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<br /> � 96-�,Q3��3
<br /> Tfic Fu�ids shall be held In an institutton whosc dc�sits ure insurcd by n fulcral agcncy. Instrumentulity, or cntity
<br /> ti„cludir.g I,ender, if�.endcr i��uch an institution)or in nny Fcdcral Homc l.oan nank. l.c+idcr 4hall upply thc FunAs ta pay the ___
<br /> F.scrov�Itcros. Lendcti•muy not charge Burruwer for holdin�.md applying ti�c t�und�,smnuuliy iuitily�ing thi cscro�v accau�tt,or ��
<br /> vcrifyin�thc Escrow Itcros,unlcss l..cndcr pays Borrowcr intcresc on�hc f�und�;and applirnblc Inw permi��I.c»dcr to makc such
<br /> u chnrge. However, l.cuder n�ay reyuirc Borrowcr to puy n onc-timc char�;c fnr un in�lcpr:ndcnt rcal��.rtatc tnx rr,pnrtint;scrvicc �_
<br /> i.►sed by LcndEr in cannection with this loan, u»less npplitable law prnvidcs otherw�sc. Uuletis nn n�recmcnt in mude or .._
<br /> appllcablc law requires inter�st to bc pnid.I.cndcr shull not hc rec�uircd tc�pay l�nrruwcr�my intcrest or cnrningti��»tl�c Funds. f?:��`
<br /> Borrower and I.endcr muy agrec in writing, ho��ever, that intcrest shull be paul on tltc Nun�s, l.cndcr sh,►U givc ti► p«reow�r, LL
<br /> without charge, an nnnual accountins of thc Fnnds, shawing crcclits nnd dcbits to thc Ruuds und 1hc pu�'pasc f�r which uich .;.y„
<br /> debit to the Funds was made.The Funds urz Nledged as additianal;:ecurity for nll stinrs�:ecurcd I�y Ilds Sccuriry h�suumcnt• L,_
<br /> If thc Funds hel�hy Lender exceecl the smounts permitted to be Iteld by npplicnble Inw, I.�nder shnU nccointt tu Rm•ruwer ___
<br />� �_ L F�.„�� s�,a���T����rn wi[h [hc requircmcnts of applicablc Inw. lf tlw umuunt uf tl�c !'uiicl��IlL'IlI IlY I.Clli�ir trr�vaY L -
<br />- �VT�IIY bAw.�iu�r�. —
<br /> time is not suf6cient to pay the Escrow Items whcn due,L.ender may sa notity aorn►wer in wriiing,+���.1�ir�^i����.a:� .-.tr..�.•_-
<br /> shull pay to l.ender the amount nccessary�to mnke up thc deficiency. Uormwcr sluill muke up 1i�c det"icicncy In no mm'e thun �_
<br /> twclve monthly payments,at Lender's solc discretion.
<br /> Upon paym�nt in full of aU sums securcd by thi+ Securiry Instrument. ���a�r yn��u rr��»>i�►�v i'cl'und w llorrowr,r nny
<br /> of t e Prod en j sh�ll nlF�lund�er Funds h Id by I.endcr t�the un e of ucq'uisitionrop sulc us i►�creditrnguinstl thc��wnti��ccurcd by --
<br /> this Securiy Instrument�p y y
<br /> 3.Appltwt[un of Puyments. Unless applicnble Isw provides othcrwisa ull payments rdceiv�;d hy l.cndcr:indcr piirugrnphti i
<br /> 1 and 2 shall bc applied: Ci►�t,ta any prepayment charfies due undcr the Notc; si:cund, tu untuunts puyublu uii•,icr piu'u$r.+ph 2:
<br /> tt�ird,to interest due;faurth,to principal due;and lust,to xny late char�es due under tlir,Notc.
<br /> . 4. Charges; I.iens. Horrower shall pay ali taxcs, assessments, chargcs, fines and imp+�sitians nttributublc to ihc Property
<br /> which may attain prtority over this Security Instrument, and leusehold pnyments or gr�und rents, ft' uny. Borrower shidl p+►y
<br /> these obligations in the manner provided in para�raph 2,or if not pAid in that manner.Tiorrower shull puy tlicm on timc dlrccdy
<br />� tu the p�rson owci!payment. Borrawer shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts tu be ps�td under thfs pnragruph.
