T.� t- ' '- __- -F{s..- ._.-_ _ _ _ __, _". �_" __ � -_- . .--- -_. . __
<br /> d . .T.� rt••-• � . __x.
<br /> = . .. _�. ' ' . '"'-.__-' ' . "
<br /> .;1`:.-:,` _ .. �. _•i . .i� `• ?� t � . . . . � / �
<br /> :b�.-..'� :� : - . . .
<br /> r � Q
<br /> -� _ _iz.::.;� �, _ e _ �`�{.(��17�
<br /> � - — - : . . . ._ _ . _
<br /> , � periods ttnt i,mder reiWiRS. '1l�e insurmcc carrkr pc�vidin$t6e incuraeae shail be-cfiose�s 6y Bocrorver su6joct to l.ender's -
<br /> � appavat which st�U noc 6e umeasonabTy withheid. If Borruwer f�iLs to mairrcain cmraage described above.L.ender may.itt
<br /> Iknder�s optia►.o6lain covenge to pr�atect[.ender's tigh�s in tiie gtopaty i�xcordanee wtt6 pa�agrapH 7.
<br /> . pll u�s�r�nce policies and rea�ewais sLalt be acce�pt�We to[.erdcr and s[�all inctude a suv�d�rd mortgage clause. Lender �
<br /> sAa11 have t�c•d�fu to hold thc policies aztd renewals. [f E.ender requires.Borr�wcr shall promPUY S�ve to Lecuter aU rcteipt� `
<br /> of paid premiwns and rcnew�l�tices. In the event of toss.Borrower st�aU gi�e pnxnpt notice to tlie uuwance ca�ier�nd �
<br /> � l.eoder. t.eeder may maYs pmof of toss if not made promptiy by 6nrcower. _
<br /> Unkss Leader aid Banower aheNVise agree in writing.msuraixe proceeds sh�ll be applied to restoratiPn or repair of
<br /> the Propeny damaged.if the tesroratian o�Rpair is �ically feasibie and Lcndess secos�t}r is not lcsse�ieA. ff tfie'.
<br /> ��estvr�tian or repair is aot ccanamically fea�'ble ar Lender's seeunty vvould be lessened.tne insurance pmceeds shz116e .
<br /> appli�d to the sucns securul by this Saauiry I�isaumm��+ixther or nat ti�en due,with any eacess paid to Borrower.. If
<br /> Sortuwer abando�u the Pr�erty,or das not answar wit(tin 30 diys a notice fivm Lender that the inxurance carrier t�as
<br /> offeced to settk a ctaim:tt�en Lenda�a�ay coltect the insurance pmceeds. Lende(may u�e tLe Pc�ceads to repair or r�to�e
<br /> the Propecty at to PaY syms secuird by th�s Saurity T�suwnent,whether ar not tben due. The 30�day period wi116egin whett
<br /> the twHice is given. :_ � � ,
<br /> = Unless l.ender'and Bonnvrer�wi�agree in wiriting.any appTicarion of piuceeds to Frincipaf shatl not extend or
<br /> ---_ � pu�tpone the doe dat+a of tt��aantDly paymems referre�tn in paiagraphs 1 and 2 or dr�r���a�+aµnt of the��nts. If
<br /> = iuKlet paragraph 21.the Pcopertv is acquire�i bp I.endar�B�atrowet's s�gttt to an�i�n..���soJiries and pcaceec4s cesuiting .
<br /> °- fmm s to the Prnpat}��rmt to the acquis�tion�aII�a.fis to Lender to t[te eic�a on#�e s�as seaured Isy th�Security ---
<br /> ; datna8 -
<br /> [asacamertt�diately prior io the acquisition. : . .
