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<br /> 10.TRUBTOR NOT RELEAS��; rOItdFAItANCE AY BLNEFICUIRY NOT A WA,IVER,F;xtension of tho time for�ayment
<br /> or madificntion of nmor2iention oP tho e�me cecured by this 5ecurity Instrument ffranted by Beneflciary to nny su,cceacor in =
<br /> intesc.�t of Truntor nhnll not opernto to releaRO tho Unbility of tho ori�innl Truetor or'1y uutor'H nucc�seore in inWreet.8eneficinry �
<br /> nhnl! uot bo rcquired to c�mmenc� �rocecdinre n�ninnt nny nuccesKOr in intore�t or rotLiHO to extend tiinm for payment or ��.•
<br /> othonvi�so modify nmorttantion af tho eume eccured by thir�$ecur(ty InHh•umant Uy roanon of nny domnnd mndo by tho osi�inal �_,
<br /> Tru�tar or TrunW�'n auc�esorA in interest.��y forbenruncm by Henofictury in oxoreteing any rl�ht or re.medy ehall not be a _
<br /> � wpivar oi or preclucie tha exercien of nny rigitt or remedy.
<br /> � 11.TRANSr�R OF'PHE PROPE�RTY OR A B�NEFICIAI.INTERGST IN TRUSTOH.If all or any part of the Proporty r
<br /> or c►ny interest in it iA nold or trnnefurred tur iP a baneficial intarest in 2`rustor ic�old or transferred and Trustor!o not n
<br /> nntarnl poreon)without Heneficin�y'e prior writton conaont,Henoficinry mny,at ite option,requiro immedisto puymont in
<br /> � Pa::�w::�u�s sxtm3 b;;thi��ct!`%ty 1nat.►•umant,howavor:t}ua outiou�l:oll not be exerciced 6y Bvn�fir.inry if exerciee �-.
<br /> ie prohibited by fedvrnl law ae of tino dnta of thie 8ecarity Inetrumont.If Heneficiary exercises thia option,Honuficiary slisll
<br /> give Truetor notica of accolorntian.Tho notico ehall provido n period uf not less than 30 dnys from tlzo date tha notico ie
<br /> 1 doliv�red or mailed wlthin whicl�the Truetor must pny nll�ums secured by thie 9ecurity Instrumont.If Truator faile to
<br /> � pay tlieso euma prior to tho expirntion af thie periud,Bcrnoficiary may invoko nr►y remedlea permitted by thie 8ecurlty
<br /> � Inetrumont without flirthor aotice or demnnd on Z'ruetot: _
<br /> • 12.EVENTB OF DEFAULT.Any of the following ovents ehsll be deewed nn evont of default hereunder:
<br /> a.Trustor shnll have failed to mske pnymant of any lnstslimont of internst,principal,or principul and interast or f
<br /> an,y other eum secured hereby when due;or
<br /> b.The�'8 heA occurred a breacli bf or default under nny term,covenant,agreoment,condition,provieton,repreoon-
<br /> tntion or warranty cantained in any of the Lonn Inetruments.
<br /> 13.ACCELERATION;REh2EDIE5.Beneficisry shaU give notice of defsult ta?Yuetor prior Go acceleration following
<br /> 'Prustor's breach of any covonsnt or agreement in thie Truet Deed.The notice shall epecify:(a)the default;(b)the action
<br /> required to cure tho d�fault;(c)a date,not leas than 30 days From the dute the notice ia given to Trustor,by which tho
<br /> dofault muei,L0 eai•ed:and(d)that fufluro to cure the default on or beforn thP dnto specified in thn noticc+mqy result ua ,
<br /> ecceleration of the sum�aecured by thie 8ecurity Inatniment and sule•al th� Propert_ The no+ce qhall fi •ther inforna
<br /> Trustor of the right to reinstate aP.er sccolerntion end the right t�bring a court setion to assert the nan�ex�dtence of a
<br /> defnuli;or u�y other defenee of 2`rustor to�cceleration and sule.If tho dofault is not cured on ar bafare the dste specified
<br /> in the notica, Beneficiary at its option may requiro immediate payment in full of sll eumb secured by th{e Security
<br /> Instrument without further demund And may invoke tho power of eale and any othor reraedies permitted by applicable
<br /> law 7`ruetor shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pureuing tho remedies provided in thie purugruph 19,
<br /> including,but not limited to,reaRanable stWrney�e fees and costs di title avidence.If povrer af eale fe invoked,ZYustee ehall
<br /> � record a notice of dofault in ottch county in which any ptut of the Property ia locnted end ehull mail copiea o£euch notice
<br /> in the manner prescri6ed by applicable lsw to Truator and to the other pereone pxeacribed by�upplicablo!aw After the timo
<br /> required by appllcable lsw,Tsvatee ehall givo public notice of sale to the pQrsous und in the manner prescribed.by spplfe-
<br /> abla law Truetee,without demand on Truetor,shaU sell the Properky at public auction to the higheet bidder ut the tirne
<br /> �.,.�nl�r.,»nd under the terme desit;nated in the notice of sale ia one or more pArcels and in any order Truatee determines.
