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<br /> 96_ �.C►�t9��
<br /> TOCFTffiEII3 WITH nll the imprc�veynents naw ar hen,�fter erectcd an tho properiy,and nll esuements,eppurtenances,and �_
<br /> fixs�rc��ov�or tic-re�ft�r n part of t�te�rog�ny. Ail raplcccsnen4�cnd edditians shnll c�lsa 6c covcrccl by this Secudty instrumcnt. �
<br /> A 11 af the forcgoing is refened to in this Sccurity instrument u,v the"Property." �
<br /> BOItItOW13R GOVHNANT3 ittat Banowcr is I��vfully scis�;d of tho estat�hcrcby convcycd and hns lho rlght t�o grant nnd
<br /> wiwey u7e Fra�erry and d�at tlic Pmpr,rry is unencumt�retl,excep! for encumbranccs of record. P1�rrower w�rraats ert�l will �
<br /> dcfcnd Rene.�ally the titio w►he Property ag�inst a11 clatms und dcmarsds,subject W any cncumbrances of rccord.
<br /> THiS 3FCURTTY IIVSTRUNiEIVT cornbines uniform covenant� for nadonal use md non-uniform c�vcnents with iimited -
<br /> vtuiatioaa i�Y.i��cu���nsUwte a uuifarsn rccuriry insmur.ent c�verin�cer�propenY• �
<br /> UIYIFORM COiBNANTS.Borrowex and Lendu cnvenent anQ agroc as touows:
<br /> i.PAymcnt�f Principal and Interest;�repaym�nt And 1 ate rhargea. Borrower shall promptly pay when due tho
<br /> pr(nclpal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the I�Ious and eny prepayment and late chargcs due�under th�Note.
<br /> 2.FYmds for Taxes and IasurAnee. Sub,ject to applicable law or to a written watver by I.ender, Borrower shall pay w
<br /> Lcnder on thc day monthly payments are due under the Nate,undl tha Mote is paid in full,a sum("Fund�")for:(a)yearly cnxes
<br /> and assessments which may auain prlorlty over thls Security Insm►ment es a Ilan on tho Pro�terty;(b)ycarly leasehold payments _
<br /> or ground rents on tt�e Property,if any;(c)ycarly 6azsud or property lnsurance premiums;(d)ycarly flood insurance premiums,if _
<br /> any; (o) yearly mortgage insurance premiums,if any;and(�any sums pt►yable by Bono�ver to Lender,in accordanca with the
<br /> provisions of pazagraph 8, in lieu of the paycment of moxtga�e insurance premiums. These items are called "Escrow Items."
<br /> L,ende.r may,at any time,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the ma�cimum amount a lender for a fedcrally related
<br /> mortgage loan may requue far Boerower'�escrow account undu tha federal Real Estata Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as
<br /> amendr.!fsom dme to Nm�, 1?.LI,S.C.Secaon 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"),unkss another law that applies W the Funds sets a lesser
<br /> amount If so,Lender cnuy. at any dme, collect end hoYd Punds in an emount uot to exceed lha lesse: aniaunt L.cnder may -
<br /> esdmate Ihe nmonnt of Funds duc on the basis of current data and rea5onable estimates of espenditures of fuwre Escrow Items or
<br /> otherwise in uccurdance with appUcable law.
<br /> The F�nds shall be hcld in an instia�don whose d�posits arc insun,d by a federnl agency,instrumcntality.ar endty(including
<br /> I.ender, if L�nder is such an insptudon) or in any Federal Home Loan IIank. L.ender shall apply the Funds tc�pay the Bscmw
<br /> Items.I.en�or may not charge Boaower for holding and applying the runds,annually annlyzing the escrow account,Qr verityitfg
<br /> tho fiscrow Itcros,unless Lender pAys Borrower interest on the Funds end applicablc law permits Lender to make such a chArge.
