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<br /> (d) �rentor hne tho r Q t en e uthorisod to oxocuto and portorm Ita Oblldationo undor thie Dnod of Truat nnd thoco actlono do not nnd
<br /> chnll not ContilCt��Ith tho provinlons o1 any otatuto, rapulotlOn,ordlnnnco,rulo of Ipw,contrnot or othor aproomont whlch may bo binQinp on
<br /> prnritor nt nny Ilmo; _ �`� '�
<br /> (o) No aotlon or proceedlnp lo or ohall ba paneing or tltteatened whlch mlpht matorlaliy aHcct tho Proporty;and
<br /> (f) �rantor hno not vloleted end ehall not vlalate any etRtute,repulntlan,ordinnnce,rule of law,contrnct or othor uqr6emant(Includlnp,but not ��,
<br /> Ilmited to,thoa�povernlnp He:erdous Materlals)Nhlch mlpht materially nffaot the Property or Lender's rlflhte or Interast In the Propnrty purouant „ _
<br /> I to thPo Deed ot Trust. ' . ;
<br /> 3. PRIOR @EEDB OP TflUST. Qr�ntor repnsmts and warranta that there er�no prlor deoda ot trust aHaotinp any part ot the(�roperty exCept as aet „
<br /> I forth on Sohedulo B RttROhy�to thle Do�d of Truet,whlch(ir�ntor�pre�a to p�y and peAorm In a tlmety manner. II thore are any prlor deede ot trust �
<br /> then Orantor aflrc�e to pny nll amounte owed,end perform all obllgatlon�nqulred,undev ouch tleads of truat end the IndebteUn�ss aecured theraby ,�r
<br /> __ , 1 snd lu�tiwr epraeo fhal a dofouit uidor any prlor dc^d of trutt ahnll be e dnieult under Shle Deed o1 Trust and ehell ontitle Lender to atl rlphte nnd
<br /> ._..,w;w�,;.,,��.,.,�h...���.��t►,.n►�u�■tinna ro wMch�.nd�r would b�enUtled In th�ewnt of nny other deldutt.
<br /> � 4. TRANSFERS OF THE PROPEATY OR BHHEFICIAL INT@REBT$IN aRANTORB OA BOHROYNERB. In ths svent ot a eaie,conveyance,iea�e, - «- �� s -
<br /> -•=� contraot tor deed or trenefar to nny pereon of nll or eny paA of the renl proporty descrlbed In Schedule A,or any Intereat thereln,or of ell or any Y
<br />- . . ,.� b�n�ficlel Int�reet In Borrowcr or arnntor(If Borrower or�rantoc Is not a natural peraon or�eraons but le a corporation,Ilmited Ilebility company, .
<br /> ' paAn�rehip,trust,or other lepel entity),Lender mey,at ite optlon deGl�re the outatendlnp pr nclpnl bnlence of the Obllpntlone piva accrued Intereat .
<br /> therwn Immediately due end payable. At Lender'e requeat,Ornntar or Borrower,as ihe case may be,ahall furnlsh a complete etatement settinp farth �
<br /> all ot ite stockholders,membere.or partnere,as approprlate,end the extent ot thelr reapective awnetahip Interests.
<br /> � G. Al331QP�RlElJT OF RENT9. In eonelderetlon o}the Obligatlons,whlch nre ne.ured by thie Deed ot Trust,Qrantor n�bsolutely asslgne to I.ender all � � �
<br /> � ; J Cirantor'e entate,rlght,title,Intere�t,clelm end demand now ownad or hereaHer sCqulred In all oxlsting end future leaeea of the Property(Inciuding n , T
<br /> extenciono,renewnle and eubieeees),ell e�reemente for uae end ozcupancy o}the PropeAy(all such lenses nnd egreemente whether wriflen or oral, ,.•_�.
