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<br /> 3,�;;'.;e::�W�3€°9�e��;��:*.:4 Y��6 E��:��e.YPUSPar�hal!kePp fha Pra�orty In p�ad conditlon and repalr anA shall not commft waste or perniit `
<br /> frnpairmtnt w deterfa�aticn af the Proparty and sha11 camply with th�prov(sle�ns of uny Isase if thls Deed of 7rust is on a leosehold.Wo im�roao• �_„_
<br /> mRnt now or hxwftK�rkt�d upon th�Property shall b�alt�r�d, nmoYed or damolishcd wfthout the prior written consent of Beneficiary. �6'•=�
<br /> Yrusta shall ewnpiy wiin ail laws,oadl��cas,P�u�,"?ian.,covaa,.^nts,cert�itlan3 a�restrictions afiecting she Property and not commit,suffer, L
<br /> n��!wmif any ect to b�dorN in a upon tFN Property ln viobtion oi any Inw,adinance,repulution,cove�tnrst,condiiion or restriction.Trustor =_-
<br /> shaN sornpl�t�or rsstor�promptly ond ln Q?td v�'Orkmoniik�monr�r ony(rt�NOV�ment on th�Prop�r4y which may b�damoyed ur ueai�oy�ru G���
<br /> �;+;w;::��c:+�,atl��al��is for la�er R:�or:r,�d nrttl mo4erinls f�rrniRh-A fFrrefore and for eny ait�rotions thareof. =---
<br /> 4. Mwr�.Trustor,at its�xp�ns�,wfll maintoin with Insurar�approv�d by&n�ficfory,insuraroce with nsp�ct to rne improvemenia ur�;
<br /> {�rsonel prop�rty,constituoinp ths Prop�rty,oQainst loss by fir�,liphtninp,tornodo,and othx perils ond ha:ards covered by standard extended
<br /> covNOp��ndors*m�nt, In nn amount equal to at ka34 on�h�xtdnd p�rcent of tFM full rep(aement valua ti�reof ax1 insurance apainst such
<br /> ofMr hatads and in such aiwunts os Is customarilY carrl�d by owners and operotars of sfmular properties or as Beneficiory moy require for its
<br /> prot�ction,ffu wtth such otMr reptir�ments os B�fitiory mny from tim�to time request fa the protection by insurance of the
<br /> inty�sts of t�� a�s iv�partios. All insuranse policies maintained purs+�a�►t to fhis Ik�d i►f Trust shal!nnme Trustor and Beneficiary as in-
<br /> sur�ds,as thdr respectiv�intK�sis moy appenr,ond provide that 11►�re shall ba no cancallmlon or modification without no less than 15 days _
<br /> priar writton natificalion to Be+Hfktary. In th�event any policy h�re�mdK is not ren�wrd on or b�fae 15 day's prior to its expiration date,
<br /> B�ficiay may praae such insuronce in acordance wlih th�provisions of parayraph 7 hereof.Trustar shail deliver to Beneficiary the originol
<br /> polici�s of insurante ond ren�u�als iherwf or memo copfes of such polici�s and renewals thereof.Failure to furnish such insurance by Trustar,or
<br /> r�newals as r�ir4d hereur�shall,ot th�uption of B�rMfkiary,constituts a dsfault.
<br /> S.To:ea,�::r_:r!!!!e,G!d E.Le�ee.Trustor shoil pay all taxes,assessmmts and athec chnr{�es, i�xlt�ing,Wilhaut limitatioa,flnss and im- `
<br /> positions attrib��tobb ta the P�ope►ty,ond leasehald puyments or ground rents,if ony,before ths sorn�bacome delinquent.Yrosta shall promp-
<br /> 11y furnish to 8aneikiory all�otias of amounts due under this paoyroph,and in tM ev�rA Trustar shall mdce payment direttly,Trusta shall
<br /> promptly furnfsh to Bernficiory receipts evide�cing such payrt�nts. Trusta shall puy ull taxes ond assessments which may be levied Y�pon
<br /> Ben�ficiory's Int�rast herein or upon this Deed of Trust withouf re4ard to any law thot nwy bo enatt�d imposirg paqmtnt of the whole or any
<br /> port tl►ereoi upon the 8�neficiary.
