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<br /> THIS DEED OF TRUST,Is made a�of the- ln+�h day of �Y — � 19 � ,by�nd�monp
<br /> tha Truetor, Daqicl F. Boll, ainale persan --�—�—� �a'-�' ('�
<br /> � �
<br /> whose mailing addresa Is 2200 N. Wheeler Ave Grand island, NE 68B01-2�eln'TNStor",whett�er one or more), pn
<br /> Ule Trustee._E�vp Pni nta Aank._c7.j�Qh�ka C �10�at-i nn ---.--
<br /> �
<br /> �-
<br /> whose maliing address is_.._$ o B�x i 5p7 �'Y'And Tsl�na t�1E 68802-1507 (hereln"T�uet�s"),and
<br /> the 8eneficiary, ._.F,33t@ Pofn�a Barik --------
<br /> whose malling addreos Is 2a7 5 N. 8�oac1we11_ Gx�anc� Ie �nd, NE 68802-1507 __(hsr�ln W.�nd��'j.
<br /> FOR yyLUABLE CONSIDERATION,Including Lenders extenabn ot credil Identifled hereln to
<br /> Davia E. 80].1
<br /> (hereln"Bomower,"whed�er one or moro)and th�tnut hanin cn�bd,th�raoNPt
<br /> ot whfch la hereby ecknowledged,TNator hereby Irrevocably grnnts,trandera,conveyo and esal�ns to TruM�a,IN 7RUST, WITIi
<br /> POWER UF SAI.E,for the benefit end security oi Lender, under and subJect to the torme and conditlons I�rYk►�ft�r Nt toAh,tha ntl
<br /> Propertl��eecrioea e�s ioiwvrs: _
<br /> Lot �o (2), Casey Subsivic�fon, Cfty of Grnnd Ielan�, Hall Caanty► Nebxaeke
<br /> Toqether with ell bulidinys,lmprovemer,ts,fixtures,streete,albys,pasa�eweye,asesmoMe,riphts.P��O�+��PP��
<br /> tocate!!theroon or in anywiee psRetnlnp theroto,and the renta, Issues arxl proAts,revsniona�nd nm�kwMn lhsrrM�and woh pK•
<br /> eonel prop�Ay thst Is attach�d to the Improvemente eo ee to conatltute a flxturo.kkludiny,but not Ilmi6ed b,hM►tinp and ooakq eq��
<br /> ment;end topether with the horr�astead or ma�ital lntereats,N eny,whlch Interests are hereby released and wefvsd;ell of whlch,k�ckxl�
<br /> I►►9 replacer►Hnts and e@ditbna thereto,is heruby dectared to be e part of the�eal eatata secured by the Ilsn d thi�t3�d d Tnat�nd
<br /> ell of the toropolnp b�ing retemed to herofn as the"Property".
<br /> This Deed of 7ruet eha11 secure(a)the payment ot the pdncipal sum and interoet evider�d by�promisw�Y nW�o�csndit�pn�'
<br /> m.nt da�sa,t�lo, _194s ,navino a maturit�►dats of rlovember �,3� .
<br /> In the origlnrl pdndpal amount of S 12,000.�0 ,Rnd any end all modiflc�tlon�, �xt��kxw�nd nr�wdN�
<br /> th�taot or thereW and any end aU tuture advancea and readvances to Borrower(or aey d thMn N mone tt►�n on�)twr�xMr pww�nt
<br /> to on�a or more P�fseory notes or crodit sgregmente(hereln called'Note°►� (bl�PpY�t ot od����dv�r�o�d by i.K�cfK b
<br /> protect the securfty af the Nole;(a)Uw pedormance ol aA.covenante and apnsn�ot Trwtor est forTh hKNn,and(d)�N pnMrM�f
<br /> tuture tncMbtedneae and ob�I0a11on4 of Borrower(or eny of them ff more than orn)to l.endar whNher dlrect,indir�ct,e�oM�or ooMNt�
<br /> pant and wF+ether eriak�p by note,puaranry,overd�aft or other+vlse,The Note,tfil�Deed d Truet arxt eny e�nd NI dMr doawn�nb thH
<br /> socure f'rw F{air vi uuwiiniiiw a�iai.iited In t-v;��wGtio�t�oIG::::h,!R�ttc'.iiSp::'1thOts!!:mlt�!!C:!p�.�.�M.t!tn��, wwnn��v wr�+{__�... M�c�d
<br /> asslpnmente of baa�a end ren4a,ehall be refbrred to heretn as the'Loan Insauimenb". .
