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<br /> 9�-�.03�9�
<br /> 'PaGB'CII3YiR �V1TH all the tr���fit�vemcnts aaw an c�reaftcr cr�tcd on ihe Froper¢y.and nll casemc�ts�oppurtanau:c:s,u+�u e-°_-
<br /> GReUfi,3 f1i1�!07II�YCI�CP(1�^rt of tli��1Pd13�li�.AII iGn�RGCtl1CAl9 tlll[I Q�Q�l�qi19 si�atl nlso bc cavcrcrl by this 5e.curiry Invtrumcnt.
<br /> All of Uie torogouig is rcfcar�Q�to in�his Sxurity Instruh2cnt ea the"Property.F b conve ed end hus thc dght to grant und �.,��,�
<br /> aORROWHR C�VENAN'I'S thai Borraw�r ie IawSuily scised of tho es.�te her� y y __
<br /> came� tho I'ra�:.tty :atd tl�et tho l�raperty ts �ncncumix�ed,except ior encumbrances of rocord. IIorcower r�arrants and wiq __
<br /> defend genecaUy tha tltb to tho FropertY eBefnat all clalms end demands,subJect W ony ancumbrances of record. i���.�
<br /> THIS SHGURITY INSTRUN�tilV t combittes uniforrn covcr�i;,t� fa� nsUan.:l u�.»nd non-unifarm covenAnt» with Umlted =
<br /> vattatlo�s by jur�lktia:►iu coi�siltuG.a itnifarm�t�n�ity instrument coved�R rr,ttl properiy. �'--
<br /> UNIFORM COVBNAN'i�.lfOIfOWQ Anu+�uiu'u wJ�k+:.i::w„o:»_.•fn►tmua� -
<br /> 1.P,�yment ot PrinclpAl and intereaN PrepAyn�ent and LAte Char�RS. Borrowcr shull prompdy pay when dac tho
<br /> princlpal of and intcrest on tho debt evldenced by tho Now and any prepeyment and lata charg�s due undsr tho Note. -
<br /> z.Fueds fo►Ttuces pnd Ineurpnee. Subjcct w eppllcable 1aw or w a written waivu by Ler.der� Borrowu shaU pay to
<br /> l.endcr on tho day monthly payments ara dua under�ha Note,undl tho Note is patd ln full,a sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly taxes
<br /> and assessments which may aualn prledty ovGr this Security Insaument as a lien on the Property;(b)YcarlY lea5ehold payme��ts
<br /> or gr�und rents on tiie Propecty,lf any;(c)ycarly hazard or pmperty Insurance Premiums;(d)yearly flood insu,rance pcemiums,if
<br /> eny;(e) yeasly mortga$e inswance premiums.i�any;end(�any sums payabla by Bonowu to I.endei,in accui�lance wtth the
<br /> provisions of paragraph 8, In lieu of the payment of mortgage inserance premiums. These iums are cslled "Escrow Items."
<br /> I.end�r may.at any time,collect and hold Funds in en amount nat to excad the muimum emount a lender for a fedcrelly related
<br /> martgege loan n�ay require for Borrower's escrow account unda tha foderaf Real Etstate Setilement Procedures Act of 197a es
<br /> c�mended fcom ti�no to time.12 U.S.C.Secdon 2601 et scq. ("RESPA").�nless another law that applles co the Funds aets a lesser
<br /> amoun� If sa�Lender may�at any time. collect au�hold Plu�ds in �n «mount not ta e�ccee�l !hP less€r s.-ruaunt Le,�edrr may
<br /> estimate the amount of Funds due on 1ha ba9ls of cuirent data end reasonable rsdmates of expenditures of future Escrow Items or
<br /> other�,�se in accordence with applicable l�w.
<br /> 'Ihe Funds sheU be held in en instiwtion whose dcposits are insured by a fcdcxal agency,instcumentelity.or cnticy(including
<br /> I�ender.If L.ender is such en institudon) or in any�ederal Home Loan Bank.Lendes shall apply the F�nds w Pay the�sCxow
<br /> Items.I.eader may not charge Boaower for holdL�g and applying the fi�nds,annuaUy analyzing the escroa acconnt.or ve�ifyinA
<br /> the Escrow Itans.unless Lender paYs Borrowu interest on!he Funds and applicable law pemiits L.ender to make such a charge.
