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<br /> rgotnst lururo mor�rnry Instni�mon s ot Funds.►f t o omoun.t of tlro Funds holtl by 6onefrclary shall not bo s�dilclont to pay tuxos,assossmont� �_-.
<br /> Insurunco p�omlums and pround ronts as thcy lall duo,Trusro�:hnll pey fo�enc�iclary any amount nocossary ro rnalco up tho doflclancy vdthln thfrty ["�:,,
<br /> dnys Irom tho dnto notico(s moll4d by Bonollclery to Tivator roquosdnp paymont thoron�. llpnn paymont ln full of all Indobtodnos�,Bonoflcfary shall
<br /> �N.x
<br /> promptty rnfund to Trusto►a�ry Funds hold ty Ba,�lnadry�r�arlo,ufo tho sa�o ol tho Tiust Propo ty orlts/acqulsftlon by B�no1lclary,any Fund's hold -.P��.
<br /> acqu/rud by Benof/clary,donoflclary shall eppty
<br /> by Bonc�lclnry af tha flmo o!nppllcadon ns a crodlt npnlnst fhe/ndabtodnoss.1!Doneliclary exacutos n wrltton waivor o/7iustor's abllgeUons un o►
<br /> thls�e�a�ronh 4,Tiusto�covonnnta end agreos to pay,batoro cha samo bocomo dollnquont,n��toxos,assossmonts,fnsuranco pror:�luma,pround _
<br /> rertts,nnd all other charyas Nhatsoever Iwled uRon or assossod,plttcod a rnode apalnsf tho Tiust Propern! Austo�lurthnr agrBeB,upon w�ltten �
<br /> rcquost by @:ncllr.lnry,to promptty deUver to Qonof/clnry all rocolpls for tha paymont of such chttrgos.7Yustor Ilkctwlse ngroos to pay at!taxos, � `
<br /> _...�...�,.e.,Imind unnn nr ACSASSQd.DILCBd 0/R18d0 AjJLI/�31,O!/IIBBSUIOd hj;Ir15�COd 0�11'l�.^,t or the rocordatlon horoof. �•--`_
<br /> 83SI!'J5fI1u7/i0 ui�u vu��v.....y��.-..-'"r" �
<br /> 6.App!lcatlon of Pnyments.Ail poyments rocolved by Banellclery as to any debt,Ilablllry or obligatlon owed to Benaticrary ny T�usror rnay u�NNN°��; _
<br /> Benallclary ro the paymenl o!tho Indebtedness or to any such otho�dobt llablllry or obllgatlon,ln any or�o►or manner ol eppllcatlon whlch
<br /> Benellclary,!n Jls absofute dlscrotlon,deems npproprlate.Unless othervdse olected by Beneflclary,any such puymont sha/l be deomod nppBed flrst
<br /> ro the payment o1 srry debt,llnblllry or obUgatlon other than tho Note. —
<br /> &Chargos;Uens. Tius;or w111 koep[he 7rust Property froo Irom eU llons and encumbrances whlch In any viay may,�n the/udQment of Reneflclary,have
<br /> prloilty over,or ImpAU the securlry of,this Asod o!Trust but Trustor need not dlschargo any such ilen so lon�as iYustor sheil agree,ln wdtln�,to c
<br /> pay the obllgatlon secured by such Ilen In e manner acceplable to f3enaflclary nnd shal!In Dood Inith contost such Ilen by spproprlate IeDaI
<br /> proceedlnps eHectNe to prevant the enfercom�nt of the!!en snd thn loss ol arry/nterost!n or part o!thn irust Property. �nsurod by `
<br /> 7. Hnzard lnsurenco.Tiustor shall keep the bu!ldings end oiher Improvements now exlsting or hemaRer erected on the Tiust Property
<br /> Insurance canlers satls/actory ro Aeneticlary agafnst Ioss 6y fire,harerds Included In tho term'�xtendod coverttge"and such other hnzards,
