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<br /> I.cnctcr to protec4 tl�o eecurlty o1 the Noto;(a)th9 pArtormanco 01 nll covon�nte nnd npreomonW ol Truator e�t forth iioroin;nnd(dy all
<br /> preaent and(uture Indabtedneee and obllpatlAno 09 Q�rro�lor(ar any ot theni li rn�ro th�n ano,to l.on�icr��hothcr dlrcn4,Indlrcct,
<br /> abwtute or continpent an�whether arlelnp by nots,puarae�ty,overdrait or othervvlee.Tho Note,thls Qeed of Truat and eny and all
<br /> other doeu�nSSthet�aureths Note or etherwlso sxecuted In connectlon thArewlth,Includlnp wlthoul limitatlon 4uarnnfeee,security
<br /> epraFir��eiiw a�d e::IQrmcnt�of Ic�a�o end rent�,ehell tM reterrocf tc hereln ee the"Loan Inotrwment�". --
<br /> Tru�tar cowntnt�end aprau�wlth Lender as followe: _;
<br /> �, p�ey�ye�ni ap irNir`v;�tii,iaa.AG Indsbtadne�a ssour�tl he►eby eheU bn aald whan duo. �-
<br /> 2. Tttt�.7ruatar le the owner o}tho i'ropsrty,hee the rlpht end eutho►Ity to convey the Prapsrtyr,end w1�rr�nb thrt the II��
<br /> ....,���._,.p�i.��t�r�and artnr Iten on thc�F�rOpo��Y,exc�apt tor Il�n�And cnnumbrancc�cot to►1h hy Truetor In wrltlnp and ��
<br /> �..�.....
<br /> delivend to L�nd�r Wfore rxoaution of thli Do�d o1 Trwt,�nd ths ex�cut�nn ana aenvery oi ihie ueeu vi i i uoi Gvov������.,�».�...:;
<br /> contract ar othtr oblipatlon to whlch Trwtor If�►�bJeo� =,_
<br /> 3. T�xM,Aa�tn�nb.To pay bsfore dellnQuency eU tsxee,epealal eaae�amente and all other chergea epalnat the Propprty �-.
<br /> now or hereaRer Isvled. ¢'-
<br /> 4. Inturanc�.To keep the Rroperty Ineured apnlnet demape by flre,hnzarde Included within the term"axtended ccverape",end �:
<br /> auah otner tiezard�ae Lender mey req��lre,In amounts and wlth companles acceptable ta Lender,namin�Lender ae an addltlonal �._
<br /> named Inaurod,wftii losa nayable to tha Londor.In caea ot fflns under auch pollcles,the Lendar la authorizod to adJuet,colleat end _
<br /> comprunt{e'v,811 Glsims thcrCUndar r.nd shall haye the ontl�n of epplylnA ell or part ot the insurence proceeda(I)to sny indebtednees `
<br /> eeou►ed hereby and In auoh order ae Lender may determina,(11)to the Truetor to be used tor the repair or restoretlon.of the Propariy
<br /> or(Iil)for eny other purpose or obJsct satiefactory to Lender wlthout aHectinp the Ilen of thie p8ed of Trust for the fuli amount aeaured
<br /> hereby before such payment ever took place.Any eppllcation of praceeda to Indebtedneas shall not extond o:poatpona the dua
<br /> dats ot any payments under tfie Note,or cure any detault thereunder or he��eunder.
<br /> 6. Eacrow.lJpon written domand by Lendar,Truator shail pay to Lender,In euch manner sa Lender mey deaipnate,euNiclent
<br /> �uma to enabte Lender to pay ae they become due one or more of the tollowinp:(Ij all taxes,asaeaaments and other charpea eQalnat
<br /> the Prope�y,plj tt�e premiuma on tho property inaurn�ce requirad hereun�3er,end�iiq tha pramtumo on any mortgaga insi►rAnae f_
<br /> requlred by Landsr.
