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<br /> • _td. �wirl�,wlB� . . ` - ,�G�'�0��� .
<br /> � cp iin.r IMt 1�../.Exf�n�ioa a ui.tkn.tar paym�ne a mcairication a amortltaEton a tn.�,uma b�r tws
<br /> O�ed oRT�wt�rar�Md by L�ida b any tucCe��ar in ir�twt d Bonor��atl not opwals to c�iM�r,in arry rtwxwr.ri�NN�IiI�
<br /> ' ctlMoripk�at8o►rOw�r3�ndBorrowllrswCaa�on(nit�att�ntNrshilltwt0enqu(re0loco�f�nc�ptorw�dln�s�irpt
<br /> w�nwoc.No.orn�.a•�um.tapaymeneoraf�r�►rt�modiyrartwr�atiortam.wnaa.cunoby�a.datru.e .
<br /> ` . by rwor�d ar�y O�nunds mad�by the ori�lnal BoROwer and,Borrow�r's succ�storo tn inbr`es!
<br /> _ {bZ L.ia.[•!rw«..r6rdho�a.nercne�u�e II�6uny`ot say ahar pecaan!t.l�Is ror u�e�paym.nt a any-obYp.tlon l�enke
<br /> n�nYonsd.and witl�outaff�cdnp fAelienbrahargsoNhisOes�ot7�u�tupon any poAlon otths�oputy noEtlun ortl�irMolor�t
<br /> rMM�das�curHykrlhefullartiountolallunp�idablipatt�on�LenGerrtwq fromtimstottmsandwitl�outnofic�ttlrNws�anll �
<br /> pKSOnsultaDte��t�dlhematurityoralEer�nyolthetermsotanysucfto6ltyations�(iti}9rantoUierindu►�an!ae�.(ivl� �
<br /> a nconvtl►.or cau�e m be rets�sed a�aconvsyed at any time at Len�'a opbon enY Pu�eF.poNon or a0 of tlre Prop�rtyi
<br /> (y Wn a nIMM any olhsr a tddivanat sqcurity tor any obt(�ttocr Aerein n:snHoneQ or(v�maks compait�ons or olA�r
<br /> . arrsrlpsnl�flf wHh debbrs IA ratiffan fhereSo. .
<br /> ' (c) Fa6Man�by L�e�No1 i walvK Any forbearanceby Lender tn exercisinp arry�tyht or�emedy he»unda.ar �
<br /> . otlserwta�afford�d by applicabis 1aw ihalt not 6�a wa�veE of or pre�tude the exercf�e ot any such rlyht or remady_Ths .
<br /> proeurementof inwraacear."tt�spaymsntot texes or atl�erli�wcharpes�bY Lender ahall notbsa waiverot Lenda�'aripl�tto
<br /> - �ccels�a�e tl�s mituiity cf ihe ir►debtedness aecured Ay tb(�fleed vf Tnist
<br /> � id)i�6ewtors,sird AMi fis�ar��oini snd�I�E��r.C�pifoi».'fhs covenants and a�reements t�eiein con-
<br /> t�ined sha�ll btnQ.�rtd.tlie ri�hC�hereunder shall inuro to."tl�e�Y�s�accesso►s and assi9ns of Lender and Tivator.lU!
<br /> - cbirenar�b and aQreertrenia of Trus�shall ba jarn and aevera�:�ca�ss and headings ot the parayraphs of th�s Oved of ;
<br /> -_ � , Trust are ior corwanience onty and are not to be u�ed to interpr,et a�..�th4 prwisions hereof. �
<br />-_- (e) INqwNfattdkN.'fhepartiesherotiyrequastthatacqpyofa}�sy.ra�iepotdefautthereunderand8copyofartyr�atics
<br /> -- ot s�l�hereunder be msitec!t¢each psrry.to t�is Osed�f Trusf at the aQdreaa settorth.above Fn the manner presarrbed Oy �
<br /> - applk�ble law.Exeapttar�ety alfiert�atice roquired undirappticabblsw ta be giv�n(n another manner.arty not�pr�yldad . �
<br />-- . far In this Qesd W TFUSt slt�tt be Qhen by maifi�sucb aA6ce�lsli certffied ma1 addiessed�o the other paAies.at•ihs�ddi'esssat =
<br /> - iQM abow.�1ny nbGca praeided for rt S�is E1esd bf Tnrat stratt be e��sPon ma�ing in the mannec desi��wteQ f�KNn.8 . - ,.
<br /> a Truslor Is more tliaie bae perlon.�a4ce s�t to fhe address sec•forth atrove ahall be no6ce to aU sucA per�on�.
<br /> (�NMp�cllon..lendef may make or cause W be made re�,scnabte entries upon and inspecdons cf�+e Property pri�vlded
<br /> � that lender ahall�ive Truatoraatice prtor to any aucb Inspection specitying reaaonab:e qauae therefor ratated tv Lender's � �±,,�_
<br /> - lntar�st in the Ptoper[y. . � E� �"� ---
<br /> • (ptR�canw�ISnc�.UponpaymentofaltsumssecuredbythisDeedofTnist,Lendersh�ltreq�:estTrusteetoreconveythe �'"�t:r.