<br /> ``'� " �. Uoc�ancy, Preservatioa, MaintenAnce 3nd �otcctian af t�e prapert�; Botca��a'�'Laoan AppTicatia�r; __ -
<br /> '�'' � Sori+ower shatl cecupy.establish,and use the P�soperty as Beamcira's�a�.z�teside�e,;*.hin suct�r days after —
<br />':�:r . a&e e�e�;of this Securav��dswment arul shali contiaue w occupy the Fmp�ar�asmwer's,�ef�al resic�e��e f6r ar . . � ���
<br /> . �'a�e g�r.,after the d�.:�af arcnpaney. unless Leac�er otherwise a�s,i�i��sg. a�hidn`airtsene dia?�: �uc be • _
<br /> ° _ '{: ;u�ti��.,:,�*`-�hhetd.or uaIess extenuating ci�cumstatt�:s exist whiciti ate bcyoa�.&.x�ziswec9�v�, 8ocrau�s�'*_a[l Q4sE , �'�_
<br /> desu%� �:�or impair it�e Ptoperty,•uilqw tbe Pivpeitj+to deteriorat�or comraix w�a3te un th��:�rty. Boiro��er,sh3iF —
<br /> Be in defa��t�f��.zy forfeiture action ar pr�Aing.wixther civil or c�ur�.sc 4�iui tttat in l.ender�gaad faith jnd�at ' �y;,�
<br /> _g
<br /> �'�; could cesuft i»�ffeiture of the Ptope�ry air atherwise materialiy iinpaiis tCte.1'�n:�atezt by this Security 1RStrcuae�ar;.,.:• �
<br /> • ' Lender's security interes��Borrower may cure such a defaalt wid reinstate,as piiovi��s paragrapb IS,by caus�ng�'�ciom� � �:'�
<br /> � w 6e dismissed witb a rulin ,that.in l.enders good faith determinaiiti-4.a�ecludes forfeiture af the���ec�'s .�� -
<br /> ar c � .� �� - -
<br /> . ' P��8 __ _
<br /> �:�, ��='�: interest in the Ptoperty or other materic+t asnpairment of the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lendec�-;�ii�=; - � _
<br /> er.+
<br /> ��=:.`` interest Borrower shall also 6e in default if Borrower, during the loan applicatian process. gave materially Fsi���er ...; - y
<br /> '' �'��- inaccurate iafoemaaan ar statement�to Lender(or failetf to provide Lender with any materiul infortnation)in cannectian we't�- :'_ Y'-"'-"_ -
<br /> `;�::.J �n ; �::-�.•:
<br /> � ��;�=,� � ✓� � the loan evtdenced by the Note. including.but not limited to. Yepresentatians copcerning Borrower+accup�ancy of ihe � 'Y=�"� -=
<br /> .J' ,i':.� v
<br /> 's.• ,'� Property as a principal resid�ce. If thi.5 Securiry Instrument is on a teasehotd.Bomau•er shali campty with all the provisions , ,��-;;:°A; '_-
<br /> a F af.the lease. If Borrower aca�uires fee titte to the Praperty.the leasehold and tbe fee as:".�shall nat merge unless Lender agrees "�-�-•�-•,,,:�
<br /> ' ` ca
<br /> "�,�.�: g?��: . io�the merger in writing. ' � -,� .�.,:'�
<br /> � .��;�,:
<br /> '•'�'% - T, Protection aTl.eader's Rights in the Prnperty. If BorraR��iails ta perform the coveuants and�greements ;_i;�;;`;��
<br /> �`�; !'`�� coata'uied in this Secwity Tastntment,or there is a tegal proceediti:.-at,may significantly affect Lender's rights in the _;+.,���':�.-
<br /> a - • Pro sucb as a racz�.din tn bankru tc . robate.for ccmderpnation or forfeiture or to enfaae iaws or regulationti).then . - '�i-�`���:�
<br /> PenY� P S P y P . ��f_. -_
<br /> ' �• I.ender may do and pay for whatever ir neee�.rary ta protect the vatue of the Pcaperty and Lender's•right�in the Property. _ _:
<br /> ' �'`�-.�' l.ender's actions may include payitts any sumc secured by a lien which has priority over this Securiry lartrument,appearing '' `,
<br /> ' � .� in court,paying reasanable attomeys'fees and rrotering on the Praperty ta make repairs.Although Lender may take actioa .. - '° "�-
<br /> ' �"�. under this paragraph 7,Leeder doe+nat have ta cio so.