<br /> casuaitlos and contingonclos as may 6e requlred b,�Bene(lclary,ln such amounts end for such periods as mny bo requlrod by 8enellclary.Tho
<br /> pol/cy o�lnsurence shall be In form acceptablo to Boneficlary,provldo that the same may not bo cancelled or modl!!ad wlthout li/teon(16)days pdor
<br /> wrJtten notice to Baneflclary,and ahall haw loss puyable provislons!n lavor of andln lorm ecceptab/e to 6enof/clary.Allpromlums on lnau�ance
<br /> pollclos shall be pald!n the manner provlded undor para�reph 4 hereof o6 1l not pald In such manne�by Tiustor making psyment et feast tllteen(15)
<br /> days prlor to thn due date,directiy to tfra lnsuranco cnrrl�r.Beneflciery sheU have the rlght to hold the pollcfes and renewafs therect and riustor shall
<br /> promptry fumish(o�aneflc/ar�all renfnval notkos and alf pald premlum recoipts recelvad by it.In no event shall Beneflclary or Tiuslea Ua hefd
<br /> responslble lor lallure to pay Insuronco promfums or for any loss or damAge arlsing out nl a delect!n sny policy oi a�lsing out ol any lallure of srry
<br /> Insure.nce compnny to pey for any loss or damago lnsured agalnst or for 1e11uro by Tiusta�o eHect the insurence mqulred hereunde►.In ths event o1
<br /> bsa,hustor shu0 glve prompt notice by mali to the Insurenco carrler end Benellclnry.Beneflclnry may make proot ol loss If not mAde promptry or In
<br /> propor/orm by TYu3tor.Ali pollclos of incurence nnd eiry and a►!rafunds of uneamod prem�ums are hereby asslgned ro Beneflclr►ry us eddidonal
<br /> security for the paymenf ol the Indobtedness.In tho event ol Beneticlarys exerclse of the paNer of salo contalned heroU,or ln tho event ot
<br /> lore�.losure,e/l dght,Utle and lntarest of Tiustor In end to arry fnsurence pollcy then!n force shafl pass ro ths purchaser at tho bustee's sele or
<br /> foreclosure sale.In case of any loss,tho Insurence proceAds may,at tho optr'on of Bonet/clary,bo appllad by Beneliclary upon the Indebtednoss,or
<br /> eny part thoreot,and ln such ordnr end Umount as 88�ja,11eor��ty deBSmrroyed fosn,cond'tlon sot�/actory to Bfl el�clary;or satd Insu ence ejfher
<br /> be used!n replacing or mstor(ng the Tiust Prope:iy p N
<br /> procoeds,o�arty portlon thomol,may bt3 roleased to Tiustot Unlass Beno/lcfary and Tiustor othenvlso agroe In wrlting,erry such eppllcatton ol
<br /> Insurence procoeds shall not extend o�postpuno fhe due�ate o/the Note,or ary Installments called lor thnreln,or changa fhe amount o!such
<br /> lnstalrmenrs.I!the 7Yust P�ope►ty!s acqulred by Benellciery pursuant to tho exerclse o!the pave�of sa!e oQOtt e hre sa e�or ncqu'Is��tlon shall p ss to
<br /> Interest oi irusror in and io nry�Fiain'aACo N�w�°���i�g+°r!�jRf"'G�rr o!damaoo to the Tmst Property p
<br /> BenoBciery and shul!be epp�led tlrst M tho costs and expnnsos,Including attomey lees,lncurred!n collect/ng sucn proceeds,ii�di�1r�P��s mar.,�: _
<br /> and fn the orAor provJded here/n.
