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<br /> 'lY3GE'I`I�It WY7'H t�l the iriprovEnents now ar hercafter erectcd on thc propcn3+�liild All e'L�iil�nt���pi i�ur'u;�►;���s, snd ,_.,.
<br /> t'ixta�scs nnw�r heresstter a part of tha�roperty A11 iaPl�ccr�lenYS nnd ndditions ciwll also be covercd Uy Oiis Security insUUnent. �tY
<br /> i�
<br /> All of lhe faregoing is refecred to in this Sccurity Insixument a9 che"PraPanY•° �+.
<br /> ApRROWER COVENAI�'i'S that H9rrower is lawfully soistd of the estate hsreby wnvey�d and hes the right to granc und -
<br /> convey the Pcopeny and thnt the Praperty ia unancumbered. exctpt for encumbrances of ra:ord. Bonower wnrranu and wtil
<br /> defe^�geaer�lY the dtle tn the PropettY a8einst a11 eWms and demands,subjece oo any encumbrances of record.
<br /> 'I'HIfS SECiJRITY iNSTRLrNiENT combines uniform covenants ior nad���1 us:. and non�unifo�n covcnpnt�s with limited _
<br /> vpriuiiviw`Sy jtttlSdiCt�4!!C4 r�nctiwte n u[I�f6Ii116CCtuily iASI[titnent COVei-ing YCS1 pTOj3:.Ity -
<br /> UN�ORM CAVENAN'TS.Borrowu and I.ender cc►venant and agruo es tollows: a when due tho
<br /> 1.Payment af Principal and Interest;Preps►ymcnt And LAte�harges. $orrower shall pcompUy p y _..
<br /> principal of and interest on the dcbt evidenced by the Note and enY P�PaYment and lau charges due under the Nou.
<br /> 2.Funds for Texes und Insu�rance. Subjecc to apPllc.able law or to a wdtun waivu bY 1-ender, Bonowar shall pay to
<br />: 1..endcr on the day monthly p2ymrx►ts ere due undu tho YVate,undl the Not�is paid in full,a sum C'�un�=�;)i°�hold ay t cnts _
<br /> end assessments which may attain prloriry ovu this Securiry Instrum�s���pretniums;�yearly flood ins►uance pretniums,if
<br /> or ground rents on the Pro�ieny�if anY�(�)Y��Y�d or property
<br /> any;(e)yearly mortgage insurance premiums,if anY�and(�enY sums�ayable by Borrower to Lender,'vn occordnnce wlth the
<br /> provisions of paragraph B, in lieu of the payment of mortgage insuranGC prtmiums. "Ituse items are calle4 "Esccow Items."
<br /> l.endu may.at any time,collect and hold Funds in an amouiu not to exceeci the maximum amount a lcnder for a federally ralaud
<br /> mongage loan may reo.�ire fo* Borrowu's escrow acconnt undear the federal Real Estato Sealement Pra:ed�res Act of 197�5 as
<br /> eme�dul fion timc to oune,12 U.S.�.5eedon 2601 et seq. ("�PA"),unless another law thet applies w the Fui►ds sets a lesser _
<br /> _ emounG Ife�ol�dof F yds due on the basis of cuirent�data end reasonable�estimates of cxpendinues of f►ture n�scxow Item or
<br /> eswnau th
<br /> othr,rwise in accordunce with applicable law.
<br /> 'llie Funds shall be held in an insdtudon wh.ose deposits are in4u�rc1 bY a f�dual ag�ncy.instrumentelity,or endty(including
<br /> Lendu,if I.ender is such an institudon)or in any Federal Hame Loan Bank. 1.ender shaU apply the Funds to pay tho Bscrow
<br /> It�ms.Lender may not charge Borrowu far holding ond applying the Fancls,annually enetyzin8 the�scc'°w account,or verifying
<br /> the Escrow Icems,unless Ia nder pays Bormwa inurest an the Funds and�pglicnble law permits Lendr.r to make such a charge.
