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<br /> _�'� ! .. . . _ .. c
<br /> _ ( ;i .'' ' �.3:._ �a: _ ' _ _.._.. — , � . __ . __._ — —. ..
<br /> _ ti.� .�. ,.F .,� � . . . . . . . � _ ' . ' _
<br /> _ -- -,:� � . . -. . : - , . . .. �a�a�t .
<br /> " � `� -. . � � _ . 92=-. , .. :
<br /> , ` rppN�bk lav m.y specirp tbr�)bec«e s�ie cf�the Propat�par�at to�g povlrer ot sak co�Nainod in tbis . ,,
<br /> Secrri��r Irotrun�r�ar�b)�ndry of a j�rd�na�t enfaeina�is Securityr Tnsuument. Thoee coaditiuns�e Q�u Bonawer. (a)- -
<br /> ' p�ys�l.ender aU sun� wNch then would be due under tNs Securiry Iosuunxnt and the Nae as if ao aaceterapat Uad
<br /> arecutred:(b)cuns any deiwtt otany dAer ooveo�its ar s�oertietttfi(�)PiYs��P�s incumd in rnfaicing this 5ecuriry
<br /> In�trument.includina.6ut not Umited to.reawnaDb attomeys'fas:m�(d)tafces sueh action as l.ender may cr.�anably
<br /> � e�aqui�io ssswe ih�t the lic�t d t6is Scrurity It�slrumrnt.t.rnder�rights in t6c Pmpaty and Awrowetis obligati�to 1�Y� .
<br /> sums socured Dy this Saviityr Ipsatunrnt sl�all cauinue unchaaged. Upon teinstaten�snt by BarowCt,this Secarity
<br /> --- - _-=---- :- .-tmt��nE��t�et�Ec�stions.s�ed.�Y shilt nemsin€uliv�effective ss.if na nooelention had occutrod. However,Wis
<br /> _ -=-.- -—, . - - -
<br /> � agtu to�ei�atesWUn«�ppey tn ti�csse of,oceleratiao uoder pat�gr�pn 17. -
<br /> � !! SBe d NNe;�e d i.o�t Suvker. 7t�e Note or a panial inte[est in thc Note(together wit�this Securiry
<br /> • Iasa�m�ent)may be sold one or more times without pria rorice to Bannwer. A sak rnay resutt m a change i»ihc eatiry
<br /> {kiwMrn s the"Lo�a Setvica",)tIW colkces moatWY PiYmeotc due ucider t6e Note and this Security Tnstrume�u. 'ILene alsn
<br /> maY be ane or more ch�nses of tbe Lo�n Serviat un�ei�tod to a s�te ot the Note. If tl�ece is a change of the Laan ServFcer.
<br /> � Ba�mwa Rn'U be g[ven writ�en notix of die ch�nge ln accont�nce with paragraph 14 above and applicabk la.w. The notice
<br /> will st�e t6e mme ard add�ss of the aew Lwn Servicer and the addnss to wlnch payments should be made. Tt�e natice will
<br /> aTso�awin aay aber infocrt�atiatia►mryiored by applicabk law. -
<br /> 21� Haardo�$rb�ta� Borrowec slntl not cause ur pertnit the preserx�e.use,disposal.s`taage.or release of any
<br /> -_ ` Huicdoas Sn6�tanas aa a in tbe Rape�ty. Bonovirer sNail not do.nor allow anyoae etse to do,an�thing affectiag Qie
<br />=-- Piroperty that is ia vioiatioa of any Fnvironmenhi Law. Tiie pr+xeding two sentences shall not apply to the presence.use.or
<br /> -- storage on the Pmperty of smaU qoaaaties af Huardous Substances that are generrtiy�ecogniaeA to be app�opriate w nocmal _-
<br /> il; �` eesidential uses aM to tnaintenance of the Pro�peity. . . _ ---
<br />•<-' Bo�suwes shail promPUY Srve[�wriuen aaice of any imcstigarion,claim,demapd.lawsuit or ather action by any , _-v
<br /> = govmunental or re8�{�Y aB�Y a P��P�Y involving tt�e PtopeRy 9nd any Hazardous Substazxe or Eavirniun�aE , ��_-
<br /> Iaw of�8arawer has aca��i Iatowled$� if Bamwer tea�ns.or!s rwq�ed by atty govemmentai as iegaJazary , __ -.-
<br /> -- ';�Sbority,tsaE�any temaval or otber ciemediation of an�.�as S�e affecti?g the Prop�ty is noces.�.i�csnbwer ,.+�=_-
<br /> - ,s�a11 p�anpiptb}:taice ali�cessary t�naedi�l setions in ao�����iv. ,�.... : �'� ' _-
<br /> ' As ase�.��s pangrapl�2(1."Ha�anlous SabsTac��"�e�se�..fi�*'�tars+3�ir;i"as t�'::��',lazardous�,�nces 1s� "�
<br /> ,�, F�vita�d�e,�'LaT�:aw ux!the foUowing su6stances: gas:iiin�.lcesv3�o���a4? or��i::�euoteum products.tou�. ��;
<br /> '�:, pesticides�.a�i,�7�rbfcides.volatile sotveats,materials cpritairting as5iesos:or f�r�a2�ehyde �ia�oactive,mateiiajs. As ��.�� _
<br /> ' ���°, t - used iri tlus�aptf 2(1,"Fnvironmental La�"meat�s��rdt taavs an�iaavs o�*'he�tcu���:'�tt�e Property is lacate�...._ - ��,-,-- _
<br /> ,,�., . •• , ., .