<br /> ere hereafter reterrod to ns the'Lessas'),nnd nll guarantlea of leaseea'peAormance under the Leasea,together with the Immedlate and contlnulnp ,n�,� �
<br /> .l rlght to collect snd receive ell ot the ronte,Incame,ror.eipte,ravenuea,lasues,profits and other Incame o1 any nature now or hareafter due Qncluding . • ,.,-..�.r�
<br /> � any Income ot any nature a�min0 due durinp any redemptlon period)undor the Leeoes or irom�r arlsing out of the Properiy Including minlmum
<br /> rsnte, addltional renta,petcentage reMS,parkinp or common nrea malntenarce contrlbutione,tax and Inaurance contdbutlons,deficleney rents, -`°��"`�'�t=:-
<br /> � Iiquldated tlamsgea following defwlt In any Lease, all procaeds payable under any pollay of Inauranca covedng loas of ra�ts rosulting trom ���:k�rc_`'�,•:,`;_'"`�
<br /> " untensntability caused by destruction or damape to ths Property,alt proceede payabie as a roauit of a lessee's exerclse of an optlon to purchale the ,�=«.
<br /> `.Y Proporty,nll proceeda derived tram the terminatlon or reJeotion of nny Leese In a bankruptoy or other Insoivenay procaeding,and nll proseed�irom , . ��"_
<br /> " any dphts and alaims of any kind whlch(3rantar may have againat nny lessee under t7e Leaaes or any occupan�of tho Properry(ell of the abovo r.re �,—_—_
<br /> � � hereafter collectively rsferrod to as the'Rents'). This nssignment Is subJect to the rlght,power and authority given to the Lender to coliect and apply , ' —�_
<br /> the Rents. This assignment Ie recorded In acxordance with appilcable state law;the Ilen created by this ansignment Is Intended to be epecifio,
<br /> peAected,and choate upon the rocording of this Oeed of Trust,ali as provided by nppilcable state law as amended irom time to tima As long ao +,.'��;u-_.-ri=
<br /> there Is no default under the Qblipationa or this Deed oi Truat, Lsnder grants Qrantor a revocable 1(cense to collect all Rents from the Leases when �,�.�
<br /> ,;�,� ;,,_ � due end to use auch proceeds In Otnntor's businesa operntlone. Howaer,Lender may at any time require arant�r to deposit ail Rents Into an .�,��;,.;',��-
<br /> ' ;�:•;;� , account malntalned by(irantor or Lender et Lender's Inatitutlon. Upon default In the payment of,or in the peAormance af,any of the Qbilgatlon8, �"�:'�`�" `R•
<br /> � Lender mny at ita option take possession of the Property nnd have,hold,manapa,leese snd operate the Property on terme and for a perlod oi tlme ;,-�>ii +�`"�-—�
<br /> '' � that Lender deems proper. Lsnder mny proceod to collect and rocaive all Renta irom the property,and Lender shali heve full power to make •���,a��,-
<br /> alterationa,renovattona,repalrs or replacements to the Praperty as Lender mey doem proper. Lender may epply all Rentc In Lender's sole dlscretlon �"`� ���
<br /> ��� to pnymont of the Obligaflone or to the payment o?the cost of such alteratlans,renovatlons,repairs and replacsmenta and any expenses Inctdent to ,��R �
<br /> s taking and retalning possesnion of the Property periadicaliy and the managoment and o�eratfon of the Propertyr. Lender may keep the Proparty �: .
<br /> property Insured and may dlscharge any taxes,charges,clelma,asse9smenta and other Ilena which may ecctue. The expense and ca�t of theae
<br /> .' �� actlona mey be pald irom the Rente received,and any unpald amounts shall be addsd to the prinoipal of the Obilgations. Theae amounte,topsther ,�
<br /> with other coste,shall becoma�art of the Obllgationa secured by thls Dsed of Trunt.
