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<br /> ` T.F�'�4*tT rr`ey:.4^'�s:lEYttkil "°■c■3�IfLWi.'LtA's-
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<br /> -__.."i� ���� •��._... . ..�,.���_—...�,.x.....�..:srr:, HS�ShiSl�ll.31V�5!
<br /> , darrow�Pu escrow n�cCOU�t undsr lhe(edKAI Fkal Eatate Settfer�,nt Prxedurea Aat of 1d74 as am�ndsd hom tkn�to tMn�, 92 U.3.C.
<br /> 2601 ot e�q. ("RESPA"),unbae anothor law thul epplfea to the Funds seis e leseer amount. B eo. �endor mey,at any tkne,ooilcot end '"
<br /> hald Fundn Li an ara�unt noE to cxco�d tho 1a:,3er omount. Lcndrr rnay cotlrnsto Iho nmount of tund�du�on tho basl9 of c►�rrent d?ta �^
<br /> an�S r¢aaonabf�catl�natca ol e�c��ndiiurc�of futuro Eecra:� Itcn:r or othcn•+Lo tn cccord�nco e�lth eppl:ecob l�e,. �
<br /> The Funde ehqll b� held In an Instltutlon who;tm deposko ere InaurcC by a feder�l eQenoy,hatrumentality, or ontky (holudlnp _
<br /> L�nder, B Leeidor L� ruah �n Instkutbn) or in �ny F�dKtl Home Latn 8ank. L�nder shtll nppy tho Funds to p�y th� EtFrow It�m�. __
<br /> L�nder m�y nm oharpY Borroww(or hotdinq rad �ppyinp th�Funda, �nnually �ntty:hq th��ecrow account,or wrNyinp ths E�arow
<br /> Itans,unw�s Lsnd�r p�y�Bort�wx��tsraat on tf�o Funds and�pp�babta I�w p�rmito Lcndc:to mal:o such e oherpe. Howe��r,L.�ntler� �-
<br /> mey require Borrawer to pey e onutkne oheiye tor an hctrpendent rsol eatate tex reportinp eervica used by La�der In oonnootlon wNh v
<br />� . . .. . .. .. . .• • _'_��� ��J� ����..�1��41�1�...r���Lu Inl�ibl�I���G 1�6W �C11f�f � G
<br /> �n{$pQn�UtirBg6 spp��CNOi�iaw provwoa otnwwwv. YIII�DD u�sy�ani�w�t w��Hw u. �/�nwi�u�v.u�.�yv.�.. ..��...�....���.�'�'�_"�" � .
<br /> shnq not ba roqulrsd to pay BorrowM any htK�st or eeminps on ths Funds. BoROwer and L�ncfor m�y�pra In wrkinp, howwK, th�t A
<br /> Intorest ahall bo pald on the Funds. I.ondar ehall pNe to Burrower, wkhout chsrpe, an annual tCCOUntiny of lhe Funds, ehowhp �
<br /> cr�dits ond dobfts to th�funds and th�purpoee tor v�hbh aaoh debk to tho Funde was mado. Th� Funds an pMdp�d as addflbnal
<br /> eacurRyr for all sums aecured by thle&ecurity Instrument. �
<br /> If tho Funds he{d by Lsnder excaed tho emounts permittod to be held by apptfcabfe law,Lender shtB account to Bortower tor tho �
<br /> axceas Funds In accordanc�wkh th� raqukemente of opplaabfe law. If iho amount ot tha Fund�hold by Lender e! eny tkr►s h not -
<br /> suf(icfent to pty the E6crow Itana whon du�,Londsr may eo notHy BoROwor h wrftinp,and,h auch cass Bortowsr ehaH pay to LonWr
<br /> tha amount nacassary to m�ko up thv deffclwioy. E�ortower shall make up tha deficlenCy h no moro than tweHe monlhty paymants,�t
<br /> Lendor's eole discratbn.
<br /> Upon paymer�t In tun oi AN sums secured by thls Eecurfty Instrument,Lendar shall promptty reNnd to Bortower any Funda h�{d by
<br /> Lender. If, under Daropraph 21, Und�r ahaR acquk�or saN the PropeRy,Lender,prbr to tha acqubRbn or�Iv o}th�Prop�ty,ihtM
<br /> apply any Fynds h�td by UndK at th�tim�of aequkkbn or sals aa a cradk ap+�hst th4 sum�e�eund by thb S�curky Inttrum�nt.