<br /> Trustee may postpone sale of all or nny parc�l of the Prnperty by public announcemunt at the time and place of eny pre-
<br /> vioualy scheduled eale.Beneficiary or its designee mt►y purchsse the Property at ftny ettiv.Upon recoipt o4'payment of the
<br /> price bid,Trustee shall�eliver to the purchaaer�ustec+'s deed conveying tlxo Praperty.Th9 recitnle in the Trustee'e deed
<br /> alinll ba prima facie evidence of the truth of tho etstements made thorein.Truetee shall apply tho proceede of the eale in
<br /> the following order:(a)to aU expenssa of th4 e¢le,including,but not limited W,Trnstee's feea oe pernutted by spplicable
<br /> !sw and reasonable attorney's fees;€b)to all sums secured by thie 8ecurity Inetrument;snd(c)any excese to the peraon or
<br /> peraana legally entitled to it.
<br /> 14. BEN�FICIARY IN POS�£SSIQN. Upon accelerntion under parngraph 18 or abandonment of the Property.
<br /> Henercisry(in porson,by agant or by judici�lly eppointed receiver3�hall bo entitled to enter upon,take posaeseioa of aud
<br /> mansge the Property and to collect the rents of tho Property including thoeo past due.Aqy rente oolTected by BeneSeiary
<br /> or the receiver ehnll be applied first to pr�ymient of the coste of manngemen'of the Property snd collectfon of rente,includ-
<br /> ing,but not limited to,receiver'�feea,premiume on recaivoi's bonde und��eaeonable attorney'e feea,and tk�en to the anms
<br /> aecurecl by thie Security Inatrumeut.
<br /> 16.RE14�EDIEg NOT El'►CLUSIVE.TrusCeo end Beneficisry,mid ench of thom,ehall bc�entitled to enfarco payment
<br /> and performanco of any indebtedneae or obligatione secured hereby and to exerciso all rights aud powere under this Deed
<br /> of Truet ur uinder any Loan Instrumont or othcr ngreement or nny Iswe now or hereafter in force,notwithetat�ding some
<br /> or all of tho euch indebtednese end obligntione secured hereby way nuw or 6ereafter be otherwiso eecured,whether by
<br /> mortgage,deed of truet,p:edgc,lien,nsaignment or othorwise.Neither the acceptunce of thia Deed of Trust nor ita enforoe-
<br /> ment whether by court action or purauunt to tho power af eale or other powere herein�contained,ehall prejudic�e or in nny
<br /> manner affect Truetee's or Beneficiary�a right W reAlize upon or enforce any other security now or hereafter held oy'1�uatsa
<br /> or Ben$ficiary,it beiag agreed that Truoteo end Beneficiary,�nd each of them,ehall Be entitled to enforce thie Aeed of Tivat
<br /> and any other security now or horeaftor hetd by Benoficinry or Trustee in euch order and manxzer ae they or eithor of them
<br /> may in thoir nbsoluta diecrAtion determine.No remedy herEin conforred upon or reserved ta'iYustee or Boneficiary is
<br /> intended to be exclueive of any othor remedy herein or by law provided or permitted,but each ehnll be cumuletive and
<br /> ehsll be in addition to every other remedy given herewidar or now or hereaf�er oxieting ut law or in equity or by etrstuta.
<br /> Evory power or rome3y given by nny of the Lonn Inetrumonts ta Trustee or Senefic{nry or to which either of them may bo
<br /> otberwise entitled,mny bo exercieed,concurrently or indopendently,fkom tinie to time cu:d u�o2ten ae mtiy be deemed expe-
<br /> dient by Trusteo or Benoficinry nnd either of tuem mqv pureno inconeistent ramedles.Nothing herein ehull bo oonetrued
<br /> ea pruhibiting Beneficiary from seeking a deficiency judgment ugainet the'i�uetor to tho oxtent euch action is permitted
<br /> by luw
<br /> 16.GOVERNING LAW. This Deed af Truat ehall be governed by tho luws of tho Stute of Nebraskn.In the event that
<br /> any provieion or clauae of any of the Loan Instrumente conflicte with applicnble lnws,such conflicts shall not uffect othgr
<br /> provieione of suct►Lonn Instrumeats which can be given of�'ect wit,hout the conflicCing nrovleion,and ta thts end thv pro•
<br /> vieione of thv Loun Iu�truuienta n��e declared to be severable.This instniment cannot be eraived,changed,die_hersed or �
<br /> terminnted ornlly,but only by nn inetrurnent in writing eigned by tlio parLy against whom enforcement of aqy watver,
<br /> change,dischnrgo or torminution is sought.
<br /> 17. RECONVEYANCE. Upon pAyment of all sume accured by this Security Inetrument,$eneficiury ehall requeat
<br /> m.....�.,e�...e....nvnv fhn Prn�wrtv nn�1 chwll ourn+ndar thia Rrruritv�nntrumnnt and all notea evidencinF debt eecuTed by
<br /> �•-+ ^- -'-�-'-+ --- --'--' - �
<br />- thie 8ecurity Inetrument to Truetee.Trueteo ehall reconvey tho Property�vithaut�varrnnty und without cltargo to tho pc+r•
<br />= son or porsone le6ally entitled to it.Sutli person or persone eiinll puy pny recordation costs.
<br />= 18.REQU�S'T FOft NGTICES.Truetor requc�ta thut copiea of the notices of defnult nnd aule be sent to Trustor'e
<br /> - nddreae which ie the Prop�rty Addreso.Truetar further requeats thc�t copies of the not.ices of dofnult and sule be eent to
<br /> each portton wlto ie u party Itereto at the addresx of such pernon cet furth hei�ein. -
<br />�� 19.A10�ICES.My notice Lo 1ti•ustor provided for in thie Security Inetrument ahall he Qiven by delivering it or by mnil• -
<br /> - iug it by first clase mnil unless npplicnble luw requires use of nnothor method.The notico ehn11 be directed to the Property _
<br />