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<br /> IuED Oi TIlE1ST --
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<br /> THIS 7RUST DEED,m�de ihk� �5 dsy of �g.Y�. 19 y atxl among �' -
<br /> Robert E. B�ker, a ei.ngle perean - --�►
<br /> �o m������� PO Box 48A Wooc! River, NE 68883 , c �
<br /> Wnod River�Mebraske 68893�(herein"Trustoe���uxf��&mel�.�ry��) \ _
<br /> (h�e!n"Tr��sta"):Ar�INR M�IN�.whose maltln�addreee is P.a.Box 487, •
<br /> fOR VAIUABIE GONSIDERATION,fncludirg th�Md�bt�ss ir�ntlfl�d h�nin end th�trusf horela c�a��6G. tha raofp!ef t:lticli is Iwebb �
<br /> oticnowlydped,Trusto�irr�vaobly aor►ts, transt�rs,corneys,�nd assipns to TrustN'IN TRUSt,�ITH PO�Nt OF�alE,��h�ber�fit and
<br /> siraairy af B�neficiary,und�r ond subjuct ta iM tKms and conditloa►s af this D�ad of Tru�t,the real opN'tY
<br />� Purcel 1 t ����Fk�cP K�bei°,�liall CamtS►�
<br /> Ztie East 45 feet of J�ot 8 ancl thc3 West 42 feet of Lot 9� Blcck 7,
<br /> Nebraska
<br /> Parcel 2: Bl�k � � ��r�}�11'e Addition to tt�e Vxllage of Wood
<br /> Lot 6, a�xl the WesC 11 feet of Lot 5, r
<br /> River, Null Ccxm.ry, I3earasku.
<br /> Parcel 3• Hebraska.
<br /> Tnt 7_ R�ati 27. Oristis�l Town of Wood River� Hsll Caunty�
<br /> PAYCvA� 4S NebrBSlta.
<br /> Tnts g �rd g, Block 27� Original Toun of 4bod River, tiall Gaanty,
<br /> Parcel 5: Nebraska.
<br /> Lots 10� 11 and 12, Block 27� Oniginal Tax► o�Wood River� Hall Camty,
<br /> Parcel 6: uuil Town of W�ood
<br /> Idt 4, ex�cept the Weaterly 3 feeC atd 2 3/4 inches, Block 25, Orig'
<br /> River, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> Yarcel T:
<br /> Iots 6 mx17, Block G� MacCsYl �u�d Leflangs Second Addition� City of Lsood River,
<br /> Hall Coimty, Nebraska
<br /> TOGETHER WlTH,ull r�nts,profits,royoltNS,itxortw and otMr Mn�fits d�riwd from the repl pto�wrtys o��hoses or subl�os�s toverinp 1ha
<br /> ���.��,a.�,��t��f��y pr���f�NISfIfl�Of M1K��RtO.and cll r'pht,titit ond intK�st of Trustor ther�u►�d�r;oll in-
<br /> t�r�sts,�stat�or otFNr cbims,both in Iew ond�n equity,whkh Trustor now has or rrby h�►�oftsr ocquire in tM real property�oll aos�ts,
<br /> ri�hts�of-Mw�r, t�mnMnts.MfldltOrtlN7t5 0�1d oPP1Nt��lO�lt�S thlf�0�fl11�tI1lfR10:oll oil and pes riyhts a�d p�ofits, v+utK riphts axf wate►
<br /> stock,dl riaM,tltl�ond intKest of Trosta,notir own�cl or h�r�oftK rxq�Hrad,in ond to ony lond�Yirp witM^fhe�'ql+t-af''"°�af Any stnet or
<br /> hi4hway odjoininp thu r�ol yropKty,a�y and all buildinps, fixtur�s, hriprownMnts.a�d oppurtenoncfs now or Mr�ah.r a�cted th�reon or
<br /> b�brqinp thKeto,Iher�in nfKr�d to as"Improvement"or•,IrrKxcvertwnts"1s and any ond dll cwords made fa tM.takinQ by amin�nt domain
<br /> a by�procy�d;ny cx purchus�in li�u 4her�oerest h�r�bY conr y�dp o TrustH lNre n c�ollt�ctively roferred to as th3"PropertY"•
<br /> All of tl»fonyoing�stote,propenr and
<br /> � (a)Ths poyment of indebtedn�ss evldenced by Trustor's note nf even date herewith in the principal sum of
<br /> _ One Hundred Five Thousand nnd n�1004--------------•-`------- Do��ors (S 10�.,000 UO ..).
<br /> ' toQ�tMr with inttr�st at the rat�or rntas provld�d tharein,(he►ein,topether with any ond all ren�wols,modificotions,and extensions thoreof,
<br /> - r�fM�d so as the"Not�"j both principol ond irrtKe3t on the Not�b�inp pnYobN In ac�°Rd°^��vr'�h the trnns s�t tatfi iMretn,referente to
<br /> whkh ts f»r�by made,tM finol pcymmt of principol ond interest,if�ot sootMr paid und��no ret�we��.mod�fKatlons or�xttnsions or�made,
<br /> __...i�_ __ Mav t 5_ 2005 s�r anv extensions or �enewals therenf �._-.�
<br /> - URt af1O�jWR Nt '__ _' .
<br /> _ (b)tM performonce af eoch oprw+nQnt and cov�nent of Trostor her�in contoined,ond
<br /> = (c)The poym�nt of any sum or sums of n»ney with int�rost thereon which may be he►eafter paid or advonced under the se►ms of this tl�ed of
<br /> = Trust.
<br /> � (d)?he pcyment of ony future odvonces necessary to aotect the security a any future advcnce ma0e ot she option of the par�Iesr a
<br />�—� (e)Th�p�rfomwnc�of an oblipation of nny other person rwmed in this Trust Daad to o beneficiory.
<br /> = �,�,��}��I l�t�tt.Trus ta s h o l l{x o m p t l y p o y w Mn due th�p rinci p al of ond interest on the indebtednass evidenced by the
<br /> - Not�,ond all otMr chcirq�s ad fees as provided in th�Note,and the principal of and interest en ony Future Advances setwed by this Qeed of
<br />- _ Trust.
<br /> '— 7,W�r�f�d T',Ab.Trustor is bwfully seixed ond pussess�d of pood ond indefeasible title ond estote to the Property hereby convayed and
<br /> _ t�as tit�ri�ht to prant ond convey th�Prop�rtYi the P�'op�rtY�s free and c{tor of ull liens a►d encumbrances except liens now of record;and
<br />'� Trusta will warront ond defend the title to the property qpinst aIl clafms and d�nwnds.
<br /> ; ; . .
<br /> •y ..
<br /> - ��•. 7�n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
<br />