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<br /> this Sccurity Inslrumcnt.Howcvc�•,this��pt�un ri�ull n�t bc cxcccfscd hy i.cndcr if cxcrcisc iti prohibitcd by fe�lcral I.�w as of
<br /> ihc datc oF this Security Instrumcnt. �-
<br /> �f L,cudcr cxcrciscs shis optic.,Lendcr shall givc I�orro�vc�•notirc of uccclsrntion.Thc noticc shnll provide ie periai
<br /> of n��t less thln 30 dnys from the diite the nc�ticc is deiivercd ur��iuilcd v��ithin wliich Harro++�er m+ist pay+dl hunu+ecured by _
<br /> thls Sccurity Instramcrtt.If I3orrowcr i'uils¢u pny Ificsc sums priar to thc cxpirntion of tnis period.Lcndcr mny In'+nkc any
<br /> r�„„�a����x�rrniacd hy it►is Sccuri�y 6„tumient withuut fuitfwr notiw or dcmand on Borrower. .—
<br /> 18. H�rrnwer'q[tlght to Relnstate. If [i�rrawer mects certnin conditians,liorrower shull i�nvc tnc rigi�e�u iiuvc
<br /> enfoi�ceme�u of this Securiry lns�rument discontinucd at uay time prior tc�the earlier of:(�i) S duy�(or such otlier period as
<br /> applicable Ic►w may specify for reinstatement)ttiefare tinlc of Uie Propeny pursuunt t�� �iny powcr of side contuined m this
<br /> Security Instrumcnt;or(b)entry of u judgmcnt enforcing this Security Instrumcnt.Those conditions nre thut Hm•rowcr. (a)
<br /> pays Lcndcr all sums which then would 6c due under this Security Instrumcnt und the Note us if nc� acceleration had
<br /> occuned; (b) cures any default of nny uther covenants or c+greem:nts;(c) pflys all expensas incurr�cl in enforcing this
<br /> Security Instrument,includin�, but nat limited ta, rclron:able attorneys' fees; and(d)takes such nction as I.ender may
<br /> rensonabiy requira w a�ssurz th�t thc Hcn of this Security Instrnment,L.endcr's ri�hts in the Praperty and Borrowcr's
<br /> obfigation to pay the sums secured by this Securiry lnstrument shall continur,unchan�;ed.U�n reinstatemen[Ly Borro�vcr,
<br /> this Security Instntment und the abligations secured hereby shnll retnain fully effective as.�f no ncceleritian had occurred.
<br /> Howcvcr,this right to rcinstatc shull not apply in thc cusc of ucccicration undcr pciragraph 17.
<br /> l9. 3ale of Note;Change oP i.oan Servicer. Thc Notc or u partial interest in the Notc(togcthcr with this Sccurity
<br /> Instrument)m�y be rold one or more times without prior noticc ta Borrower. A sale mny result in a change in the entity
<br /> (known as[he"Lonn Se,vicer')Qiat collects monthly paymenGs due under the Note and this Securiry Instrument.There also
<br /> may be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated tu a sale of the Note.If therc is a change of the Loan Servi�cr,
<br /> Borcower will be given wrixten notice of the change en uccordtince with paragraph 14 above and upplicable Inw.The natice
<br /> will state the name and nddress of the new Loan 5erviccr and the address to which paymcnts should be made.The notice will
<br /> a►tso cuntaln any other information required by applicable Inw.
<br /> 20. Ha�ardous Substances. Borrower shull not cnuse or permit the presence,use,dispos�l,storage,or release of
<br /> uny H2•rardous Substances on or in the Property.9orrower shall not do,nor allow unyone elsc to do,nnything affecting thc
<br /> Property that is in violation of any L�nvimnment�l Law.The preceding two sentences sh�ll not apply to the p�sence,use,or
<br /> storage on thc Property of small quantities of Hnzardous 3ubstances thut are gencrally recognized to be appropriatc to
<br /> nortnll nesidcntial uses and to maintenunce of the Propeny.
