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<br /> ; tcunde�m�tion or otl�a tiking a�+py P�af`tl�Fro�+enY.tx fix caivoyw�e in licu of cundemnatian.utr hercby assi�+�!�d .
<br /> � uh�it be paid to t.ender. . � � s sh�lt[x applie6 tR the sums Rccured by et�ic SecuritY
<br /> ' tn the evtnt o!a tatal t�ing d'the Prop� Y•. _ ��wec in tbee cvcnt of a puti�f t�icing of the Arope�ty ic�.
<br /> !n$wment�wixther or no1 then due.wit6 an�r excr�paid ,
<br /> . which the fair maricet yatue of the FropeAY immediatcty befose the taicing i�equal t�or Sreatcr ttun che a»xwrtn of Ihc sums
<br /> secuned by this Security insttumeM imrned�ately 6eforr tAe taking.unkss Botruwer and Lender atherwisc Agrcr in w�ting.
<br /> tht sums seco�ed by tfiis Se.:�ri�y Instrumeat shall He ceduad bY the am�wnt of the praceeds muldpiied by t�e foftnwtng
<br /> — fra�tioa: (a)the totat am�nt af tl�e sum�s�ureA icnmediatdg be€ore Ihe talung.dvided by(b)the fair m�rket votue of the = --
<br /> batance shail be d to�orrower. In tt�e e+r�tt af a p�tiiat tatc�rg+��_= -
<br /> p�opcny immediately befae the t�lring. My P� .
<br /> Iri
<br /> p�roperty w whkh the fair market vaiuc of the P�aperty immediatety before the taking is tess thaa thc a�saun�uf the�urt�
<br /> soeared immediately befar t h e t a k i n& u n l e s s B o r r o w e r a n d I.a n d e r oth�cwisr a g r e e in wricing ac wless applicable law
<br /> . «����i��p�ads s}�aU be applied ta th sums secuted by this Security Inmument whethM or not t h e s u m s a c e
<br /> then due. is atrancioned bY Ba�ower.or i�aftrc notice by l.ender W Borrower that the condem�sor offers ta mske ' �
<br /> if the PrapettY wer faits to tes w i.ender within 30 days after tht date dre tiotice is Siven,
<br /> �a award or stttle a claim for dam�8es.Baru P�, to restoratiai.or t+�air of the Pmperty or to dta
<br /> L.et�er is authorizal to cotlect and aPP�Y�P�°�ceds.su its opuot►,aid�er .
<br /> 6ums socvrea 6Y thi.9 Securiry Insuumen�whether or not then due. to � i Sha11 not exttnd nr
<br /> � Unkss Lender ard Borrower otherwise agcee in writing.any application of�S P�P�• .
<br /> °. , postpoac the due date of the mortthiY PaYments referrcd to in paragraphs 1 and 2 orchattge the a�twuat of sach pay�►�� __
<br />-� 11. Borro�rer NM Releucd: Forbearsac� BY �Not a Waiver. Extension of the ticae fa pa►yment or
<br /> � inodificatlon of amatization of the sums sec�ed by this Securiry Instrument granted by i.ender w any successor in intenest
<br /> " . uf Bomower sl�all not operate'to retease the fiability af�he original Bocsower or Barrower�successors in inte�est.i.etNlei'
<br />--- shall,ie,at be required to commence P�oceedin8s aSainst aay successor in interest or refuse to extend teme[or,paytnent or
<br />- at�modity amo�nzatian of t[�e sums secured by chis Securiry Inctrument by reasoa of any demand�bs�����
<br /> _= Boimwer oc Bor�ov�er's successas in intenest. t�forbearance bY Lendec n.n exercising any righ ,:: :'
<br /> : wa[verof.ocp��-heexec�eiseaf any righ3os�=aY• � .` '• 'me coven�►ts and.agreemems af th�s ,
<br /> I2 Su��ces�i:�s and Ass�re Bau�d:��+1 Sev�a!l�isabiUty, e srt,��
<br /> .Secucisy.'Insuwi�'s cT�all bind a�benefit the sa:,cessors amd acsigns of 1:ender and Boirower.subjeci.'t.o tt�e provisioas of
<br />" ' ,, .�:�pa�ag:aph�iT.Bbi:�sa�ers covec�ar:c�and agree�'�nts shalt be joint and several:My B�rower whu co-siS��d �onv�tha� ' " ,
<br />�;1:.� Iactrament but ddes n��zecu:��`�:Note: tal is ca-signing�t:is�Security Insuument uply�.t�n��abl,'�ted ti�PaY th'e sums
<br />",;;-.:��. �:� , Bormwer's interes.ih�i�Prm��}•under the temss of this Security lnstrumen� (b)is nor.Betso ee�o e��e.nd.modtfy,farbear
<br />';•:;r; -= - �curedby this Seci►rn��namtmer.t;And(c)agc�s that l.ender and any other Botrowerma�agr
<br />�:;i;•' f '':}--': or make any acc�omarntfauoss�,w�i!►regard to;b�terms of this Security Instrument ar t�Note without thaE��WCra
