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<br /> 3 �����C�wiMi I.�wi.Trustor shatl k�ap tha Fro�r+y hi yv�v canditlaa und re�i►ond shn71 nut commit wasto or permit �`+
<br /> ; fr�i�TOlrr�icn4 or deta•iuratlon of tha Property and s�o1s`�°il ha ftehed9 cnovod Gof�cny�"f'e�if,thou�t tho p iors��r tton conssnt tof l�enof c'ary. �Y
<br /> � ment now or hsrenfter arected upon tha P epe Y .
<br /> ! Trustor shall comFl}�with a11 laws,ordiaances,repub'►�in vlolotionof an�w`�ordinon e51 reyulat onfecovrenant Pcond t on or�rest rct on.Trustor �z:�:
<br />.;�► _'�:�
<br />� �. or pern(t oay act to b�done in a ugon the Proporty Y --
<br />�:,,� shall compl�te or restas promptly ond fn qood wa'kn'►onlik�manrter any improvement on 4he Properiy which may ba damas]ed or A�stroyed and �•-r''
<br />;'<�'""" poy,when dw,oll cMims fa labor p�rfiomwd�id��wt�rEals!u:ni;h:�th�efaa ancl fa an�alterations thereof. �-_,-
<br /> _,y�, ', �_,-----�,Trustor, ot its expense,�vfll maintnin w(th insu�ors approved by Beneflciary,insuronce with rospect to the Improvements ond
<br /> —= p�rsono�prop�rty,constitutin�th�rrop�rty,opainsi t�ss����o����`�t�:.t"'�"`�",""`�oYi►�r a:rils cnd hozards covcr�cl by standurd extended E-`�
<br />�� coverope endora�ment,�n ae ortwunt equal to arilf corrled b�owners ond�operatas of slmulor�onpeni s�a as B°^°�fiory may requ resforuts _-_
<br /> ��`'�i oih�r ha:ords and in such amounts os Is customn y Y
<br /> �` p►ot�ction.T�ustor will comply with such otfiar requlrertNnts as Ben�flclary maY from tim�to time request for the protection by insuranco of the
<br /> z� inte►ests of the rospective parties. All insurance���o denflwMt t�here sholl be�noj ca�ice la ion or mod iic�ation withnut�o esseihon�l5 days
<br />.;;� surods,as their respective interosis may opPw�. __
<br />;:;,�� prior,�r;Yton notiflcatlon to eeneficiary. In the sv�at eny pollcy hKeunder is�°f�°^���f Trustor shrsll deliver to Eienefic oryrthe oripinal __..
<br /> =�� Bernfkiary moy praure such lnsurance in accordance with tIH provi.,ions of parag►oph
<br />,�� palitbs of insurance and ren�wals thereof or memo coples of such polici�s and renewa�s thereof.iailure to furnish suth fnsurance by Trustor,or
<br />�,� r�wots as required hereunder shall,ot the option ef 8er�ficlary,co+►stitute o default.
