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<br /> ZSpuce Above Thk I.Ine For Recording ID�W1 p�,`Z�.`yj C��i^�,,,d�s—
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<br /> ��NORwrsrQaN►cN�e�ns�r� �E�D OF TR�(.J�T a�\��p d -
<br /> Po eox saoa �Q �
<br /> '1'1HiS DE�U OF TRIJST("5ccurity Insirument")is mr.c!?on �y 3, 1996
<br /> .The trustor is
<br /> Kenneth A. Stesinbeck hnd Eleine L. Steinbeck, Hueband and Wife . �
<br /> ("Borrower").The��sta�Is No�e�t Sank Nebsaslut. National Aesoei.mCion
<br /> ("Trustce").'I'he be�eficiary ia Norweat Bank Nebrsska� NaCional Asaoc�.ation ,
<br /> � ,and whose
<br /> which is organi�.r�nnd existing utxleY the laws of.United•States o£ America
<br /> address is Zv2 i�Tea� T�+.:3•�C::.;:L. Grcn� �e'!�+!•1, NP 6�Lender").Banower awes Lender the principut su��,�; •
<br /> Bighte�n ThousAnd Dollare and Qn/100-------�---~____
<br /> Dollers(U.S.$ 1$,000.00 �'
<br /> 'I'his debt is evidencec! by Borrower's note dated the same date as this Security Instnumr.t("Note"),which provides for
<br /> monthly payments,witli thc full debt. if not paid earlier.due and payable on May 3; 20D1
<br /> This Security instrutnent secures to f..ender:(a)the repayment of tha debt evidenad by the Note.with interost,and all ie h���
<br /> exa:r�sions and modifications of the Notc; (b) the payment of all oth�s sums. with interest, odvanced unctor para8 aF
<br /> �rotect the security of this�Securiry Instrument; nnd (c) the performence of Borrower's covenents and aBram�nts. For this
<br /> porpose, Borrawcr inevocably grants and conveys ro Trustee. in trust, with power of Fale, thc fallowing descn bed pet�o�`Y
<br /> locatod in Hall
<br /> I,ot 7; B1ack 2, Colonial Betates SubdtvieAan� Cic�y of (irand IaXe�nd. Hsll County
<br /> Nebraeka
<br /> . . . , (s��ac.Ciryl,
<br /> which has the address of 1128 N Hancock Ave: Grend Island�
<br /> Ntbraska g�SQ3 ("Pcoperty Addross'); •
<br /> tz�P c�ao�
<br /> TOGB'i'H8R WITH all th�tinprovements now or hereaftcr erected on the property,nnd all r,asements,appurtensinces.and
<br /> fixtures now or hereafter a pan of ►he property. Ail replaccments and additions shnll also be wverad by tl�is 5ecurity
<br /> Instrument.All of thc forc.going ifi referrcd to in this Se�;urity Instrumcnt us tlie"Property."
<br /> BORROWER COVBNANT5 that Bonower is lawfully s;:ised of thc estatc hemby cunvoyed and hns the right to grant atul
<br />__ conv�y the Property nnd that the Property is unencun�bered. except for encumbrunces of rec�rd. Borrower war�ants and will
<br /> defend gcnerally the title to the Property against all claims and d�mands,subject to any cncumbrances of rccord.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covcnunts for national use a��d non-uniform covenunts with iimital
<br /> vaziatiunv by jurisdiction to constitute n uniform security instn�ment covering real propefty.
<br /> UNIFORM COVBNANTS.Borrowcr wxi Lendcr covcnnnt and agrce as follows:
<br /> 1. 1'nyment ut I'rinclpai and Interest; Prepaynient and bate Chwrges. Bonowcr shall promptly pay when due thc
<br /> princiDal of and intcrest on the dcbt evidenccd b�the Note un�any prepaymcnt and Intwo v�'Bhv�I.rndcrcrBonowcr shall pay to
<br /> t. Funais ibr Taxes A►tci insarAn�. Suo�c4,w t�f�����,o .a� �• •�.. ^....--- .._ --
<br /> Lcnder on the day monthly payments are due under the Note,until thc Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for:(u)yearly tuxes
<br /> and nssessments whtch may nttain priority over this Sccurity Instrument as u lien on thc Propert�Tb)fl�u►surantce%miamsy
<br /> — or ground rents on thc Property,lf any;(c)ycarly hnzurd or property tnsurancc prcmiums;(d)y y
<br /> if any: (e)ycarly mortgage msurtince premiums. �f any;and(� nny sums payable by Borrower to Lender, in accor ance with
<br /> the provisions of p�ragraph 8, in lieU of the paymeut of mortgngc insurance premiums.These itcros are callcd"L'scrow Items."
<br /> � Lender may, at any time, collcet and hold Funds in c�n amount not to exceed the maximum amount n lender for a federally
<br /> relntecl mortgagc loan muy require for Rorruwer's escraw account under the fedcrnl Rcal l�stute Settleinent Proccxlures Act of
<br /> 1974 Us a�hendcd finm time to time, 12 U.S.C. Scction 2G01 et scy. ("RLSPA"), unless another lu�v thnt npplics to thc Funds
<br /> sets a lcsser nmount:If so, Lender mny, nt iiny time, collect and hold Funds in an nmount not to excecd tl�c l�sser mnount.
<br />-- Lender mny cstimate the amount of Punds due on thc bt�sis of current datn:md reasonsblc estimntcs of expcnditures of ft�ettre
<br /> •Escrow Itc►ns ur otherwisc in uccordancc with uppl(cablc luw.
<br /> NEBAASKA-5ingle FnmflyFannl�M�tlFnddt�Mfo UNIFURM INSTRUMENT Form 3028 9190
<br />:•� �NI 12Tfl7 MTO VMP MOflTOAGE FQRMS•IJ131203�0100•18001G21•7Y91 raae�v+a . Amended 6/91
<br />:_.��39 �
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