<br /> 6. Nl�int�n�ncl, R�pa�n�nd Compll�nc�wlth L�w�.Truator shall keep the Property In good condition and repalr;ahall
<br /> promptty repeir, or reptaco any Improvement whlch mey bo damaged or destroyed; ahall not commlt or permit eny waste or
<br /> deterioreUon of the Property;ehali not romove,demolish or substantieliy alter any oi the Improvements on the Property;shall not
<br /> rommiti ed echarpe at1Trustor'etcost and expense�allh ene�encumbre ctes and chargea evted Imposeduor assessed agalnst the
<br /> Property or any pert thereof.
<br /> 7. Emin�nt Domain.Lender is he�eby essigned all compensatlon,ewarde,damages end other paymente or rellef(herefnetter
<br /> "Proceeds'� in cnnnoctlon with condemnation or other taking ot the Property or part thereof, or for conveyance in Ileu ot
<br /> condemnatlon. Lander ahali be entitled at ite optlon to commence, appear In Rnd proaecuto In fts own name any aation or
<br /> proceedings,and shail eleo be entlUed to make any compromlae or settlemenYln connectlon with suuh teking or damape.In the
<br /> event eny portion ot the Property fe so teken or damaqed,Londer ahall hsve the option,In ite sole and absolute dlaarotlon,to epp�y
<br /> a11 nuch Proceeda.eftar deducting thereiram all coato end expenses Incurred by It In connection with such Proceeda,upon any
<br /> Indebtedneas secured hereby and in such order ae Lender may datermine,ar io appiy�ii auci�F�o�o�a,attar�uch d�uc!l�n�,L
<br /> not extendtor poattpo erthe due date afCeny p ylmente undert he Note,or ure anyndefault thte eunder or h e underBAn�unappiled
<br /> funda ehall b9 peld to Trustor.
<br /> 8. P�rlormanc�by LMd��.Upon the occurrence ot an Event of Default hereunder,or if any nct la taken or lepal proceeding
<br /> commenced which materlally aHects Lendor's interest In the P►op�rty,I.ender may In Ite own dlsc►etion,but wlthout obliflation to dn
<br /> so,nrtd without notice to or demend upon Truetor and without releesiny Truator trom any obllgation,do any nct which Truator hns
<br /> apread but falls to do and may also do eny other aot It deems neceasary to protect the security hereot.Truato�shall,immadlntsiy
<br /> upon demend therefor by Lender,pay to Lender all coste and expanaes Incurred and eums expended by Londer In conneotion with
<br /> fhe exercise by l.ender oi the toregofng rights,topether with Interoat thereon at the default rste provided in the Note,which shall be
<br /> added to the IndebtednosB secured hereby. L�nder shall not Incur eny liabllity becausa ot anything it may do or omlt to do
<br /> hereunder.