<br /> PropKry and�hall sunender thls Daed ot Tnist and all notes evidertcing irtdebtedness secured by Stis 0'ee�f of 7ruat to Trustea , s*�:_�.,
<br /> n ° Trust�e shslt recorney the Property without wananty ana without charge to the pe�son or peraons�te9atty entitled thereto.
<br /> �i:-i`ln�y�.
<br /> �3 Trtistor ahall pay all cosQr of recordatlon,if any. ` �'-�'�-
<br /> , (h) Prnonal Prop�A�;S�.wriry A�1Mn�nR As additia�ral securlty for the payrtser:t ot the Note,Trostcr hareby�rants` �-,yF::
<br /> Ler�r under the Nebraske UnNorm Commercial Cflde a seaFrity(ntereat ln all flxtures,equiprtient,and other persanal property , - _
<br />- u�ed in connectlon with the real estate or improvemenb la�Yed thereon,end not otherwise Oeclared or deemed to be a paR ol --
<br /> the rsa!esWis sscured hereby.This instrument shall be construed as a Security dyreement under satd Code,and the Lander ----—
<br /> � shall hav�sll ths rl�hts and temedies ot a secured party urtder said Code in addition to the rights artd ranedieserested unda — —
<br /> and accorded ths Lender pursuant to this Deed of Tn,sfi proviCed that Lertder'�rlghta and remedles underthfa parapraph ahall �—,�:`.
<br /> Oe cumutative with,and i�no way a limitatfon on.Lenders rights aad remediea under any other aecurity agreement ai�ned by � "�_-
<br /> 8orrower or Truator. �;;,fi��A`; -
<br /> (} �Nm and Eneumbranea.Tn�stor hereby warrants and represents that there is no Oefault under the provlsions of any ��:�:: ..._
<br /> Mn�
<br /> ° mort�aQe,deed of trusR tease or purcfiase contract describing all or aay paA of the Propartyr,or other contracL insuument cr �.;'i��~•.
<br /> � ayreement constltuUnga lien or encumb►ance against all or any part o1 the Property(coltecttvety,"Uens'�,existin�as of ihs ' ;. `-• �°-
<br /> " C�te of this Deed o1 Trust�and that any and all exlsting Liens remaln unmodified except as disctosed to Lender ln Truatora � ' _ ,
<br /> wrilbn disclosure of liens end encumbrancea provided for herein.Trustor shall dmely pertorm all 01 Trustora oblipationa. ;�`•�--:!''=_
<br /> r� covenanf�,representations and wanentla9 under any and all exisiti�g an0 future Liens,sha►I promptty(o►ward toLertQercopios `��`"��' `
<br /> tl ''•:�;«:��:,:
<br /> of all notices of deiault eent in Connectlon wlth any and all exiating or future Liens,anQ s4a11 not wiU�out Lenders pri�x'wtltkn .'`.�:°��4,� 7_
<br /> � Cor�fent io any manner modify the provlstons ol a allaw any future advances under any exlsting or tufure I.iens. . ��:�•,��.• '
<br /> ,:.. '+',-'{:3e:,_
<br /> � __ (j)AppYcaYon W PaynNna.Unless othervvise required by taw,sums paid to Lender hereunder,inGcrding wi�aut fimltatlon .,._�;�•: •:•_
<br />`„.. , paymeMe of principel and interest,insurance proceeds,conCemnation prCCeeds and renta and pra'.;�,shall be a�pllat by ��;.t�•;;s "=
<br /> LenOer to theamounta dueand owing Irom Twstor and Borrower in such order es Lender in Its sote discretion deemsCealrab(e. s-,-•r��;r;
<br /> �. • :�.., .
<br /> ' t{• {k) SMrabWty.H any provlsion of this Oeed of Trust conillcts wlth applicable law or is dectared tnvaNd or�therwlae i: .:;:;`��s1:�. �=
<br /> � unentorceaDle,such conYAct or invaNdlry 9he11 not atfect me other provlsons of this Oeed of Trust or the Note which can be ;,; ,;
<br /> _ � glvenetlectwithcut�hecentlictingprovlaion,andtothiaendtheprovisionsotlhisOeedotTrustandtheNOtearedectaredtobe �_ ';-�-;.=�!l.
<br /> ._. . . :., sevaabte.
<br /> �. . . ��M.• �
<br />. - (I)TirnN.The terms"Trustor"and"Borrower"�hall inctude both singular and plutal,and when the T�uator and Borrower . � _�,,,_
<br /> . ~ are the aeme peraon(s).those terms as used infiis 0 qJ. tu9t shall be interchang�ab►e. •-� -' �
<br /> ,`- (m) Qav�mtn�Law.This Deed ol Trust ahalt6���.v.,�(rt�,py the taws o1 the State af sVebraska. . ' -
<br /> '' ; TrusWr has executed thia Oeed af 7rust as o}the Qate ivr(de,"�,�yy�,. : �' . ."�.�� ,•
<br /> - _ " � . �
<br /> � ; ,;nw�- �'� C1ldcontine t E te� s� I�. � � � t�
<br /> C � , .,
<br /> ��, ;,�,-.:,, � Ttustor �' f . • .
<br /> . '. ;,�. _ -- • .
<br />_ ,�,.-:_�^ (" .
<br /> •{lt..,+ [ � .
<br />. � •4�i� v.G�: �1 .. .
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