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Kf '' :_...ra,.c.,.--,-�_.�.__ <br /> o . � <br />-'_"�� �.o�r..�-—..,,,.�..._�__ _. . . .. . .. _-._ __ . <br /> �Fi.'�?��xn. t�o� ,,. , '„� �al�'�`�' - _ <br /> ., `"Y� ,��5:+��i.�:�� t '4 i;:i'•: r,;+ "r- _ - <br /> eKtisti�j�ot 1��+or 3n cr��i�V ar�Y stn4uto.Evury�owar or remedy provided heroundor tiils Daed of Trust to ileneflciary or to which it muy be � --- <br /> i �e�t(tled,moy be exereised,eoncurrenfty or indcpendently, ir�m tin�e to 4ime ui�d u5 oitcn as rnf�y b�decr����!oxp�dio��9��nuficicsry �'': <br /> atherw s ��`;�_ <br /> und it�nay WursuQ intonsistaM rerne dies,No t h inp h e r e i n s t w l l b e c o n R t r u e d a s p r o h i b i t i n g�e n efi ciary from seekina a deficien�y��dgmeM opalnst - <br /> the Trustar to the exteM such�ction is parmitted by law• � <br /> 14. Tr�+!e1�s������►�1�������'�f all or any part of the propert�r or any interes4 therefn is sold,trans ferred ar tonveycd by Trustor - <br /> withou4 Benefictary's Arior written cansent,excludinp lal th�e creation of a Noa or sr�zur;�re.^.:°s+.�ord�nntm to this(hed ot Trust,(b)the cr�en• <br /> !sM Q��ti��h�s.nwr+ev security In4crast for hnusehold applfances,(c)a transier by devise,'deMce^t�!b�oPe►otachase� Oc�fic 4ryem V�t�t - <br /> �olnt tenont or (d)tha qrant of any leaschatd interest o4 tixee years or �e»���� �����r��•� � <br /> Banefictory's option,declare all the sums secured by ihis Oeed of Trust to be immediately duo and paYable,or caus�i�To(yt��;�person'to <br /> ot d�foult. 6�n�ficlory tho��hnv�waived suth option to occel�rot�if,prior to th�sole, transfar or conveyanu, <br /> whom the propeHY�s to be sold or frunsQer�ed reach agreement 1n wrlting that the rredlf of such pe�son is sntisfactay to 8eneficiary and that <br /> the interest payable on th�sums seeurad by this Daed ot Trust shall be u1 such rat�as Benaflciary shall request. <br /> �� ��a�l�sj�, l{pon detault by Trustor in tM puyment of or p�rtarnwrxe of the ferms and conditlonz ot - <br /> 1M HOt��Or GIIY fNNWGIS�modification��x��ion�hK�Y�Y��°�I�wms sacuredi Mr�b�irns�e�bNl dw andr PcYobN ond ttN wme <br /> of ony of ttw conwrwnts a a�pr�rt�e^ <br /> shall tht►eupon b�ome d�°°^d p°Y°bl�without pr�3�nm�e�t,demond,protest or notice of ony kind.llwreaftor,Beneficfary may deliver to <br /> TrustM a v+ritt�n d�clara�l�s������h��of Tru t and t1»v No e or notes ax1 ony othrr artumer►is e�encin�experjd 4ures <br /> propKty is Ta b�scld to be sold,a�d Trustae,in turn,shall <br /> SK,�,.��;epy,c�d she!!�eliv�r to Trustea o written notke of defauft ond elect(on 4o cause th�PropartY <br /> pr�por�a similor notke fn the form requked by law whicfi sl�all be duly filed fur record by Trus4ae. <br /> (al After the Inps�^Qs�r h uired by Iaw,�Tr steerewb�uwdamand an Trust�or,dshall sell the ProperlY in'ona or mor�por ds ond ln1 sucht�order <br /> ScN hnviny bQen 0 �1 <br /> as Trustor moy M1�rnine w�th°dote°nd°t the time artd p�oc�desi�nuted in said kotice of Sale,at public auction to the highest bidder,the pur• <br /> � <br /> chose price paYaae in cash fn lawful money of the United States ot the tlme of sale.The p�rson conductiny tha sol�may,fa ony 1�'Ih�Qi�en <br /> de�ms expedi�nt,postpon�tN�sab from time to tlme until it shall be compbt�d and,ln erery such case,notics of postpuneman <br /> ay��k�Cl�ption thKeaf by such person at the time ond place last oppointed fa the sale;provided,if the sak(s postpon�d for lonpar thon <br /> � ���doy b�yond the day desiynated in the Notice of Sale,notice ther�of sholl be given in tM same man►Mr es the oripinal Notke of Sale. <br /> Truat�s sha��exetuta and aeliver to the p�xchaser its Deed conveying the Pr�rty so soW,but with9ut any conv�nant a�r�ty�exprw thout <br /> Imptied,The recitols In the D�ed uf any matters or fac4s sholl be tonclusive oof of the t�uthfuln�ss thereof.Any per �'q <br /> =���a==�T��_t..,,,,ey ourchese at the sale. � �.�_��:����.nt�f*!+!�costs and exaenses of <br /> (b),Wtwn Trustee sells pursuw►t to the powers heroin,Trustee shai't oppiy m�prvicea�+��� ��� <br /> exercisinp the power of sol��Ilowi� amounts�based uponu the tamnunttsecured herebY andeQlemain�n9�P°id'�jP�centum,on the5balance <br /> in tM apgtepot�txceed th� fo � <br /> tMr�of�and then to tlw items set forth In subporapraph(c1 h�reof in the order therein stated. ��ond other costs of faeclosure and sale <br /> (c)Atfer payin�the items specitied in subpo►ayraph(b), if the sale is by Trustee,o►tM proper <br /> if the sole Is pursuant to judicial foreclosure,the praeeds of sale slwll be applied in the order stoted belaw to the payment of: <br /> (1) Cost 9f ony evidence