<br /> �thatrelatet�@i�ttl�,s�fecSaEenvironmentalproteciic3n. � - �'` x �
<br /> n.
<br /> ,�' ' NOIWL�:�FORM Cf 2�IANTS. BORQN'EC.�i��.@1I�F�I1it�iCJ COYCI1d11t 3Ei$8�i2C 1S f011(3�5: . . . ' �' _�-
<br /> E 4
<br /> �,t F��C LO�iaWlr 170f IO���BOfFbWl0�5 �r '
<br /> Zl. A�eratton;Remedk� 1.��e�s�.gi.. P :: '"� •,a.�
<br /> :,.;:::;; braici a�si?��ovawnt or agre�i�a,t�s�rttp t�er�;�'�3 not prior to acceies�tio�muaer�Ors�raW�17�..;..;; � -
<br /> ; •.. �Rles��q�bk u�v pravid�s artl�e��Tllt IIOfK+e�S�l SpECt��'•i•'�.)tUe de�palt,(b)tie a�o�soq�ed to cure tl�e �.. � ..'`'�` ;
<br /> ` �� .ddal��c)�►�ie,�at tes tLas 3��gs from tie d�c Se uabioea's�i'ven to Borrowtr*6�B��e��E�ee.A 6e _ '� _
<br /> ,.,.• s; .
<br /> � L1_�
<br /> , �t�a�.a�a.��r���r�t�a�rsunopae���a���r'Ke�nK�.����oo�,+�or -
<br /> ' �`; tie saaa�eororedby�Secorit�InstrWn�enc�nd sak ot tbe Prap�cy. 't'6t aoNce s6n8 farther iatan.8orro�rer ot -
<br /> t �:�:� tbe r$6t to re3�state After pccelerAtion and the riz►ht to bring A coert s�ction to a�sert tbe non�lsteaoe otA default or -__�
<br /> � auy otMer dstea4e o�Borrower!o Accekratlon And sAk. I!the defauTt is nM cared o0 or 6efore the date specitied in _ _
<br /> � ' ! �he notic�Lender At its optbn may requiro immediate psyment in tull ot all suntg secured by this Sccarity I�trummt - __
<br /> '� = without furt6er demAnA and may Invoke the power ot sale aad any other remedks permitted by applicabk Is�w , ��"
<br /> -' �.; � Lr�ukr ah�ll be esdtkd to collect All expens�s incurred in pursuing t6e remedies provided in this parngraph Zl, _�
<br /> - includtng,but not limited to.reasonabfe attomeys'fees aad costs ottitle cvidenca . -�`
<br />. , � -1� . It►he poNer of sAte is invdce�l,7trustee shaU record A notke ot detault ln eACh county in whkh any part ot the ; � �•;_
<br /> �:� � Property�C IocAted and slwll mail copke oE such nMice in the manner prescribed by applicAbk IAw to Borrowe�and to �=i
<br /> ' tUe otl�er persons prescribeA by appllcabfe IAw ARer the time required by applicabk Istw.7lrusta shAll g(ve pu6lic , ',y
<br /> _ natke at sAle to the peesons and In the manner prescrl6ed by applka6k law. 7Yu�tee.wlthout demand oe Borrower. � , -
<br /> 1 ahsll sell t6e Property at public s�uction to t�e highext 6idde�at the time and ptace and ande�the tern�s designated in - .
<br /> �� � d�e noNce ot sak ie one or mure parcds and in any otAer 1lrustce determtnes. Tru4tee mAy postponc 4ak of all or any ., -_
<br /> � ;` para!of the Property by publk announcemeni at the time anQ Qt�ce oi any prevbusly schedukd s�te. Lender or its p-
<br /> �`� � dest�nnee maY Purchase the Property at any s�le. � "
<br /> ee �, .z'-
<br /> . . .:���' 1Jpon neceip!ot payment d the prtce bid,7lrustee shall detiver to ihe purchaser Trustee's dced convey1ng the . ?.--
<br /> �, propert�; 'f'he recttsds In the 7lrustee's deed shall6e prirtw tack evlAence of the truth at the�tements made thereln. �.: y ._-
<br /> :, 'IYastce shali apply the{KOCeeds of the xa�e in the tollnwing order. fa)to�U casts and expenses ot exercising the powe� s�.�..�. •,.�, . -
<br /> , iv:
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