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<br /> 1.�. f.3�r'd'���(,T1 ftD�;'�Iafl1l.l, [n cort�incta�tcca,fcACr��I nttd�t:b In�v e�lif rcn,ufra I�nJce ro provldo Omn�or�rUh
<br /> ' notico oP tho dght ro curo or olher�icUcaa ai�d nuy esubll�h dma scliedulta tor torcclo:uro aulao. SubJect to Na►o ��
<br /> _ .• _;,;,� I1miuNon�,It�ny,Lender in�y�eeeler�ro tho Secua4 I3sbt and foreclou ihfa Securiry[nstnimeu In�mannor
<br /> 'y:a.; „ provkled by I�w if Onnwr ls In def�ut�.
<br /> At�he opUon ot l.ender,dl or�ny p�rt of�ho vyrted fa�cexl cliarge�,�aiued interest and princt�al shall bacoma -
<br /> "�`'"�:•'. i�r Immodl�kty duo�nd pay�blo,�fter elvin�natke If rcqutred by I�w,upon the acurrcnca of�default ur�nydmo
<br /> `� � thereRfter. In�ddlQon,Lendtr sh�ll bo enNtled to�ll tRie rcmedk�provWed by I�w,Ne tetm�of tha Secured Debt, �
<br /> - Gl{9 SCG{l{'{I}�I1f6�fU1'i�:,ill GIl(I Clly f�.latccl docu�acnt�.Ir.clr.dl�;�vlthout lla�lCdon.tho poe;cr to c�N ths Pm�Ry. �-.-
<br />'...� � .... . ..�..
<br /> �. �.�� �.aaw�.......».�r4�.w.....l.�wA wn..Ar ��`lu �uu /1hw 1 w Iw� aAvw i�p
<br /> ll YKIO li�YG��YII��{Y�4iY MMI���I��YY�N�I�W��) ��r���w..������...y�w..���..�--�. �..�-. � -
<br /> �� �nd sell tha Propeny e��whole or In Kpanta{xrceb a pubiw�ucdon a die hi�eat bfdder for cash uxi canvey =
<br /> �bsoluta tltla fae�nd clae ot�Il right,tltle wnd Interou of Onnoor�t such tl.me and pl�ca a�7Yu:tee de�l�iutee.
<br /> T�ustee shill�ive notice ot t�fe includir�tho dme,tertn�u�d phce ot aJe u�d�detcrip�on ot the Propeny w be w3d
<br /> .. .• �.'�' ��requlrod ty the�ppiiublo I�w Ai ofkct it rho time of ttw proposed n�ta. _
<br /> ilpon sale of ihe properiy and to thn extent nor prohiblted by liw,Tcustte ahill tnaDco iM deUver�deed to the Propetty
<br /> sold tivhlch wnveys absolute dAe to�ho pum.hasa,nad efter fir�t pAyfng nll feee,chwrgca erK�cosG+,shnll My to Lender dl �
<br /> 6;''.z;;;;�;''. money3�dv�nced for repdro,uxw,insuru�ce,Uena.usessrs�ents ud prlor encumbnnces uid Irrtenst thercon.ub tho
<br />�;,,,r �'� pdncip�l and intercst on�Ge Secw�ed Debt,P�Yina the surptue,IP any.ta O�tor. Lender miy purchiu tho Pcopecry.
<br /> � �G
<br />';;,� �, '[he ttcltel�in any deed of canveyance Rh�ll be prfma faeie�vWence of�he fnca set forth theretn.
<br /> All remodics aro disdnct,cumuladve end not eaciu:ivo,en�!tho Lender W endAed ro�l remedlw provided�t law or
<br /> _-:;�•�r$,� equity,whether or nnt expnssly set forth. 7Ue�cceptutica by Lsnder of aqy am in ptyment or partlil ptynunt on the
<br /> �,�, Securod DeM after d�e bdance ie due or is�ccelenad or after tottclomro procecdinat�ro fded�lull not cora8wte•
<br /> ="""'"�"'�"' waiver af Londer'e dght ta requlm complete cun ot�ny exiadnd dehult. By not oxecciiing�ny oemedy on Oranwr'e
<br /> -'�=�-�� defiult,Lender daa aot waive Le�Wei s elght W Ist�r conslder tha cvcrs a dchnit ff h condms�or h:gg:w agtiu. —
<br /> - a:v:n,�r
<br />-� `� prohibtted by law,Uruitor�ras w p�y dl of Lender'i expenx�if Unator brachw anyr cnvenant in lhle Securiry
<br /> i:��.�,�� Inswment. Unnwr wiU�Iso pay oa deawd aay�mount incumd by Lender for insurina,iaspecting,pnserv(ng or
<br /> odwnvire proDecdn�the Property aad Lender's�audry intenu. 'IUe�e eapensa will beu inurtst tron�the date at
<br /> ;.;Wjra the paymcnt undl{ukl In fUp At t6e�lghest Interest taoo in effect u pmvWod in tho tetdu of the Secured DeM.
