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_. . , ..�.. . . �. _�;i�•gx'?�?a(l�y�- "r^ � '�r,�-_�_— <br /> 'S�i�`1���.aa�s.L.:u,{'.� .�.� _ ___'—__--——__-- — . <br /> :�•.� <br /> g8� "�43��� <br /> �i�ymcutr�Ill!fy 110 IOII�CY{iC 1'C1�11IYC(I,at tlic npdiin cif[.endcr, if mortg��gc insur�nc�:cuvcragc(in ihc nniount mzd for thc pecioii <br /> 11mt I.cndcr rcquires)nravidcd by�in i��sar���c+pprc�vcd by i.cndcr u�uin Uccc�mcs i�vuilc�bla imd is obtuincd. f3or��uv�cr shall�z:ry c':. <br /> �he prcmiums rcc�uircd tu�nnintutm m�rtgnge insurancc in cffr,ct,or to provldc n loss rescrvc,until thc requircment for mortgage <br /> insurance cnds i��nccordancc with uny wrtttcn i�grer�uent Uetwecn Dorrower and l.endcr or upplicnble Inw. <br /> 9.Dnrpertlon. I.ender or its ugent nmy muke rcus��i�ubic enUicy u���m znd inspcctlons of tite ProF�rty. Lender shaU �;lve - <br /> @orrotycr nnti���fzt th^thne nf nr iiric,r to on inspection specifving rec�sonable cuuse for thu inspectian. <br /> 10. CondemneUon. 7'iie procceJs of emy nward ar cluim Por dantagcs, dircct or conseqi�cntinl, in connection with nny <br /> �----.:__.._.. �w�.... ..a.,.,�..��e�f�hp pr��r► .or for c�uvey:u�ce in Ilcu af candcmnatian, arc hcrcby ntisigned and <br /> Cvituc�mm�nni... v:�iC: �..a......y r.... .�. y. <br /> ehull bc n:�id to I.cndcr. <br /> In the event of a totnl Inking af the Property,the procecds sliall be uppliaJ to tl�c sums securecf by tfris Secueity Instrument, <br /> whcther ar not then due, with nny excctis paid to 8orrawcr. In the event of n paninl taking of the Property in which tt►e fair <br /> murket vnlue of thc Property immcdiatcly bGfarc thc tnking is cqual ta or sre.ltcr thnn the nmount of thc sums secured by tMs <br /> Sccurity liistrumeat immedlatcly befarc thc taking, unless Barr��wcr und Lendcr othcrwisc agrce in writfng,thc sums sccurecl by <br /> this Scrurity Instrument shall be rcduced by tlie amaunt of tl�e prxceds multiplicd by the following frnction: (u) tlie towl <br /> ainount of thc sums secured immectintcly befarc the tuking, dividcd by (b) tlie fnir market vAluc of the Propeny immediatcly <br /> lxforc titc takiug. Any bnlance shaill be paid to Barrowcr. In tl�e event of e partial tuking of the Property in which the fair <br /> mnrket v�luc of the Pr�perty immediatcly beforc thc taking is Icss thmi the amount of thc sums secured immediutely befarc thc <br /> taking,unlcss Borrowcr und Lendcr otherwise agreo in wrlting or unless applicublc Ir�w othcrwise provides,thc procceds shnll <br /> be applied ta the sums securcd by this Security Instrument whether or not thc sums are thcn duc. <br /> If the Proparry is abandunul Gy Boi—►awer,or if,uftcr natice by I.ender to Horrowcr thet the c�ndemnor ciffers to muke an _ <br /> awurd or settic a clAim for damages, Borrower faits to respond to Lcndcr within 3Q days aftcr the datc the notiGe is given, <br /> Le�der is authorized to coilect nnd np�ly the proceeds,st its option. eltlier to restorntion or repair of the Yroperty or to the sums <br /> secured by this 5ecurity Instrumcnt,whether or not then due. <br /> Unless Lender and Barrower atherwise agree in writing, sny application oi procceds tu principal shall not extcnd or <br /> postpone the due date of the monthly paymcnts referred to in purngrnphs 1 nnd 2 or cliange the mnoant of such pAyments. <br /> 11.Borrower Not R�leaserl;ForbeArunce Sy I.ender Not u Waiver.Extension of the time for pAyment or modiflcation <br /> of amortiu►tion of the sums secure.d by this Security Instrum�nt grt�nted by Lender to any successor in interest of Sorrower shall <br /> not operate to rele�se the liability of the original Horrowcr or