<br /> - �. Z������Ty�e��o�uF�ya r..A�mr anan not teke or tail to teke any aotlon whlch may causs or parmit the terminntion or the
<br /> wlthholdinp ot any paymont In connectlon with any Lsaee or oth�r apre�msnt('Aareement')pertalning ta thn Propsrty. In atltlition,�irantor,wichouc
<br /> Lendsr's prior w�itten conaent,ehall nat: (a)colleat any manlee pnyabi�under any Apreement more than one month In advance; (b)moaf8y any
<br /> " Apreemont; (o) aulpn or allow a Ii�n,sacurity intereat or othbr encumbrana to 1»plead upon Orantor'e riyhte,titl��nd Int�ntt In tnd to any � �
<br />-• ADrNmsnt or the amounM payable therounder,or(d)tsrm�nut�or oancd any Apr��m�nt exapt tor th�nonpaymsnt ot sny�u n or oth�r m�t�rid
<br /> •,� bnach by ths oth�r puty th�nto. H(3rantor receiwn Rt�any tlm��ny writt�n aommunlcation utsrtinp�d�tault by l3nntor und�r�n AprNm�nt or
<br /> purportinp to t�rmin�U or canal �ny Apram�nt, Or�ntor ehall promptly forward � oopy of tuch communlcatian (md �ny wbfpu�nt
<br />,:�; communlc�tlons nlatinp th�nto)to Und�r. NI wch AQram�nb end lh�amount�dw to�rantor th�nund�r en h�nby�utqnM to l.snd�r��
<br /> _.�• adtlltiomi s�euriry tor th�Obllpatlon�,
<br /> �..;,••�• - 7.COLLECTION OF INDEJATEONE88 FROM THIRD PARiY. Undu�h�ll W�ntltleA to notlty or nquln Cir�ntor ro nntiry�ny thfrd party(Inoludlnp,
<br />� . ,�. but not Ilmit�d to,lei�s,IlanNee,povernrnmUl�uthorHl�s md Intunna comp�nla)to ay I.�nd�r eny Ind�btWn���or oblfg�tbn owlnp to •-
<br /> _s �.,�. :: Or�ntor wHh n�p�ct to ihe Prop�r1y(cumuf�tive�y'Ind�trtMn�n')vrh�ther or not�d�}eult�xPtt�und�r thb D�W of Trutt. (3nnta ah�l dll{p�ntly
<br /> coli�ce th�Indsbt�dn��e owlnp to(ir�ntor from th�M thlyd p�rtl��unlll th�dlvinp of tuch notlficatlon. In th�w�nt that(3nntor posNtN�or nalw�
<br /> +. . •,";� , o hsi�nmlttmcei oonril ut�th�pnpaymtnt o}any Indsbt�n��oh th�payint of�Iny Iniurana or aond mnatloni p`Io��or,Orant r�th�ll hold
<br />_a;�'�",d �,` such InstrumsnH and oth�r nmitt�nw�In trun for l�nde epart irom It�oth�r prop�rty,�ndors�ths Imtrum�nt�snd oth�r nmltt�nan tn Under, ��.�
<br />�„*.�..;.y� and ImmWlttety provid�Lend�r with po�s�ulon ot ths Inrirummu and oth�r nmlttanas. Und�r�htll W mNtl�d,but nat nqulrW,to ooll�at(by
<br /> ti�,,,,��„w, Iep�i procNdlnpa or otherwbs),extend th�tim�tor p�ym�nt,comproml�,exchmp�or rai�a�e�ny oblipor or ooltataal,or oth�rwlw Mttl�any of �
<br /> the Indebtednsae whsther or not an svant of dstault�xiete under this AprNmmt. Und�r eh�ll not b�Il�bts to anntor tor any�otlon,�rror,mlttako,
<br />;���'='��''_ omlaslon or dslayp�rta!nlnp w th�aations d�wrib�d In thb panpraph or nny damag�s raaultinp therefrom. Notwithatu�dlnp ths fongolnp,nothlnp
<br /> T.: �•�• heroln ehatl cauae I.�nder to bs deemed a mortpayee•In•poasea�lon. . ----
<br /> ` 0. USE AND NWHTEHANCE QF PHOPER4Y. Or�ntor shall tak�all ectlana �nd make nny repalre nsWsd to rcnintaln th� Prop�ny In pood
<br />� • •� conditlon. Gnntor ahall not commlt or permit any waats to la committ�d with resp�ct to the Prop�Ry. Orantor ahall uss the Ptaperiy eoi�ty In
<br /> - compIlance vrith applicabls law end insurancs pollcles. Orantor ehall not maks any alterntione,additiona or Improwm�nte to th�Prop�rty wlthout __