<br />:-"��� Urantor wgrees to p�y�il cosa md expenue i[�urrea by I.tnder In collecdna.enfossla�or protecdna Lender's rigNa
<br /> --�� tnd ceroedk�ander thie Secu�iry Insuumcnt 'ILb amount mty Include,but i�not Itmiud to,�ttomoy�'fu�,coun
<br /> �� cosn,and o�her Iqut expensea. Thb Secudty Insavment ch�ll remtin in eficet utttU rcleased. dnntor aarees w paY
<br /> __� _ for�ny roconiadon cosb of wch releue.
<br /> _� 17. ENVIRONMENTAL I.AW3 AND HAZARI?OU9 SUBSTANCFS. A�usod in thi��ecdon.(1)Enviroameaul Lnw
<br /> __�� mew,without ItmiuNoa,dse Cumpnheailvo Bnvironmennl Response,Compensadon u�d Lt�blUry Act(CHRCLA,
<br /> — 42 U.S.C.9601 et eeq.),ud tll other fedenl,�ute and local Itw�.teaul�dosu.ordi�unce�,cou�t oMero,uwmey
<br /> = scncnl a�riuta or imoryrcii�6 kiicu�,.-:.a..��',a�ttL;i�.F,:1ils.�:S';,"~:�rt.Cts:lsaa�at or:lsWsdC`ss
<br /> _—= subaanae;u�d(2)Harudous Subtw�ce meta��ny toxlc.radb�cdve or Razardous rtukrW.w�ste.Puliuunt or
<br /> — -- co�wmtrunt whict ha�ch�rxl�riftia whkh reader tha�ubrtance dan6erouf or potentLUy dtry{erous w the public
<br /> ---_ hedd►,�afery,welhre or euvitonnxat. 71re te�m incluQa,wlthout ILniGdon,wy a�bsnnces defined a'6uardoa
<br /> --- maxrLl,••wxia absunce:,••huaboua wt:oe'or'hyznrdow subsance•under�uy Environaxntat Lw.
<br /> aantor ttpresend,wamnu�nd yrcts tfuG
<br /> A. Bxapt�s prevbusiy disclosed uid ackaowlWged in wddng to Lendcr,no Hu.andow subst�nca 1�or wUl ba
<br /> ----• tocatted.�tond or rcteased on o�in tho Property. 'Ihis rcstrkdon doet nat�pp(y W small quanddea
<br /> � of Hwrtlow SUMqnces dut aro genenlly necognlud w�ho�ppropriaro for dre normal usa iind malntenaike of
<br /> da Propecry.
<br /> B. Bxcept�e provbualy dixbsed nd�cknowiecfaed ia wddna a l.ender,�netor and every tenant Iuve been,aro,
<br /> ud etull c�vuln!n Ntl compUtnca wioh any�ppliccDle Eavimnmerwl[aw.
<br /> C. (3taa0or�hall iromediately nodry Lender it�mle�ua or thmitened mleue ot a Hwrdou�wbsance occun on,
<br /> unter or�ba�t the Ekopecty oc thero i��vbladon of u►y EnvlronmenW Law concemins the Property. In rucd
<br /> Rn evs�u.Qn�neor�tWl hte all neceu+ry amedL!�cdon in�ecordu►co with�ny Lnrimnmenal Law.
