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<br /> " ; payments may no tonger be rcquired,at the bptian of Lender,if mortgage insurnnce cavemge(tn the amount and for the periad �.
<br /> Qzut Le;�dce ecquir..$)��ovided by m�Insurcr ap�rovcd by Lender ngnin Urcomes availnble and is oUtuincd.E�oreower shall pny�he "
<br /> pzcmiums rcqulrcd ro �nnintain �norrieagc i��suennce in cifcct,or to provide a loss recerve, undl Iltc rcc�uirc�nent [or mort�a�c
<br /> .� insurnnce ends in Accosdnnce with any written agr�ement beiween Borrower und l.ender or A�plicnble Inw. ,
<br /> �� �s 9.Inspectbn. Lendcr or its agcnt mny mnkc rcasonable cnulcs u{x�rn and inspccdons of the Property. Lcnd�er shall give �;.
<br /> '"y S�rruwer notice�t�he time of or pri�r to an inspection specifying reasonabie cause for thc inspecdon. '
<br /> ��'°'• �^� 10.CoademnAtbn. The proc,aecl.c of wu►y awerd or clalrn for damaqes,dirtct or canseqaential, in connection with any �.
<br />_; �a...�, ► �
<br /> condcmnndan or oiher taking of nny psut of the Property,or for canveyance in iicu of condemnudon,aee t►eacby essjgnad and k
<br /> ..-�:�� shnll bc paid to LcrtAer. `
<br /> ":4"� In tho event of a toWl ttdcing af the Property,thC proceeds shaU be appiied to tite stuns secureti oy tnis Sex:uriiy uuawur.ui, _
<br /> - wnether or not then duc,with any excess paid w 8arrower.In thc event o,�a pardal taking of the Property in whlch the fair market
<br /> -�.. valua of the Properiy immcdlatcly b�cforo iho taking is equal to or greaur t�an the amount of the sums sccurcd by t�is Securlty
<br /> : .::�� Insirument immediately before the taking, unless Bomnw�r nnd l.cnder othenvise agree in wridng. ihe sums secured by this
<br /> Security Inswment shall be reduced by the amourn of the proceeds muldpUed by the following fracdon:(a)the wtnl amount of
<br /> ::�� the sums secured immediately before tha taking, divided by(b)the fair murket vatue of die Yroperty immcdiatcly before the
<br />_Y���, t�king.Any balanc:.sha116�paid to Horr�wer.In the event af n pardal taking of the Property in which the fair market valua of thc
<br /> Property immcdiatcly before the taking is less then tho amount of the sums secured immediately before the ts�lcing, unless
<br />-',"':����
<br /> Hocrower end Lcrtdcr otherw3se a�rce in wridng or unless nppltcable law odierwisc provides.the procecds shnll be applied w the
<br />.,:�i� sums 5ecumd by this S�urity Tnstr�mcnt whether ar not the sums erc then due. �
<br /> _;�� If tho Propecty is abandoaed by Borrower,or if,after notice by Lender to Bonower that the condemnor offers ta make an
<br />-���'-'� award or setde a claim for damages.Bonnwer fails to respond to I.ender within 30 days after the date thc►iotice is given,Lender
<br />���;;;� is nuthorized w colle�t and apply ihe procceds,at its opHon,either to restoradan or repair of the Ptaperty or to the sucns secured
<br />_ by this Securlty InstmmenY,wheth�:or not then due.
<br />-�."�r;� Unless I.ender and Borrower otherwis�;n�cca in writing.eny application of proceeds to princlpal shall not extend or posipon�
<br /> the due date af the monshly payments referred to in paragrap'hs 1 end 2 or chango the amount of such payments.
<br /> ��'�'�i1 11.Borrower Not Releas�di Forbearance By Lender Plot A WAiver. ExtensIon of the dme for payment or modificridon
<br />.:_ia_LL»LL»�l
<br />-,P��i of amorti�ation of tha sums secured by this Security Instmment granted by I.ender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall
<br /> - not operat�w ralease Ihe Ilability of the odginal Hortawe�or Borrower's suocessore in interesG Lender shall not be requlred co
<br /> -=—__ wmmenca proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amonization af
<br /> - - the sums secumd by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the origlna�Horrower nr Boaower's succes.cors
<br /> _-- in interesG Any forbearance by Lender in exercising ony right or remrdy shnll noL be a waiver of or preclude tlie eacrcise of any
<br /> ---
<br />