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<br /> `` �� 'r.�� ���� Honard S eaakl�r, Huebaad arid Wifa
<br /> '.::�:�r•,:, Howwrd B 8aokl�r C�
<br />_�,;..>>•.'.?�; Betriais A Naakl�r I'etriaia A Haaklsr, Huelaand und WiEs ,C
<br /> :.,5� � -'
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<br /> ' � * AGQQ��88 11AqM�iSS
<br /> ': ,..
<br /> '"� - 123 East 11Th 8tr�ot dranda=�lwndh NE��68801
<br /> l3rand 7aland, NR 68801
<br /> _ rlt�ela�lsrw. ro�aac��ox►�u. rerxw+owe�o. 5d76Z1164���Cn'pQ+r�•
<br /> � L:,� 5076Z116�1 _
<br /> • TRUar�6:IInion 8u�k And Truet Coa�p�uiy Cixand I�laAd BL'aAOh
<br /> • �^;; �OOB North W�bb Road, 6lrand I�laad Nli 68901
<br />-- In cansldernUon of the loan a.other credit eccommodstlon hsreinaft�r opeciBW and tny future advencea or future Obligntlona,ae deflned heroln,
<br /> `=-='�' Y, �� ., __ ... � . .. ,,.���� �.�n+n. nnrl and vaivabte conNderaUon.the rocelpt nnd
<br /> -�� WhICh may heroinaiier oe auvei�imi Gi{i�uui7Gu a���Zti^v�iL..�SL.f`...�. 5::�..»�..�..&.___._1 Q___ _
<br /> �'!•� �r � euNiclmoy of which en h�r�by acknowI�dped atantor h nbY Irrovocably barpalna seile,trnna1ero,Grante,conveye a4d aselpn�to Truat�4�his
<br />�_�tw,�A,:;,:��� Union �8ak Jls� Ttuet Co�panY �r+�nd T�lana Brwnan. 9008 North W�bb
<br /> . sucat�ora and essl ns In Vust,tar I,�ndsr',the
<br /> ; ..�. R°aa, ar.na �t■i�NB 68eoa c )
<br />-�':��,'__�� benetidary und�r this De�d of Tru�t,with power ot snle and ripht ot entry and posasssslon ail of Ornntor's prssent end tutun estat�,ripht,tttl�aod
<br /> Int�rest in and to th�re�l propsrty dencrthsd In Sahedule A whlch le attnched to thle D�ed ot Trust and Incorparatsd hsreln by thia reference,toyether
<br /> —Y=_--- w(th all prosent and tutun Improv�mmte snd flxtursa;ali tanplbls psreonai prop�rty Inc�udinp without Ilmltatlon all machln�ry,squlpm�nt,bulldinp
<br /> - -----= maUrlats,and poods o}wtiyr n�turs(�xcludlnp connumer poods)now or hen�ftH locat�d on or ufW In canmctlon wlth th�roal prop�rty,wh�thsr
<br /> ---- or not aftlxW to th�I�nd;�Srlviip��,h�ndlum�nte, �nd appurtananoeo Inciudlnp all d�wlopm�nt riphb�uxlat�d with ths Prop�tly,wh�th�r
<br /> prwloucty or wbfeqwnMy unnHerod t,o th�Prop�rty irom oth�r nal proportyr or now w h�rMk�r wiaaptlbN of trRnat�r from this Prop�rty to oth�r
<br /> .....�� nu propety;f��,llan�s�od oth�r ayrMm�nr;anri,lau���nd profia;wa»r,w�ll,ditch,nwrvolr�nd min�ral riqhts and etockc p�rtalnlnp to
<br /> ,,�`,��i� ttt�rwl prop�ty(cumuladwly'Propety/');to haw and to hold th�Prop�rty and th�rlpht�h�nby 9rnrtt�d tor ih�uw�nd b�nNlt of TrualM,hl�
<br /> ___ �������Nlpn�,untll paymmt In lull of ul Obllpatiom s�car�d h�nby.
