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<br /> th:►t Lc:ndcr rcyuims)providcd by un in�;urcr approvcd by Le:nder again hccomcs nvailable nnd is obtaincd.Horrower shail pay ,
<br /> tl�e premiums requircd ta mnintnin mu�tgage insurnnce en effect,or to provide n loss reserve,until the rcguirert►ent fur mortgnge
<br /> insur•►nce ends in ncco�dnr�se with nny wriuen ngreemcnt bcswccit►iorrawcr cmd Lcnder or applicablc li�w.
<br /> g !.^.�^�^��ats. Lencler er!ts n�ent mny mnkc rensonablc entries upon nnd inspcctians of d�e Properly.l.endcr shuU _
<br /> r.....
<br /> giva i�a�rawer notice ut�he timc uf ar prior to an in�ipection specifying rensonable enuse for►he inspection.
<br /> •n i......�..�.....u.... •i`�.o......u�10 nf unv nw�rd nr cluiut foi(j3Ui7:IL'CS,dir.c:t or conscqucntial,in connecti�n��ith ,
<br /> av. �.vUUa.u�u�...v... . .'r•..��-^.. -._., .. _ .
<br /> any condemnation or other tAking of any pxrt of ihe►°ropedy. or far conveyance in lieu of condemnuaon, are ner�oy
<br /> nssigned nnd shall be paid to l.ender.
<br /> In the event of u total tnking of the Praperty,the praeeds sl�all be applied to tiie sums secured by this Security
<br /> Instrument,whethcr or not then duc, witl�uny cxccss paid to Borrower.I�i the event of a panial wking of thc Property in
<br /> �vhich thc fair market value of the Property immediately bcfore tho t�king te equal to or greater thun the n�nou►u of thc sums
<br /> secu�ect by this Security lnstrument immediately b�fore thc taking,unless Borrower and l.e�ider atherwisc ugree in writin�,
<br /> the sums seeured by this Securiry Ins�rmnent shall bc reducul by the amount of the prcx;ceds multiplied by the follawing
<br /> fraetion:(a}the tutul umu�ud uf[iic Suiiis secared immediataty t�efore the ta:cing,di��ided by�b)the fair market value of the
<br /> Property immediately beforc thc takins. Any balance shall bc puld to Sorrower. In the evcnt of a partial taking of the
<br /> Property in which thc f;�ir market vuluc of the Property immediately before the t�sking is lcss than tl►e amount of the sums
<br /> secured immr,diately beforc the t�king,unless Horrower aitd l.cnder otherHise ugece in writina or unless ap��licable Iaw
<br /> othenvise pravides,the praceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instn�mcnt whether or not thc sums nre
<br /> then duc.
<br /> If the Pm;+erty is ubandoned by Borrower,or if,after noEice by Lc:nder to Bcrrower that the condemnor offer�tp
<br /> m�ilce an awurd or scttDe a olu;��i i`o�damages,Batrow�r fafls ro res�nnd to I.�nder wid�in 30 days uf�Cr ���date thC i16tICC Ifi
<br /> given,L.endcr is authorizcd to�collect and apply the proceeds.ttt its option,cither to resturutton or repair of th�f'�roperty or to
<br /> the sums secured by this Security Instrumcnt,whether or not then due.
<br /> Unless l,endcr and Borrower otherwise nsrec in writing,any application af procceds to principal sh:►Il not extend�r
<br /> postpone thc due datc of the monthly payments refcrecd tu in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the smnunt of such paymcnts.
<br /> 11. Iiorrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension oF ths time for payment or
<br /> modiCcation of AmoRi�,�cion of the sums secured by tliis Securit�Instrumei�t granted by i.endor to any successor in interest
<br /> of Borrower shall not operlte to release the Iinbiliry o'F t}te odgmal Bon•ower or Borrower's successons in intere.st. L.ender
<br /> shali not be required to commenr,e proceedings ngainfit any successor in interest or refuse to extend tima for payment or
<br /> otherwise modify amortization af the sums secured by this Securlty Instrmncnt by reason uf any demond made by the
<br /> original Borrower nr Borcowcr's successors in intere.^.t.Any forbearance by I.ender in exercising any right ar remedy shaU
<br /> not be a waiver ofF or preclude thc exersisc of nny right or n:medy.