<br /> --!� . a L.rnder'a prlor wdtten consent. Without Ilm(ting the torepolnp,ell eitsra0ons,additlons and Improvementa mad�to the Property ehall be subj�ct to _ __
<br />��-'_-=_=- u���iuiioSlGai IRYf6ot talonpin$to l.andcr,eh"II nc!!��em^�:ed`•Yl.t!^�!t L9nc��r'e prinr writtnn r_ensent,and ehall bs made at Grantor'e aoU�xpenas. __ ___ ____
<br /> fl. LOSS OR D�JYIAGE. Grantor chall bear the entiro risk of tny loss,theft,destruotlon or dameg�(cumulntiveiy'Loas or Dam�g�")lo th�Property or
<br /> any partlon thereof irom cny causs whataoever. In ths event of any Loss or Damape,Orantor shall,nt the optlon of Lender, repnir thv aHeotid
<br /> �*``��'�5' �� Property to Ita provlous oondltlon or pay or cause to be pald to Lendor the decreass In the falr mnrket velw ot the aHeat�d Property. ��
<br /> -�=" ' 10. INSURAN�E The Prope�iy wlll be kept Inaured tor Its full insurable�a1ue(replacement coit)egalnet all hazarda Inctuding losa or damape r:�-�°��y
<br />� �"� � caused by 11ood,earthquake,tomado end flro,thoft or other caauatry to the extent roqulrod by Lsnder. Qrantor may obtaln Inaur�nce on the Praperty �_.'-- _M;
<br /> �+..'� , from ouch compenlea as nre acceptabio to Lender In Ite sole discrotlon. The Inturence policle9 ehall raqulre ths Insurmce company to provide ,;__ _�"__'�"_"' _
<br /> Lender with at leaat deyx wdtten notice bofare such pollclea nro aRerod oc cancelied in xny manner. The insurance policle�ahall e:� .��-���--=•
<br /> ` �` name Lender as n loss payee and provlde that no act or omlaslon of Ornntor or eny other pereon shall etteot the dght o}Lsnder ta bs ptid the �'~'~+__=_�—�_
<br /> �►: Inaurancs proceeda pertalning to tho loss or damege of the Property. �n the evsnt(3rentor fatla to ecqulre nr mnlntain inwrence, Lender(ari�r �i „_•.•,.
<br />� providinp notice ae mey be requlred by law)may In Its dltcretion procure approprlete inaurnnce coverepe upon the Prqp�rty and th�Insurance cest ���•
<br /> �� shall be an advance payabla end bearinp Interest as deacribed In Patagrnph 23 and secured hereby. arantor ahall tumleh Lender with evldence of ' n:t_
<br /> insurnnce Indicating the roqulred coverage. Lender may act as attorneyIn•fnot for Cirantor In maklnp nnd eettlinp clalme under Insurnnee pollcles, .�, •�'�-
<br /> • cnnceliing any polloy or endors�ng Orantor's nnme on any dreft or nepotiabie Inatrument drnwn by any Insurer. All euch Insurence pollcle3 ehall be +,._. �,. , �+�
<br /> � Immedletely asslpned,pledged and dellvere�to Lender as further aecuriry tor the Obligntlons. in the event of loss,Grnntor shall Immedlately elve ,_�- .``
<br /> '"';`'""�13.�' ,i,
<br /> Londor wriqen notice and Lender Is authori:ed to meke proof of loas. Each Insurance company Is directed to make paymente dlreotN to Lender ..� ,,,�c_, �
<br /> Inetead of to Lender end C�rantor. Lender shall have the ripht,nt Its sote optfon,to epply such monles toward the Oblipatlons or towardthe cost of ��: :.-.•�
<br /> robullding end roetoring the Property. My amounts may at Lender's option be applled In the Inverse order of the due datea thoreof. .._ `'�'�'�-"""
<br /> ...,..,�-..