<br />= If Bon•owcr makes these paymcnts directly,Borrower shall promptly Furnish to Lendcr rcccipts evidencing tho paynzenty.
<br /> Harrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority aver this Sccurity Instrument unlcss Burrower:(i�)ugrees in
<br />� writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lendcr;(b)cantests in gaacl fnith the Iten
<br /> by, or defends against enforccment of the lien in, Iegul procecdings which in the Lendcr's opinian opernte lo provent tlie
<br /> enforcement of the lten; or(c)secures from the holder of the licn an ugreement satisfuctory to I.ender suburdinuting the lien ta
<br /> this Security Instrument. If i.ender detercnines that any part of the Property is subjr.ct to n licn whtch may uttuin prforiry over
<br /> ti�is Sccurity Instrument, I.ender may give Borrower a notice identlfying the lien. Borrowcr shall entisfy tiie Iten or tukc cmc or
<br /> mote of the aetions set forth above within 10 dnys of the givi�ig of notice.
<br /> 5. Hazard �r Property Insurance, Borcower shall keep the improvements now existing on c�rcaftcr crcctcd on tiu
<br /> Property insured egainst loss by fire, haznrds included within the term "extendcd coverage" anA any othcr hazards. Including
<br /> floods or flooding, for which Lender reyuires insurnnce. This insurancc shall be muintaincd in thc umounts and for the periods
<br /> that i.ender requires.The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chasen by Borrower subJect to I.ender'e+l�pprovul
<br /> w��ict� s�aii r+ct�;, urrea°ott°.bl; '.wirl�l,�ld. if Bonower fails to matntain covernge descrlbed abnve, i.ender�nay, at I.ender'x
<br /> opti�n,obtain covemg�to protect Lender's rights in the Property in accordancc wttt�parngraph 7.
<br /> Al1 insurance policies and renewals shall be acceptable to l.ender and shall include a standn�d mortgnge clause. I.ender
<br /> shall have thc right ta hold the policies and renewnls. If 1_ender rcyuires,Borrower�1�aU pramptly give to l.cndcr sll receipts of
<br /> paid premiurns and renewal notices.In the event of loss,Borrower shnll give prompt notice to the inauranee carricr uixl Lender.
<br /> Lender may make proof of loss if not madc promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unless l.ender and Borrower otherwise egree m wntins, insurance proceeds shall be npplied to restoration or repuir uf tho
<br /> Property damaged, if tnc restorndon or repuir is economically feusible and[.ender'e sccurity is nc�t lessened.lf the restoration or
<br /> repair is not economically fcasibte or Lender's security would be lessened,the insurance prucecds shall be applie,�1 to thc sunty
<br /> sccured by this 5ecurit,y Instrument, whether or not then due, with any excess pald to Aorrower. If Borrowcr ubundonx the
<br /> pa�o�rty,or dces nat answer wuhin 30 dnys a notice from Lender thnt the insurance canier has offered tn settic a cluim, Ihen
<br /> L.ender may collect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceed ntu�WP�i��sin when t e notices give��p paY "um9
<br /> socurcci by this Sccurity Instrument,whether or not then duc. The 30-dny pe �
<br /> Unless Lender and Bonower othcrwise agree in writic►g, any application of proceeds to principal shal! not extcncl ar
<br /> postpone the due datc of the monthly payment9 rcferred to in paragraphs t and 2 or change the amount of the payn�ntx. If
<br /> under parag��aph 21 the Property is acquired by I.ender, Borrower's ngtit to nny insuranee policics and proceecls resulting f'rc�m
<br /> dsmage to the Property prior to the acquisuion shall pass to L.ender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security Instrument
<br /> inunediately prior to the acquisition.
<br /> (,p¢,�u�ency,�'reservation.Maintenance and Protectlon of the Property;l3orrower's I.oan Applicatlon; �.eaReM►ItM.