<br /> � �� '•� ' cc�§ent. � � • -
<br /> -•�•..�f3.',Laan C�geg. tf the'taan secured by,ihis Seaar�jr• Lss�tnsment is subject ta a law which se�5 maximar�p iman
<br /> c�ar�,�s,arrd that 3�aw i.g finally interpreted sa thut tUe intece�st ozather toan cha�es collected or to 6e callectrd in eoi�� �
<br /> � wiG�tire loan exceed the pem►itted limiu,then: (�)�y su�h�O���e shalt be reduced tiy the amaus�t necess$ry � �
<br /> �r-• the charge to the petmitted limtt:�nd lb)anY sums ulreaAy c�itected frum Baaower whicb exceeded permitt���s witl be
<br /> , ��� refuaded to Horrower. l.ender may chaose t�make this refund by reducing ihe principal awed under the Note oc hy mnking a
<br /> . ,x:�i dinect payment ta Barrower. If a refund reduces principal.the reduction wdl ix:treuced as a parlial prepaYment w�thout any -
<br /> �: prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> '� 14. Notk�w. Any aatice tp Rocrawer provided fac in thi.y Security lnstcument�hall be given by delivering it or by �;�_;
<br /> ` • mailing it by fir�t cla.vs mail unlecs applicable law reyuirc�use af another methad.The notice shall be directed ta the Property . - -, ;
<br /> " Addre�c ar any other address BaROwer detiignate�:hy notice to lwnder. Any notice ta l.ender�hal)he given by fint rla�.c �-.;;f-�,.
<br /> ,_ {;_
<br /> '" � mail ta L.ender's address.tated hercin��r any nthcr addre�s l.endrr de�igna�eti by noticc to Borrawcr. Any rtotr.e provided for �. ti__'{
<br /> �`-:
<br />; - in this Security Inrtrument �hall be dcemcd to have bee»given to Barrower��r l.ender when given ac prav�ded in thir
<br /> . _ paragraph. ''-�.
<br /> 15. roverning l.aw:Sevevabllity. This 5ccurily ln�trumcm rhall be gavemect by federal taw a�d the!aw af the _`';.�` `
<br /> . " j u ri s d i c t i a n i n w h�e�»he�P e uch eanflict�fia11 not uffect ather prpo p ian�s t h�ti Sec u r ty i n5 t r u m e n t'o r h N o t e wti ch can • � _- -
<br /> conflicts with upp �
<br /> � be given effect without the cnn0icting pravitiian. Ti�thi�end the provirians of this Security Instru�ent und the Note are
<br /> � declared to he�cvcrablc. : , ;�,
<br /> `� ' 16. Sorro�rer'A Copy. 8orrower.rhall hc givcn ane ranformcd copy af thc Natc nnd af this 5ecurity lartrumenG :
<br /> ;�';`�h:�,
<br /> ;-, 17. 7ti�ansfer of the P�operty or A Neneflcial l��teresi ln Burrawer. If all or any pan of the Properry or any intare�in �;.%•.
<br /> it is sotd or tr�nsferred(or ii a bcne�ci:0 intcr��t in aonower i�sold ar uunsferred und 8orrower i�not a nAtu�at personl ..�
<br /> ���" without Lender�prior written canscnt.l.cnder may.at its opdon,ccyuirc immcdiatc payment in full oP aU sums secured by _
<br />. • � � thic 9ecurity In�trument. Hawcvcr,�hiw apEinn sh�ll n��t he excrriscd by I.cndcr if cxcrci�c iti prahibited by federat law u.ti of ' ,
<br /> •4,. - thc date af tb�Sccurity In�trumcnt.
<br /> If Le�xler exe�cisew thi.apuan.L.cndcr�hall give Barrawcr nutic4 of acccleration. Thc nrnice�ha11 provide a period uf
<br /> � , � nat tess than 30 d�ys frum the date the nntice i�s delivercd ur ntailed a+ithin which B��rruwer muu pay al1 sums�ecu[ed by this ,
<br /> • `�•` �.� � Security lnctrument. li 8ntrowcr faily to pay thrtie sum� priur ta thc cxpirati�m of thi�perind.l.ender may invoke any
<br /> . ��::,"-; .`
<br /> ,�:�;s.�. remcdies permitted hy thiv Scrurity In�tnimcnt wi�hnut furthcr noticc ar Qcroand cm Hnrrawcr.
<br /> • ;x�:�:?y. 1A, BoROwpr's Right to Reinst�te. If Hurrn�vcr mcc�ti crnain ccmditianti.Bunowcr shall h:rvc the dght to have
<br /> � E e�efvrcement of thi4 Securiry In�trument ctixuminueel ut any lime prior t��the carlier ui: lu)5 daya I�r�uch other p4riad as :
<br /> •. ' . "•';;�;.�' Singlc 1�amily.,ivnnle�taNfreddk�tac l'r1i/1Rt11��TR1'S1F.r7�•I;niturm l'��vcnaniti 9/90 �pugr?aJn pu;es� ,. `;":::�'
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