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<br /> 1 THI9 UF:EJ�Ur TRUST,ie maclo na ot ��.rat�t�Ay of_ June ,lg 94 „�,by
<br /> and nmong_ �3rbar� A. H�usah d ("Truetor"),whoso muiling sdslreae ie
<br /> 0 � Street� 9narks, Nevndn F�9�3 . Otto and/or Rose Hausoh'lld _
<br /> (`Truetee"),wl�ose mailing addreas te ,�,;2�i N ,��nv�tt,e t�nt��i``�js a c . Nebraska__ B�Q�_
<br /> �d Ot�o And or Roso Hsuse i�i.l� _("Beneficlary�") ---
<br /> whose mniling nddresa te 2.3,�3e7('0.vet.te AvAnu@..a_�rand Zsland��jebrask�. �803.
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CON9IDERATION,Truetor irrovocubly trnnefere,convaya and aeaigae to Trueteo,IN TRU3T,1'VETH
<br /> POWER OF BALE,for tho boneftt and security of Denofictary,undor and sut�ect to the torme and conditione of thie Decd of Trust,
<br /> the real property locuted in the Citp oC Grand Tsland , Couaty of
<br /> ,__ H'ill ,Stnte otNebrneka,ort�i leg+�lly descrit�ed ns fallowe(the"Proporty"): _
<br /> E 1/2 of bot+7• Blwek 6. Wiebe�s Addition to the City of I
<br /> �rand I�Jand� Hall Count�, I�ebr.aeka
<br /> TQ(31ETHER WITH, r2nta,easemente,appurtenancea, ure taments,intereats in nc�joining roade,stteota and alleye,
<br /> improvement3 euad buildinge of any kind situated thereon and aU pereonal property that may be or hereafter become an integral
<br /> psrt of such buildinga and[mprovemenW,all crups rnised thereon,and nll wnter rights.
<br /> The Property and the entiro eatate and interest conveyed W tho 7Yustee are referred to collectively ae the"'ISvst Eatata".
<br /> FpR TFFE pUI2P09E OH GECUItIN(3:
<br /> n.Pnyment of indebtness in tt:e totalprincipal amouut of$ 1���U0•00 � µ{t]1 iptgl'f8t Y�l0tC8s�eai vial��d b�Y t. na� 3
<br /> certain promisaory note of even date(Lhe'Noto")with n rasturity dnte of �Tune �� 1999 �s ee 9
<br /> oxecuted by TrunWr,which hae beea delivered nnd ia paynble to tho ordor of Bencrficiary,and which by ttus referenca ie hereby
<br /> made a part hereof,und any end all�nodi&catinne,dxtenaione nnd renewals thereof,and I
<br /> b. Payment of all euma udvanced by Beneficiury to protect the Truet Estate,with Interest tuereon at the rate of
<br /> �9],$YS'lXL:,—[�rceat ( ).i �6)per unnum�and
<br /> a The performence of Truetor's covenants and agreements.
<br /> Thie Ueed of Truxt, tho Nate, sjnd any other inetrument givon to evidence or furthor securcj the payraent and
<br /> performance of any obligntion sacwed hereby are referred to collecttvely se the"I.aan Inatrumeats".
<br /> l. PAYMENT OF INDEBTEDNE39.ZSruetor ehsll pay when due the princ{pal of,aad We iutcjreat on,tbe Indebtednese
<br /> evidenced by the Noto,chnrgea,feee sind nll other eume na provided in tho Loan Instruraente.
<br /> 2, 'fAXE$AND A85ESSMENTS.Trustor ehall pay all taxe�end epecial aesesemente of every ktnd,now or hereaRer levied
<br /> egainat tl�e truat eatate or any part t}�ereoF ue followe:
<br /> (ini one)
<br /> 'lYustor ehaU directly pay euch ttixes, without notice or demand ne each instnllment wmeo due nad shall
<br /> provide the beneficiury with evidenw of the pnyment of tlie eame.
<br /> Truetor ehall pey to bcjneficiary one-twelfth of tho real eatate tnxes each montli :sd �uch other aseeesraonts
<br /> ne they 6ecamo due.The onQ-twelfth paymeat ehall be adjueted unnually as tho tsxee change and truatar egreea that
<br /> after pqyment of the t�xee each year thst any deficiency will bn promptly paid to Benoficiary. Honeficiary agrees
<br /> to provide truetor with receipta ehowing thst the resl estate tsxes hqve been pnid in full end rahmn due.
<br /> 9. JNSiJIti4NCE AND REPAIR�.1Yuetor ehnU maintsin fue nnd e�cLende�d coverage insiixance Ineuring the improvomonts
<br /> and buildinge coustituting part of the Trust Eatatu for an eunount no leae than the amount of the unpaid principal balance of the
<br /> Noto(co-ineurance nat exceeding 80°,�permittod).Such inaurance policy ehall contain a standard mortgngo clnuse in favor of
<br /> J Beneffcinrv and ehall not bo ctutcelluble, terminable nr modifinble without ten(10) days prior writtea notica ta BeneScinry.