<br /> Borrower shull promptly give l.ender written noxice of any investigation,claim,demand,lawsuit or other uctinn by
<br /> nny govemmontal or rcgulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous SubstAnce ar
<br /> Environmental Law of which Borrawer has uctuni knowledge. If Borrower lenms,or is noti�ed by any govcmmental or
<br /> negulatory authority,that any remov�l or other remediution of any Hnza�dous Substance affecting the Property is necessary,
<br /> Borrower s1�nU promptly taice ati necessary�meuiuS uciio��s 3��acc�r3aacc wittt Envimar.ienss!I.s:v
<br /> As used in this paragraph 20,"Hazardous Substnnces"ure diose subskv►ces deflned us toxic or hazardous substances
<br /> by Enviromnental Law and the following substances:gasalin�;,kerosene,other flammaBle or toxic peuoleum producta,toxic
<br /> pestisidcs and herbicides, volatilc solvents,materials contuinmg nsbestos or fortnaldchyde,and radtaactive mntcrinls. As
<br /> used in this paragr�ph Z0, "Fnvi►•onrt►ental Law' means federal laws and Inws of the�urisdiction where the Property is
<br /> located th�t relate to health,safety ar environmentul protection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVGNANTS. Borrower and Lendcr further covenlnt und ugrec as follows:
<br /> 21. Acceleration;Remedfes. Ixnder shall give nottce to Iiorrower prior to acceleratfon fnttowlhg Borrower's
<br /> breaah of any covenant or agreement In this Security InStrument(but not prior fo ncteleration under parsikraph 17
<br /> unless appltcable!aw provides otherwise). The notice shall specify: (a)the default;(b)the actlon required to cure tile
<br /> default;(c)a dAte.not Icss than 3r).days from the�fate the notice is given to Borrower�by which the default must I�e
<br /> cured;nnd(d)thAt Failure to cure the deFault on or before the dute specified in the notice may resalt in acceleration of
<br /> the sun�s�secured by this Security Instrument au�!sale of the Property.'i'I�e notice shall further inform Borrower of
<br /> the righ4 to reinstpte after acceleration And the right to bring a court actiun to assers the non-existe�ce ot a detauli or
<br /> uny a4her dcfense of BorKOwer to ac�eterati�on and sale.If the dcl'ault is not curPd an or hefore the date speciikd in
<br /> the notice, Lender at its option may requlre imn�ediate pa�ment in full of all sums secured by thls Security
<br /> Instrument without further demand and may Invoke the power ot sale and any other remedfes permitted by
<br /> appflcuble law. Lender shs�ll be entitled to collect all expenses Incurred in pursuing the remediea provlded in thts
<br /> parag,rAph 21,including,but not limited to,reasonabie altorneys'fees and costs of title evidence.
<br /> If tl�s power of sule(s invoked,Trustew shall record a notice ot detault in eaeh county in which any pari of the
<br /> »��N";�;��;,,..,�t��n��e�►��,�i�rnntec nP such notice in t�e mamier prescribed by appllcabl�law to Borroe+�er and
<br /> to the other persons prescriAed by applicuble law.Atlter the time reqaired by applicuble law,�rastee s6aii give puuiic
<br /> notice ot sule to the persons und in the manner prescribed by appUcable I�w.Trustee,wtthuut demand on Borrower,
<br /> shall scll the Property at publ[c auction to the highest bidder s►t the timr and place xnd under the terms designated irt
<br /> the noticc of sale in une or morc parcels and in any order Trustee deicrrnines.'Crustee may postpone vale o4 al!or
<br /> �ny parcet of the Property by puAlfc aanouncement at the time and plece of eny prcvionsly sche�Iukd s�le.l,znd�r or lts
<br /> designee mAy purchase the fh�operty nt any sale. ,
<br /> FOrfn9028 Nf00 fp�BeSoj6�wgetl
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