh ths 4k rtwrk�t value of th� PrapKty Ntxn�dktey
<br /> bdon th� taklny fs less than tho �mount of th� sums socured knmodl�t�y betore th� hkiny, unksa BorrowK and La�dsr otherwh�a
<br /> �qn� h wrkinq or unl�s� �pplfcabw kw oth�rwlaa provid�a, th� proc�ods ehaN bo applisd to ths suma soaund by th{s &�curRy
<br /> Instn►mw►t wh�thK a not th�Rum�t tn thon dut.
<br /> = �__^���_._.�»_���� �y�g�����Qf���,r���sN.hy I.rlrw�n Bovnwr th�t th�conden►nor offa'a to m�k��n awnrd or
<br /> BNtN�cl�hi tos d�rtwp�s, Borcower falb to raspond to Lend�r wRhin 30 days aRer the date the notico is pive�.UndK to�uMorix�d
<br /> to coMot�nd�ppy th�procNds.tt Rs optbn,�khx to rostontbn or npa(r ot th�PropKty or to ths sums 4ocur�d by thb S�curky
<br /> - Instrummt,whMhM or not th�n due.
<br /> UnMts I.endK�nd Dorrowv othKwis�aqne in wnthp, ony appllcetlon of proceeda to prNciptl sh�tN oot�xbnd or pos600n�tM
<br /> dus d�ts of ths monthy p�ym�nts rN�r�d to h pan�aphs 1 tnd 2 or oh�nps th�amnunt of euch p�ymw►ts.
<br /> 11. Bor�ower Not Relea�ed:Forbear�nce By Lendor Not e W�tver. �n.nsan o� tn. cime tor paymK►e or
<br /> modlffcttbn o}�mortGratfon o(tM suma a�cund by thta S�curky Instrummt prmtsd by L�ndar to any succ�stor M►inlrnst of 8aruw�r
<br /> shaN nut op�nt�to nfMSC th� Iiebwty ot tho oripinal BoROwer or Borrowsr'a succeasors in Intsn�t. Undar shail not W nqutnd to
<br /> cortwrNnc�prxs�dinps �ga�st�ny tucc�asor h ht��st or rNusa to exbnd tim�lor payment or othwwla modify�nwrtiratbn of th�
<br /> •uma acund by thls S�curity Instrum�nt by roaaon ot eny dsmtnd ma� by th� oripina! Bonowa or Borroww's wccatora In
<br /> ht�nst. Any for6aannc�by L�ndK h �xKOKhp �ny riqht or rwnedy ehtN not ba a waMr of or pnolud�th�uaetck�ot any dpht or
<br /> nrtNdY.
<br /> 1Z. Suc�es�or�and Aselsn�Bound; Jolnt and Seve�el Llsbltlty; Co-sipnera. rn. cownana �nd
<br /> --_ �pawn�nb of thk S�curity Instrum�nt �hall bad �nd b�ntAN ths succeasoro and asaqn� of L�nd�► tnd Bonow�r, sub�ct to th�
<br /> provkbns o1 puapraph 17. 8ortawwa covemnte and epreertbnts shall be Jolnt and s�vrnt.Any Borrow�r who ca�ipna thk&curky
<br /> Intdum�nt but doee not sx�cute the Note: (a) Is co•slpninp this Securfry InaUument oniy to moApW�, pnnt, and conwy th�t
<br /> Borcow�r's htKeet fn th�P�o�»rty undar tha t�rms of thb Socuri4y Instrumant;(b)b not person�Nyr obNp�t�d to pny th��ums aeund
<br /> hy �hh Securky Inatn,ment, ond (o) ngress that Lender and any other Borrower may W�p to �xNnd, modMy, tort�ar or mnk� Rny
<br /> �ccommod�tbna wkh repud to terms ot this S�ourky InsUUmmt or the Noto wkhout that Borrowar�consont.
<br /> 13. LOa�I Chi1'�Ei. It tho ban securad by thls Securtty Instrument is subJect to a kw whbh ato maximum b�n cherpYS.