<br /> 1 t. ZONIHG AtdD PRIYATE COYC-NANT,�,. Oranior shatl not Initlato or consont to any chanpe In the=ontng provlelona or prlvate covenente dNeoting --•+.r
<br /> .� „ ths use of the Propbrly wlthout Lender's prlor wrftten consent. If Orentor'e use of the Proparty becomsa s nonconforming use under any:oning � . . . . '
<br /> provislon,(irantor ehefl not cawss or permit such use to be discontlnued or abendoned w(thout the prlor written conaent of Lender. (3rantor wlll
<br /> Immedlateiy provide Lendnr wlth written notico ot nny proposed changea to the zoninp provislons or private oovenants eNeotinp the Property. ,,,
<br /> - --_-_ .� nnuneu.�.r�nu r..e„�,,,annn immadiateiv orovide Lender wlth wdtton notice of any sotual or throatened condemnatlon or eminent domaln
<br /> _------ ... _....__....�.._._ _._.._._..__ .
<br /> � proceading pertalnUg to tho Property. PJI monlos payable to Orantor Nom such condemnatlon or taking nro horoby assipned to Lencter ena snan oe -`- - '.
<br /> ' applled first to the payment of Lender'a attornoys' feos, legal exponses end other costa (Including apprelsal toea) In cunneotton wlth the •
<br />- condemnation ar ominont domaln proceedinga and then,at the optlon ot Lendor,to tho payment of tho Obllgationa or tho rostoratlon or repalr of the
<br /> Property. —
<br /> 13. L�NOER'S RIGHT TO COMMENCF OR DEFEND LEGAL ACTION6. Cirantor shuli fmmedlatoly provide Lender with written notice of any aatual
<br /> or throntoned nctlon,sult,or other procoodlnp aNecting the Property. Grantor horoby appolnts L,ondor as Ite uttomoy-In-faot to commence,fntervone
<br /> In,and delend auch uctlon3,suits,or othor lagal proceedings and to compromiso or�ettle any clalm or controversy per4slning thereto. Lender shall
<br /> �• not be Ilable to(3rantor for eny aatlon, orror, mletake,omission or delay pertClning to the aotlona describod In this paragraph or any damagea ,
<br /> rosulting therefrom. Nothlnp contalned hereln will provont Londer from taking tho acttons doscribod In this parngreph In Ite own namo.
<br /> ta. INDEMNIFICATION. Londor shAll not asaumo or bo rasponsiblo tor tho porformancro of uny ot Crentot's obligatlon�wtth rospeat to the Property
<br /> undor any Clrcumatancos. Qrantor ehall Immedtatoly provide Lendor with written notico of and IndemnNy and hold Lendor und Its sharoholdore,
<br /> dlroctora,oHicare,empioy9ea and agents harmless from all clalma,damages, Ilabilitlos(Inciuding attorneys'loos and Iegfll exponsas), caucuo ot ,
<br /> " actlon,nctlons,sulta and other legal proceodfngs(cumulutivety'Clalma") portulning to tho Property pncluding,but not Ilmitod to,those Invoiving ,
<br /> -. Hazardous Materlats). Orantor,upon tho requeat ot Lender,shell hlre legal counsel to detend Lender trom such Clulma,and pay tho attarneys'tees, ..
<br /> , legal oxpensea nnd other costs Incurrod In conneotlon therowlth. In the aitemative,Londor shall be eMitled to omploy Ita own Iogal counsol to defend
<br /> - such Clalmo at Orantar'a coat. Grantor's obligatlon to indemnlly Londer undor thla paragraph ahall survive t�ie torminatlon,rolease or foreclosure of
<br /> ' thla Dood ot Truat. '
<br /> . � lPNE3HB `�'FortnAllon IoMnofog�ce.lna�0/20/BS) (600)�7•�789 Pngp2of 6.—_'__.____"
<br />