<br /> �PrsservaUon and Mslntenance of Tiust Properry.Tiustor wlll keep the 6u11dings and other lmprovements now or hereafler erectod on the Tiust
<br /> Prope►ry!n good mpalr und condiHon end wlll not commlt or pe m(h ut tha prrlcr wrltten consent o/Benalklary,l wl�l not do any ect a8hing whlch 8
<br /> nnsv or hereaRer erected on and constltuting the Trust Proap►ry
<br /> w�nuld unduly lmpalr or depreclate the value of the T�ust Prope�ly and wlll not abandon the Tivat Property. 7iustor w111 not remwe eny/lxtures
<br /> constltutUg fhe Tiust Property unfess the same ere Immodlatety rop/eced wlth Ilke property sub/oct to the 1len and secu�lty Intarest ol thla Deed of
<br /> Tiust end of at feast epua!valrae and uNllry.Trusto�wlll comply with a!1 presQnt and futuro ordinAnces,regu/atlons end requlrements o!any
<br /> garemmental fwdy vihlch aro epppcoble to the Truat Proporry and tn the occupancy end uso thereof.11 thls Deed ol7rust Is on a unit!n a
<br /> condominlum or e planned un(t development,Tiustor shall perform ell oi Trustor's obllgetlons under the declttretlons or covenants CneaBng o►
<br /> garem/ng the condomin/um or the p/ennod unit dg+olopmont the bylaws end regu/allous of the cortdom/nlum or planned untt develvpment,and the
<br /> constituent dacuments. for the purpose of Uspect/on.Bonefl;,fery aha!!have
<br /> &/nspect(on.Bene/lalary or Its egents may;at alf reasonahle Nmes,enter upon the Trust Propvrry
<br /> no dury to mske such Inspectfon end shall not be liable to Tiustor or to arry pe►son!n possasslon!I It makes a Ialis fo make srry such lnspection.
<br /> iQ Protectlon of Secu�lry.I!Tiusror fells to per/otm srry of the covenonGs and egroements contnlned In thls Daad of Tiust,or J!any actlon a proceeding
<br /> fs commsnced whkh doas or may adveraety eftect the 7rust Property ar tho lntorest o/1Yustnr o�Bonollclsry theretn or tho NNe d Tivator thereto,
<br /> then Bertef�fnry,at!ts opHon,may pertorm such covenants and sgreements,make such oppearencos,�'�'�nd agafnst end lmresdgate such actlon
<br /> ar proceedlr.g and tsko such other ectlon es Bene/lcfary deems necessary to protect its lnterest Including,but not llmlted fo,disbursement of
<br /> reaaonable aMorney lues and entry upon the Tiust Propsrry to muke repalrs.Any smounte dlsbursed Dy Boneticfary pursuant to lhfs paraproph 7a
<br /> wlth Interest theroon,shs/l constltute Indobtedness of Tiusror secured by thls Oeed ol Dust Unfess Tiustor and Benoticary agree tQ other terms of
<br /> r»wmnn►such emount�aNell Lo payab/e upon noNco Irom Beneficlary to Tiustor requestlng payment theroot,and shall bear Interest Irom the date
<br /> of dlsbursement et the deleult rote,!/any,set fon�Irt tne Note,or otnurwisv di(he hlgt,oat rt:.'��rmltted b�;law.N.�thlnn contalnoo'!n Ihis AP►a9raph
<br /> shell requl�e Senellclary ro Incur erry expense or teke any Qctlon horeunder.Tiustor�rrevocably authorizes entl empowers Deneffclary to enter upon
<br /> the Tiust Propo►ry as Trusto►'s agent and,!n iiustor'8 name or othenvise to peAorm nrry end af)covonunts end agr�9ement�to be pe�fortned by
<br /> Tiustor us horoln provlded.Bene(iclary shall,et!ta optlon,be subrogatod[o arry encumbrance,llen,clalm or demand end to e/l rlghts and securftlos
<br /> /or tho payment thoreaf pald or d�scharged by Beneflclary under tho provlslons hereot and eny such subrogatlan rlghts shall be edtllfinn8l and
<br /> cumulatlire securlry for thls Deed of Tiust
<br /> 1f. CondemnaUon.Tho proceeds u1 a►H e�'iarcl a cla�m for damagos,direci or consayuentlai,fn connectlon wJth erry condomnaffon or other taking o/Iho