<br /> However,Lender may require Bunower to pay a one-time charge for tu� independent rcal estane tax t�Aortin8 �'j�u�by _
<br /> - I,enda in connecaon with this loan,unless applicable law p�vides othervise.Unless t►n a�greoment is made or aFplicable law
<br /> _ re�uires interest to be patd,L.ender shaU nat be required co psY Borrow��Y ���t ar eamin8s on the Funds. Bonower end
<br /> Lcaiuu���ay sgr-.,;,ir.•��risiQg.�S�JlS�I!VPl,rhai interest shall be P�d on the Funds.Lender shallor whic'aeacnwcu�i ta t��t��@o���
<br /> - annuel accoundng of t�e Funds,showing crulits ex►d debits to the Funds and the purQose
<br /> made.The Funds are pledged as eddidona�secw'icy for all sums secured by this Security Iastrument.
<br /> If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounu perrnitted to be held by appllcable law,Lender shall account to Borrower for
<br /> the excess Funds in accordaz►ce with tt+e requu�ements of applicabie law.If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at eny dme is
<br /> not suff'uaent tn pay tlie&scmw Items when due.Lendu may so notify Bonower in wrldng,anc1,in suct►case Bonower shall paY
<br /> to Lendex the amount nxessary to malce up the deficienc,y. Borrowu shaU malce up the det`iciency in no mora than twelvc
<br /> monthly payments.at I.enda's sole discrcdon. refund to Borrower anY Funds
<br /> ppon payment in full of all sums secured by this Sxurity Instrumen�Lenda�P����e��don ar sale of the
<br /> hald by Lender.If.under paraScapd 21.Lu►der shall acquire or sell the�'ropercy.
<br /> property�sha11 appJy any Funds held by La►der st the time of acquisition or sale as o credit aBainst t?�e soms sxural bY this
<br /> Sa:uriry Ins�um.tnL ts rea:ived by Lendar undrr p�ragrq�hs
<br /> 3.Applkation of Pnyments. Unless applkabk lnw provides otherwise�a11 PaYma� le undu paragrapt►2:
<br /> 1 and 2 shal!be appliod: fi�t,to anY Propayment charges due unda the Note:second.to amounss PaYab
<br /> t�anrd,to interest due;fourth,w princiP�l duc;and last.to onY late�har6es due unda the NoeC.
<br /> 4.Char�es;lLkos. Borrower shail PaY ail tues.��►u� c�g�• �'��d impositions etuibutable to the Propaty
<br /> which msy auain priority ovu this SecuritY Insuuma�t,end 4eas�liold payma►ts or�routid ra�ts.if any.Born�wer shsll pay tt�se
<br /> oi�ligations in tho manner providod in paragreph 2.or if not paid in that Rr�enner,Hottnwer shall PaY�han on nme dfrectly to the
<br /> ���.� 3����.,�;,y��tr�ehAti nmmntly fttmish to I.ender all notiCes of a,n�ount�to be paid undcx dus P�StBPh. If
<br /> Borrower makes these PaYmec►ts di�Cdy.Boimwa shall pT�nmpdy fumish co I,ende3 reosipts evidencing the paymenrs.
<br /> Barowex shall pmmpdy discharBo enY llea which has prioricy over this Security lnsaument unk;ss Bocrower: (a)a�ras aa
<br /> writing to the paymcnt of the obligauon securod by thc lien in a manner ecceptable to LeucIer,(b)contests in B�f���a lien
<br /> by, a dcfends ageinsc er►forcement of the lien in. legal pmceedings which in the ltindcr's opinion opuate co prevent the
<br /> enforcemeat of the lien;or(c)snciucs 6rom the holder of tho Ger►an aBreement sati�factory to Lender subordinatinng the lirn to
<br /> - this Socurity Instrumcnt If La►du detennines tl►at w►Y ipar�of the Property is'subjecc to a lien which may attain prloriry ovar this
<br /> - 5e�urity Ins�ument,Lcndcr may give Borrower a notice idcntifying the lien..Borrowu shall satisfy the lien or take one or more
<br /> - of the acdons set forth above within�0 duys of the giving of notice. Fo�m 3oZ!il40 '
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