<br /> Howcver,Lender may nquire Borcower to pay a on�ti�ne charge for en independent real estate ta�c reportin8 service used by
<br /> Lendu in canncction with tl�ls laan,uNess applicablo law provIdes otherwlse.Unless en agreemer►t is made or applicabk law
<br /> requires interest to be paid,I.ender Fhall not bc requIred to pay Borrowu eny interest or eamings on the Funds.Bon�wer and
<br /> LLesnndei may ag�ee in wrldng,however.that interest shall be pa�d on tho Funds.I.endcr shall give to Borrowet,without chazge,an
<br /> Alllll]AI ACCdUJitllt�Of tT10 t'UIW9�StlOWillg CICQli9 BIlO(SCOItS 1�D IfIC FUiiu'S iti�u'u`�c Niit�r'v5o�v�wiii��1��i LjC�3�i ia iliC�iiR���.'.°
<br /> cnade.'�'he Funds are pledged as addIdonal socurity for all sums secured by this Security Instrumen�
<br /> If the Funds held by I,ender exceed the amounis permiued w bo held by applicable law.Lender shall account to Borrower for
<br /> tho excess Funds in accordance with thc requirements oF appllcabla law.If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any bmc is
<br /> not sufficlent w pay the Psceow It�ems when due,Lender may so notjfy Borrower in writing,and,in such case Bonower shall pay
<br /> to I.ender tha amount necess�uy to maka up the deficiency. Boaower shall mWce up tho deticiency in no more than twelvc
<br /> monthly paymenis,at Lender's sole discretion.
<br /> Upon payment in full of aU s�uns secured by this Securlty Ir�strument,I.ender shall promptly refund to Borrower eny Funds
<br /> held by Lender.If.under pw�raph 21,L�endcr shall ecquiro or scll the Properiy,Lecider.pdor to the acquisition or sale of tho
<br /> Propaty�shall apply any Funds held by L.ender at the time of acquisition or sale a9 a credit against the sums secured by this
<br /> S�ecuriry InstcumenG •' ,+�. .
<br /> 3.Applic�tbn ot Ihnnenl�. Unless applicable law provides otheawise,atl payments roceivod by Lciidei under �paragraphs
<br /> 1 �f 2 shall be s�pplied;tirst,co any prcpayment charges due under the Note;second,to amounts payable under paregraph 2;
<br /> [hird,W irttcrest due;fcwrth.to principal due;end last,to any Iato charges due undcr the Note.
<br /> 4.C6argeei Liens. Barower shail pay atl taxcs,asscssme,nts, charges, fincs and imposidons atiributablc to thu Properry
<br /> which rtiay attain priorlry over this Sccurity Instrumsrit,and lcasehold payments or ground rents.if any.Borrowu shall pay these
<br /> obligations in tho manner providcd in paragraph 2,or if not paid ir+that manner,Borrower shall pay them on d�ne directty tn tho
<br />_ �,n �w�xl�ayment Borrowcr shall ummptly furnish w Lender all notices of amoimts to be paid under this paragraph. If
<br /> Borrowu mekes the�o paymentg directly.aoaower shali�romDUy fumish to I,endcr nceigts cvidcocL�g trie paymer►ts.
<br /> Borrower shaU promptly ciLscharge any llen which has pdorlty ovcr this Socurity Instrume,�t unless Borrower.(a)agrces in
<br /> wdtinng to tha payment of tha obligadon securetl by the lien in a manner ecceptable to I.ende�:(b)contes�s in good faith the Ikn
<br /> by, or defends against enforesment of the licn in, legal pcocadings whkh in tho Lender'a opinion operate to provent the
<br /> enforccma�t of the lien;or(c)sec�res&om tP�c holder of[he lien an agrcxrnent sntisfacwry w I.ender subordinating thc llen to
<br /> thi�Sxuriry Instrumen�If Lenda deurmines that any part of the Property is�ubject to a Ifen which may attain priority a�ver this
<br /> Socurity Instrument,Lcnder mAy give Borrower a nodccs idcntifying tha Gen.Borrower shall saUsfy the lien or take one or mor�
<br /> af the nctions sPt forth above within 10 days of tho giving of nodce. '
<br /> Form 30 0l�0
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