<br /> A. Onutoor�IuU inunedialtty no8fy Lender in wd�inq u ecwn u dnntor ha�n:aaon to believe thero i�my
<br /> peodtn{or thteaoened U�veul��don,cWm,or proceedin4 nl�de�w d►e rekue or thrcaanod«lea�o ot sqy
<br /> Hmrdaus S�b�nte or tdo viot�tlon of�ny Environmennl Law. •
<br /> 18. CONDF.I�II�IATION. (iantor wUl Qlve Lender prompt nodce of�ny pendin;or tLs�xuned�cdun.Dy Qdvaro or
<br /> puDlk endda ta purchue ot Wce any or W ot tUa Propetty tttrough condemn�don,eminent domaln,or any othee
<br /> ---- maim. Gnntor wd►ocizes Lender W inxrvano in Otmrot's ntmo in�ury o!the above descsibed acdon9 or clalme.
<br /> - - . � Gnmwr�uip�s iu i.c�dcr G�o y�ucKaSs of 4csy.Mu�ar clalr�t far d:maYt3 coa�.:_x:!:rlt�a co:�• ^• �or o�r -
<br /> p�kio(�of tU of any patt ot the Nmperty. 5�c6 proceeda eriall bo considered p�ymer+n�nd wtll be applioQ��providod in
<br /> d►i�5ecurhy Inswment. Thl�usi�nment of proceede i�wbJeet to da temu of any prior mo�Me,dad ot uust,
<br /> . secudty�yramcot or other ibn document.
<br /> — . 19. IN3URANCE. (3ru�oor�h�ll Icap Propecty insured�ahsst los�by fue,floud,tAeR a�other tuund�uid dske
<br /> ,:,�� «�aotuibly assochoed with ehe Pmpecty due to In type ud lucadon. Tht�insunnce�tull bo nufnaloed in the amounn
<br /> -- uid for the pedods tt�at Lenkr reQulm�. 7rie Insunnce cutier provWing tho Inaunece�h�ll ba choun by Urancor
<br /> '°—"—"— subJect to Lender'�Rpqrovd,whkh shall not be unnuontbly withheld. It Onntor t�Ue to uulntatn tho covenge
<br /> -=- deudbed dwvo,Lcnder may,�t Lender'e opdon,obtain eovonge to protect Lender'e dghtn In the Propecry according
<br /> ---�°—�= m Iho temv of thts Secudty Inshument.
<br /> ° .°. - — Atl i�uunnce potkkr�ed renewaU th�ll be�cceptabte to Lender�nd nh�l!I�ludo a stmdarci'mottg�ge ct�use'u�d,
<br />___-��r._:,,''�iiJ� whero spplkable,'losi p�yee clauu.' arinwr sAell immedi�hly no[ity TROder of c�eeallubn or teiminadun atd�e
<br /> _-s::.:i:
<br /> -•.ti..y_� lea►ntrco. Leeder st�tl have the ri�ht to 6oid t6o polkk�uid teeewala. [f Lender requi�,�nmor ah�ll Immediauly
<br /> �,_�:.��-
<br /> =- �,,,� . dlve oo I.ender tll tecelpts ot pRW premlu�s��rerawal noda�. Upon laa�,druitor clull di�•o immodvte notfce ta
<br /> - � � the inwrmce caYrler�ffi LeMcr. Letder nny mike proof of Ioss If no[m�da immedtax►y by firanror.
<br /> --_"-"'y::: ` Unlas othetwise�rad in wrfdna,W insunnce proceeda shdl be�ppfled w d�e natoudon or t+ep�U of the Ptvperty
<br /> °�`�''7 � or m the Sxurcd Debt,whether or aot then duo,at Lender'a opt[on. A�y�ppikadon of proceeda to prixipt!s6�11 not
<br /> ��:.,"�'��
<br /> -,v extend or poatpon�+t1w due d�te of tAe echeduied pRyment nor chango the uraunt of ac1Y p�yment Any excesa wtll bo
<br /> _ _�s-,:j�� , p�id to tho Onntor. If thc Property ls acqutred hy Lender,Oru�ror'e right to u1y lnsur�nce polkia u►d proceedi
<br /> _u.i.,.t.0�._..,r.�a�....a�.�...�...t.r.e�......w n.�..
<br /> IViWYtQ ItVW Viltl�V N YN f�v�Fti�w�vao u�v::ry.....��......�..y..o..............................«...��.���. �
<br /> __'.::�F�` Imrtxdistcly bcforo thc�cqutsidon.
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