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Sub�oct to appIicablo Iow or ta n wrilton wnf�or by Londor,iiorro�vor shali pay to <br /> Landcr on lhu dny r�tunthfy instalimonts ol princlpal and Intoroat aro pny�blo undor tfm Nnt�,unUl Iha Noto is poid in fuli,a <br /> sum(lierein"Funds")oqual to ono-twolith of tho yonrly taxos and a�sossmonts which moy attain prfority over this Duud of <br /> T�ust,e+�d pround rants on tho Pro arty,It nny,plus one-twelith of yoorly promi�im Installmonts for hezard Insuranco,plus <br /> ono•twallth of yearly prem(um InstnPimonts for mortpoga Insurpnco,If nny,oll ns racsonably estirt�atod initlolly and trom tima <br /> to timo by Lendcr an tf�o�osis of nssessments nnd bills and roasonublo ostimotc�s theroot. <br /> I�10 YUt109 tillUll LU I��iU if�wt niSiiiuii�ii iim�ojiGo�o Gi�tI44V1I11\J V�'•':~�:t��:�:f1�L'tCS�CT aL'n�n��nt��t h�Fmtt+Inl nI GfAt(! <br /> ofloncy (inctudfng Londer II Londor Is such un Institutlonl. Lender shnll opply tho tunds to poy aeid tox�s. essossmonts, <br /> insuronco promlums and pround rents. Londot may not ch�rflo fqr so holJlnq and npplyln(�the Funds, nnolyzlnp snid nccount <br /> or vorifying nnd compiling snfd assoasmonts nnd bflls,unlass Londor poys Borrowor internst on tha Funds ond appllceblo lew <br /> pormits Lender to mnko such o char{�e. Bor�owor and Lendor mny agroe In writ(ng at tho timo of exocutlon ot thfs Deed ot <br /> Trust lhat Interttst on[ito Funds shall Uo pefd to Borrower,vnd unless sucli opraamont is mada or appllcablo law requlrns such <br /> Interest to 6o pnid,Londer shall not be roquirod to pny Borrowar nny Interost or oarnings on tho Funds. Landor shnll glve to <br /> dorrowar,without charge,an ennupl accounting of the Funds showlnp credlts and debits to the Funds end tho purpose for <br /> wl�icli ancti dcsbit to tho Funds was mede. The Funds are pledged as raddltiona!security for tho sums socured by this Dasd <br /> o(Trust. <br /> It tho amount of the lunds hetd by Londor,together with[ho future monthly Installments of Funds payable prlor to tho <br /> due dntes ai tnxes,assessmAnts,Insurance premlums and ground rents,shall exceed tho amount.raquired to pay said taxes, <br /> essessments, insurance premiums end ground rents as they fell due,such excoss shall bo, at BOrrower's option, oithnr <br /> promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on manthly installmonts uf Funds. If the amount ot the Funds hefd by <br /> Lender shell nat be suflicient to pay taxos,assessments insurancQ premiums and ground rents as thoy fall due, Borrower <br /> shall pay to Lendar eny emouni necessary to make up the doficlency within 30 days from the dete notica fs mailed by Lender <br /> to Borrower requesNnp peyment thereot. <br /> Upon payment in full o(all sums secured by th{s Daad ot 1'rust,Londor shall promptly rctund to Barrower eny Funcis held <br /> 6y Lunder. If under parograph 18 hereot the Property Is sold or tho Property Is otherwlse acquired by Lender, Lender shall <br /> epply, no later than immadlntely p►lor to the sele of the Proporty or lts acqulsition by Lender,and Funds hald by Lender at <br /> the timo of apntication es a credit agalnst the sums secured by this Deod of Trust. <br /> 3. Appflcatlon of Peyments. Unless eppliceble lew providos otherwiso, pll peymen[s recelved by Lender under the Noto <br /> nnd paragrephs 1 end 2 hereoi shall be applfed by Lender flrst fn payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower under <br /> paragraph 2 hereof,then to(nterest payable on the Note,then to tho principal of the Note,and then to Interest and principal <br /> on any Future Advances. <br /> 4. Chac�ea;ltens. Borrowors ahall pey alI toxes assossments end other chergos, fines end imposlttans nttributebla to <br /> the Praperty, which may attain