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<br /> � In tho uvcnt of o totol tukln�of tho Proporty,tho proccods shall ba nppllad'to thu su eacurod y�th s o�or Trust, �
<br /> wlth thn oxCOUa, !f ony,p❑Id to E3orrowor. In tho ov�nt of a portlol eokin{� of tho Proporty, unloce 6orrov�cr ond l.entlor
<br /> -� otherwisa s�piee In writln;� thnro sfwll bfl nppliod to tho suma eacurad by thle Doed of Trust such proportlon of the proceoAs
<br /> ea lo e�ival to tl�at propart�on which the emount uf tho sume socured by thla Dead of 1'rust Immediotoly prior to tho dAte of
<br /> ' . tokl heure to the fetr merknt valua of tho propo►ty Immedfet°ty prior to tho dnto of takinp,with th�bnlanco of the proceeds
<br /> p81d�Q UGffOwof.
<br /> " ; If the Property la obendanod by 8orrower,or If,aftar notico by Landor to Borrower thet the condomnur offere to makc�
<br /> � : � cn av�ard or sottle s cletm for damafles, Borrownr fnlla to respond to Londer within 30 days efter the date such notfce i:t ;
<br /> malled, l,ender la auYhorlxud to cnllect nnd apply�tho procoede, at Lendor's aptlon, oithsr to restoret�on or rapeir of ehe f
<br /> _ � Rropa�ty or to the sums socurcd b thls Occd ot Trust.
<br /> .�� , UINE98 LOIIUBf 8�0 uqrruwttr uu�oiwi5o 6yP6o i�Y:tit���^,�^�::L'S�!«�^.�R!!C°t�^f!^����r.nffda to ptIfICIQ81 ShBll f10�8Xi011d �
<br /> �`' or postpone the due dete of the monthly Installmonte reforro�to In perepraphs 1 end 2�ereof or chenge the smount o4 such r
<br /> �;�.:� insta10 8 Soirowe Not Rw�a��d. �xtenslon of tho time for peyment or modiffcetion of amortizetion of the suma secured ►
<br /> •���5 by this Deed o}Tnist prented by Lender to any succassor In interest of 8orrawar shal)not operate to release, (n any menner, 6
<br /> ;; tho Ileblllty of tho original eorrower end eorrowet's successors interest. Lender shall not be requfred to commence E
<br /> pruceedings ageinst such succoasor or refuse to extend tlme for peyment or otherwise rnadi}y amortization of the sums E
<br /> •• � �- � securod by this Deed of Tn�st by reeson of any demend meda by the originbl Borrower end Borrowor's successors in interest. _
<br /> �y,� 11. Fabes►ance by l�ndsr Not a Welver. Any furbearence by Lender in exercfsfng any right ar remedy ha►eunder,or -
<br /> otherwise ettorded by appliceble lew,shall not be a walver of or procludo tho exercise oi any such ripht or remedY. The _
<br /> procurement of insur&nce of tha pA�mont of taxes or other liens or cherges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender s right
<br /> � to accelarete the moturity of the ndebtedness securod by this Doed of Truat.
<br /> 12. Rsm�dia Cumulative. Ati romodies provided in this Deed of Trust are distinct and cumulative to eny other right
<br /> or remedy under this Oeed of trust or afforded by law or oquity,and m�y bo axorcised concurrently, independentiy or
<br /> q:,r, , , R;: successivaly.
<br /> 13. Succ�s9aa end Assl9nt Bound;Joint end Ssveal I.lebtlity Ceptlon�. The covenants end ngreements herefn
<br /> . ••;� contnined shall bind,and the righta hBreunder shall inure to,the respectjve successors end easigns of Lender and Borrower,
<br /> subJec4 to the provisions ot peragraph 11 hereof. All covenants and agreamants of Borrov�er�hnll be jolnt and severel. The
<br /> � �� captlons and headings of the peragraphs of this Deed of Trust ere fpr convanlence oniy end are not to be used to interpret
<br />��i��'•.� •:` :.� or define the provisfons hereof. _
<br /> 14. Notice. Except for eny notice requlred undor applicable lew to be given in enother mannor, ia)any notice to
<br /> � 6orrower provided for in this Deed of Trust shell be gIven 6y maiiing such notice by certified meil addressed to Borrower at =
<br /> . �. the Property Address or at such other address as Borrower may dosfgnete by notice to Lendar es provided herein,and(b1 _
<br /> • •�,,, a�y not+co to Lender shell be given by certifled meil,return receipt requosted,to Lender's address steted herein or to such _
<br /> .. other address as Lender mey designate by notice to Borrower es provided herefn. Any notice provided for in this Deed of -
<br /> :: �� �• ���'�� Trust shali be deemad to have been given to Borrawer or Lender when given in the menner designated hereln. _
<br /> ` •14.1 'Request for Notice. Trustor end beneflciary request that a copY of any notice of defeuft end notice of anle mede =.
