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<br /> -_ . � - . . - .: . . . . _ _ ����. � -
<br /> � ih.ProoK�x r.orar�or a�+�.�.�i..na.r n�w n�r.�.o�n,rn Hs�a..ea aawuY.�R.a.�fo�a�.vp,r w rro�aa.► ,-
<br /> alrrd�ductln�tl+K�f�on'+a�ooM�sndtxpinws fncurr�d by itin caxuctlon wi�sucA Proc�u�onanY��N�s+�a�d
<br /> - har�a�xJ�n w�d�ord�as La�r rti4y dN�mtnR or e��pply�II iuch ProcMd�.aIM�sucf�d�dectlons.b 1M nMOraron d� .
<br /> ,' proa«t�tupo�awfioa�+�asl�na�rmyrdNKminRAr�r+�av��oeproc.�akid�dn�.MUr�oe�oa�aorvo�o�
<br /> `1h�dut dlM�at anY p�n+�ts nr�d�r tt�slrW�.or aun any dMautt tlf�r�undK or h�nunQ�r.IIMt an�pplib Uinds�hW a p�lA b
<br /> Trwlor. � . �
<br /> 3.l�efM�b��.��d�Up�rt ths occurrenc�ot an Ewnt ot D�lauttt�r�ur�drr�ac ii any act is tak�n or Ip�l Praw�irg
<br /> �o�nn�er�b whicl►maMrialyafNcfs L�nfNrs tMerwt in ihiPra�r.L�ndKmay in ifa own dtac�Nian.butwiMoutoDliyWonbdo
<br /> � �and wiH�out no�ei ta ar dNna�upon Tru�for snd vrHhout rMeatng Trttsiurtrortr anyo�.��►Y�clwtdr.�A Tmpor ha
<br /> �rad but hNs b do and may alw do any otfia.act it dNms c�scestary to proMct the�ecurit�►h�na1.Tiuslor�II.imm�di�lihl
<br /> � upond�rtiandlf�MaQYL��dK.WY����d�r�ticopssnd�xpen�ssiocumdsndwmsexp�ndedbUl.ararinconn�ctlonwith
<br /> fA��xKCts�by Le�der of ths forspoin�riphb.�wiM int�nstthenon�t the d�fauk rste provt0ed tn tA�NOM.which aha14.l�
<br /> . , add�d�b 1he ind�brdnNS»cunQ h�r�by.L�da shall not incur any liabitit!►blcaus�of anytAin�it may do a omU to do
<br /> t1�rNx�dN-
<br /> � � 9.fi�s�dow#MIMt�M.TN�io►ahal!k�p tM Prop�rty in comptianee w(th all appqeabi�lawtti ordinsnep and reDt�if
<br /> nt�ikp b industrW hgpiena or�nviroamallsf ProkcVon(callectivMy relerred to h�reio es"Envi�onmsnW Liiws"1.Trwior lhaN
<br />- keap th�e Prop�rh frN trom sil su0qanca de�rt�sdb b�hazudouaor toxic undK any EnviranmenW Lswsi��f����m
<br /> heroin as"tfazsrdoyt Mste�ia(s'�.Trustor heraby vrurants and roprssents to Lender fhat 1t�e are no l�lazardous RAateriala on or '
<br />- �dsrtl�prraperty.'Trustorhereby ayreesto indamnity and hold harmlea.t Lender,itsdireciors,officers,smptaYwisaed aQenb�arla
<br /> any auccestors b Lencfer'a Inbre�R hom and apainp pny ana atfcf�ims.dam�es.losaes a�fia4ilitis�arlsinQ in cannectioA wifA .
<br /> a
<br /> the Pret�9cs.usi disposst or tranapoR ot any Huardaw�Mteriais on.under.from or about the Propsrry.THE FOiiE�iQIIf�G
<br />� - 10.At�1�Kd Ilw�Tnistor hereby asfi0ns to�tendar the rent�.issues and profits oi IAet PrapwiY P�ovidsd tt�at Trustcr_ .
<br />�;y 3tsAi�undl theoccuRSnceofep Eveniot DetauRhereunder,havethe ri�htto coliectand rstain aucb ronls.issue�andprotitsastbalr
<br />=�� become.dqA•Prtd payabie Uport the occumance o1 en Event ot Oetautf,Lender may.eilher in parson oe by a�ee�witA or without
<br /> brinpiq�ai►j!s�tian or pruceedinp,or by s receiver sppointed bY a court snd wtthout reyard to the aQequi�cy ot its aecurity,entsr
<br /> t i: : E,pon and.�cpqoss4ssion ut We Prope�ty.or.any partttwreof.irt its own name or ln the name of the Trustee,and do any acts wh�h it. __
<br />,';;.; dsemsnecessaryaAeaireMetopressnrsthevstrss,markat+biliryarontibiliryoftheProperlY.o►anypsRtherealorimerasttherein, �-.__
<br /> �f increass tbe income therehom or protacf the eeCUrity horeot anQ with or without takinp pos��ssion a[the Property,sue for ar _
<br /> otherwiae collect the�ents,issuea and profia the�eo�inctudiap those past due and unpaid,and appty tAe same,less costs and �'"�'-
<br /> " •1 s.'�._.-,.
