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<br /> � (n) /tcccpt a p::�nl�ctry prCptyin�nt,dlccouri o�atN�nco p:,ym�nt ol rcnf hcr•�undor In oxcass ol one month, ��� �1����� _
<br /> (b) Ccncc/or t�nnln�iJ IhD r,f.nto,or r.cccpt c.ry cona�Callon,t„rnlnction or ourr,.sa'�r thcrol,or p�rmlt ary r,v�nt ro occur�vhlCh�vauld occur �
<br /> fhoroundor to te�minAto or r.enCel tft0 sntre,ofhor lhnn to�min�tlon�or nanpt+ymart o/r•vit,
<br /> (o) Arner,d or modlfy fhe same ao es to roduce ths te�m ti�nrsol,the rentsl payebla thoreundo�or to chnngo nrty ronownl prwlslons thore/n
<br /> conrelned,
<br /> (d) V{}�Ive any deleult fh9roundar or 6reech tharoo/,
<br /> (e) pNe arry coneent,weAror a spproval ihereu��u'er or�aG;a ary othCr cctfan/n connco8on lhcre:vlth,or wlth e lesaee there�mde�wh�ch would heve
<br /> tho offect ol Impel�ing tha vdfue of tl�o IessoYa Inten�st thereunder a fhe property subJoct thoret0.or ol lmpalr/ng tho posltlon o!Intorest ol
<br /> Benelklarv tr7erdln,oi
<br /> (n Se!!,esalyn,pbdys,mr�rtgepe or otherwise dlspose ol,or encumbe►Its 1nMrest In eny sald leaso or any renra,lasues,prof�ta tssurng or ensmg
<br /> thereunder.
<br /> 17. Nkhror ol Statute d Umltetlons.Tlmo!a d the esaence In all of Austor's obllpaHons end dutl�a horounder;and to[ha oxtent porm(ttod by law,YFusto�
<br /> we►Nea elf presenf or future atetufes ol IlmlMtbns wlth respect to eny debP,demand or obllgation secured horeby and arry acdon a proceeding to�
<br /> the pwpose of enbrcing thls D9ed of llust or arry dghta or remedies contelned hore/n.
<br /> 1bt ABalgnment of Dapo�lta In the e+rent Conat�uctlon oJ Imprawerr�ante!s contempleted hy tho loan ov/denced by the Note secured horoby,os eddldonal
<br /> socurlty thero/ure,nusio�l�eteby lrensfars and asslQns ro 8cnaf/clary,cll rlght,ticlo�nd Intnrest to any and e!1 monles cic�poslted by o�on 6ehaN ol
<br /> �Fuator wlth crry ctty,courtty;putr!lo body or n�ency,sANtary dlstNst,udllry comparr�snd eny other body a a�ency,fa the lnstallallon w to securo
<br /> the Installatbn oi ary uq!!ty by Tivator,pertelning to tho Tiust Properry.
<br /> 16� CorpaaUan or Parmerahlp Ex;sier�ca H 7iustorls e corpaeUon,general pa�tnershtp�or Ilmltad paRnershlp�!t wlll do all Ihings nacatsary to presenre Ita
<br /> coq,wrata a pnRnershlp exlstencel as the case may 6v,and all dphta end prN!inges under the lews o/the atate of 1ts Incorpaatlon or aganizatk�r►.
<br /> 20.Forbearance by Benefklary Not a ISkt�rer.Any forbearence by Benef/clary ln oxercls�ng erry rlpht a remedy hereunde�or othenvlse alladed by
<br /> epplkabls lew,ahall not bo e wafver ol or preclude the ea�er�clse ol ary auch dghf or rsmedy.The pmcurement of Insurance or the ps�+ment o/taxes
<br /> or the dlscharge d Ilens or charee�by BerteOalary shall not be a waluer o!Benefkfary e rlght to acce/erete the maturlty ol the Indebtedness.
<br /> 21. Remed/ea Cumu/arro+e.All remedlos provlded�n this Deed o/F.ust era dl�tlnct and cumulatNa to 3r�y athcr�/ght or rorrrdy ander thls Deeal olliust �
<br /> or eNorcled by lew or equlty,end msy be oxerclsed concurrenty,Independently or succosslvety.
<br /> 22.Successo►s end Ass/gns f3ound;Jolnt and Several Uablltty;Cepttons.The covenanta and agreements hereln conta/ned ahell bind,and the rlghta
<br /> hareunder ahaU lnuro tq the respecthre successors end asslgns ol Bonellclary,Tiustee,end Tiustor.Afl covenants and egreementa ol Tiustor sha0
<br /> be/olnt end se►rerel.The captlonm end haadinps of the paregrephs oi thls Deed ol�iust ere fa convenlenco onfy nnd nre not ro be used to interpret
<br /> or def/ne fhe prov/sbnA hered.
