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., ;r+:uw'��i���ts!4�a�+�1-'f <br /> � � � � l .ir �'�'_.°�'�.y',�`,Fc.T21:WS' '�.°'�.S �--_-_. <br /> � . ,Ir„�r •�� sq�un — o'_ <br /> - -- — — <br /> ��. - - — _a.-�,;.-.z.�ur.., <br /> — — — -- <br /> — <br /> -- _ � <br /> 96� ���s+n� - <br /> crcecutcd 6�r tiic pur�x►sc c�E cs�calin�,s::curinR�►r E�unrnntying thc Sccurcd Ocht. A Ke►od fnill� I�clicf I►y ��;ndcr�iint -. <br /> I.c:n�lcr at any Nntc is insc�urc with res�nci tu nuy per�un or cntity ablig►itcd un thc Sccurcd 1)cht nr thnt thc pruspcct <br /> of:my payrnent or thc vels!?uf thc�'r�►�x�rty iy impuired whnll ulso a�nsiitutc an evcnt c�f dr.fntdt. <br /> 15. Rw,MMn1�9(1N 1)�rAUI.'i'.IIl R(llll��I191i111CC9, fcilcrid nnil stntc luw wIH rcquiru I.cndcr tu nr�►viQc(ir�anar with <br /> nnticc af thc right to cur�ar c�thcr noticc»niid mny csiuGtish tl���c u;hcciutcs far fcfrccicisurc:z�ctic+n:. SubJcct w tits�e <br /> Umitations,if uny, L.enclr.r mHy ncceictnte Ihe �ecurcd Debt �utd forecluau thi�i Sc6urity lnsteumcnt 1n�maiiner L <br /> .�_�_. �_�_..�. <br /> providcd'ay iuw ii t'i�nniva n n�uu«.,�.. <br /> At thc option of i.cndcr,nll or sny pnrt of dic ngrccd fccs itnd chargcs,nccrucd intcrest nnd princi}Ynl shiill Uecomc <br /> immesiiFnely duc �nd pnyuble, efter giving natice if roquired by Inw,upe�n the occurrencc of z�d�fi�ult or nnyt(mc <br /> thereatter.In uddiRion,I.cndcr shall hc entittcd ta nll thu remedics prnvldcd by Inw, ihe tcrms of thc Sr.cured ucbt, <br /> this Sccurity Instrument and any relnted documents,including without limit�ttic�n,the p�wer to sell the Praperty. <br /> if thcre is a default.Trustcc shaU,in nddiYlon tu nny othcr permitted remcdy,at the rcqucst af thc L.endcr,advcrtisc <br /> und sell the Property as a whole ar in separate Rarccls at public auctian to the highest bidder for casl� and canvcy <br /> nbsolute titte free and clear af all right, title and interest of Grantor at such ti�ne and place as Trustee designates. <br /> Tcustee shall�ive noticP of salc including the timc,terms nnd pluce of sal�anJ a�cscriptiun ot thc propeny to bc sold <br /> as required by the applicable law in cffect at Ihe ttme of tlie propnsed sale. <br /> Upon sale of the�roperty and to the extent not prohil�ited by law,Trustee shall make and dclivcr a deed to thc Property <br /> sold which conveys absalute title to the purchaser,and after first puying aU fees,charges and costs,sliall pay to Lender all <br /> moneys ndvanced for repairs,taxes,insurance,liens,assessments and pnor encuenbrances and interest thereon,and the _ <br /> principul and interest on the Secured Uebt,paying the surplus,if Gr:�ntu�.Le�ider niay purchase thc Property. <br /> The rec�tals in any deed af conveyance shall be prima facie evidence of the facis set forth therein. <br /> All remedies are distinct,cumulative and not exclusive,and the Lender is entitled to all rcmedies provided at law�or <br /> equity,whether or nut expressly set forth.The acceptance by I.ender of any sum in payment or pArtial paymeni on the <br /> Securad llebt after the balance is due or is accelerated or after foreclosure praceeclings sre filed shall not constitute a <br /> waiver of Lender's dght to require complete cure of any existing default.By not exercising any remedy on Grantor's <br /> defuult,Lender does not waive L.ender's right ta later consider the event a default if it wntinues or happens again. <br /> 16. �XPENSES; ADVANCGS Olol �COVENANTS;ATTORNEY9' FEES;COi�LECTION COSTS.Except when <br /> prohibited by law,C,rantor agrees to pay all of L.ender's expenses if Gruntor breaches any covenant in tlils Securitg <br /> Instrument.Grnntor will also pay on demand any amou.nt incurrcd by Lender for insuring,inspecting,preserving or <br /> otherwise protecting thc Praperty and Lender's security interest.These expenses will bcar�nterest fmm the date of <br /> �P�A;Rn�nr imeii naid in full at the hipJ�est interest rate fn effect as provided in the ternis of the Secured Debt. <br /> Crantor agrees to pay All costs and expenses incurred by I.ender in collecting,enforcing or protecting I.encier�s righis <br /> and remedies under this Security Instrumcnt.This amount m�y include,but is not limited to, attorneys'fees,court <br /> costs,and other Icgal expenses.This Security Instrument shnll remain in effect until relensed.Grantor agrees to pay <br /> for nny recordation casts of such rcicase. <br /> 17. ENVIRONMEIVTAL LAWS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES.As uscd in this section,(1)Environmcntal Law <br /> msans,witiiout limit�tlun,die Comprehensive�nvironmcntal Rcsponse,C�mpensation and Llability Act(CERCI.A, <br /> 42 U.S.C.9601 et scq.),and all�ther federal,state and lucal laws, regulations, ordinances,court ordcrs,attoraey <br /> general opinions ar interprctivc lctters conccrning the public,wclfare,environment or a hazardous <br /> substance;and(2) H�.ardous Substance menns any toxic, radioactive or hazardous mnterial,waste.pollutant or <br /> contaminnnt which has charact�ristics which render the substance dangerous ur potentially dangerous to the public <br /> health,sa[ety.wcliurc or cnvlronment.Thc tcrm includes,without limitatian,any substances deflnecl As"hazardoa5 <br /> material,""toxic substances;'"hazardous waste"or•`ha•r.ardaus substana:"under any Environmental Law. <br /> (;rantor represcnts.wanants and Agrees that: <br /> A. Except as prevtously disclosr.d and acknowledged in writing to Hazardous Substnnee is oc will be <br /> located,storcd or rclensed on or in tl.te Property. 'this restriction docs not apply to smalf qusntities of <br /> Tia�trdous 5ubstances that arc generally recognized to bc appropriate for thc narmal usc and maintenance of <br /> the Property. <br /> B. Except as previvasly disclosed and acknowledged in�vriting to Lendsr,Grantor and every tenant have been,are, <br /> and shall remain in tuii w�npIinucc witii a��y aNN1iu.5.c Ln;�rons;icr.K.!* <br /> C. Grantor shall immediatcly notify L.endcr if a rcicase;or threatened relcase of a Hazardous Substance axurs un, <br /> under or about thc Property or thcre is a violation of any Envirunmental Law concerning the Property.In such <br /> an event,Grantor shall take all necessary remediai action m accordance with arry Envieanmental <br /> D. Grantor shall immediately notify I..endcr in w�•iting us soon as Grantor has reason to believc thcre is tany <br /> pcnding or threatencd investigation,claim,or procecding rclating to the releasc or thrcatened release of any <br /> Haz�►rdous Substancc:or the violation of any Enviromnental Law. <br /> 18. L"ONDEMNATION.Grantor will give Lender prompt notice of any pending or threatened action, by private or <br /> public entities to purchase or take any or all of the Property through condemnation,eminent dnmain,or uny other <br /> mcans.C�rantor authorizes Lcnder to intervene in Grantor's namc in any of the ubove described actiuns or claims. <br /> 1:urantnr assigns to i,ender the proceeds of any award or claim for clamages connccted with e condcmnation or othcr <br /> taking of all or 1ny pa�t of the Property.Such procceds shall be considered payments and will be applied as provided in <br /> this Sccurity Instrument.This assignment of proceeds is subject to the tcrms af any prior mortgage,deed of trust, <br /> se�vrity�grcement or other Gcn document. <br /> 19. INSUItANt.E.Grantor shall keep Property insured ageinst loss by firc,tlood,theft and other hnzards and risks <br /> rcasonably associated with thc Property duc to its typc and location.This�nsurance shall be maintained in the amounts , <br /> and fnr the periods that Lender reqnires.The insurance carrier providing the insurance sliall be Chosen by Grantor <br /> _..�:_�._ * _..a....��.............I ..d.:..{�chull nnf ha��nr�acnnahlu w�thhald. if�rnntor fails to muintHin thc coYCrBL�C <br /> auu)cu av a..�..u..,o.,�.t.....«.. ....»........Y...._ .._ ^_;_------v ..... . _ . <br /> described above,Lender muy,at Lender's option,obtam�ovexage to protect i,ender's rip,hts in the Property accarding <br /> - to the terms of this Sec�rity instrument. <br /> All insurance policies ancl rcncwals shall be acceptable to L.endcr and shail include a standard"mortgage claase"and, <br /> where npplicabls,"loss payce'Grantor shall immedi�tely notify Lender of canccilation or termination of the <br /> insurancc.I.endcr shall h�ve thc right to liold thc policics and re�tewals.If Lcndcr requin;s,Grantor sliall in�mediately <br /> �ivc to I.ender all receipts of paid premiums and rene�vel notices.Upon loss,Grantor st�all givc immediate notice to <br /> thc insurance carrier and 1Lender.[.c:ndcr may make proof of loss if not made immediatcly by Gr�ntor. <br /> •;{. �,. �;(page 3 of4) <br /> O f994 Bmkero 6yatem�,inc..6t.Cbud.MN(t�B00�397•23N)Fortn RE•OT•NF_B18f8� <br />