<br />- 3. Appltcatlon of PaymenL. Unlese appiloablP law provlde9 othe►wlse.eN peymente reCONsd by Undar under puapraphs �
<br /> 1 and 2 shaN be spplled: firet,to any prepaymont ahwrpes due under the Nota;tocond,to amounti pay�bk undw panpraph 2;thPd
<br />, to intorest due;fourth,to prk�oipai due;and last,to any late aharpea due under tha Note.
<br /> 4. Chatye�; Ltens. BoROwar shall pay all taxea, asssssmente, oharpes. fhes and knposkbna attrbutabla to the Proparty
<br /> whtch may att�ln prbrRy over thb Security instrument, and leacehotd p�yments or pround rents,N any. Bortowar shaH pay thas
<br /> obll�tbns in tha mmt�nnnsr provid�d In p�rapraph 2,or if not pald h that mmner,Bortowor shall pay Ihem on tYne dirpotly to th�p�rtan
<br /> ow�d paymsnt. Borrower shaA promptiy fumish ta Lender aH not�ea of amounte to ba patd undet IhFs psragr�ph. If Borrowe mak�s
<br /> th�sa paymaits dfreoly, 8orrower shaq prompty tumish to Londer recelpts widonalnp the paymenta.
<br /> Bortowa chaA prompty dtaoharp��ny Nai whiCh has prbrity owr thl�3acurky Inatrument unk11 Borruw�r: (a)�QrM7 h wrkhy to
<br /> th�poym�nt o}the oblipatWr+ seCUrod by the Ikn In e manner acceptabb to Lonater;(b)conteata N Oood takh tN�IfM� by, or d�Nnda
<br />- �p�ahst�ntarc�nent of th�INn In,Wpal prxMd)nps v�hioh In ths Land�a opinbn oponto to prwail th�onforcemont of the li�n;ar(o)
<br /> �ecurN kom tM holdK of th� fiwt in �pnotrMnt satMtaatory to unuor auDaranatnp th�i� io mio S�cudry insuurriir�i. ii Lw�uw
<br /> dotartnhas that any p�R oi the Propsrty b subJeat to a Iten wh�h may attah prtorityy over thla S�cu�ky tnsWnxnt, LendK m�y OMe
<br /> Bartower n notb�Idmti(yinp the Wen. BoROwar shnll satisty ths Nen or taka on�or moro of the aclbna�et forth �bow wRhh 1Q d�ys
<br /> ot th�pkir►p of notla.
<br /> 6. Hazard or Property Insur�nce. Borrower shall keep the n,�,rovemen�a now ex��hy or nereafter �rec�od on t►�
<br /> PropKty hsund�ptin�t bss by Nn, haurds Includ�d wkhln ths term "ext�ndsd covw�ys"�nd �ny othK fivards,includhy tbods a
<br /> fbod'np, for whfch Und�r nquins htunnc�. Tl�b hsunncb ehaN be mahtaln�d In th� �mounH �nd tor th�p�riod� th�t LandK
<br /> nquirq. TM Insurmca caRM► providlnq th9 Msurance shall bs chosen by 8orrovtir subj�ct to l.�nd�ft epprovRl whfCh shaN not bs
<br /> unnRCaubfy withh�id. II Barrowwr faMS to mahph cavarape doscr�bod above. Lendar may, at lv�dws option, obt�ln cnwn�to
<br /> probot L,M�N�s riphts in th�PtopMty in aC�o�duiC�wRh pu�9r�ph 7.
<br /> AN Insuru�c�poNaf�s�nd r�new�l�shtN be acaptabb to Londer and ahall include s stu�dt�d moAp�p�c�ua. UndK sMN hav�
<br /> th�rtpht to hotd tM poNaMs and ra�wab. If Lend�r nqufns, Bonow�r shall prompty plw to UnalK til ncNpts of paW pnmwnn
<br /> nnd ronwral not��s. In tha ov�nt ot toas, Borcower sha8 pivs prompt nottco to ths Insunnc� cLrkr�nd Lend�r. Und�r rn�y mrc�
<br /> proof ot bss M not mads prompty by Borrower.
<br /> Unlas Lend�r a►d Borrower otharwise ayre�In wrkiny,Insur�ncs proceeda shap be applf�d ta roston.tion or npalr o}th�Prop�ty
<br /> d�rtMp�d, M th�nttoration or npaY b �conom�aNy Naaibb and Londer� securky la not N�t�reod. If th�nstor�tion or np�P k not
<br /> �conomloalN Nasbw or Undws s�curksr woutd t� kss�nod, the haurtnc� procsods shoA bs �pplied to th� eums s�cund by thk
<br /> S�cudty InaLvm�nt, wMth�r or not thm dus, wkh any azCass p�ld to BOROwir. It BorrowK Wandona ths Property, or dcu�s no!