<br /> T�ustur covenente and syreea wlth Len�/er as idlows:
<br /> 1. Paym�M ot Ind�bbdnas.All Indebtedness eecured heroby dhail be paid whsn due.
<br /> 2, ?'Iq�,T►ust,or le the oYVner of the Property,hae the dpht and authorNy to convsy tM�Propeny,and wuranb du�t th�N�n Ctwt-
<br /> ed hereby i�a Nrot and pr{or Ii�n on the Property,except for Iiena and encumbrancea set forth by Tn,istor in writinp�nd d�Niwnd b
<br /> Lender botors executbn of thls Deed oi Tnest,and the execution und deltvery of thls Uoed ot Truet eloee not viol�t�am►ooMn�ct or
<br /> other oblipatlon to wh�h TNator Is subjmct.
<br /> 3.T�,A�r�nti.To pay before delinquoncy ell taxes.speclal aesesamente and all othsr cfiarQes�ir�t tFw Prq�Nty
<br /> now or heroafter levied.
<br /> 4.In�urana.To keep th�e Property insurad 8qalnst damaee by fire,haxarcfs Inciud�d wfThtn th�t�rm"sxE�nci�d oowrq�"��nd
<br /> such hazaba as Lender may requlre,M emaunts and with connpenies acceptab{e to leniier,namir� Lender as an a�o�l n�n�d
<br /> Insured,with loss payable to the Lender.In case ot loas under such paticles. tho londor Is Quthodted to adJust,collect end oompra
<br /> mise,all clatma thereu�xier and sru�ll have the optlon ot apptying all or part of the Insurence proceeds(I)to any Indebtednss��ecund
<br /> hereby and in Buch ordar as Lender may determine,(II)tp the Trustor to be uaed tor thx repair or�eetaratbn d th�Fropsity or(iii)lor
<br /> any other purpose or obJect satlstactory to Lender without aHecUna the Ilen ot thia Deed M Trust 1or th�tull arnou�►t Mcured hsnby
<br /> ba(ore such payment ever took place.Any appllcutlone of prxeeds to Indebtsdnesa sha�l not extend or poetpone Ms dus dat�of�ny
<br /> peyments under 1h�Note,or curo eny default thereurvJer or hereunder.
<br /> ••�.� �.� -----..u...�..l..w�V �,.MWu��
<br /> 6.E�CrOYV.U�fOtl YYIRI8S1 OOrt18f10 Oy l.anUef�t N6[@B etnen{rny iv�anioi�ii�ouw��..w��'v:w..a.,�.�.....q�.�.�........�..._._...
<br /> sums tn enable Lender to pay es they beaomo due one or more ot the tolbwinp:(I)all taxes,esseeameats end olher durpes�yMut
<br /> the Properly,(II)the premfums on the property insurence required hereunder,(1(I)the premlume on any moRpa�o Ineurance roquirod by
<br /> Lender.
<br /> 8. IN�Ut�nonae,R�ir���d Complisnc�wilh Lrwi.Truator ehatl keep the Property In pood conditi�n and�Ape►Ir; eh�ll
<br /> promptly repair,or reptace eny fmprovement wMfch may ba damaped or destroyed;eha!I not commit or permR any w�ete or dotsriora• _
<br /> Hon ot the Property;ahall not remove,demolish or substantlally eker any of the improvemente on Me Prop�Ry;shall not oommH,suHsr
<br /> or permft eny ect to be done In or upon ihe Property in vlolatbn of eny law,ordinance,or repulatlon; ar+d ehdl pay�nd prompNy dls•
<br /> charge at Trustor'e cost and expense all Ilena,encumbrsncea en�charges levied,lmposed or accesasd apalrtet the Ptoperty a o�y
<br /> part B�ereot.
<br /> 7. Emin�nt Domaln.Lender la hereby assigned ail compensaUon,awards,damagea end olher paymente or retlsf(herekiaft�r
<br /> raosx��rw�ro.Nrw.�a
<br /> Oi��wa+.i wracawwanuwr+e e�w�y.�r«rron unon rwe�w
<br />° � ��'. ���.'i i�
<br />