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<br /> 17.T►•unsfer nf tiic['ro�tcrPy nn•n Iletje�icinl�ntcrest in tinri•i►tivcr. if rdl i�r nny pari vi Iti� P�op�rcy ctir any lntere�;t itt it �
<br /> C is�old ur u•unsfer�•cd(or if n bcncficial intcrest in 13orrau�cr is sol�l or tra�utifcriid nnd rl�ierowcr is n��t n naturul persnn)wilNout -
<br /> I..ender's prior wriuen consen�, Gr.nder muy. ut iis a,pUun, rec uh•c iiunudiutc pnyu►cnt in full uf ull ��unih 4�cw'c:l by tl�is .�
<br /> Security GiStrument.However,this�ption shull nut bc exet•�iscJ��y L.cndcr it'excrcisc 1��nrohfbitctl by frder�tl Inw i�v of'lhc d�ta
<br /> �� of this Swurity Instrument.
<br /> If L�:uder exerci:,es this npHon, i.ender shull�ive Dormwer nntice nf ucceleriUlun.Ti�e nudcti shull provide i��xriixl of nat
<br /> Icss thnn 30 days from tL-c dntc thc natfcc is dclivicecci or mnilcd within whlch Horrowcr must puy nll �+ums �;ccurcd Uy ehis —
<br /> c�curity Instrument.if Dorrowcr f,►ils to pay thesc sums priar ta the cxpiration t�f�hiti periud, [.cn�icr nmy invnke any rcntcdles __
<br /> ��mitt�:ci by this Security Instrument tivithnut f�iriher nottce ar demm�d on t3nrruwer. ,
<br /> Zn, R�1rr�urar�y Right tn Relnctate. If Borrower meets certain condltians, Qorrowcr �hi�ll huve the right ta huvv
<br /> enforcement of tl�is 5ecurity Instrument discontlnued et any time prlor to Ute eiiri�er ot; IN � ui�ys l��r +ucii oiiic� �x:��.,.7 u� °
<br /> upplicable luw may specify for reinstatement) before sale of the Praperty pursu�uu to nny powcr of sulc cc►ntaiucd in this
<br /> Security Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing tl�is Sr.curity Instrument.Thuse conditiuns nre that Our►•ower: (u)puys
<br /> Lcnder all sums which then would be due under this 3ecuriry Instrument u�►d the Notc as If no accelcrali�n hnd uccurrul; (b)
<br /> cures any default of nny other covenants or ugreements; (c)pays nll expenses incurred in enforcing this Securiry Instrome�t,
<br /> including,but n�t limited to,reasonable�ttorneys' fees; and(d) takes such actian ns L.ender may rcasonably rcyuire to nssurc
<br /> that dte licn of this Security Instrument, Lender's rights in thc Property nnd Borrawcr's abligadon to pay thc sunas secured by
<br /> this Security Instrument shall continuc uncLungc:d. Upon rcinstatement by Borro�ver, this Seeority instrunient and the ,
<br /> obUgations secured hercby shnU rem�in fully effcctive as if no actclerntion had accw•red. Hawever, this nshl to reinstute shall
<br /> not upply in the case of acccleration under parasraph l7.
<br /> 19. Sale of Note; Change of I.oan Servtcer. Thc Note or u partial intercat in thc Note (togethcr with this Security
<br /> Instniment)muy be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower. A sAle may result in u chunge in ths entity(known
<br /> as the"Loan Servtcer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note nnd this Security Instrument.There also may be onc
<br /> or more changes uf f��c Luttu Sc►vicc�unrelat:d to a salc of thc Notc.If dtet'e i5 s ch!�n�r nf the l.�an Servicer.Horrower will Ix.
<br /> given written notice of the change in accordunce with parzgraph 14 above and applicnble law. The notice will state the name and
<br /> address of tlie new Loan Servicer and the address to whicb payments should be mude. The notice will alsa contain nny other
<br /> information rcquired by applicablc law.