of title praured in connectlon with sech sale and of ony revenue required to be poids <br /> (4) Attorn�ys feesr <br /> (3) All sums then secu+'ed he�ebY� <br /> (1) lunior trust deeds,mortpe0es,or other lientioldersr and <br /> (g) The remainder,if ony,ro the person or persons legally entitled thereto. <br /> (d) {f the Beneficiory of thls Deed of Trust is a ban{c us defined by Nebraska law,any stutement contained in any other section of this deed <br /> notwithstondinp,the Beneficiary shall not be entitied to receive or teke ond debtor shall not be obliqated to pay or pive�an�confessic+n of judy- <br /> m�nt,power of attorney to confess�udyment,power of nttorney to appeer for o borrower in a judicial proceedirq or opreeme"t to pny the costs <br /> of colbction of ths attorneys'fees,unless such octs uf coilection would not otherwise be prohibited by Nobroska law.Provided,hov+wer•tha� <br /> this see:tion does nvT oppiy�o ii-�Trust;,s 4cc r�few�d t�+n��raph 6(b1.ProvldeG further,that this poroproph shall not opply to this Oeed of <br /> Trust,if tM 8�r�eficiay is not a bonlc. tl U demord,such sauri- <br /> �� ���y��n�i.'�rustor,a4 its expense,will execute and deliver so the Bene�ciay,promP Y P� <br /> ty instrummts as rtay be rec�ulred by Beneficiory,in form and substance wtlsfactory to Beneficiory,coverinq ony of the Property convQYed bY <br /> this a+�d af Trust,w3�ith security instruments shall be additional security for Trustor's foithful p�rformance of all of the tesms,covenants and <br /> — conditions of this Deed of Trust,the promissory notes secured hertJy,and uny other security instruments executed in connection with this trun- <br /> sation.Such instruments sho��be recorded or filed at Trustor's expense. <br /> 13 ��� ��i� �rrstn. 8eneficiary may, from time to time, by a written instrument executed and aknowledged by <br /> Beneficiory,mailed to Trustor ond recorded in the county or counties in which tho Property is located ond by otherwise canplying with tha provi- <br /> = sions of the applicable laws of the Stote of Nebraska,substitute o successor a suscessors to the Trustee named herein or atinp hereunder. <br /> �4, ��s.Beneficiury,or its agents,representotives or workmen,are authorixed to enter at ony reasonable time upon or in ony part <br /> of the Property far the purpose of inspecting the same nnd for the purpose of perfarming any of the acts it is authroized to perform under the <br /> 4er�ns of the Deed of Trust. <br /> � �S p�����N�,Upon the occurrertce of any defoult horeunder,Beneficiary shall have the option to foreclose this Deed of Trust m <br /> � the manner provlded by low for 4he toreclosure of mortgoges on real property. <br /> �� 16 �����N�,iki.ry Mot.W�irK.Any forebearance by Beneficiory m exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or otiierwise <br /> � .,s�,Yd.d hv onnlicable law,shall not b�a waiver of or preclude the exertise of ony�uth rlght or remedy�f ewi`e;��mlv xcurrinn���ry of <br /> �� any defautt of Trustor under this D�ed of Trust shatl not be deemeo io oe a waivm����l����� ��...M--•=-••------, • - <br /> 17. Trwt�r Mst R�wt�/•Extenslon of the time for payment or modificatlon or amorti:ation of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust <br /> � grantod by Benefitiay to any suttessor in interest of Trustor shall not operote to release,in ony manner,the liobility of tho original Trustor nnd <br /> Trustor's successar in tnterest.Beneficiary shall not ba required to commence proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time for <br />-� poyment or otherwise madify amortiiatfon of the sums secured by 4his Dead of Trust by reason of ony demand made by the originol Trustor and <br /> -s a Trustor's succossorininterest. <br /> .�� �g ����Nw�n,Withaut offecting the liabiiity of the Trustor or any other person liable for the payment of any obligotion herein <br /> - mentionald, ond without offecting the lien or charge of this Deed of Trust upon any portion of tlie Property not then or theretofore released os <br />"_�oL� seturity for the full amount of ull unpaid obligations,Beneficiary may,from fime to time and without notico,!il releose arty person so liable.(ii) <br /> ::� extend the maturity or alter ony of the terms of any such obligations, (iii)grant other indulgences, (iv)release or reconvoy, or cause to be <br /> = released or reconveyed at m�Y time ot Deneffciary's optians any parcel,portion or all of the Property,(�l take or release any o4her or additional <br />�'�� security for any oblipation herein mentioned,or(vi)moke compositions or other arrangementf with debtors in relation thereto. <br />