<br /> 8. Haarrdou�Mst�rial�.Truator shall keep the Prope►ty In compllanca with all eppllcabte lawe,ordinancea and regulations
<br /> rolAtlnp to Industrial hyplene or environmentel protectlon(colleativeiy reterced to hereln as"Environmental Lsw�s").Truator ehell
<br /> keep the Pruperty iree trom sll subatances deame+d to be hAZSrdoua or toxfa under any Environmental Lawa(collecUvely roterred to _
<br /> hereln as"Hazardoua Materiala").Truator hereby warrants end repreaents to Lender that there are nu Hezardoua Materlala on or
<br /> under the Properry.Truator hereby ayrees to Indemnity end hold harmless Lender,Its directors,officers,employeea end apenta,end
<br /> any aucceaaore to Lender'e Intereet,irom nnd egainat any and ell clalms,damagea,losaes and Ilabilities arlstnp in aonnectton with
<br /> the preaencs,use,dls�aeat or transpoR of•any Hezardous Materials on, under,from or a6out the Property.YHE FOREt301N�
<br /> � 10. Aq1�InmM10l RMtb.Zruator hereby assigns to Lenoar ine ronl�,issuea end proffY af tho�'fC�scr:,r,pravldsd tltat 7tuei^�
<br /> shall,until the occurrance o!en�vent o1 Default hereunder,have the rieht to collect end retaln such rents,Is�ues und protlte as they
<br /> become dua end payabte.Upon the occurrence ot an Event o}Default,Lender may,either in person or by apenf,with or without
<br /> brl�iginp any actlon or proceeding,or by e recelver appolnted by e court and witheut regard to the sdequsoy of IW eecuriry,enter
<br /> de�ema�ecea�ry or de�s r blo to p e erve ha tue,mtarketablilry or entabUity ot the P opertyr,f or any part thereof onlnterestthereh^t
<br /> Increaee the Income therefrom or proteat the security hereot and,with or wlthout takt�g possesslon of the Praperty,eue tor ar
<br /> othe►wlse coflect the rente,lasues�and protite thereot,Includlnp those past due end unpald,and apply the eame,ieaa coate snd
<br /> oxpensea oi nperetlon and collectlon inciudinp ettorneye'feos,upon enyIndebtednoss secured hereby,alt In such order as Lender
<br /> may determine.The enterinq upon and taking possesston of the Property,the collectlon of auch renta,.issuea ar►d protite and the
<br /> aesp'o`nse�t tsuch default or pursuantto such notice of dett�t andt noltwithste�nding�he c nt nuanceen posseasl�on of the Pr perty o�r
<br /> tNe collectlon,recelpt and epplicatlon of ronte,isaues or proflta,and Trustee c►nd Lender shall be entitled to exorclsa every right
<br /> � provld�3d tor In nny o1 the Loan Inetrumante or by law upon occurrence o!any Event of Detault,including wlthout Iimitatlon the right
<br /> to exerelae the power of sale.Further,Lender'a rtphte end remedlea under thla peraqreph ehatl be cumulative with,snd In no way e
<br /> Ilmitation on,Lender'e righte nnd remediee under any asstgnment of loeaea and ronts recordod agalnst the Propa►iy.Lender,Trustee
<br /> Bnd the recelvor shall be Ilabte to account only for those renb actually recelved.
<br /> 1�. ��.�a a�aun.The following ehall constltute en Event o}DotAUlt under thla Deed of Trust
<br /> - (a) Feilure to pey any Inatalimant ot princlpal or Interest of eny other aum eecured hereby when due;
<br /> - (b1 A brAaah of or default under any provlalon aontalned In the Note,thls Deed ot Trust,any oi tho Loan Inatruments,or any
<br /> � other Ilen or encumbrance upon the Propany;
<br />,� (o) A wrlt oi exeautlon or attachmont or eny elmllar procosa shall be en4ered against Trustor which shali become a Ifen on
<br /> �.: the Property or any portlon tharoof or Intorest thereln;
<br /> '•� (d) Thare shall be tlled by or agalnst Trustor or Borrower en eotlon under�ny pro�ent or future tederel,otate or other
<br /> :� statute,law or r�gulatlon releting to bankruptay,Insolvency or other reflot for debtore;or thero shall be appolnted any trustee,
<br /> recelver or Ilquldator of Trustor or Borrower or o1611 or any part of the Property,or tho rents,Issue�or protite thereot or Trustor
<br /> or 6orrower ehall mako any general asslnnment for the beneflt of credltors;
<br /> (e) The sele,tranater,lease,asalpnment,conveyance or turthvr encumbrance ot ell or any pnrt o}or any lntorest In the
<br /> Property,elther volunterily or Involuntarily,without tho exproas wrltten consent ot Lender; provfded tt►at Trustor shall he
<br /> pe�mltted to execute a lease ot the Property that does not conteln an optlon t�purchaee And the term of which doea not e:�coed
<br /> one year, -
<br /> y� (Q Abandonment of the Property;or , ,
<br /> >> '
<br />