<br /> �nswK wkhin 30 di►ys � nott�� �nm I.�nder that th� haurana� aartier has oltsnd to s�ttM �ckim, then LendK mky coMct tM
<br /> hsurmco procNds. I.�ndK rtwy us� the procsed� to npatr or rattore the Prop«ty or to qy �ums sacurM by thi� S�curky
<br /> Inthummt, wh�tha or not th�n duo. Th�3adty porbd wfM bpin when the nat��Is Oluon.
<br /> iJnl�ss L�ndK end 9ortowK othwwlao�qne In wrkinp,any appNcatbn ot proc�sds to pnc�tal shaN not�xt�nd or postpon�tM
<br /> dw dat�o! th� monthty paymants nMrnd to h par�ynphs 1 and 2 or ahany�th��mount o! !h�payment�. If und�r pu�pnph 21
<br /> ths P�op�ty b[cquYW by La►der,Borrowsr's ripht to any hsunnca poucles and procaads naukinp nom damo,q�to the Prop�ty prbr
<br /> to th� �c�ukkbn shali pnsa to L�idsr to tha extsnt o} the suma secured by thb 5ocurky Instrumer►t Immrdiatoy prbr to ths
<br /> acqulsRbn.
<br />— 6. Occupancy, Preservation� Maintenance and ProtecUon of the Property; Borrower'a Loan
<br /> Appllcetion; Le�elMDids. eorroww shai�o�cupy, esWbliah,and uso the Propsrty as Borrow�'e princpal ro=fdwic� wRhh �b�ty
<br /> daye�ttw th�exacutbn ot this SeCUrity InsWmw�t and BhaA Qontinue to c>ccupy the Property as Dorrower's prinaipat�ealGenca tor at
<br />— Iwst on� y�u aR�r th� data o} xcupancy, unbss Lender otherw{se epreee h writhp, wh�h canaent shaN not ba unroaaontby
<br /> wRhhNd,or unNss�xt�nuatin9 c4cumstanc�s�xist whbh ua boyund Borrower'm control. Bortoww shaN not d�sUoy,damap�or MpaY
<br /> ths Propaty,aUow tAs PropKty to det�bnt�,or c�mmk w�ste on the PropeRy. Borrower shafl b�In �fauk If any tortokuro actbn or
<br /> procaedinfl,whether atuH or crfmfnal,Is bepun that In Lenders pood fakh Judpment could resuft h lodekure of th�Property or othewlsa
<br />_ ....�..i.u. i......4 u.. u.n �r..r..f ti� te,te Gr.�uw, �n■en,mnne nr 1 anrt�r'a ear.udw hlorast. 6nrtnrrwr mav cura wch � dMuik and
<br />� ......_..r� _..� ..._ �.. _.�_ _, _._ ----._, ...---..._... _. __..__
<br /> reinstete,as provided In pua�praph 18, by cnushp th�natbn or proceedha to bs dismissed wkh t rul�p thet, !n Londer'e qood hHh
<br />= determhttlon, proaludea lortekure at the Burrow�r's htorest fn the Proportp or other mat�tal impatr►nont of tho 11en crontod by thia
<br /> SecurNy InsWme►it or Lendor's s�curityr interest. Bortower shali also be h defauR H Borrower.durinp th�ban opplicatbn procass,
<br />- pava matvrtaly fetse or haccurate htormatbn or statemeaits to Lender (or tetyd ro provide Lender wRh any matarlal Int¢rm�tbn) k�
<br />,� connoctbn wkh tha ban ovkl�nced by the NotQ, M!oludinp, but not Itmitad to, representatbns conceminp Borrower's accupanoy o}the
<br />_'_ Propety as •prinelpal rasld�ncs. tt this Socurityr Inswment Is on n taasahoM, Borrower ohaN compy with atl th� proviabns ot the
<br />= lease. If�iartower noqulms fee tkb to the Property, tho lensehold and the fee tHb shall nat merQo unbss the Lender syrees to fhe
<br />� marper In wrkhA. Fo�m sose o�ao
<br /> F109A1M0(4/CO) Pap�2 0l 6
<br /> ■
<br /> 9
<br /> ntln�p���� -
<br /> '1
<br />