<br />-- 5.T�xa,At�s�i�����•Trusta shall pay all taxes,ossessments aod other c•horp�s,includirp,without limitation,flnes and im-
<br /> =�� positlons attributable to 1he Property,ond leasehokl t►nYments or ground rents,if ony,befae tM sane becom�de�inquant.Trostor shaN promP- `
<br /> �.m�i
<br /> -__� Ny{urnish to Benelielary oll notites of omounts due u►�Sar a����t�s�.rTr�ust�hdl pay a�faxes ad alssesskmenls��whictdir�Yly�Tlovied upon
<br />— prompt{y turaish to B�►efkiary recelpts evldencinp such pay � Y ment of the whole or any
<br />_:�'� geneficiary's inte�est herein or upon this Detd of Trust without re d to on (aw that moy be enxted imposlnp poy
<br /> port thereot upon the Beoeficiary. Trostor shall make all payn+ents of lnterest ar�d principnl and paYmenis of anY
<br />__�� 6.Arltti�l U«u�d�otrclfM ef�ticiory'�f�t1• .�
<br /> - other chaq�s,fees and expenses contracted to 6e pald to any existing(isr►holder�or Pr�a be���aries urtder any{xlor deed of trustdiis the
<br /> tQope before ihe date they ore deUnquent ond promPt�Y PaY�d�u�rqe°°y°"d°��other liens,�laims or chorges which may jeo(wr
<br />`;�,� secu►itY 9ran�ted hcrein.If Trustar foils to make ony such paYment or?ails to perform ony of the covenants and opreements cantained in this
<br /> � peed o f Trust,a in any prior mortQage or deed of trost,of if any ation or praeedG►�is commerked which materidlly affects B^nEficiary's in-
<br /> ��� terest in the Property,includi��g,but not limited to,eminent domaln prceeedings,or p►oceedla9s involving a dece n d en t,or if Trusta fails to pay
<br /> °- Trustor's debts 4enerally as they becmme due, then Heneficiary, ut Beneficiaryrs-opt��ond WjYfi°S�°o1i�teke sah a i��os srnece.ssary
<br />-=--3� v�rithout releosiny Trusto�from any oblipation hereuRder,moy maice s�.� ►i"�r'�a� ment,purchase,coniest a com-
<br />.���;� to proteet Beneficiory's intorest includiny,but not limited to,disbursement of reasawbb attomey's fees,paY
<br />' promise of any encumbrance,chorge or lien, and entry upon the Propeny to�nTS to�ex stfnp prior I en holders or bnneficiari s�Beneflciary
<br /> suronce or to pay toxes,cssessments,or any other charges or to make ony pay
<br /> may praure such insurance and moko such payment.Any amounts disbursed by 8eneflciary ptxsuant to lhis Porapraph 8 sha1)becoms odditi°no�
<br /> indebtedness of Trustar secured by this Deed of Trust.Such omounts stall be paY��e upon notice trom Benefiriory to Trustor requesting pay-
<br /> mtnt thereof,and sholl b�ar interest irom the date of disbursement at the rate payable irom time to time on outstanding princ+Po1 u�dN the
<br /> Note unless poyment of interest at such rate would be coMrory to applisable law,in which eNent such amounts shull beor interest at ihe hiqhest
<br /> � �ute permissible under applico6lo law.Nothing tontained in this Para9raph 6 shall�equire Benefitlary to incur ony expense or toke any oction
<br /> ficreunder.
<br /> 7, �i�i��n1 0}R�nf�. Beneficiory shall huve tho right, power and authority during the continuance of this Detd oi Trust to collect t e
<br /> rents,issues and p�oEits oi the Property ond of uny personal property laoted.thereon with or without takinp possession of the propertY offected
<br /> hertby,ond Trusta hereby obsolutely and unconditianolly assigns a11 such rents,Issues ond profits 10 Bene�iciory.Beneficiary,however,hereby
<br /> consents to the Trustor's collection ond retention of such rents,issues ond prof+ts us thoy accrue ond become payo4le so long as Trustor is not,
<br /> �t such time,in defuult with respect to payment of any indsbtedness secured haveby,or in the perf n�bY Q��tawithout n tice ond without
<br /> any such defoult,Beneliciary moy at any 4ime,either i�person,by agent,or by receiver to be appo
<br /> �cgo►d to the adequacy of uny seturity far the indebtednnss hereby setur�ed, (a)enter upon and toke passession oF the Property or any part
<br /> thtreof,ond m its own nome sue ior or vti�e��ri;e cc!lsrs suth r�ets,iss!�ac nnd profits.iaxlwling those past due ond unpaid,ond opp�y the same,