<br /> ==- Morwver,In turthar oon�Idu�tion,Onntor dw�,tor Gr�ntor�nd GrantoY�hNn,npn�ent�tivu�nd assigns,heraby�xpnply w�rrant,osvenant,
<br /> and�prw with Und�r�nd Tru�tM and th�lr wcc�uore�nd asslpns a follows:
<br /> 1, ppLIQAT10NS. Thir D�W of Trun�hsil wcua th�p�ym�nt�nd pKiotmana of�II pr�wnt�nd tutun Indobttdn�se,llabllitia,obllp�tiom and
<br /> oovenanb of Borrow�r or Cir�ntor(cumul�tivsiy'Obllpations")to Und�r purw�nt to:
<br /> --___ (a)thl�DMA of Trutt and ttu followinp promis�ory notw�nd oth�r ayrNnwnN: � ,,,,,.,,_,��
<br /> —'-�q��"' �'J�iit7iii�_
<br /> --___-- - �Tt cx�v_uwrr �►a�t�arrw►m v�►rs ►Kw�ur ___ xuw�Rat
<br /> s=� $49,105.08 05/1Z/96 07/1a/96 Z1335 DP 75315
<br /> - —�� I � � I I I I
<br /> --__�s� (b)ail oth�r pres�nt or iuturo,written agreementa with Lender that roter npeclficaily to thls Oeed o}Truat(wh�r�x�cut+d Mr th�qm�ot
<br /> -?...-� dlfNnnt purposN thaa tM fongoin9)�
<br /> ,,�,���; (o) any�ueranty of oblipatlono 01 other pArtles plven to Lender now or h�resft�r executed that rotere to thls Deed ot Truat;
<br /> (d) tuture sdvanae,whether obllpatory or optionel,to th�same extent ne If mnde contemporaneousiy wtth the�xecuUon of Lhis Deed of Truat,
<br /> ==���� made or oxtended on behaif of�rRntor or Borrower. (3rnn4or agrees thet If one of the Ob!Igations Is s Ilne ot crsdit,the Iian of thla Debd ot Tru�
<br /> -=:-�,{ry'i�,� ehalt contlnue untll pryment In tull ot etl debt duo under the Ilne notwlthxtnndlnp the tnat thet from tima ro time(but betoro terminatlon ot the Iins)
<br />--�:i��::�.:..r
<br /> .�,,:_�� no balnnce mny be outetendlpg, At no time ohali the Ilen of thls De�d o}7rust,not Inctudlny sums advanad to protect the security of thls Oeed ot
<br />- ;,,.,;:;;?�;`': T�ust,exoaed3 97,840.00 •and
<br /> ••.� (9)all emandments,extenalons,renewels,modfflcation�,replacemente or eubstitutlona to any ot t��e forsgoing.
<br /> As uaed In�hls Pamprnph 1,the terms Orantor and Borrower shail Include end ateo mean nny(irantor or Borrower If more than one.
<br />- , . � 2. REPHE3ENTATI(fN9,WARRANTIES AND COVENAliT3. �rantor roproaente,wattants and covenanta to Lender that:
<br /> � ; ` ',� (a) (ir�ntor haa fes elmpte mukstnble tltia to the Propsrty and shell melntaln the Property free of all Ilme,sscurity Interests,ericumbrancea and
<br /> cialma sxe�pt 4or thfa�ead of Trust entl thoae described In Schedule B,whlch le attached to thla Ueed o!Trust end Incorpornted henln by
<br /> r e t e ro n c a,w h l c h(i r e n t o r a g r e e a to pa y and pertorm In e tlmei y manner;
<br /> � k (b Grantor le in cor.ipllance In ell respecte with all applicabte tedsre�l,stats and tocnl lawa and regulationa,Inctudln ,without Iimit�tlon,thoae
<br />- . ro�ntinp to'Huardoue Materlata; as deflned haroln, and other environmentat mattero (tha "Envlronmental Lawa�, and nelther the tederal
<br />, ,T:�,�� government nor eny other povernmental or quasl governmentai entiiy haa iited s Ilen on the Pro�erty�nor ars there any qovsrnmantal,judicial or
<br /> sdminlatrstive eatlona with respeot to envlronmental mattere ending,or to the beat ot tha(irantor's knowled e,threntened,whlch InvoNs tha
<br /> - - _P_ ��.I rl����il�wl��e�url �M�r1 •.i1�MaYl
<br /> ,
<br /> __."- '_ ''.."_ r. `""".� ""
<br /> ..:-'-- -----� � PtOplfSSl. NEItnEf(�f11fIi0�f10f,t0 II1C QESf oI l�fMtor o icnowiwyo�any vtno�M6��y ua.uow�y.���.�....�...�...�..��._......�.-.�.-_'-'-'-r---- .