<br /> Bonower shall occupy.establish,and use the Property us Borrower'9 principal restdence within sjxty dnys nRer the exscuttun of
<br /> this Security Instrument and shall continue to c�ccupy the Property ns Borrower's principal residence for at teast one year aftCr
<br /> � the date of occupuncy, uniess Lcnder�di�ciwise agrc:s in.w�riting. ti:�hlch cen.�'n!shall nnt he unreasonably widtl�e�d,or unless
<br /> extenuating circumswnces ex{st which are beyond Borrawer's wntrol. 8orrower shall not destroy, damage or impnir the
<br /> F�roperty, allow the Property to deteriorate, or commit waste on the Property. Bonower shall be in defsult if m�y forfciturc
<br /> actiou or proceecfing, whether civil or criminal, is be�un thut in Lender's gaod faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> Praperry or othecwise materially impuir the licn created by this Securiey Instrumcnt or L.ender's sccurity intcrest.�rrower muy
<br /> cure such a default and reinstate,as pxovided in parngruph 18,by causing the action or proccedin�to be dismisscd with a ruling
<br /> tl�at, in Lender's goad faith determination, precludes forfefture of tt►e Borrower's interest in thc Property or othcr material
<br /> impuirment of the licn created by this Sccurity Instrument or Lender's security int�rest. Borrower shall nlso be in dcfiiult if
<br /> Borrower.during the loan application process,gave materially false or inaccurate information or statements to T..ender(or fuiled
<br /> to provide L.ender with any materiul�ntormation)in connection with the loan evidenced by tlie Note,including,but n��t Ifmital
<br /> to,representations concerning Horrower's occupancy of the Property us n principal residence. If this Security Instrument i:�on u
<br /> Icuschold. Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of thc lcase. If Borrower acquires fce titic to thc Propcny, tfic
<br /> leasehold nnd the fec titic shzdl not merge unless Lcnder agrees to thc morger in writing.
<br /> — 7.Protectton of Lender's Righ�y fn the I�•operty.If Borro�ver fails ro perform the covenants and a�recmcnts contained in
<br /> — this Security Inst�vment, or there is a Iegal proceeding that may significantiy uffect Lender's rights In the Property (such us u
<br /> proceeding in bankruptcy, probate, for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforee luws or regulations),then Lender may do c�ixt
<br /> pay for whatever {s necessary to protect the value of tl�e Property and Lender's rights in the Property. Lendcr'w neticm� muy
<br /> — includc paying any sums secured by u lien which h�s prionty over this Security Instrument, appeurin� in cou�` n�yipg
<br />--- reasonablc attorr�eys' fecs and entering on thc Property to muke rcpuirs. Although Lendcr may tlkc action undcr tl�ls �rn ra h
<br />—� 7,LCntier dces not navo i�uo�o.
<br />��= Any amovnts disbursed by Lcndcr under this paragraph 7 shall become udditional debt of Borro�ver sccureit ny tnis
<br /> ,s � dntc rof disbursement at1thc No4e rate u d sh•al be p•ayable.thw'th nter stp upon not cecf�rom l�ender�'t�bDurrc��wcryrcyucstin�g
<br /> M.,� paymcnt.
<br /> .,_� S.Mortguge I��surance.If Lcnder required mortgage insurance us ii condition of makins tl�e luan secure.�1 by this Securiry
<br /> a
<br /> Instrument, Borro�ver shail puy the premiums required to maintnin the mortguge insurunce in effcct. If, fi�r�my rcason, t ic
<br />;1'� moreguge insurnnce coverage reyuired hy Lender lapses or ceuses to be in effect, Borro�ver shull pay the premiumx required to
<br /> '�_� obtai►�coveragc substuntially equivalent to the mortgnge insurance previously in effect, .►t u c:ost substuntinlly equivalent h>the
<br /> ,':�'.' cost to 8orrawer of the mortg+�ge insurunce previously in effect, from an nitemate mortgu�e insurer upproved by L.ender. If
<br />�ky� �
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