<br /> 6.�/Nti�l�,{�o�a1 Mt�cti�d R�fid�ry��S�cwitr.Trustor shalf mak�oll paYments of interest and principa!and payments of ony
<br /> oth�r chary�s,tees ond expenses contrated to be paid to any existinp Ii:nhaldKS or prlor beneficiaries under any{xior deed of trust ur mor-
<br /> tpope betae the dote they ae delinquent and promptly pay ond disefiarpe any and all other liens,claims or charpes which may ieopordi:e the
<br /> security 9ronted herein. If Trusfor foUs to make ony such paynKnt or fails to pertorm any oi the covencxits ad o�eements contoined in this
<br /> Deed'af Trost,or in ony prior mongage a deed of trost,of if ony atfon or protetdinp is conxnetked which moterlaily affects B�neiiciory's in•
<br /> losr.!in!4L 4't.r;Yt;.�ntl��iin;,h��t not limited to.eminent domain proteeditgs,or praeedings invoiviny a deten�ent,or if Trusfor fails to pay
<br /> Trustor's debts generully os they become due, then Boneliciory,at Benefklory's option ond without notk�to or demand uRon Trustar ex�3
<br /> without releosinp Trustor(rom any obli�ation hereunder,moy moke such oppearonces,disburse such sums,ond take such ation as is necessary
<br /> to{xotect Ekneficiary's interest ineluding,but not limited to,disbursement of reesonabb attorney's fees,payment,purchose,contest or com-
<br /> promise of any encumbrance,charge or lien, and entry upon the Prop�riy fo moke repolrs.In the event that Trustor shall fail fo prcewe in-
<br /> suronce or ta pey taxes,assessments,or ony other charges or to make ony poyments to existtng�rior lien holders or beneficEuri�s,Beneficiay
<br /> may praure such insurance and make such poyment.Any omounts disbursed bY Beneficiory pursuant to this Paraflroph 6 sholl become odditionol
<br /> indebtedness of Trustor secured by this Deed of Trust.Such amounts slwll be payabte upon notice from&neiiciary to Toustw requesting poy-
<br /> mont tl�ereo}, and sholl bear interest fr�m th�date of dislwrsement at the rote peyoble from time to time on outstondiny principal under the
<br /> Not�w�less poyment of interest at such rate wacld be coMrary to applicoble low,in whkh event such omounts shall heor interest at the highest
<br /> rete permissible under applicoble law.Noth(ng contained in this Poraproph 6 shoA require Beneficiory to intur ony expense or toke any action
<br /> Mrwr�der.
<br /> 7. M�f�nt of R�nt�. 8eneficiory shall have the right, power and authority durinQ the continwnco of this Deed of Trust to collrct the
<br /> ren�s,issues ond profits of the Property and ot any persorrol property locoted thereon with or without toking poxsession of the property af(ected
<br /> hereby,and Trustor hereby absolutely and unconditionally ussigns all such renis,issues ond profits to Benefitiory.Benetitinry,however,hereby
<br /> tonxents to the Trustor's collettion ond reten�ion of such rents, issues and profits as fMy actrue and becoma poyoble so lonp os Trustar ls not,
<br /> at such time,in default with respeet to payment of any Indebtedness secured hereby,or in the performante of ony apreement hereunder.llpon
<br /> any such deiault,9erteficiary may ot ony zime,either tn person,by agnnt, nr by receiver to be oppointed Dy o court,without notice ond without
<br /> reqord to the ode�quacy o}any seeurily for the indebtedness hereby secured, (ol enter upon and take possessiw�oQ�i-w�r;�,ertY ar ony prt
<br /> thrreof,end in its own name sua tor or c+therwise collecf such rents,issues and profits,includlnp thase post due and unpaid,ond appfY 1he same,
<br /> less tostS a►x1 expenses of onerption and collection,intluding reosortobk attor-neys fees,upon any indebtedness secureA hereby,and in suth
<br /> ordtr as Beneficiory may determinei(b)perform such acts of repair or prolPCticn os may be netessary or proper to conse►ve the wolue of thm -