<br /> , •'��-��=":.;`-:•" Any umounxc disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall herdme additianal debt af 8orrawer secured by thiti
<br /> �i Security InsuumeaG Unless Barrower and L.ender agcee to other terms nf paymcnt.these AmounGti shall bear intere+t f'rom ihe
<br />� . - ctate of disbursement at the Nate rate a�d tiha�l be payable,with interetiG upan notice fram l.endrr to B�rrawer requesting � , � __
<br /> . ��' . payment. � � . ,.. ;-
<br /> � - S. Martgage Insaranc� li Lender required mvr�zage insuranre�ti�conditian nf making the to�n secuced By this
<br /> c .�.
<br /> .�� -"•'� , "• Security In.ctrumen�Hoaower sh�ll pay [:b,premiums required to maintain the morigAge insurance in effect. If.for uny -_
<br /> ::� `�a..�;�:: . .; .
<br /> , . ,'�- _�� .�,'.� reason. the mortgage insurance caveragz reyuired by l.ender tap�a� csr ceasec to he in effect. Barrawer �hall pay the.
<br />� . �f._:� -''�.�;?�'-'�;�;` � premiums tequired ta obtain caverage subst:uuiatly eyuivalent ra the mortgage insurance previously in etfect, at a cact , .
<br /> ����t���.'� substanNally equivale�t to the co.rt to Borrowcr of the mortgagc insurancc previou�ly in effect.fmm an altemate martgs�ge _
<br /> ' '�' •,:x.:.: '::.� • • -
<br /> • % ; �..r .- ,. :.�,;�� insurer approved by Lender. lf subxtamially equivatent mustgage imurance coverage i�n��t available,sarrawer shull pay to : _
<br /> . _,�.. Lender each month a�um equal ta one•twelfib of thc yeasty martgagc intiurance pmmium bcing paid by Borrowcr when the ., � _. __.
<br /> ' • '�'. insurance coverage iApsed ar ceased ta bc in cffect. l.ender will acccpt.csse and retain thexe puymenxy as a Icns reserve in lieu
<br /> ' ���'.,� '' es ti • mcros mu na lon cn c�re uir�d,at the u �iun of i.cnder,if martgage insur�nce s.
<br /> . of mortgage insuruace. l.a. re.erve Qay y g �! P
<br /> ' coverage(in 1he amount und f�r thc pcnix)that l.cnacr ru{uircti)prnvidca by:�n in�urcr�ppraved by l.cnder again bcromes ,
<br /> � � '=:�� • avaifabte and is obtaincd.Borrawcr shal)pay thc premium�required tv mainluin m��nga�c imurunce�n cffect,or to providc A
<br /> '�;,;,�',-� • � tass reservc.unti!�hc re�{uirement f��r nxmgagc insurancc ends in au�orck+nrc witb anti w ritten ugrccment bctweer Bannwcr ' �
<br /> . ;,'°•';;`„t'•: :�•.� and l.ender or a�plicablc law.
<br /> � . �... , . ,:. . .
<br /> ;j�" . •' ,".•;� 9. Insptx3iun. Lender or its t�gcnt may make rcawn�ibic cntricy up�m and in.pe�tiom oi the Praperry. Lender�hull � .
<br /> ' r��:=• , � ,.�,'�'�� give Borrower na*.i;,e�:ihc timc of or priur t��an in+{x:ction�pccit'ying reu�an:ihlc cau.e for ihe in�pection. _
<br /> ' ��-:": • 10. Con���aafion. Thc puxcedy��i:my.iward ar claim f��r dam.igcs.dircct ar con+cqucntial,in cor.z:ctictin with any
<br /> 4•=,�k.,�c , : .
<br />" �hu..,a.-....'..� .
<br /> �rr�lc P:+mily..�pnnb�tae��ieddie�lac l:�lY(ltiSf I�KTtiG�tE�"� -::aiturm('avcnanh 4:911 ;�,�,:?�f�,r,���.�,
<br /> � �. -.:J'r;:.• � Grr.a Litn Hu+ln�a+tatin.lnc.■ • ,
<br /> •• r���xnR�ac s.rwos:�asan.►[�vA�cta7ot•1 cs1
<br /> . ".-y, , . .. _. s. . .
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