<br /> - �-;,�• ` expensesofoperetionandcotfectioninctudi�gattomeys teea.uporta�ryirrdebtedrresa�eeurnd,hereby.alHwwct�ad�rasl�w�dar �,-;°-.-
<br />� .,, ��.�', may determine.The entering upon and taking possession of the Property,the cutleclion of aucfi�ents,tssue�end profits ana tfte � �
<br /> � appflCaUon thereot as StOresaid.shall rtat cure or waive any default or notice of defdult hereunder or invatldate any act dons in f-
<br /> responsetoauchdefaultorpursua�ttasucisnoUceofdefaultand.notw(thstandingtheconunuanceinpos�essionofthePropeRyor - ';;',��;:_
<br />, y z �/• the coltection,rece�pt and.app�icetlon of rert(s,issues ar profits,and Trustee and Lender shall be entitted to exercise every ri�ht ':='_ �:-::-
<br /> :?Y�'- ,.' i'`_=
<br /> � . • providedforinanyolMeL�arFtnstrumentsorbylawu�ar�occunenceofanyEventof0eisuif.irtc�udin9withoutl+mitatlontheri�ht . ,..� �-.:.- _
<br /> �:� = toexereiaethepowerolsate.�uRher.Lende�'�frgd�aadr�nediesurtderthispara ra hshallbecumulaUvewittr,andinrtowaya • �f���:-"_''•"
<br /> :.:''� _ Q p ;��.�a:-
<br /> � � IimitaUon an,Lenaers rlphts and�emedies�..T�.aany�ss.y�ent of leases and rents recorded a�ainst qie Property.l.ender.Trustee ,�r�.=
<br /> and the teceiver sha(i be liabb to account aniy fa►t':ase:e;�{s acnal[y received. --'�.:` -
<br /> �.;,.,._.:.
<br /> 11.EwM�al QKaull.Th9 ipllowirtg sn�B co�stit�a:�EveM of Detautt under mis Deed of Tn� , .'��=:
<br /> � ` (a)Faiture to pay any instaiimer.t c'�nnclpat or in�rest oi any other sum secured herets��c-rr Cu�; • ' •-;•,` -
<br /> � (b)A breacb of or defautt under any provision canained in the Note,this Qeed of Trust any af the Loan trrstiuments,or a�y :'�•-•��.
<br /> ' other Uen or encumbrance upon the Property; • • r
<br /> ' �' ,�' .� (c)A w►it of executton or attachment or any s+miiar process shall be entered against Trustor which shatl become a lien on �, •�
<br /> ��`� ` ,��'. t h a P r o p e R y o r a n y p o rt i a n t h e r e o i o r in+.Q r e st t herein;
<br /> =;r.;-:'' (d)There shail be tiled by or aga�nst Trustor or Borrower an action under any present or tuture federal,state or other
<br />� � � ' atatute,law or reyutation relating to bankruptcy,insolvency or other reliel tor debtors;or there shati be appoirtted any trustee, -�
<br /> receiver or liquidator ot TruStOt or Borrowet or ot ail or any peA ot the P�opeRy,or the renta.issues ar profits thereof,or Trostor ,, .
<br /> � or Borrower shail make assy generat assignment for the benefi�of creditors; , . =.
<br /> ' � (e)The sate,transfer,teaae,assi�nmen�conveyance or turther encumbrancs ot all or arry part ot or eir5t rntereat ln the
<br /> ' � propeRy.elther volunt�n"ty or invotuntarity,without tfre express written consen!of lender.pravided that Trustor�hall be � . .
<br /> �"'�` ' r permitted teexecutea tease oi the Pra�ty triat does not contain an a�'son to purchase and theterm ot wf►ich does not exCeed
<br />,. �i=+_ r , Ofle ye8r . ..
<br /> • =��� � (t�kbandonment of tfce Property:ar . . ' ;
<br /> .� . #� r � �� (�)If T�ustor Is natan indivlduat,the issuance�,�9,transfer,assignment,com�Eyance or encumbrance of rrtore than atotal , .
<br />' , �_.�_:,� ot percent of(if a corparaCsc�?iis issued an0 outstanding stoek or lH a pa�inership)a total ot percent ol �� :.�_;
<br /> par6nership latetests during the�erieQ:hi9 Qeed af Trust remains a lien on the Property. ' - _ -:�
<br /> �2,R�n�di�s;ll�eNeayon Iippn p�huH,U the eveMOf any Event of Oefault Lender may.withcutnoUceexcept as required by� .