<br /> ----- less costs ond expenses ot operotion ond collection,including reosonablo ottaneys t�es,upon any indebtednes'fo c��e��oluerof the
<br /> ader as Beneliciay moY determine�(b)periorm suth acts of repair or protection os may be necessay or p►ope
<br /> -- properry;(cl leose the some or any port thereof for such rental,term,ond upon sucN conditians as its�udpment moy diNate or terminnte or od•
<br /> - just fhe terms and conditions of any existing leose or leuses.Unless Trustor ond Beneflciory apree other•wise in writinp,any opplicotion uf rcnts,
<br /> - issues or profits to ony indebtedness secured hereby shall not�xtend or postpone tha due dote of the instollment payments os provided in said
<br /> - promissory note or change the amount oI such installments.1he enterinp upon ond toking possession of the Property,the collection of such
<br /> � rents, issues and protits, and tl�e opp�ication thereof as aforesaid, sha11 not woia�or cure ony default or rwti�e of detou141iereunder,or in�
<br /> �� volidate anq act done pursuant to such notice.Trustor also ossigns to Beneficiory,as(urther security for the performance of the ob!igations
<br /> =-' sewred hereby,oll prepoid rents m�d oll monies which may have bcan ar may hereafter be deposited with said Trustor by any lessee of�he Pro-
<br /> -----� per9y,to secure the poYment af ony rent or damages,and upon dafault in the pertormance of any of the provisions hereof,Trustor ogrees to
<br /> - ° �`� deliver such rents ai�d deposits to Benefitiary.Delivery of writt�n notice of Benefi�iary's ezertise of 1he rights yronted herein,to ony tennnt oc•
<br /> -_ -- _- cupying soid premises sfiall be sufficient to�equire said tennnt to pay said rent to the Beneficiary until further notice.
<br /> -�==r:�� g,�an���nn�tlon,If title to a"�demnat on Pallpawards�domoges ond proceeds q e he eby o'ss gned and sholl benpo�t Henetic ary who sholl
<br /> =�ti or shall be sold under threot of co
<br /> _;;�;��;`� opply suc{�owards,domages and proceeds to the sum secured by this Deed of Trust,with the excess,if any,po�dao Trus4or.If Trusfor reteives
<br /> -» .,.... �„�;�o�� ether information regording such attions or proceedings, Trustor sholl give prompt �II��@^n^O��AtOPdI as and stwll be on-
<br />--�� Beneficiory shall be entitled,at its opfion,to commence,oppenr in ane prose�u1e in iis o:.����������i•..-••--••-••-• � --- -
<br />�°�,arA�' �,
<br /> ;��:� litled to mako ony compromise or settlement in connection willi any such attion ar proteedings.
<br /> ;:�,,,�..j 9. N�mdit�Not[xcl�tiv�. Beneftciary shall be entitled to enlorce paymenl and per(ormonce of ony indeb�edness or obligations secured
<br />':, °�,.;.; hereby and to exercise oll rights ond powers under this Deod of Trost or under ony other ugreement execut�d in tonnection herewith or any laws
<br /> `_K;:�y-K `. now or hereolter in iorce,notwithslonding some or ull oi the suth indebiedness and obligations securcd hereby maY now or hereuftcr be ott�er•
<br />`^'.:��`� wise secured,whetMer by mortgnge,deed of trust,pledpe,lien,osslgnment or otherwise.NeHher the acceptance ot this Oeed of Trust nor its
<br /> ��'�'":;':= enfortement whether by tourt uttion or pursuont to 4he power of sale or other powars he�ein tontained,shall prejudice or in ony monner affect
<br /> -���`:� Benefiriary's right to reali:e upon or eniorce any other securify now or heraafter held by Boneticinry, it being agreed that Beneficiory shall be
<br /> r��"�;• �, entitled to en4orce this Deed of irust und any otF�er security now or hereufter held by Benefitinry in such arder ond monner as it may in Ns ab-
<br /> :�:•�J�� solute discretion delermine.No remedy herein conterred upon or reserved to Benoficiary i�intended to be exclusive of ony other remedY��erein
<br /> �"'�'"' or by low provided or pe�milted,but eath shall be tumulntive and shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereonder or now or her�otter
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