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<br /> ; N. All Ntnro edvoncn fror�i l�:txl:r to U�nntor�r oth.r Ntuw o611pettuna uf Qron!o�to L.cii�cr usidcr r,ny promicsory _
<br /> �wta,eontnct,�u4fanry,or ather nvldoiva ot debt exccuted by anntor in fi�or ot Lender oxecutul aRcr thie _
<br /> ' � Secudry tnstNment whethor or not�ht�Securiry[natn�ment U tpoclficaliy ceferencsd, IP mom�han ono person -
<br /> efsne�hii Securiry InitNnunt,e�ch annWr�na ihnt thli Security Insuument wltl accuro Ril fhwro adv�ncce tnd
<br />;.:;�;� �•� N►turo obit��dona that�ra a:ven to or IncurrW by wny ona or maro Unnwr,or�ny ona or more anntor�nd
<br /> , o�tcn. Atl(UC�n advr.rc_e er.J oU!tr A!n!ro ntillg�►lon�im wcurod by thU Secudty[n�ttument evcn thou�h dl or
<br /> .+� PaR«uy twt yet bo�tdv�tnced, All tG�uro�dvance��nd othor Nture ob11��Nom ero acurcd Ra it msdo on�ho A�te -
<br /> .-:,a.-..,.A'i otthL Sceudty Gutntment. Nothins In thl�Securiry lnmument�tull corudwto�coui��ilt,�x�yt ro rruka:dd(tlo�ul �
<br />-:-����� or fUtute lo�ni or�dvrnca In�ny�mount, Any ach commlmnnt mu�t oe y��eea u�in s Kpanw wriiuy. `
<br /> C. Ai1 obli��dom Ountor owaa to Lender,wAVch moy tacer aiise,t��ha oxant nat prohfblted by l�tw,laclud;n�,b�t
<br /> not Iimited w,IUbUitk�tor oveMntU rclulnj w any depo�it�ccount qrament betwan Onnoor and I.onder.
<br /> � : � D. Ail�dd.tkn�l aurtu�dvRncod u►d axperuof incumd ty Lender[or inwdna,Prourviiy or othervri�e protectina ,,.
<br /> �ha Propeny nnd lu v�iue�nd aqy other eums�dvanad u�d eapensa incumA by Lender u�er the temu of �
<br /> • _���: [hle Secudry Insm�ment.
<br /> ' ��.,� 'Rtle Setudry Insttument wlil not securo�ny other debt if Lender hile to give u�y cequlred nodca ot tho dght of reuission. -
<br /> `�'3��'�•%� s, pAyME11T'j'S, Omntor igrte�that�II paymente under the Securc�Debt wtll bo paid when duo and!n Rccordance
<br /> _�_,�:.��
<br />--nr�n�riw.�� with the amu of�he Sauttd Ykbt and thir Secudty Insuument.
<br /> -"'���..�� 6. WAItRANTY OF'TITLE. Unnwr wamnb thst Unnrot ie oe wiU be I�wNUy aelzed ot the est�to conveyed by�his
<br />:-',••• ,�'� 5ecudry inswmeM ud has the d6ht to imevoeatbly aruet.wnvey,utid Kll►he Property ro Tcustee,in trust,wfth
<br /> �'�: T�' power ot aale. (3nntor also wxmnu tlut 1ho Property is une6cumDortd,except tor encumbtanca ot record.
<br /> �;`� 7. PRIUR SECLJItITY IN'i'ERFST9. With agard w my othar mottjue,deed oP wst,aecurity�ac'eement or adur Iirn
<br /> documeet rhu cnated�prior eecurlry intenst or encumbnace on tho Propecry.(3MCOr�Eroer.
<br />°������ A. To ro�ke dl p�ymenn when due and to pedonn or wmpiy w(th aq wvenu►a. �
<br /> �°��;. -"' H. To promptiy deliver m Lender�ny nodca Qnt dnnWr aceiva from the kolder.
<br /> _•.�a��,..
<br /> 1� � C. Not w�liow any modiEkidon or exumion oi.nor to aque�t�ny Poturo�dwn;e�ua�tle�any noce or�gttement
<br /> w,��.,�,��i� secured by d�e Ikn document without I.eader'e pdor wduen coasent.
<br /> S. CLAA�IS A(iAIIVST'i7TLE. Unawr wfU p�y W tun.uxssn►:an,lien�.encumbrmcc�,lense paymesa,acouad
<br />'��?a.� renn,udtidw,wd other ciurgea cel�ti�y co tho Prop�KY when due. I.ender m�y rcqutro Urantor to provldo to l.ender
<br /> copk�ot all nodca dut wch acnouna ue due uid the cecetpti evWensln{Unneor'�p�ymea� OnnWr w�ill defe�
<br /> .----�� title W t1a P[oP�nY�i+�tny cktau dut would impair tLe Uen of thl�Securiry Uunuarcet. (imtor�gnea W astlQn
<br /> - ,s w Lender,as req�axd by Lender,any ti�hq,claim�or defenxs dranwr nuy tuve��lnst putki who wpply labor
<br /> .5�"`s� ot t�tetWs Eo maltrUn or impmre the Propeny.