a prlority over thls beed oi Trust, a�d leasehold peyments or ground rents, if any, In tha <br /> manner prov�ded under parpgroph 2 hereot or,II not peld In such mannor,by Borrowor making payment, whnn due,dlrectly <br /> to tho poyee thereof. Borrower shell promptly turnlsh to Londer nll notices of amounts duo under thls paragraph,and In the <br /> .ovent Borrower shall make paymant diroctly, Borrower shall promptly(urnish to Lender receipts ovidencing such paVments. <br /> Borrower shall promptly dlschc�r e any Ifen which lies priority over this Dosd ot Trust; provided, that Borrower shall not be <br /> requlrod to dischargo eny such�lan so long es Barrower shell agroe in wrlting to the payment of the obNgotion securod by <br /> such Ilen In a manner acceptable to Lender,or shall in pood teith contest such Ilen by,or dofond entorcament of suCh lion <br /> in,Ie al procoedin�s whlch aperate to prevent tho enfoicemont ot the Ifon or(orfeiture o1 the P�oparty or any port thereof. <br /> �. Ha:ard Insuranco. Horrower stiell koep the fmprovemonts now oxlsting o�heraatter erncted on the Property Insured <br /> aqatnst loss by flre, hazards Included wlthin tho term 'extended coverage" nnd such othar hazerds as Lender may raqufre <br /> end in such amounts end for such por(ods as Londer may raqulre;provlded, thAt Lendnr shell not requfro thet the emount of <br /> such covernge exceed that emount of covorage requlred to pey tho sums securad by this Deed of Trust. <br /> This insurence cerrier providing the Insurance shall 6e ct�osen by Borrower sublect to ep�roval by Lendor;provlded.that <br /> such opprovat shall not 6e unreasonabty wlthhetd. All premiums on insurance poticles shal be pald in the manner provlded <br /> under paragrnph 2 herQnf or,It not,peld ln such mennor,by Borrowar making peyment,whan due,directly to the Insurence <br /> carrtor. <br /> Alt Insuronco poli�;les an�renowels thoraot shall bo In torm accoptablo to Lander ond shall fncluda o stendard mortgepe <br /> clnuso In fovor a(ond In lorm nccoptablo to Londor. Londor sholl havn tho riflht to t►old the poltclos and ronowalo thorcol, <br /> nnd Dorrower shatl promptly furnisli to Lendor�Il renewel naticos and oll�ecoipts af pald prem(ums. tn the evant of loss, <br /> 8orrower shall fl(ve prompt notico to the Insuranco corrlor nnd Londer. Londor moy mako proof of toss if not made promptly <br /> Dy Borrower. <br /> Unless Lendor And Borrower otherwlsa aproo fn wrltfnp,Insura�ic�procueds shall be applled to rasturetfon or repelr of <br /> ¢he Property dameped, provlded such restoratlon or ropelr is eaonomlcnlly (easiblo and the securlty oi this Dead of Trust Is <br /> not thereby Impalred. 11 such rostorntlon or rnpnlr Is not oconomlcally foasibto or if the socurlty ot thls Deed of Trust woutd <br /> be Impelre�,tho fnsuranco proceeds 6hall be epplled to the sums socurod by thls Deed of Trust,wlth the oxcess,if any,peld <br /> to Burrower. If the Proparty is ebandoned by Borrower,or ff Borrower fails to respond to Lendor withln 30 days(rom the <br /> dete notice Is molled by Lendor fo Borrowor that tha Insuranco carrlet otfers to settlo a clalm for Insuranco bon�ftts,Londcr <br /> Is authorized to collect end epply the Insuronce procoeds at Lendor's optlan nithet to rsstoratlon or rapelr of the Property'or <br /> to the sums secu�ed by thts Doed at Trust. <br /> Unloss Lendor and Borrowor ocherwlse nflreo In writing,nny such applicntion af proceeds to ptinc�pnl shell not oxtend <br /> or postpone tha due date of the monthly Instollments re(erred to in pnragrephs 1 end 2 hereot or chnnge thQ emount of such <br /> instafimen�s. ir under paragrapn i 8 i�erenf tf�a Pruperly is dcyuire�uy Lcnder,aii right,ililE and tnterast af Bnrrovrcr in artd <br /> to any insurence poltcles end In end to tho