, �-, T �„7• s .�.�,-.�
<br /> '*�� � 7� .j,�'t t`t t91f ;Y+'i�i� �.. . .. , a ..� �.�..,..r.._
<br /> !:��Si���Z��iqy"�"�`1'''�'°'�'�,���-'�. ���.esr���_xrxss�:�-..,�,.5:-_ -- �e�J. - -._...__..7_ _
<br /> !►_Eii��PayV�.ER��EM�rJT' AF DEED OF TRSIST 9�iw�.�Da���Q __
<br /> �Ri1S e�R AEAL�THI5 f.'.�FOF��SIt�NINa: -
<br /> �°..
<br /> Truator un�eratnnds that Yhe dncument that Truatar la akaut to oxocute fe a be�d of Tru�t end na!e murtqape and[hst the povti�ar
<br /> of oede provided tor in tha i3�ed of Trutt provlde��ubWntl�ity dlKerent�t9hts and obll{�atlors�to Tvuetor tAen�mortp�p�In th�w�nt
<br /> v1 S u'6eMi�ii uP bi ouG�i vi"ubl�a«.ECn un$::r ifiv lJC:�Ct TfR:�;IxlClttd!!1p,bul�C?IlAllt!d t7,ttre Lender'e riflht t�heye the Pronwrty aatd ,-.
<br /> by the Truetea without any�udicl&I procsec;Inp.Truwtor repre�sntt and w�rrantr that ohl�aoknowtedpem�nt wu ox�cuted by
<br /> i ruator i�ioro iiie�rxeaudun ui iii�Dst,a1 ui 7ruii. � -
<br /> Do Fsrme In ./,� ^ )
<br /> �; �.- o=L°-�-� X ]�l�S_ �� O r
<br /> Ezs�et�"t W otieab, �j<„� r�iaan ,
<br /> �YL ,
<br /> Wilma J. Dobae . Tru�tor Secretary
<br /> ...�...�_..�.
<br /> PREFAGE T(! AQiii�UL'0'U6iAl DEED OF TRUST -
<br /> COh1PLETE thl�portlon QNLY I}the raal Rroperty desorlbed
<br /> If epNlicebls,ccmpiete ONLY ON�efther A,B,or C:
<br /> Ti�ator�cknc►wl�cl�es th�t Tn��tar IA pbc>ut to exec�ste the tallowinp L�eecl o!Truet u�on the Prope►ry,Truater,anA aAah ot thsm
<br /> I1 more than ons,hersby diaclelme Truator's�Ipht to deslpnate a homeatead on esld real estete.No part of Truator'e home�tead is
<br /> preu�ntly or witl In tttis tuture be eituated upon eald reel ert�ts.Truetor undsntanda that It Truatar estabii�hes a homsstead on any
<br /> ptrf oi eald real�etate durinp the time the Deed oi Trust remains unsatlstled and a Ilen upon eald roal eatete,there ahall be no ri�ht to
<br /> maka e deslflnaUon o!homoatoad in the evont of a forecloaure or trustee'e eale with respact to eald Oeed ot Trusf.
<br /> Trustor�cknowledpes that Tru�tor Is about to oxecute the tollowing Deed of Truat upon the Propsrty.Truator,and eech ot them
<br /> (t more then ons,hereby walves Trustor'e riBfitto dealp�ate e homeatead on nald real eatnte.Truator underetanda that Truator hea
<br /> rlyht to meke s detronatlon of homeetead end that by execullnp thle weiver,Tru�tor la walvinp rlphb otharvrlas evallebte for the
<br /> purpase of sftordinq thanr the opportunity to reWin Trustor's homeetead In the event of a dotault upon the Daed ot Truet
<br /> Purmuant to the Farm Homeatead Protecilon Act(Sectlon 76-1801 et seq.Revlaed Statutes of the State of Nobratks),Truator
<br /> hersby cfsalpnatea the nal estets aeearlbe�In the"�ealpnetlon of Homeatead"attnChed hereto end Incorporatea nerein by snir
<br /> reference. sh F a, I
<br /> , Ernes eeh Tr r resi n
<br /> B : . .