<br /> -- 9. DUE ON SAI.E OR ENCUMSRANCE. I.ender m�y,at ia opdon,dxtam�ho andro W�Innee ot d►e Securod DeLt ro
<br />-.__ �� be i�nnxdi�uly duo�nd p+yablo upon the crtidon of,or contr�ct for tiw csradon o[.�ny Ikn.encumbcanco,tnnstcr
<br /> �.W=�`1f� ar�lo ot the PcoDaty. 'lld�rl�ht is wbJxt ro dx,resuicdont tmposed bj falenl liw(12 C.P.R.391),u�ppticabb.
<br /> -0.,—= '1'his eove�unt�h�ll n�n w�i�h d�e Pcopeery ud�h�ll rem�(n in eRee�unw mo�ocumd uetx u paid in iuii w�i w�
<br /> __. _ Securiry Inst�ument i�alwal.
<br /> ---`-`-"_— 10. PRAP'EI�TY CONDIT�ON,AL1'F�tATdON3 AND INSPEC:`iON. (innwr wU kap�he Properry in�ood
<br /> -,s`.� wndidon atd rorke�fl rcp�in th�t�m nuacubly naawry. Ucuiocr tTull not commtt ot dlow�ny wuae,
<br /> _-- iropaitroeat,or deteriondoe ot d�e Property. (3�nar will kap the Propeny Bee of noxiow weedi�ud��uses.
<br /> --- Onnwr�g�ea that tho ruturo ot tiw occupancy tM uso wlll not abstantlatly chu�e without LemiePt ptior wdmen
<br /> ---- eonsen� �rmtor will not peraut�ny chu�a In�ury liconso.resakdvo covenant or euement withnut Lender'e pdor
<br /> - i wriaen coment. druiwr will noQfy Lender of tll denuad�.Proceedlnji�cltlmt.tnd acdon���dwt(it�noor.�nd ot
<br /> .._--- acqr ba or dim�,se ro the fhapecty.
<br /> - Lenderor Lcudee'�4�eob maY.n Lender�s option,cnter�de Properry�t any reawtuble dmo for the puspose of
<br /> =="'s`°�". iMpecdo�tEe propctry. Lender fhdl�ivo Gnu�wi mcice Rt tiw dmo of or beforo tn intpectbn apoclfY�d�
<br /> r�ianble pucpo�e for tho lnspectbn. My impecdon of the Ihupecry ehW be endrety for Lender's 6eaeflt n►d
<br /> O�atitot will ia no way tety on Lender'�Uupatbn,
<br /> 11. A�OR17'Y TO P'ERF(1�. if(irmeor faile w pedorm aay dury or t�ry ot�he core�uet�wnnlnod in t6b
<br /> Saurky Uupyn�eot.I.tioder mty.wfd�out mtice.pedorm or ciu�e tham to be pedornw�d. Onntor�ppofna Lencier
<br /> u uooroey in f�ct w�n On000r'�n�me ot p�y any�r+wnnt nxess�ry fer pedorrtunce. Lender'o d�ht ro pedorm fur
<br /> (innW�th�ll ewM ccetto in obil��doa W pet[orm.�nd I,ender'�fifl�m 10 perfocm will mt procluda Leader from
<br /> exec�I�ins ury o4 Zender'�odrcr rijha u�er the uw or�hls Saurlty Inun�men� If�►ry con�aucdon oa the Propcny b
<br /> dl�conth�ued or not uiciM on in a�eaaiub{e numer.Le�der may hke tli�tepa necesary w pmeect Le�fer9
<br /> exurity{akna in tAe Pro{xtry�Inchsdio{comptedon of the coniuucdon.
<br /> 12. ASSIGNMENI'OF LEASiFS AND RENTS. Or�nror Imvoc�bly snnu,cunveya md Kll�w Tcustec,in tiuu for tLo
<br /> benetlt oP I.ender,u addidon�l acutity dl!!a right,dtla and lutetett(n ud w any nW W exiutt�or Ndue leana,
<br /> suWwec,Nd any other�rriuen or vab�l aattementa[or dw u�e u►d occupmcy ot�ny pordon of�ho Propeny.
<br /> inaiudlo�ury oxxrobru,rcnowde,modific�don�or subsdcutio�u of acB adecement+(ill referred to u'l.e+ua")�nd
<br /> � rcnb,luua md profip(tll referrod W w'R�tw'). (3nmror wiil promptly provkle Leader with tnw�I cottect
<br /> - copk�of dl eaiuUy ud futuro Leaea. (inntor nuy coticet,aceiva,en}oy Rnd uu the Renn w Ion j a(innmr ts not
<br /> _-.---- in Gefwit under the krtn�ef tdf�Sesudry Inswroent.
<br /> - Oraneur�cknowkEje�tlut thh�ssl�mnent b perfaud upon the cecocdinj ot thle Deed otTn�st�ed dnt Lendcr i�
<br /> �� endded to nodfy any of Urtnror'�te.nieb to nuke p�ynxnt of Rena due or to become due to Lender. Howover,
<br /> -_ =-=_- Lender�gttn thst onty on def�uit wfli Lender notify Or�nwr u�d anntor'e tenu�ro end m�ice de�chu dl tt►Nro
<br /> ,��`��
<br />