proceQds thareof resutting from damage to the Property prior to the snle or <br /> ecquisftlon shell pess to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by thfs Deed of Trust Immedlatety prlor to such spte or <br /> ecqulsitlon. <br /> 6. Preservetion nnd Mdntenence of Proporty;Leesohalds;Condominlums;!'Iennad Unit Dovelopmonts. Borrower shall <br /> keep the Property In good repefr end sh�ll not commit woste or permlt Impalrment of deterioratfon of tho Property end shall <br /> comply with the provislons of ony leaso I� this Deed of Trust is on a leesehold. If this Daed of Trust ts on a unit fn a <br /> condominfum or o plenned unit dovelopment,Borrower shall pertorm all of Borrower's obligotfons under tho decleratton or <br /> covenants creoting or govQrninp the condomintum or ptanned unit developmont, the bylews and regulatlons o( the <br /> condominium or ptannod unit development,end constituont documents. It a condnminfum or planned unit•devetopmont rider <br /> is oxecuted by Borrowor nnd recordvd together with thls Deed of Trust,tho cuvonnnts nnd ogreements of such ridet shvll <br /> bo Incarporoted fnto and shatl amerd and supplement tho cover+tmts and agrQements of thfs Deed ol Trust as If the rlder were <br /> a port hereof. <br /> 7. Protoctlon of LondoYS Socurlty. II F3orruwer fuils to partonn tho covonants and a0roemants eontutrted in•Mfa Daod <br /> of Trust,or f(pny 0ction or proceoding Is commonced which moterially a(fects Londor's interctst In tho Property including <br /> but not limited to,eminent domoin,insolvency,code entorcement,or urrunpamonts or procaedfngs involving a bankrupt or <br /> docedont,thon Londer at Londor's option,upon notice to Borrowar,may make sucli appoeronces,dfsburse such sums end <br /> take such octlon as Is nocessory to protoct Londor's intcsrest, fncludfng, but not Ilrnitod to, disbursemont of ronsonablo <br /> ettorney's tQtss and entry upon thQ Property ta make repefrs. It Lender raqufrod mortpogo insurenco es a conditfon of makinp <br /> tho loon seaued by th�Doed of Trust,Borrower shatl poy tho promiums reyuired to maintain such Insurenc4 in otfact unt�l <br /> such tlmo os tho requlremont(or such tnsuranco terminatos In accardanco wlth Borrowor's and Lendor's wrltton ogreemont <br />� or appllceble Iaw. Borrowor shall pay the omount of oll mortgage Insurance prQmlums In tho mnrntor providnd under <br />, parpgreph 2 horaof. <br /> Any omounts U�sbursad by �onuar pursuont to tnis porograpn 7, wfth Intorost tharoon, shall bocomo eddit(onnl <br />; Indabtednoss ot gorrowar secured by this Doed of Trust. Unloss Borrower end Lendnr egreo to Qthor t�rms at ppyment,such <br />! amounts shall be paynble upon notico trom Londor to Borrower roquesting puyment herQOt, ond sholl boar Intorost trom tho — <br />; dato ot dlsbursoment at the rate payattlo from time to tlmo on outstnnding prin�Ippl under tha Note untess peyment ot Interost <br /> et such rate w�uld bo contrery to appllcablo law, in whtch evont such amounts shall beer intorest et thp hltihest retQ - <br /> permisslble under applicable law. Nuthinp contained in thls par�graph 7 shell require Londor to incur ony expense or tako <br /> any uction hereunder. <br /> 8. Inspoctlon. Lendsr may mekv or cause to be made reasonebin entries upon And inspoctions of tho Property,provided <br /> that Lender shall pive Borrower notice prior to eny such inspectfon speci(ying reosonabla cAUSe theroforo rolated to Londer's = <br /> interest in the Proporty. - <br /> 9. Condomnetlon. The procoads of any award or claim for damApos, diract or consequential in connectlon with eny <br /> candemnotion or othar tokinfl o}the Property,or part thereof,or for conveyanco in lieu ot condomnat�an,erv hereby assigned <br /> ond shall be pald to Londer. <br /> CC 1083 181861 2 <br />