<br /> Hawevu,Lender may resiWre Bnm►wer to paY a one-dme chargo for en indepei►duu rcal estate tax repocting service used by
<br /> Lender in con►kcdon with this lot+nn,unless appl�cable law protiiBomnwu any intuest��e mi�i�gs onitha Funds.Borrowu e.d
<br /> requires lntenst tn be patd,Le�eder shall nos ba required to pay
<br /> I,,��der may agrx in wridng,howaver,that interest shall be paid on the Funds.Lu►der shall give w Hurrower.witt►out ct�arge,an
<br /> annwd accounqng o�tne runds�siivwing ucui�arG d:bi�ia L'�.e Fass�.°°s��F�_*�n�fnr which each debit ro the Funds was
<br /> made.'I1�e Funds sce pkdged es nddidonal security for all suma s�xured by ti�is S��c�W�ttd�.�i shall account to�ormwer for
<br /> If tha Funds held by Lendu eacoed tbe amounts perrt►iutd ta bo held by app'
<br /> the exe.�ss Funds in accordance wlth d►e requlrunents of applicabla law.If the emount of the Funds held by Lendu ae anY tune is
<br /> not enfficicnt to pay the Escrow Items when due.I.e,ndcr mt�y so�notify Borrowu�n wrftin8,end.in such ca4e Borrower shell psY
<br /> �i,��er the amount nocessary to make up the de6cicncy. Horrower shall make up the deticlencyr in no ma�re tliat� twelve
<br /> monthlY 1�Yments�at Lendu's solo discrerion.
<br /> Upon paymea�t in full of all sums sxured by this Sxudry Instrumcnt,I.cnda'ehall promPdY rcfund to Borrowa any Funds
<br /> hefd by Lenda.U,unckx paragreph 21�Lender shall acqnire or sell the Property.E.ender�Pdor co tha ecquisidon or sak of the
<br /> Pcopecty,shaU apply any Funds held by Lender at the dme of acquisttion or sale as a credit agt►inst the sums sr�cured by this
<br /> Security Instiumea�
<br /> 3.Applia�tbe of P�rmenta. Unkss applkable law pmvides othuwlso�all paYmenta reccived by Ltnda unda paragraphs
<br /> 1 ond 2 shall be upplted: first,to any prePayment charges due unda the Note;second.to amounts psyabla under paragrsph 2;
<br /> thicd,to int�erest due;foucth,to principal due;end last,to eny late charges duo under the Not�.
<br /> 4.Ch�rges;Lkna. Borrowu shall pay all taxes�assessments.chac8es. tlnes anci imposidons auributabk to the Propaly
<br /> which mAy ettain prk�dty ovcr thls Socurlry Insuument,and kasehold payma►c�or ground rents,if any.Borrowu shall pay thesc
<br /> obUgadons in the mannu provideA in paca8raph 2,ar if not paid in that manner.Sorrower shaU pay them on dme dlrocdy to the
<br /> n�son owed vavmen� Hoamwer shall prampdy fumish to[,endu all nodces of amounts to be paid undu this pars�graPh• If
<br /> Barowu makes tlw.se payme,nts dlrectly.Bonower shall prumptdy fumist►to l.endu ctceips eviucncing the payu�e+.i�.
<br /> gonrowa shnll promptly dischargc any llen which has priodty over this Socurity Insuument un1ess Borrowu:(a)ugcees in '
<br />— � wdhng to ihe payment of the obllgation secured by the lien in a manner aa�ptnble to Lencta;(b)coetests in Sood faith tho Lien
<br /> . by, or defends against cnforcemcat of the lien in, legal proceodings which in thc Lcndcr's opinion op�race tn prevcnt tha
<br />— enfon;ement of the lien;or(c)secures from tho holder of the flen an agreemeat sati�fectnry to I.ender subordfnating tho lien to
<br />° thls Securiry Inatrument If Lender determicues that eny part of tha Property is subject to e Uen which may etmin priority ovu this
<br /> — � Security in�trument,�,ender may give Borrower a notico identifying tho lien.Sorrower snull sadsfy the llen or take one or more
<br />� of the actions set forth abovc within 10 days of the giving of nodw. �:a�m 302a 9�00
<br /> -- �-ER(NE)coz�x�.o+ Pap�4 of 6 �nniu.: _
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