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<br /> C3. All futurc ndvnn:c;s irom I..cndcr tu Urantor or oliicr futucc ub��hutium of tir�uuor tu L�;rdcr undcr any prc�missnry �°'
<br /> notc,amlrnct,gu�runty,ar nchcr evidcnci:�nf dcbt cxccutcd Uy Cirnntur iu inviir of I.cndcr cxecuted iiRcr tlaix �
<br /> Sccurlty Instrumcnt whcthcr or nul�his.�'�ccurity Instrumcnt iy s�cifically rctcrenccd. If m�rc thnn onc Fx:rrun . .
<br /> Kigns tlds Security Instru�nent,cnch(lrnntc�r ngrcc�Ihat Ihiy Sccurity IttsU�umcnt wlll r�:curG cdl(uturc n�lvnnccs nnd
<br /> future ablipationq 11int urc givcn tc►Ur incutrcd hy nny��nc ur m�ro Cirnntur,��r uny anc nr murc Clrimtnr u�id
<br /> athcr�.All future advnnc;c�nr.��othcr futarc ohlEgnlione urc c;ccurrd by this Sccurily Inhtrumcnt cvcn Ihaugh all or �
<br /> patt mny n�t yct fae ndvnna:d.!►II fatupu��dvancc;�:�nd athdr futar���,bli�±i`Uo.���orn,�c�urcd us i[mudc on thc�li�tc L
<br /> of this Sccurity Instrument.roothing in this�:curiiy Li�t�u�a::�st�n�;��........lt..s:.._..:.....3!ri!!'���«��»ukc udditiunnl _ __
<br /> or tuture loans ar udvances in nny amount.Any auch commitmcnt must bc ngrccd to in n scparnte wrlting.
<br /> C. All obligattons Cirantar owes to Lc:ndcr,which may Intcr nrisc,to tl�c cxtcnt not prohibitcd by Inw,including,but
<br /> not limited to.liAbilities for overdr�fts relattng to nny depasit nccount agrecmcnt between Gruntor nnd I..ender.
<br /> D. tAtie P olpertytand its value and any o hcr sumsuad anc d and cxpcnses incurPrcd by�Lendcrtunder tlie ctrms of 6
<br /> this Securify Instrument.
<br /> This Security Instrument will not secure any other debt if Lc:nder fails to give any reyuired notice of thc ri�ht af rescission.
<br /> 5. PAYMENTS•Grantor a�rees thut all payments under the Secured Debt will be paid when due nnd in accordnnec
<br /> with the terms of the Sccwed Debt and this Security Instrument.
<br /> 6. WA1tRANTY OF 1TTY.E.C3rantor warrants tfi�at Gruntar is or wW be laW�fully seized of tixc estate conveyed by this
<br /> Security Instrument and has the i7ght to inevocably grant,convey, and sell thc Property to Trustee,in trust,with
<br /> power of sale.Cirantor aiso wariai�ts tUat thc Property is unencamb�red,exccpt for encumbrances of record.
<br /> 7. PR10R 5�CURITY UV'I'ERESTS.WiYh regard to any other.mortgags,deed cf trust,securlty agreement or otlier lien
<br /> document that created a prior security interest or encumbrance on the Property,C3rantor agrces:
<br /> A. To mnke all pny►nents when due and to perform or comply with all covenants.
<br /> B. To promptly deliver tc�Lender any notices that Grantor receives from the holder.
<br /> C. Not to allow uny modiGcation or extension of,nor to rec�uest any future advances under any note or agreement
<br /> secured by the lien documerd without I.ender's priur written consent.
<br /> 8. CLAIMS AGAINST TITLE.Grantor will pay aU taxes,assessments,liens,encumbrances,lease payments,ground
<br /> rents,utilitles,and ather charges relating to the Property when due.Lendcr may require Grantor to provide to Lcnder
<br /> copies of aU notices that such amounts are due and the receipts evidencing Grantor's payment. Grantor will defend
<br /> title to the Properly against any claims that would impair tlie lien of this Security Instrument.Grantor agrees to assign
<br /> ��I.;,n��r���r�s�ue��Q���T Pnder;any rights,claims or defenses Grantor may have against parties who supply labor
<br /> or materials to ma[ntain or iruprove the Property.
<br /> 9. DUE ON SALE OR ENCUMBRANCE.Lender may,at its option,declare the entire balance of the Securcd Debt to
<br /> be immediately due And payable upon the creation of,or contract for the creation of,any lien,eneumbrancc:,tran�fer
<br /> or sale of the Property.This rigtit is subject to the restrictions imposed by federal law(12 C.F.R.591),as applicable.