<br /> Propertyi�c►teose the same or anp port thereo�for such rentol,term,and upan such conditions as its jud9ment muy dktate or terminote or ad•
<br /> j��st t!►e terms ond tonditions of any existirg lease ar leoses.Unless Trustor and&nefitiary aQre�otherwise in writinq,oay opp�ication of rents,
<br /> issues or profits to ony indebtedness setured hereby shall no4�xter�d or postpone the due dats u}the instollment poyments as provided in soid
<br />= promissay nota or chonge the amount of such installments. The entering upon and toking posse.slon o(the Property,the collection of sucfi
<br />= rents, issues and profits,and Ihe upplication thereof as oforesaid, shall not waive or cure any slefoult a notke of default hereuncler,or in-
<br /> volidote unY act done pursuant to such notico.Trustor also assigns to Boneticiary, os further security for the perfarrt►once of the abligotions
<br />= secured hereby,all prepoid rents and all monies which moy have been or may hereafter be deposited with said Trusta•by any lessee of the Pro-
<br /> - peHy,to sewre the paymeM of any rer+t or damoges,and upon detoull in Ihe performcnce of any of tho provisions hereof.Trustor agrees to _
<br /> - deliver such rents ond deposits to 8eneficiary.Oelivery of written notice of Beneliciory's exercise of the rights granted herein,to uny tenant a-
<br /> = cupyinp said premises shall be suffici�nt to require soid terwnt to pay soid�ent to the Beneficiary until further notice.
<br /> 8.C��i�n.lf title to ony port of the Property sFall be taken tn condemnation praeedings,by right oi eminent domoin or similar action,
<br /> or shall be sotd under threot of condemnotion,all awards,dnmages ond proceeds ae hereby ossigned and shall be paid to 8enefitiory who shall
<br /> __�_ �________��.�.�.�..��............�wA l.v fhie 11ou1 n1 Tr��tf ��th�t,.aYeess.if onv.naid.Jo Trustor.If Trustor receives
<br /> aPPiy iuin ima�w.vvmvyca wrv p.wo�..........,�......���.���r....-'----. .._... . . .
<br />'� ony notice or other inlormation regarding such actions or proceedings, Trustor siiull give prompt written notite thereof to 6eneficiary.
<br />:�: Beneficiary shall be entitled,ot its op'ion,�o commence,appear in and prosewte in its own name ony such oction or proceedinps and shotl be en- _
<br />'' tiNed M molce ony compromise or settlement in cannection with any such action ar prucaedings.
<br />-; 9, ��IM�J�i N�1 EYOIW�Y�. denefitiory shuli be entiiled tA tnforce pnymenf and perfwmance o(ony indebtedness or obligntions setured _
<br />,,-i hereby ond 10 exercise oll righfs and powers ui�der this Detd of Trust or under any otf:er agreement executed in connettion herewith or any lows _
<br /> now or hereoiter in force,nofwithstandinp some or all ot fhe such indebtedness and obligations secured hereby moy naw or hereafter be other- �
<br />:� wise secured,whether by matgage,deed o�trust,pledge,lien,ossignm�nt or othQrwise.Neither the aceptnnce of this[Med of Trust nor its �
<br /> ; eniortement whefher by court attion or pursuont to the power of sale or other powers herein tontained,shall prejudice or in any m6nner otfett �`
<br />: j Beneficiary's right to renli:e upoo or enforce any other security now or horeofter held by Bonefitiary, it being agreed thal 8eneficiary shall be
<br />-- enlitled to enforce this Deed of Trust and nny other security now or herea(ter held by Bendfieiory in suth order and monner os it may in its ob- �
<br />'� solute discretion determine.No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Beneficiory is intended to 6e exclus�ve of any other remedy herein -
<br /> ' or by low provided ar permitted,but each shall be cumulative and sholl be in odaition to every ather remedy given hareunder or now or heroofter '
<br /> '� �
<br /> � _ .
<br />