<br /> h
<br /> � law,dectars aillnQebteaness se�sred hereby to be Cue.and•payable and the same shall there�an become.Que ancf payat�le
<br /> � without any pre�entment,demand,proteal or notice of�.:y kind.Thereatter Lender may:
<br /> �"���" � (a)Oemand that T►astea exerCise the PQWE.�OF SA�E granted herein,and Trustee srra:►t�ereafter cause Trustols ��.
<br /> .�.,r. ` .
<br /> ��, ,s��,'�:.�':<�� intereat in tha Properry to be sotd and the proeeeCS to 4e d(stributed,all in the manner providect m 2fie Nebrastca Trust Deed� .
<br /> • � � • � . ACt i•
<br /> y (b) Exercise any and all rights provided 10�In any ot tfie Loan Instruments er by law upcn occurrertce of any Event ot
<br /> ' L;'.-�,� . ,, Oefault and .
<br /> . ::�:-^�=3'_s:::a (c)CommenCeanactiontoforectosethisOeedGtTrustasamortgage,appointarecelver,orspeCificallyentorceanyotthe . � .
<br /> �:.ay... f
<br /> covenants hereof. [
<br /> - � No remedy herein confer�ed upon Or rese►ved to Trustee or Lender is intended to be exciuswe of any other remeC��r hereln,In the
<br /> ����.�=,,� Loan In�truments or by law pcovided or permitted,but e2CR sFtail b�cumulative,shalt be�n add�tion to eve�y o:rer remedy g+ven � •
<br /> hareunder,in the Loan Instruments or naw o►hereatter ex,s9ng at law or in equiry or by statute,and may be exeraised concaaently, � :
<br />_ .����°.; ` IndependenUy or nucce�ivety
<br /> . � -{�_ � 13.TrwN�.The Trustee may resign af any Ume w►thout cause.and Lender may at any ttme anC w�thnut cause appoiM a i
<br /> � ' � � successbr or substituteTrustee.Trustee ahail not 6e liabfeto any party,inctud�ng without limitation Lender,Bor�ower.7rustor or any '
<br /> --• purchaser ot 1heProperty.for any toss or damage untess due to reckles9 or wltitul mis�anduct,and shail not be required totake any �
<br /> aCtion in Connectlon wlth the entorcement o1 this Deed of Trust unies9 indemnilied,in wrlting,for all cost9,Compensation or • ,
<br /> ' expin�ei whicli may 09 BsiC�iated ifierewiih.in addition,Srustee ns�y beCOms s purchasee.at aay sate ot_the Propecty(Judiclal or � _ .
<br /> ���,:���.._, under Me power ol�ate granted herein);post�bne the sale of ail or any porNOn ot the Property,as provided by iaw;or sell the :
<br /> • Pruperty as a whote,or in separate parceis or lots at t►uatee's dlscretian. `
<br /> � � . - -- - - f4.-FNf and FJtpNtsfs�n theevan!Trustee setts the Propetty by exerc�se ot power of sale,Trustee shall be entitted to appiy _
<br /> � any aa�e proceeQs flrst to payment o!all costs and expenses oi exercising power ol sate,inctuding al!Trustee's fees.and Lenaer's
<br /> ' andTrustee s a8orney's fees,actualty incurred ta extont permitted by appHCabto taw.In the event Borrawer or Trustor exercises any ,
<br /> � . , � riyhf provlded 6y law to cura an Event of Oetautt,lender shail be entitled to recaver trom Trustor alt costs and expenses actually -
<br /> , �nourred a�8 resut!af Trustor'a detautt inCtuding without Hmitation afl Trustee's and attorney's tees.to the extent permitted by .
<br /> � • appticabte taw.
<br /> '• ' t5. �ulur�AdraneN.Upon request o1 Boriower. Lender may,at its option,make addlHonal and fufure advances and ra- , ,
<br /> � � advancesto Bonower.Suchadvance�and readvances.with interest thereon,shatl be secured by this Oeed olTrust At notime shall
<br /> �--:_,,- • ' ' -�:�_•_.._. � . .
<br /> • theprincipaiamountoftheindebtedness9�cufAaGytnr�Q9edatirUStnatincfudin sur►�aa�i,ranc�dtc�prutecttlssss�dtga!ldis - - ---=----
<br /> , . ' Qeed ol TrusL exceed the original prinolpa!amount statea herein,or$25,000.� whichever is greater.
<br />_ � . _ . . ,�t � " , . . - _ - - - . ,
<br /> , '�_ . .
<br /> . . . • -
<br /> .
<br /> . - --.. .._..
<br /> �,� .�._.__�,_ -. ._----•• - -- _---- - --_ - -�;-- , , _ -- - - _. __.
<br /> . , �_..�_.._„ . ,
<br /> . . • • .
<br /> ,._.�.ssr..-. _�_ .._. __ ___ - ---1-- ��
<br />