<br /> This covenant shall run with the Property and shall remain in effect until the Secured Debt.is paid in full and this
<br /> Secarity Instrument is released.
<br /> 10. PROPERTY CONn[TION,ALTERATIONS AND INSP�CTION. Grantor will keep the Property in good
<br /> condition and make all repairs that arc reasonubly necessary. Grentor shall not commit or allow any waste, _
<br /> in�pairment,or detcriorAtion of the Property.Grantor will keep the Property free of noxlous wecds and grasses.
<br /> Grantor agrees thAt the nature of the occupancy and use wi11 not substanti�lly chAnge without I.ender's�rior written
<br /> consent.Grantor will not permit any change in nny license,restrictive covenant or easement without Lendec's prior
<br /> written consent.Grentor will notify I..ender ot all demands,�proceedings,claims,and actions against Grantor�and of
<br /> any loss or damuge to the Property.
<br /> I,ender or Lender's n$ents may, at Lender's optian,cnter the Properiy at any reasonable timc for the purpose of
<br /> inspecting the Proporty.Lender shall give Grantor notice at the tim� of or befure an inspection spccifying a
<br /> reasonable purpose far the inspection. Any inspection of the Property shall be entirely for Lender's benefit and
<br /> Grantor will in no�vay rcly on.Lender's inspection.
<br /> il. AUTHORiTY TO PERFORM. lf Grantar fails to perfarm any duty or any of the covcnants contained in this
<br /> l Security lnstrument,Lender may.wi►i�out 7oifa:.perfcrm or ca'�'=thcm to he performed.Grantor appoints Lendcr
<br /> as attorney in ft�t to sign Gr�ntor's name or pay any amount necessary for performance.L.ender's right to perform for
<br /> Crs�ntar shall not create an obligation to perform,and I..a:nder's fnilure to perform will not preclude Lende,r from
<br /> exercising any of L.endc:r's other rights under the law or this Security Instrument.Tf any cunstruction on the Property is
<br /> discontinucd or not carried on in a rcasonable manncr,I.ender may take all steps necessary to protect Lender's
<br /> securety interest in the Property,includirtg completion of the construction.
<br /> 12. ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES AND RENfS.Grantor irrevocably grant�s,convcys and sells to Trustce,in trust for the
<br /> benefit of Lender,es additionll security all the right,title and interest i�n and to any and all existing or future leases,
<br /> subleases, nnd any other written or verbal agreements for tlie use and occupancy of any pprtion of tt►e Property,
<br /> incluciing any extensions,renewals,modifications or substitutions of such agreements(all referred to as`•Lcases")and
<br /> rents, issues and pro�ts(all referred to as "Rencs"). Grantor will promptly provide Lender with true and correct
<br /> copies of all existing and future I..�ases.Grantor may collect,reccivc,enjoy and use the Rcnts so long as Grantor is not
<br /> � in default under tlte t�rms of this Sccurity lnstrument.
<br /> Grantor acknowled�es that this assignmAnt is perfected upon the recording of this Dced of Trust and that I.cndcr is
<br /> — entitled to notify eny of Grantor's tenants to makc payment of Rents due or to become due to L.ender.However,
<br /> Lender agrees that only on default will Lender notify Grantor and Grantor's tenants and makc ciemand that all future
<br /> Rents bc paid dircctly tn Lendcr.On recciving noticc of default, Grantor will endorse and delivr,r to Lender any
<br /> - �.,.,,,,n�.,f n�nr��n C:rancor's nossession and wiq receive any Rents in trust for Lender and will not commingic the
<br /> _ �..y........_.'"'_'--- .
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<br /> Rents with any othcr funda.Any amounts collcctcd will be apptic:d as pravided in i�i��c��.«y .••��•����•••• �.�..--.
<br /> � warrants that no default exists undcr thc Lcases or any applicablc landlord/tenant law.Grantor also agrces to maintain
<br /> and require any tenant to comply�vith the tcrms of the Leases and applicablc law.
<br /> ,� 13. L�ASENOLDS;CONUOMINiUMB; PLAIVNED UNfT UEi+ELOPMGNTS.Orantor agrces to comply with the
<br /> _ provisions of any Icase if this Security Instrument is on a leasehold.If the Property includes a unit in a condominium
<br />- = or a planned unit dcvclopment,Grantor will perform all of Gruntor's dutics under the wvenants,by-laws, or
<br /> rcgulatlons of ttie condomin�um or planncd unit dcvelopment.
<br />.`,� 14. UEk'AULT.Gr�ntvr will be in defnult if ar.y party�bligatcd un thc SccureJ Debt flils to makc paymcnt when Juc.
<br /> �-y Grantor will be in default if a brench occurs under the terms of this Sccurity Instrument or any other document
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