<br /> - md th�t law b finaMy inbrpntad so that th� intorsst or athv ban ch�rpes colkatsd or to 4� coNectod In Conn�ction wkh th� lan
<br /> ucca�d th�pwmkt�d Ilmks, th�n; (�)any euoh ban oharpes ehell be reducod by thb amount n�c�ssary to nduC�th�chanp�t0 th�
<br /> _ permkt�d ifmlt;Qnd(b)eny sums already oolMatad hom 8orrower whioh exceeded permkted Iimks wiN be r�tund�d to Bonower. LsndK
<br /> may choos� to malce th[a roNnd by reduahp the prir�opal owed under the Note or by makhp a dfroct peym�nt to BorrowK. If a
<br /> - nfund roduc�s prhopat,lhe nduotbn wIN b�V�atod Qe�part41 pnpaym�nt wkhout any pnQ�ym�nt ahu�undor the Not�.
<br /> - 14. Noticea. My not�e to BoROwer provld�d lor w thfs S�curNy In�trumant ehtA be pM�n by delhrorinp R er by rt►allh� k by
<br /> = lirst claas rtwA unWsa appli�abfo I�w raquYes use of another m�+thod. Tha notice shall ba dlr�atod to tha Prop�rty Addross or ony
<br /> - other tddress Borrower desqnates by notice to I.ender.Any nottce !o Lenda shaY be pMen by flrst okss maA to Lenders �ddress
<br /> -� aWtad heroh or sny othx add�eaa Lsnder desipnetes by notice to Borrowar. My not�e provided(or h thb Sacurity Inawment nh�d
<br />--- - be daenwd to havo beo+i pkron to Bo�rowar or Landor whon pNen as provided In this puepraph.
<br /> � 16. Governin� Lew;SEVE��Ib11Ity. Thk� Ssourky Instrument shall be qowmed by ledarel Inw and th� IYw of the
<br />--- =— jurisdbtlon h whbh ths Propwty h bcated. In the event lhat any pruvfsbn or ctause ol this Securky Instrument or the Nata contNCts
<br /> �= wRh �pplk;�bM bw, suah aontllat shall nat a(toot other provls�Ona of thls Sscurky InsWment or the Note which can b�plwn eMoct
<br /> __� wkhout tha contll�[inp provfsbn. To thls end the provisbns of this Security InsWment end the Note are deCrnd to be swroabk.
<br /> ��y� 16. eorrower'a Copy. Borcower shnll ba yhran oM contormed aopy of the Note and of thia &acurily InsUUmtx�t
<br /> _.�_._. ._ _�._ n_ ..� .., .�.� c.V........
<br /> 7I. IrallsTef oi me e'rvperiy vF s oonooc�m u�i.cFaa�m v�n:v.:a:. �� 6� � a:i �•�•• -• •..� ..-r-.•, �.' �".;
<br />'` �`�"";� htenst In k Is aoW or Vansferred (or M a benetbtal Interost In Bortowa is sold or traneterred and Borrower Is not a natu►al pe�son)
<br />'�����-��-�' without Lendxr's prbr written consent, Lendor may,at ks optbn, raquke fmmedl�te payment h lull of ell sums secured by thfs Securfty
<br />•="�'=,`r?';,` + Instn�ment. Howeva,thls optbn shnll not be exeralsed by Lender M exercls�Is prohibRed by tederal law ae ot the date ot thb SeCUrky
<br /> ��'L'*�� Instrument.
<br />--'`S%''��+"� �1 Lender exerolses this optlon,Lender sha11 phro Borrowa notico of sCCebratbn.The not�e shall provlde a perbd o}not bss thon
<br /> � ��`'�� 30 daya Bom lhe date the notice Is delMered or malbd w�hln whlch the Borrower must pay all aums seaured by thks &ecutky
<br /> � .�;.
<br /> ^ t Instrument.I}Borrower ttlls to pay these sums prlor to the explratbR of this perbd,LenMw may invoks any remedNa pemifttod by this
<br />''"'���'�:� Seaurity Instrument wRhout Nrthet notico or demand on BoROwer. Form 902E o/W
<br />:.�:,�,,.,���.;;
<br />-;,'.;•t�.�•• . F102Y.l11t0(IIJ�E) Papv 9 ot 6
<br /> R, ':�i..}..
<br /> r, 01101?{ON
<br />