<br /> � Wi.lmu J. Dobe . Truetor 5ecr�etar,y ,
<br /> THIS DEED 4F'fRUST,la made es o}the 1�th day of M8v .,19�t�.,by end�monq
<br /> the Truettir,�beah Far�� Ine_ ,
<br /> who�e malling eddree�la 14b7 StaQecQgrh Rd.a GrA,,.� Taland� NF_ 68��n"Truttor",whNher one or mon),
<br /> tt�e m,.we, �r��a�.Qn�l B�nk..And Trusti co oF x�rneW ,
<br /> whose Rnatling eddr�as ts--P• 0. Box SJQ�,�e�xttey. N$. 68848-0578 ,.._ ,,,_„_,. (h�r�tn"Tru�s"►,and
<br /> the Ber►Micl�r�, Firat Nationa]_ Bank and T ust o. of Kear�gy ,
<br /> whofb me(Iinp edd►ese is P. O. Aox 578� Kear�v.NP.__ 6884A-0578 -- -- Iherein"Lendlr"►.
<br /> �OR YALUA6LE CONSIDERATION,Includinp Len�er's extsnslon of credit IdentHiud heretn to bobesh k'arme. Inc.
<br /> ..��(hereln"BOrrowar;'whather one or more)and the trust hereln crest�d.
<br /> the recslpt o}whfch la hereby acknowled�ed,Truator hereby Irrevocably prants,tranalere,conveya end eaalpne to Yruate0,IN
<br /> TRUST,WITtI POW@R OF SALE,tor the benefit and exuriry of Lender,undar and eubJect to the terms and condltlans herelnetter eet
<br /> loRh,the real pro�perty,deacribed ae followa:
<br /> Southeast One-Quarxer (SE�) of Section Thirty-Four (34), Towneh3p Eleven (11) North,
<br /> Range Eleven (11). WesC ot ¢l�e 6tli P.M. an8 'Phe Northweot One-Quarter (N4I}) of Section Four
<br /> (4), Townghip Ten (10) NorCh� Qange Eleven (11), Weec of the 6th P.M. all in Ftall CpunCy.
<br /> HEbT89k8.
<br /> Toyethsr with atl buildtnpa,Improvemonte,tixtures,atreete,elleys+,paeeapewaya,easemente,riphte,prlvfleq�s and eppu�t�-
<br /> nnnces located thereon or in enywfse pertnlnlnp thereto,end the rente,leas�es end protits,reverolons nnd remsindero tl�reof,qnd
<br /> suah perwn�l property thnt la ettached to the Improvementa ao ea to constitute e Ilxture,Inaludinp,but not Ilmlted ta,heatlnp end '
<br /> cooiinp�quipment;And topethor with the hAmeatead or merltal Intereste,If eny,which intsreats are hereby relu�sed and w�lwd;all
<br /> oi wnion,inoiuvin9 fepiscmnenw ana aadmom meraiv.ie nereDy GeCiar00 to oe e pHR oT t►10 re8i eOAlie OOCUreci 6y ine iien oi m�
<br /> Deed of 1Yuat and all ot the forepolnfl being reterr�sd to hereln ea the"Property".
<br /> This Deed cf Trunt ehell aecure(a)the payment of the princlpal aum and interoet evidenaed by e promioaory nnt�or credit
<br /> e�recment dated MAy 13�_199� ,haviny a maturiry date ot. -rAn,�arX t t P tggo ,
<br /> In the oripinal principel emaunt of S 400.000_(10 ,and eny end ali modlticationa,sxtenilono 1�nd ranewati
<br /> thereof or thereto and any end ell future edvancea e„d reedvencen to Borrower(or sny of them If more th�n one)heereunder
<br /> purauent to one or more promlaaory notea or credlt agre�menh(hereln called"Note");(b)the payment o}other sumi edvnncsd by
<br /> MIC 7N8T VrrkukwN OM�11�v.10/!0
<br /> �1!N fIM1aNl txik of Camm�ra Trw1�M Rwu+p�AHOCUtbn,Unootn,INpnM� .
<br />