<br /> Tiust Property,or ary pert fhoreaf,or lor comreyanco!n!!eu ot o►!n antklpatlon of condomnaUon,aro hereby asslgned fo and sha0 6o paid to
<br /> Beneliclary.Tiusta wfll lile and Wrosecuto,!n Qood fa1tA end wlth duo diligence,I1s Clalm for arry such axnrd or paymont,antl wftl cause Iho same to be
<br /> collected end pald to Bene(Iclary,and,should lt fall tn do s0. Trustor frrcnrocr�fy authodzos and ompatiers Bertoficlary,ln the namo of nustor or
<br /> otherwlse to lib,prosocuto,settle or compfnmise ar y such clalm end ro colkx:t,rocotpt lor and reteln fho pmceeds. If the Tlust Proporty Is abandonod
<br />-- by Tiusta,or,eftor notico by Benelklary to Trusror that tha condumnor oBars to mako an awarci a sottlo o cfalm for damac�os,Tiusror falls to mspond to
<br /> 8oneliclsry withln thlrty(30)days efter the daro such notico!s maffed,Bonef'iclnry/s euthorized to collect and t+ppy the procatds�n th.e manne:
<br /> Indkated hereln.Tho prvaoods ol eny ewa�d or clafm mny:afior doducUng t+lf roasonnblo costs and exponses,lncfuding attomey laas,wfikh may heve
<br /> �pptled to t��mtent ol he fndeb�tnoss.Unbss 8ontr/Jclary'snd tTtustu oehernvlse gieo�n wi�ng,anY su��caUon ol procsedsuto P�,�
<br /> /ndebteBness shu11 not vxtend or poslpono[ho due date ol tha Noro or Uie pnymont of arry lnstallmonts cal/ed lor thomunde�
<br /> 12. Tn,stor Not RQleased.Extonslon o/the tlme for pnymvnt or modiBcation o►erry amorUzatlon of tho Indebtodnoss granbd by Bonelidary to eny
<br /> succossorin Inrorost ol liustor shall not oparero to raloaset fn erry manno►,the liablliry of Trusror and liustor's succctssors!n Interost Boneflcl8ry shsll
<br /> not bo roqulrod to commenco prococ�dings c+galnst such succrossor or rofuso to extend tlme for pnyment or ofhenvlse moEity emortnatlon o1 tho
<br /> _..��.�...�...e.te h..Tn�emr an�i Tiust�YS SUCCQSSOlS!II llltQflJSi. -
<br /> !/IQBOi@0�059 Oy toaoirit irt v.q w..w.v...'___� .._"_ ' .
<br /> � 13. Flnonclal InformnUon.Upon request of Bortoflclnry, Tiustor will provldo ro Aen�/fcfory,wlthln nlnoty(90)days of tho close o►vr+cn rrscA�year oi
<br /> n' riustor,fho consolfdatod bulnnco shoot and statement of eorNngs o�Tiustor und any ond oll gunrantors of the Indobtadnoss socured horcby,(f any,
<br /> = and w(II prov'do end dollvor ro f3onvficfary such other linnndal lnformutlon and fn such mennor as Bone6clary mpy roe►sonabty roquest from tlmo to
<br /> .� tlmo. _
<br /> T' 14, Flnanclal Covvnants.!n addiNon to any othor linnnr,lni covonants oi Tiustor made fn any ofhor agroement,lnst�umont or documvnt, 7rustor sha
<br /> _ comply wltti and sha�►causo nny t+nd all guarantors ot tho lndebtodnoss socurod hvroby to comp/y�vlfh,cr Ce m complianc�3 wlth,the follov�ing
<br /> financ(al covonnnts:(Thfs pnragroph shall not npply!/Covonnnts t+nd roqulremonts oro not set lorth horoln.)
<br /> � iG. SCh�dula vl Lvnsos.Witnln tnn(f0)days alto�d�martd,Tiusro►shnll lurnlsh to Bonoficlnry a schodulo,cartifiod to by Tiusfor,sotling forth nll leasos
<br /> ��� ot tho Tiust Proporty:or uny p�rtlon thorooi,fncluding in oach caso.tho nnmo of thn fonants or occupants,a doscriptlon o!tho spttco occupled by
<br />:;�� such[onant or occupAnt,tho ron(UI payablo for such spnco,and such other Inlormat+on nnd documonts with rospect to such loasos and tonnnclos
<br />- - ns Bnnofl�lary mny reasona�b�y roquost.
<br />- iQ Cwon8nt8 of Tiustor wlfh liospact ro Loasos. 1Kilhout tho pdor wrltton consont ot Baneficiary.T.ustor shan not,tliroctly ar!ndlrec!iy,with rospoct to
<br />- - nny/enso of spaco!n lho lrust Aroporty,or eny portlon tlroreo%whothor such lonso(s now or heroal(or fn exisfnnco.
<br /> n�
<br />