<br /> ''�a' ' ar executed by the Trustee pursuent to the provisions heraot be sent to the Trustor end Beneficlery at their respective mailing
<br />;,.;�,� �,�'�r °�' addrosses set forth ebove."
<br />-- f�'+� ' 15. Urtitorm O�ed ot Trust;(ioveming Lew;Severabil(ty. The form ot deed of trust combinns uniform covenants tor
<br /> ����'�F�:'� �'� �, netionel use and noo-unitorm covsnants with I(mited varist(ons by furisdiction to canstitute a uniform security instrument
<br />" ' , �'`" covering reai property. This Deed of TNSt shatl be governed by the iaw of the iurisdiction in which tha Property ia located.
<br /> "''���•t�'- � In tfw ww+nt that nny orovfslon or clause ot thfA Deed of Trust o►the Nnte confllcts w(th eppflcable lew,such confiict shall
<br /> ":';;�-':�'%+�i��'" not effect othor provisions of this Deed of 1'rust or the Note which can be given effact without the confticting provisions,
<br /> ��;°j��r=P:�' and to thls end tho pravisions of the Deed of Trust end the Note are declered to be severable.
<br /> _�:,,�:�;P;� 1�. Bortoww�Copy. Borrower shall be furnished e conformed copy of the Note end of this Deed of Trust et the dme
<br />__��t.., of exacutlon or eiter recurdetion hereof.
<br /> 17. Trarute�ot th�ProQety;Aaumptlon. It all or any part of the proporty or en fnterest thereln is sold or transferred
<br /> by Borrower without Lendar a p►[or written consent,excluding�a)the creation af e Ilon or encumbrenco 6ubordinete to this
<br /> ""�=��:� Deed of Trust, (b)the creation of o purcheso money socurfty intarast for household eppliances, (c) e trensfer by devfse
<br /> ��- �--� —�° descent or by operetlon of law upon the death ot e►oint tenent or cd)the flrant of eny leasahold Interest of three yeere or
<br /> —_ - lesa not conteln(ng en optlo�topu rchose,Lender mey,et Lender's optlon,declere all tha sums sacured by thla Oeed of Trust
<br /> ���''�� end t41e p�erBGn tIo whom thpe Pro�p�erty�Is to be�sold or trenr f rre ed�ee h ipresmi nt In�wri4ing thet the credit o}sucti perion
<br /> --"�"�� is eatiafactory to Lender end thst tho Interest payeble on the suma secured by thla Deed of Tivat shall be at sur.h rata ea
<br /> `---`"� Lender sheU request. If Lendar has waived tha option to accelerete provfdod In thla perepreph 17 and if Borrower's
<br /> �~-=:�sm sucCessor In intero�t hes executed e written aasumptton agreement accepted In writUg by Lender, tender ahell rqlease
<br /> — - Borrower from ell obligetlons under this Doed of Trust and the Note.
<br /> � If lender exercises such optfon to accelerate, Lender shall mafl Borrower notice of ar,caleretlon In eccordence with
<br /> _ par raph 14 hereof. Such notice shall provlde e perlod of not lesa then 30 days from the dete the notice fs malled within
<br /> wl�lc�Borrower mey pay the 5ums declered due. If Borrower fails ta pey such sums prior to the expiretlon of such period,
<br /> - Lender mey,without further notice or demend on Borrawer,invoke eny romedies permitted by peragraph 18 hereof.
<br /> _--- — NON•UNIFONM COVENAN7S. Borrowe end Lendsr further covsnant snd sg►o�es idlowa:
<br /> --"- -- 18. Acc�IWallon;Ranedies. Except ea provided In paregraph 17 hereof,upon Borrower's breach of any covenant or
<br />__ -_ -- �._ egieement of Borrowe�in Yhls Deed oi Trust,includinfl the covenants to pay when due eny sums secured bV this Qeed Of
<br /> ----__..�� 7�ust,Lende:prlor to eccelere*.lon shatl mafl rrotice to Bo!rower es provided in pera�roph 14 hereof specffyin (1�the hrnach; .
<br /> -__
<br />