<br /> 2a NoUce.Except for any noHce requlred under appl�abM law to bt+glven In anothor msnner,(a)arry notice to liustor provlded for!n thls Deed ol Truat
<br /> ahalf be gh,�n by m&lling such not.ce by eertH/ed maA,retum recelpt requested addressed to Tiusro�at lts malling eddresa set fi�rth abare or et such
<br /> ofher eddrsss as Tivaro�may deslpnate by nodce to Benet/clery ss prov/ded here/n,and(b)eny nodco to Benelklary a Tiustee ahalJ ba pfvnn by
<br /> certXlod mell,retum recelpt mquested,ro Baneflciary s and Dusteo's malling eddress atated hereln or to such other sddresa as Benotklary�r
<br /> Tiustee may doslgnate 6y notke ro TYusror as provlded hereln.Any notice pmvlded for!n thls Deed of 7Yust ahal►be deemxd ro hsve been�hrert to
<br /> 1Fusta,Bertelklary or Tiustee when ghren In the mar+ner a'eslgnatad hereln.
<br /> 2�l Qou�eming Law;Se�,+erablUty.fils Deed ot 7iust ahNl be Qaremed by the lews ol the Stete ol Nebraske.fn the eirenf any provlsfon or cfeuae o/th/s
<br />- L�....f����!''14!r^r.!L�ts wi�TM!tr.an�w law.such cnnllkt ahall noi alfect other nmv/slons of thfs Deod ol 7�ust whlch can be gl�ren eflect wlthout the
<br /> cnnNfctlng provlslons end to Gds end the�rovlslor.s o/th/s Deed of Tiust are declared ro be seu�reble.
<br /> 2G E►rents ol Defeult.Esch ol the follow/ng xcunonces aha/l consGtuta an ev�nt ol dofeuft hereunder,(herelnalt�r called an"El�ent ol DefeulY'):
<br /> (a) TiusMr ahall felf ro pay when dus any prinalpel,Interest or p�lnclpal end lnteres►on the lndettedness,
<br /> (b) Any werr�rtry of titie marle by Tnrstor hBrofn shall bo unhu0.
<br /> (o) liustor ehal!fefl to observe or perform any ol the Cav+�nants,agreements,or condiUons!n thls Deed of 1Fust.
<br /> (aq Any ropresentetion or wartanty made by Trustor on ary flnanc/af statement3 or reports submUted to 8eneflclery by or on beha8 of Trusta ahal!
<br /> pruu+e lalse or materlally misleadlny,
<br /> (e) 7iustor shall fall to peNorm or obsc+nre any o/the carenanfs,cortdltlons or agreements contalned In,or binding upon liustor under any!wlltling
<br /> lonn eflrnement,securlty epreement,loan egreament,flnsncing stetement or arry other aDresmc►nt,Mstrument a document execuled by Trus�la
<br /> In connecHort wJM tho loan evldenaed by the Not�
<br /> �r� A wsteej rrceMSr a Ilquldetor d H►e Tiust Frnperty a ol Tiusta aheil be eppointeal,a ery d the creJilaa d Trustor ahall file a patJNon!n
<br /> benlvuptcy ayaN�st Tiaata,a for tl►e reoryanlzetlon o/7Fusror pursuant to tho Feubral Bankruptcy Code a any sJmflar Inw,wheUror ABabral a ateM
<br /> and N auch orcbr a peHtlon aheN nat be dlscha►ged a dlsmfssed withln thl�ty(30)deys elfer the dete on wh/ch a��c1t ortkr a pedtlon wea fifed,
<br /> (g) Trustor shall Iife e peJtion pursuant ro the Federal Bankroptcy Code or any a/mllar law,lederal or sMte,or!l ltustor ahAt!bo edJudgod a
<br /> bsnkrupt,or bo declared lnsoHent or aha�l make an asslgnrrrent!or the Denolit oi credltor�,o�sha/f adm/t ln w�lt/ng!ts lnablllty to pe�/!ts afebta
<br /> as Hiey become due,or aha!!conaent to the sppolntment d e recelver d all or ary part ol tha liust Pmperty;
<br /> (h) flnal/udgment for the p8ymont ol money ahall be rendered agelnst Austor end 7Yuaror shalf not dlscherge the same,a cause ft to be
<br /> dlscherged,wlth/n thlrry(30)deys ef�9i the entry thereof,or ahap not eppes!therelro+n a irom the orde►decreo o►procesa upon whkA or
<br /> purauant to whlch said�udgment wes gnrnted,6asod,or enteroo;and aecure a atay ol executlon pending such appeal,
<br /> (f� TYu!Mr sh�!4 ee!I M r.nr�wy rha Ts�st Property,or eny pt,R lhereol,or enV fnterost therein,a ahap bd dlvestsd o1!ts t1tM,or ery lntoreat lhere/n,lrt
<br /> any manner cr wey,whether�nfunmriry o►Imro/unte�ly,wlMout the wrlKen consent ol 8eneflclary being Nrst had and abtalned,or
<br /> Q) H riusror Is a co�poretion or partne+shlp and more then fiFry perCent(6094)o/the ahares a benopclat lnterests!n such corporaHon or
<br /> paKnershlp es the case may De,sAnl►be hensformd or com�eyed,whether voluntedty or Imrolunterlly,►vithout the written consont of B�x+epclary