<br /> 20. Hazardot�s Substances. Bonower shall not cuuse or permit the presence, use, disposal, stort►ge, or release af any
<br /> Hazardous Substnnces on or in tl�e Prop�rty. Borrower shall not do, nor nllow anyone else to do, unything uffectinb the
<br /> Property that is in violation of�uiy Environmcntal i.uw. The prcceding two scntences shull not apply to thc presencc, use, or
<br /> storaSe on the Property of smnll quantitics of Haz�rdous Substances thnt are generally recogni•r.ed to be appropriaee to norm�l
<br /> residential uscs and to maintanance of tlie Propeny.
<br /> Barro�ver shull promptly givc Lender written notice of any investigation, claim, dcmand, la�vsuit or other action by any
<br /> governmental or regulatory agcncy or private party involving the Property and uny Ha�rdous Substunce or Em�ironn�ental Law
<br /> of which�ionower has actuAl knowledge. If Bonower Ie1rns, or is notified by any governmental or regUlatory authority. thnt
<br /> any remavs�l or other remediatian of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is netessnry, Borrowcr shall promptly txke
<br /> aii necessary remcdiu2 aciiuus ia uccvr�iaiu.c wiih�zzirasutt:.�!a!I.sx.
<br /> As us«1 in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or haz�lydous substances by
<br /> Environmental I.aw and the following substances:•gasoline, kerasene, otluc flarnmable or toxic petroleum products, toxic
<br /> pesticides fuid herbicides,volatile solvents,materials cont�ining asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactfve materials. As used in
<br /> this paragraph 20, "Environmental I.aw" means federal luws und laws of the jurisdiction where the Propeny is locntec! thnt
<br /> relate to he,�lth,safety or envi�onmentnl protection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrowcr and Lender further wvc�ianc a»d ugrec as follows:
<br /> 21.Acceleration;Remedics. I,ender sl�ull give natite to Horrower prior to acceleratlon fotlow(ng Borrower's breach
<br /> of any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrument (but not prior to acceleration undcr pYragraph 17 unless
<br /> appllcabte law pravides otherwlse).The notice shall speciiy: (a)the default; (b)the artlon requtred to cure the de[ault;
<br /> (c)p dute, izot Iess thun 30 days from tl�e dute the notice Is given to Barrower,by which the defpult must be cured;w�rd
<br /> (d) that feilure to cure the default on or before the dute specffled In the nottce may result in acceleration o[the sums
<br /> secured iby this Securtty Instrument and sale of the Properiv. The notfce shall further inform Borrower ot the right to
<br /> retnctete atter nccelerat[on and the rIgl�t to br[ng a court actton to Assert the non-ex[stenee of A default or any other
<br /> defense of Borrower to aceeleratton an� sale. It the ciefault is not cured on or before the date specitled in the notict,
<br /> I.ender, at its�ptlon, may require tmmediate payment In full of�u�l sums secured by thts Secur[ty Instru�nent wlthout
<br /> further demand and�iiay invokc the powcr of salc pnd uny other remedles Nermitted by applicable law. Lemler shall be
<br /> entitled to collect all expen.se.9 incurred in pursutng fhe remedles provtded In this paragrsiph 21�including,but not limiled
<br /> to,reasons�ble attorneys'tees and costs of title ey[8ence.
<br /> If thc power of sale la� Invoked� Trustee shall record a notice of default in each county (n which any p�urt of the
<br /> Yroperty iy located and shall mall copi�:s of b�l�uottce In the ma�ner prescrlbcd by uppllcable law W Borrower a�id to
<br /> th6 other petstxns p['e.scrii►ed by appliwuie iaw.isf►e�i.�z t��:.c:rr��tr��y«N;.::�^�•!�4�:�,'!'ce�ipe sl+.a!��iyn�u�h11r notice
<br /> at s�le to thc ipemons and in thc�nunner prescrll�ed by appllcable law. Trusiec,without demand un Borrower, shall sel!
<br /> the Property�t public uuction to the higtiest btdder at the time und place and under the termy desi�nated in the noNce of
<br /> sule In one or marc parcels and in uny ordcr Trustce detcr�nines. Trustce tnay postponc salc at all or any parcel of thc
<br /> Properly by ���bl(c announcement at the timc nnd place of any prevlously scheduled sale. I.endcr or its designee mwy
<br /> purchasc the i'raperty nt any sale.
<br /> Fwm 3028 8I90
<br /> Papa 6 01 0 '
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