<br /> 12. Succ�.ssors and Assig�.s Bound;Jolnt and 3everal Li�bility;Co•signers. The covennr�ts and agreemei�ts of dris
<br /> Securiry Instrument snaii�ind and'ocne�i ihe�uccc;���,«z��oi8n� af i::tst�*�.n��Rn�r�wPr; vuMject to the provisions of
<br /> paragraph 17. 8orrower's covenunts and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs Etus Security
<br /> Instrument but dces not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument ouly to mortgage.grant nnd convey that
<br /> Borrowcr's interest in the Property under the terms of this Sccurity Instrmnent;(b)is not per�onnlly obligntcd to puy the sums
<br /> se,cumd by this Security Instrumenr,and(c)agrecs thnt Lender and nny other Borrowcr may agrce to extend,modify,Porbear or
<br /> make any accomrnodations with rega�rl to the terms of this Security Instrument or thP Note without that Borrower's consent.
<br /> 13. Lo�n ChArgts. If the loan secured by this Security[nstrument is subject to a law which sets ma�cimum loan
<br /> charges,and that law is finally interpreted so ths+t the interest or other loan charges collected or to be callected in�onnection
<br /> with the loan exceed th�permuted limits,then:(a)nny such loan chtirge shall bc reduced by the amount neccxsury to reduce
<br /> the charge to the pcnnittcd limit;and(b)uny sums alnendy coUccted from Borrower which excccded permitted limits will be
<br /> refunded to Bonowcr.I.cndcr may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under tiie Note or by making a
<br /> dircGt payment to Barrower.If:t refund reduces principnl,the reduction wtll be treated as a partiat prepayment witha.rt any
<br /> prepayment charge under thc Note.
<br /> 14. Notices. Any notice to Bonower provided for in Uiis Sec�rity Instrument shull be given by delivering it or by
<br /> ir►ailing it by 6rst clms ma�l unless applieable law reyui�es use of anollier methexl.'I'�e notice shall t►e dinected to the Paroperty
<br /> Address or any other uddress Borrower designates by notice to Lender.Any notice to l.ender shall be given by first class mail
<br /> tn Lende:s address Etated herein or uny other address L.ender designates by notice to Horrower.Any notice prcivxded for in tl�is
<br /> Security lnsuument shall be deemed to havc been given to Bonower or Lender when given as peovided in this paragraph.
<br /> I5. Gaverning Law;Severability. 'This SGCUriry Inswment shall be gavcmed by federnl law und the law of thc
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Nroperiy is lorited.In the event that any provision or clause of this Sccurity Instrument or the Note
<br /> conflicts with apulicable law,such contlict shall not nffect other provisi4ns of this Security Instrument or tho Note whieh can
<br /> be given cffecf without thc conflicting provision.To this end the provisions ot this �ecurity tnstn►mcnt and the'riote are
<br /> deciarc,cl to tx:severable.
<br /> 16. Borr�uwer's Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of tl�is Security Instrament.
<br /> 17. TrAnsfer of tl�e Property or a Beneticl�l fnttrest!n Borrower. If all or any pa�t of thc Property or uny interest
<br /> in it is sold or transfcrrad(or if a bcncficiul intercst in Borrower is soid or transferred and Borrower is not a naturul pe�son)
<br /> withnut Lcnder's prior writteu consent,i.ender may,:►t its option,require immediate payment in full of all sums secu�d by
<br /> �OIrt1�024 O1D0(poRe 4 nf 6 pagP,rJ
<br /> BANNEFS 6YSTEMS,INC.,9T.CLqUD,MN 6fi.102 11-00039�•23�1)FORM MD•1•NE 2J691
<br />