<br /> Truetor nhell promptly repnir,mainttain and replaco the Truat Eatrite or c�ny part thereof so tAat.except ior ordinnry wet►r and —
<br /> tear,tbe Trust Eatnto shall not dpteriomte.In no ovent shall tho Trustor wmmit waet�e on or to Ehe Trnst Eatate.
<br /> 4. I�.CTIONS AL'FECTINd TRUSTESTATE.'lY�ustor shall sppear in and contest any astion or proceeding purporting to
<br /> affect the security hereof or the rights orpowers of Benefidary or Trustpe,end shsll pay ull costs snd expensea,including coet of
<br /> ovidoace of title and uttorney'a faes,in ony auch uction or prceeedin�in which Benefcciary or'14vstee may nppear.Should Truetor f
<br /> fail to make nqy puyment or to do nny act ea and!n the manner provided in any of the Loan Instruments,Honeficiary and/or
<br /> 44ustee,ench in ita own discration, without obligation so to do nnd without aotice to or demand upon TrueWr rsnd vrithout
<br /> releaeiug Truetor from nny obligntion,mqy maka or do tha oame in such manner and to euch extent ue either msy deem
<br /> nace�sary to @rotcet tha securtty hereoG Truetor ehall,iminediataly upon demand Lherofor by Bcnoficieuy,pay all rne�,e and
<br /> exponsea incurred by Beneficiary in coanection witli the exercieo by Beneficinty of tho fomgoing rights,including without
<br /> limitation wsts of evidonco of tttle,court coste,apprAisnls,surveye und nttarney's fees.Aqy such coats and expenses not pnid
<br /> witihin te:n(10)dqys af written demandshall draw interest at the defuult rnte provided in tho Note.
<br /> 6. EMJNENT DOMAIN.Should t1�eTruet Eatote,or any part thereoF or interesC therein,be taken or dsmaged by reusoa of
<br /> eny public imp�»vement or condomnatton proceeding, or in any other mannor including deed in lieu of Condemt►ntiou -
<br /> - ("Condetnnatton"),or ehould'I'niRtor a-ecetve any not{co or other information regerding euch proceeciing,Truatar ehall giva prompt
<br /> written notice thetcof to Beneficinry.&neficiary ehall be ontitled W all compenaution,awerds and othnr p�ynnent�or relnof
<br />� � therefor,und shall bo entitled at ite opHon to commenco,appenr in and prosecute in its own name any action or praceedinbs. I
<br /> Baneficinry sliull aleo ha entitled to make eny compromieo or sottlement in connection with such tnkinq ur damage.All euch
<br /> Mro�n�c:�,.�. wwnrda dnmare�.rlrrhte of action and proceede awarded to Trustor (the "Proceede") aro hereby assipned to
<br />' I Bone6cit►ry and 7Yustar n�rcco tn exewte such further aseignmente of tho Praceede ne BeneIIciury or Trustee mqy require�.
<br /> 6.FUTURE ADVANCES.Upon rcquest of'Itirustor,Beaefi�inry,at$eneficiury's option,prior to reconveyAnce of tlie Ptoporty
<br />_= to Truetor may mnke future ndv[inces to'I`rustor.9uch thtur�udvances,with interest thoreon,ehnll bo secured by this Ueed of
<br />- I Z`ruet wlien ovidenced by promisaory noles etating thnt eaid notes aro secured hereby.
<br /> 7.APPOINTAtI:NT OF'SUCCTiSSOR TRUSTEI:.Heneficiary muy,from timo to timo,by n�sritten inetrument executed and
<br /> - � ncknotivledged by Eleneficiary,mniled to'Pru�tor nnd itecorded in the County in wh{ch the'1'ruet Eetato is locntecl fsnd by I
<br />..,� I otherwlse wmplyin�with tha provieior•af t0e applicnblo Inw of the Sttato of Nebrnakn eubstituto n eucceeaor or succcasore to
<br /> thu Trustee nnmed horoin or ucting hei ►der.
<br /> � 8.SUC��SSORS AND ASSI(1N5.This Dee�of Trust npplies to,Inurea to tho benefit of and binde nll purtiea hereW,thoir �
<br />� I ItQira,legatecs,divorceo,personQl reprcsentntit�es,Rucceasore and nseigne.'�he term "Honoficiary"shaA menn tho owner and , -
<br /> holder of tho Noto,wliether or not nan�cd ns Benef ciury hernin. '
<br />'� 9.IN9PECTION.Banc�ficinry or iW agent:nny muke mnsonnble entriea upon and in�pectione of the I'ropett}.Deneficiury '
<br /> = I I ahnll give 94ustor notico at the timo otor prfor to on inspection opecifying reusonnblo cnuse for tho{nepection. _ �'— - -
<br />_
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<br /> Rev.B185 �r =.
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