<br />' being l/rst hed end obtelned
<br /> 2R Accelerallore ol Debr,ForecWsu%Upon the occurrence of eny Event ol De/ault,o�erry tlms thereatter,Benellclary ma},at!ts optbn,declarn all the
<br /> fndebtedneas secured here6y lmmedletefy due end psyeblo and the same ahall bea�Mtorest at the del7nuR rate,!/ery,sot forth!n tha lJote,or
<br /> othe►wlse et the hlghest rete pe�mltted by law,nnd,lrrespectl►�s o/whether Benelklary exorclses safd opflon,tt ma};et(ts optlon and In Its sole
<br /> dlscretlort,wlthout ery lurther notka or afemsnd to o�upon husto�do one or more oi tho fblbwing:
<br /> (a) 6eneNclary may enter upon,take Ewssessfon ol,manege and operete fhe hust Property or any part thoreo/;meke repabs end eltereUons and do
<br /> any ecta wh�h BenellClary deems proper to protect the aecu�fry thareol,end elther wlth or wlthout tak(ng possessbn,!n!ta own name,sue lor
<br />- or othenvlse co/leCt end receAre renta/ssues and prolits,lncfudlny thosa past duo snd unpsld,ttnd eppry rho asme,fess costa end expenaea o/
<br />- operallon end collecG'or►,lncluding roasorteble attomey fees snd Qenellcfsry's cost�upon the fna'ebtedness secured he�eby and!n such order
<br /> as tJeneflc/ary msy determina Upon roquest ol Benaticfary,Trustor ahall essemble and shsU moke evellabie to Qertoflclary srty o1 tho TFust
<br /> Property whlcli has Geen romoved.The enfaing upon and taking possoss(on of tho tn»t Proporty,the cotfecdon of eny rents�ssues and proflts,
<br /> end the appllcaUan thereol es etarese/d,ahall nat cure a wa1�re any de►au/t Meretofore or thereafter occurring,or alMct eny not/co ol delault or
<br />• noHco o/s�tl9 hemunder or lmafldato eny act dono pu�auant to flny suCh notice.Nohvlthstend�ng Boneilciary's contlnuanco In possesslon or
<br />, recefpt end eppflcation o�rent�Issuos or protJts,Beno!lclary ahall bo ontltWd to exerolse every rlght pruv/ded for/n thls Deed ol Tiust or by faw
<br /> ' upon o�nitar the occurrence ol en Event of Defeu�t,lnciuding the Nght to ezed�lse the powe:of sala Any of tNe sctlons referred to!n thls
<br />; paregreph may be tekon by Benef/clary st such time es Beneflclary may determine without regard to the adoquacy of arry aecurfty for tho
<br /> fndebtodness securud horeby
<br /> ± (b) BenopcfAry ahall,wlthout regard to thv adequncy oJ ony secu�iry for tho fndebtodnoss socuretl horuDy,bcr ontraca ro tne eppomtmenr or e
<br /> recofver by any couri having/udsdictlon,wlthout nottco,ro talro possosslon of,protoct end menage the Trust Propo�ly end oporete fhe same
<br /> and colNtct tho ront�lssuos and proflts therefrom.
<br /> (a) Benellcfsry msy bHng arry eWlon/n erry court of competant/u:lsdlctlon ro forocloso N�is Dood of Tiust or enfo�o arry of tho caronants horeol.
<br />-� (d) Hc�no!'iGary may obct ro causo Uie Tiust Proporty or nny part[harool to bo soM under thA powor ol snb�and In such ovont,Bonollclary or Tiusroo
<br /> a aha11 phre such noNco ol defauR and notico d sale as may be thon roqulrod by law.Thoroaffer,upon tho oxplmHOn of such tima end tho gIving of
<br /> such notico of sale es may thon bo requlrod by l�x;ltusto0.nt tho tlmo and pla,ro apnct/lod by tho notico ot sak�shatl sell such Tiusc Proporty,or
<br /> &ry part thoreof apocfl/ed by Henelh:lary,a!public auctlon ro tho hlghest bkfder Iw ce,ch!n Iawlul monoy ot tho Unttod States o�Amorka.Upon
<br />,� reC91pt 0l peyment d[he p+�coWd, Tiustoo ahall apply tho prococ►ds fn tho following order.(q ro tho cost und o�Wonsos oi exoncising tho powr�r o/
<br /> sa/o ertd a/the salet includlnp but not!1m(tad tq husroe's/nes or not moro fhun 5500.00 plus ona hnff o�ono penront of rho gross s�le pNCa and
<br /> - masa�ablo atromey fcxss,(A)ro the lndobted�7ass,end(iH)fho oxcoss,!t ary,ro tho porson or porsons Mgnly entltbd thorota
<br />- All costs end oxpensos fncurrs�d by Beneliclnry In en`orc/ng any dght under th/s Deed ol riusL Including wlthaut flmftRtlon,absfract or tltio feos,
<br /> eppra/sal fees,prornlums tor tlt/o fnsurance,ettorney leos ertd court costs,shall be and consHtuto lndabtvdness sacurod horeby.
<br />