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<br />O
<br /> DEED qF' TRUST
<br /> j
<br />-- - - - - /
<br />"CRIB DEED OF TkGST, made tha.s _ ~ ~" day ryi
<br />'3_01U, by and between boniphan MHP, L~LC, a F'larida Zirr"i ^ l
<br />ah' t
<br />A.D_,
<br /> .
<br />y
<br />oompany authorized to do busi;;ess
<br />in th
<br />St
<br /> .
<br />e
<br />ate of Ne aska, hereinafter
<br />called "Trustor" (:whether one or more)
<br />anti
<br />Ronald S
<br /> ,
<br />.
<br />. Depue, Attorney at
<br />Law, of Hall County, Nebra:~ka, he.t`einafter called "Trustee
<br />,'
<br />~
<br />d S
<br />~
<br /> ,
<br />a
<br />t
<br />tuart 7~
<br />Sahlatz and 3ani k. Sch.~.atz, .husband and w3_f2, whose address is Pb B ~
<br />~
<br /> ox
<br />195, Gon.i.phan, NE (8832, hereinafter called °'Benefi
<br />ciar
<br />"
<br /> .
<br />y
<br />;
<br /> WITNESSETH, That the T:r.ustnr, far good and valuable consideration,
<br />includin
<br />th
<br />d
<br />b
<br /> g
<br />e
<br />e
<br />t and trust hereinafter mentioned and created, and the
<br />sum of nnc
<br />doll
<br /> .
<br />ar to Trustor paid ,by the ::aid Trustee, the receipt an:7
<br />sufficiency of whim: i
<br />h
<br /> s
<br />ereby ack:;awledged, does b7.° these ;presents,
<br />irrevor•ably grant
<br />ba
<br />i
<br /> ,
<br />rga
<br />n and sell, convey, assign and confirm unto t,hP
<br />said Trustee
<br />1N TRUST
<br />itiITH PO47
<br />'
<br /> ,
<br />,
<br />ER OF
<br />SALE, :Far the benefit and security
<br />of Acneficiary, under and subject to th
<br />t
<br /> e
<br />erms and conditions of this Geed
<br />of Trust., the followir•g desc
<br />r
<br />ib?d re
<br />l
<br /> .
<br />.
<br />a
<br />property situated .i.n Hall CnuntY,
<br />+'debraska, to-wit:
<br />Lot Two (2i, Schlatz Subdivision in the Vi`,1age of Coniphan,
<br />FIall County, Net;r.aska.
<br />'COGETHER with and i.r,.cluding all and sirguiar the taraements,
<br />hereditaments, appurtenances arad prrivileges thereunto l~elangf.ng ar ita
<br />anywise appertaining, wher._her new or hereafter acquired, which sha11
<br />include, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the fa11Gw%ng:
<br />A11 of the rents, .7,SSLTP..S and profits, including all rents, royalT_ies,
<br />bonuses wind benefits under any existitag ar future oil, gas rar mi.a.eral
<br />ar ether leases; a1I easements and rights of way; all rights a:f
<br />homestead and homestead exemption and any surviving spouse's rna.rita7_
<br />or distributivr~ share, and all other contingent rights in and to said
<br />premises; and
<br />All fixtures, improvements, buildings, and the plumbing, heatirLg,
<br />ventilating and lighting systems and ec{uipment tnereira, all of which
<br />shall be construed and considered a:s affixed to anal. part of the read..
<br />P_statP.
<br />All of the foregoing estate, ~~raperty and interest hereby conveyed. to the
<br />said. Trustee is hereinafter ral:lectively referred tc as the "property.,,
<br />TU f{AVE At3D TO HOLD the name unto the said Trustee, Trustee's
<br />stizccessars and assigns forever, ir1 TRi.1ST HOWt;tiER grad WLTH POSER OF' SALE
<br />hereby expressl:~ granted unto the said, Tru>tee, Trustee's successors, and
<br />assigns for the purpose of securing:
<br />(a) The paymw,nt of Trustor's just indebtedness to Beneficiary in the
<br />princ_i.pal sum of Jne Hundred Thirty-five Thousand Dollars (SI35,pQ0.0C1)
<br />far money barrawpd, with interest thereon, a1]. as evidenced by and in
<br />strut accordance with the t.ernls of that certain promissory note
<br />hereinafter called ttze ""bCote", bearing even date hex•cwith made payable to
<br />the order of Beneficiary, executed by onniphan MHF', LLC, and providing for
<br />