<br /> r � o}any Hatnrdoue Materials ae defined hereln,In connection wlth the Property or traneported flr►y Hezardous Materinta to or trom the Pro�eRy.
<br /> ' Qrantar shall not commit or permit su�h acttone to be tal<en In the future. The term'Ha:ardoua Materials'ahall mean sny substnnce,mater al,or
<br /> � waste whlch la or becomea regulated by any governmental authority Inciu�ilng,but rot Iimlted to,p)patroteum;(II)irlable or nontrlable nsbeatos;
<br /> (Ifl)polychlotinated biphenyls;pv)thoso subatnncea,materlals or wastes deslgnated as e"hazardous Rubs4ence"pursuent to Section 311 of the
<br /> � • Clean Watar Aot or Iiatod pursuant to Soctfon 307 of the Clean Water Mt or a�iy amendmente or replacements to these statutea; (v)thase
<br /> substances,mntorlais or wastes @efined as a'ha2ardous waste'pursuant to Seotion 100�of tho Rosource Canservntion and Recovery Act or any
<br /> cvnendments or repincements to that etatute;end(vi)those substsncos,meterleis or wastes dellned as a'hazardcus sub�tanco'pursuant to
<br /> Sectlon 701 ot the Comprehensfve Environmentai Responoe,Compensation and IJabllfty A.t,or any nmoncimenta or reptecemonts to that etatute
<br /> or any oiher similar stato or tederal statute,rule,regulation or ordinance now or horeaiter In eHeot. (3rantor ohali not Imase�r permit the sublease
<br />. af the Property to a tenant ar subtenant whoso operntloi�e may rnsult In contaminatlon ol the Praperty with Hazsrdous Materinla or to:�lo
<br /> substances;
<br /> (o) All applicaalo lawa and regulatlons,Including,wlthout Ilrnitatior,the Americana with Dlsabllltles Act,42 U.�.C.Seotfon 72101 ot soq. (nnd ell
<br /> � regulatlone promulgated thereunder)and nll zoning end buliding Iawe and regulsttona relating to the Property by virtue of any tederal,atnte or
<br /> . � munlcipal authority with Jurladlotlon over the Propertyr,presently are end shall be observod nnd complled with In all materinl respaote,end all
<br /> . dghte,Iicenses,permite,and certlficates of occupanoy(Inciuding but not Ilmibd to zoning variances,spealal axceptlons 1or nonconforming usea,
<br /> and tinal Inspeotion upprovalsj,whether temporsry or permanent,whlch oro materlai to the use and occupancy of the Property,presentiy are end
<br /> shall be obtelnod,preserved nnd,whero necossary,renowod;
<br />- LPNE6�i C`FormAtbn Teehnoto7iee,Inc.(8/20/BS) fB0010.77•3780 Paqo�of 9--- -----
<br />_.
<br /> � - . .. � ---.--..---._'-.....--__..-------�----'---------�---^—_._..__---- '--��----"._'..—�-..-..___�._��_.�,.:a.— „-,.�.
<br />