IBurrower's successors in interest. I..cndcr shall not be requiret!to <br /> commence procr.edings t�guinst any successor in interest or refuse to eatend time for payment or atherwise modify nmortization <br /> of the suuis secured hy this Security Instiument by reason of any demand mada by tl�e original Borrower or Bomower's <br /> s�;;,H:�sar iz int�r.;t. el;� {�z����� r p���.i,�pxrrci�inv nny rieht or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the <br /> exercise of an,y rigl�t or remedy. <br /> 12. Suac:c:ssore snd Asslgns Bound; Joint And Seseral Liability; Co-stgnecs. The covenunts and agrcements of this <br />� Security Instniment shall bind and benefit the successors �nd assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to tt�e provisions af <br /> par�igrapl� t7, Borrower's covenants and agreements shsll be joint and several. Any Iiorrower who co-signs this Socuriry <br /> Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instramcnt only to mortgoge, grant aud convey that <br /> Horrower's Guerest in the Froperty under the tcrms of this Security Instrununt; (b)is not personally obligatai to pay the sums <br /> secured by this Security instrument;and(c)ugeees that I.eixler anci eny ather Botrower may agree to extend.modify,forbear or <br /> • malre eny accommodations with regard to the terms of tt�is Security Ins?rument or the Note without that Borrower's conxnt. <br /> 13. �.o�n C�rges.If the loan securcd by d�is Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maxlmum loan charges, <br /> and that taw is tinally interpreted so that the interest ar other loan chnrges collected or to be coilec:ted in connoction with the <br /> loan cxceed the permitt�cl limits,then: (a)any such loan churge shnll bc reduced by the amount necessary to redua the chazge <br /> to the permitted limit; and(b)a��y sums already c411ected from Borrower which exceeded permitted 18mits will be refundod to <br /> Borrower. Lender may choose to mokc this refund by rcducing the piincipal owcd under the Note or by maldng a diroct <br /> ' payment to Borrower. If a nfund reduces principal� the reciuction will be treated as a parti�l �prepayrietlt:without any <br /> - prepaymmnt charge under thc Note. <br /> . 14.Notlecs.Any not9cC to Sonower provided for in this Securiry Instrument shall be given by delivedng it or b;�mailing <br /> it by fint class muil unless applicable law requires use of nnother!nethud.The notice shall t�c directai to the Property Address <br /> • ut ttiiy u'u`�cC &dd:iss �anau•:,r dcsig�aics by 11otIC� tC L_r��r. Any' f24[!!:C �O i n[!��_!' SE1�� t7C �lvt!1 hy first rlacc tna�l to <br /> Lender's address stated herei�t or any other address Lende:designutes by notice to liurcower. Hny notice provided for in this <br /> Security fnstrument shall bc deemed ro h3ve bcen given to Borrowcr or L.ender when givcn as providcd ln this pai�graph. <br /> - 15.Governtng Ls►w; SeverAbilfty. Tiiis Sccurity Instrument shall bc govcrncd by federal law and the law of the <br /> � � jurisdiction iu which the PropeKy is tbe cvent that nny provision or clause of this Securiry Instniment or the Note <br /> � canflicts with applicable la�v,such cunflict shall not affec:t other provisions of this Security Ynsu•�ui�ent or the Nota whicti can be <br /> ' given effect without thc conflicting provisian.To this enci tl�e provisions of this Sccurity instrwnent and tlie Nate are dcxlared <br /> to be severab!e. <br /> ; 16.Borrower's Copy.Bonower shall be given ono cc�nformed cnpy of the Note mxl of this Security Instrument. <br /> � Fnrm 3028 9/ff0 <br /> � <br /> - Pege 10�Q ' <br />
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